Rapping to get out of a speeding ticket! Quadeca - spongbob game

Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 3, 2019

Rapping to get out of a speeding ticket! Quadeca

Best comment

  1. stephanie frost: We all no that 7 8 9 joke but why though? Maybe because you need a 3 squared meal lol 🤣
  2. oh yeah yeah #oh yeah yeah: Oh yeah θฯ
  3. Billy239dr :D: im in north cal
  4. nobboi noo boi: Jan 12 is my birthday
  6. Warzone: Dopeee
  7. Swemptonian Tribe: This song is actually terrible
  8. Elan Danks: OH YEAH YEAH
  9. Gabriel D.: What did the teacher say to the student Read more
  10. Protatogamer 2009: Wow
  11. Cassius Felix: It was a brilliant song
  12. dd dad: 🔥 Fire
  13. Batman G_A_M_E_S: I hope he doesint know what auto is tune. Lmao Love the song also There's just a little auto tune by the part were you say "I got to slow down"
  14. Kid Artist: This guy can make anything a good song
  16. [K1] The Assasin: How to make a top comment: 1. Say something about the background. 2. Say : who is watching in 2019? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 3. Make a beat drop joke. 4. Write the lyrics. 5. Say a random joke. 6. Do what I'm doing now. 7. Make a list. 8. Being NCS and saying something. 9. Doing the, Read More Joke. 10. Making a long comment. 11. Say; like if your still reading. 12. Saying a meme. 13. Saying; Hi random person scrolling through the comments! 14. Copy & Pasting this just like you are doing now . 15. The notification squad thing. 16. D Do Doi Doing Doing T Doing Th Doing Thi Doing This Doing Thi Doing Th Doing T Doing Doin Doi Do D 17. Say something along the lines of Pewdiepie > T-Series 18. Like and sub if you agree
  17. Lysol wipes: Ya know why I’m not going to tell you a joke Because I’m not smart enough to tell you one
  18. Leoshin 18: How... lol
  19. Bell cranel: That shit is fire reminds me of logic
  20. TheKingOfFaces: The beat was colder than Russia on a Thursday
  21. Cory Chastain: Watch your mouth dummy
  22. JayJay Wallace: 6:38
  23. Kshivod Singh Jaswal: That songs good
  24. Alex Perez: Oh yeah yeah
  25. Wesly Tyner: Not bad
  26. Ayds Lie: He rapped so fast he got a speed ticket
  27. Arihn Ferguson: jan 12 is my birthday
  28. Mrdeanwwe 3: In the song he was way over the beat
  29. King Mohaz: Good video idea but u did not get me in this
  30. Noel Caprazi: 100% fake
  31. Yehia and Maitha: 1.3 million views but 1.2 million subscribers
  32. Apex Dubb: Collab yo?!!!! My SoundCloud is apex dubb
  33. Stories You love: You kinda sound like tal fishman aka reaction time at FIRST
  34. Ben Fuhler: Who here is from 2023! :{>
  35. xXxnickmasterxXx: The start of the video why does he sound like Logan paul
  36. Camille Downer: 🥰 lit asf
  37. Aidan O'Malley: Don't you mean 2019?
  38. yosr walid: So did they accept it?
  39. FreshDopeSkillet 21: Who’s watching in 2019?? \__(^.^)__/
  40. DABOSS2154: My bus driver has go 50 in a 25 and nothing happened to her
  41. Fortnitelewi 11: V
  42. Anne Hearts: Low key this song was actually dope! How long did it take to make?😂
  43. Sean Haggarty: STOP
  44. TS HandCannon: how long does this vid go for?
  45. LoOk At ThIs DuDe: Swear on your mother and I'll believe this
  46. jacob drawe: That song was actually really good
  47. Jayden Saddique: Is it on spotify
  48. Emma stone: Op
  49. Silo: i was told to comment
  50. Brandon Luna: That was fireeeee!!!!!
  51. Trátíor Phoneix: Jan 12?? But u upload this video December...
  52. wesley stanton: 5:30 I just thought about yung gravy ice cream truck
  53. XxxAaronxxX 123: who elsee noticed that the video is 911 and police get it
  54. Jesus Nazareth: Oh yeah yeah
  55. T5L '_': Give him the ticket
  56. William Valderrama: STOP
  57. KHV alto: Subscribe to me if you hate t series and don’t if you love him
  58. Jayden Keys: #Dam
  59. Rajan: the hook was so catchy
  60. SteelerGANG8184 gaming channel: Quadeca stop taking kid behind the cameras intros
  61. Real Gucci: W O W T H A T J U G D E W A S A C T U A L L Y . . . N V M
  62. Maxy fc: good song but auto tuneeeee
  63. Not Pale: All of it is fake Courts can't do that
  64. Jackson Summers: You sound like logic
  65. NeffexChxetah c:: 9:12 is when the song starts
  66. Ttv By the way: That song was lit
  67. xpert gamer: make a song to get out of a speed ticket Lolololol
  68. Jake Wavez: Guys, guys, this was real okay, I was the bike, I was the police bike, I was there.
  69. Zayyam Sheikh: Make a full song plzzzzzzzz
  70. Aaron Vega: OH YEAH YEAH
  71. Izzy Bucolo: Woahhhh obviously you didn’t learn anything about speeding if you are still rapping this fast. Damn I see you🤣
  72. VoltageArts: dope song!
  73. Jesus_ playez: Fire
  74. snipericecream1 snipericecream1: Rapping is also my passion too
  75. snipericecream1 snipericecream1: Ur sick with music u should really carry on
  76. M-HoneGamingYT: Thanks for the idea😂😂😂 That was great!
  77. Aurevoire: Ironic the length of the video is 9:11
  78. Black panthers Gaming channel: 6:36
  79. Mason Flechsig: Fire
  80. GTA GAmeZZ: Treyway
  81. GTA GAmeZZ: DAX
  82. Cian Richards: It’s been a month😂
  83. Goldie Lavine: وداعا لكل الوصفات المغشوشة الحل الاكيد لمشكل قضيب قصير أو قذف السريع أو ضعف الانتصاب الحل اصبح ممكن مع الطبيب المالكي مصطفى الخبير في الأعضاء التناسلية للحصول على المنتوج يرجى الاتصال على 00212689611487 للتواصل مباشرة على الواتساب خلطة رجال الصحراء هو منتج طبيعي وكل أعشابه طبيعيه ١٠٠٪ وليس له أي أثار جانيه امن تماما. كريم رجال الصحراء هو العلاج الأكثر مبيعا في دول العالم عامة وفي الشرق الأوسط خاصة بسبب لنجاحه مع كل زبناء اللذين استخدموه خلطت رجال الصحراء منتج مرخص من هيئة الغذاء والدواء نتائج كريم رجال الصحراء 1-يعمل على تكبير القضيب 2-مفيد لي تأخير القذف 3-يقوي على لانتصاب لا تترددوا وغيروا حياتكم للأفضل... نحن نرسل الخلطة لجميع دول الخليج و دول العالم
  84. TSM_Panda 21: This is a click bait video
  85. Alex Tyler Meyers: That’s sick lol
  86. emily Unicorn: I’ve been avoiding watching this video for the last 4 weeks now But it keeps showing up so I have to😒
  87. Saim Ali: I
  88. Arez Vortexz: I honostly thought it said raping to get out of a speeding ticket
  89. Travis Burton: This was hella good fr
  90. ESKETIT: Oi mate plz respond to ksi maybe u could collab with DAX yo Dax pls respond maybe you could also talk to quad and collab
  91. •Wilson CM•: H He Hel Hell Hell y *Hell yeah*
  92. Big Chungus: 6:45 Thank me later 👍🏽
  93. DM123432 432: Nice song the judge is gonna love it.
  94. Blaze: +Quadeca, please me a diss track or song with Ricegum. That would be so much fire!
  95. E B Tirhi: Better than jake Paul
  96. Joseph Seka: What was the judge reaction tho.
  97. -HASHTAG THE GAMER- [;: Dude I thought ksi was you brother
  98. Rida Opal: 5:06 lol you mean 2019 love you quadecaa
  99. Timmy Piper: nice license plate
  100. I Don't Suck: 9:13 arrested so video ended
  101. Kuschtrim Boban: The hook is soooo shit
  102. Will Johnson: Dude it's January 11 2019 today we'll im watching this video dude you made a guess on when it was you got the ticket you said January 12 2018 that's is wired 😂
  103. Mr. ScroX: Dude u are so talented
  104. Itz_Optic: Anyone else notice all the cars going backwards
  105. UZ: WHY NO DROP AT THE END??????
  106. Three Ply Cookie: Hi random bootiful smart person scrolling trough the comments!
  107. Three Ply Cookie: through*
  108. Errol Byron: What is that background music on 0:29
  109. Blueberry dash: Clickbait
  110. Pyrotexx Gaming: Bro why did you change it
  111. izoneGamez: its funny how the video ends at 9:11
  112. Streamer Btw: Yoooooooooooooo this is the judge and ur mom gay GOT WM
  113. JT Entertainment: Did u just come up with that song Did u just pull it out of your mouth
  114. THICC memes: Wtf January 12 is my birthday
  115. naovski: idk if its just ur voice or ur personality as well, but you're cringe af thinking about it definitely both
  116. lekysco tv: I gotta say this guy is the shit. Judge: me too
  117. J_i123: Shite
  118. Ikram Ouchicha: Damn this is 💯% better than any mumble rap music ever🔥😥
  119. Play Store Addict: You mean 2019?
  120. Eliptic_Cat: gotta love how this is still better then the stuff ksi makes
  121. POLERBEAR 168: You talk to much😂
  122. Ralph The Raccoon: Lowkey flame
  123. fizzdogg: Put this on Spotify
  124. Ruby Perez: Dude this is better then Ksi’s diss track against him 🤣
  125. TimmyJimBims: the vid is 9:11 long lmao
  126. Gabriel Unsworth: The song is Shit
  127. Acile Harb: This is soo good
  128. Aendi Tran: 6:40
  129. Jannatul Shahnaj: Next time they’ll probably give him a speed ticket for rapping too fast ._.
  130. Jack Rojas: FIRE
  131. Felipe Zapata: U should just get to the point
  132. George Whyatt: Bullshit
  133. Peter: I know I'm not the only mf looking in the comments trying to see if the judge commented...
  134. Curtis Millin: Thats fake
  135. Millsy: You should upload songs on Spotify
  136. Its Cloudz: Bro someone sign him please
  137. The bevinator: U haven't gotten out of the ticket yet clickbait. .... Wazzup bitch
  138. Paul Olson: You are speeding over the rap speed limit.
  139. D0BBSKiYT: He rapped so fast, a cop pulled him over.
  140. AK 47: That rap the heat
  141. custard akintola: lmao nice vid keep it up
  142. T-bone G playz: jan 12 2018 back in time nooooo
  143. Weird Opinions: I love the lyrics
  144. Weird Opinions: The lyrics is good but the beat is not very good
  145. Finley Brooks: Ksi got you Chanel big
  146. supremusyeetus: 6:39
  147. L3g4cyy: All that talking before just killed the hype for the song
  148. Klankton: y u sped :(
  149. markuss ievins: WTFFFF!!!the song is actually very gud
  150. KRAZe4KiCKS: Respect
  151. Cody Young: NO ONE NOTICED THIS DUDE GOT A CDL? lol
  152. Lazerzxssse Niddkbnddmnndsjddokdk: Wow...THiS wHite PRIVlAge At It’s FineSt!
  153. koi: Aight, bet. Now drop a song with that beat & vocals.
  154. Lachie Gittins: This isn’t legal lol
  155. Enzo Villano: 😂😂😂😂
  156. Gamer Fool: Bro most of your vids are cringy af, trying so hard to be funny😂
  157. xXMatoo PlayzXx: i need to download this
  158. Sadjib Oljavek Quaranzumas III: FIRE🐎🐎🐎🐎
  159. Josh Vaclavik: Can we here it
  160. Gillian Daemon: Rapping out of a speed ticket. Gets 1 week in jail instead
  161. CLIMAX PUBG: Quads a your a god make more songs like this! Your the only legend on YouTube!
  162. antimatter 17: Been watching your vids since you remixed other artists songs. Love your work and can’t wait to see you up on those main stages
  163. ZoMbiENaTe2008 Gaming: I wonder if he got out...?
  164. Dylan Morris: Mph
  165. Dylan Morris: in oregon we get to go 65
  166. Nathaniel A.: I’m still hearing logic when he’s rapping
  167. Michael Nt: Maybe you got a speeding ticket for rapping too fast
  168. QLTY - AkaQuality: insane
  169. flex group yasss: Not bad
  170. Khrist Callada: Release the song on youtube please, Its fire!
  171. Zoza Hoby: The song is kinda shit but there's few good parts in it not hatin just sayin
  172. shorty savage: 6:40 6:42 6:44 your welcome 💖😁
  173. Denise Baxter: Song at 6:37
  174. Logan Birk: Yo I live in nor cal, where do u live?
  175. Tendo Luyimbaazi: Good song to get of a speeding ticket
  176. Mr_Sexy Bleach_Bottle: Damn this low key fuckin fya
  177. Veci: You cant drive
  178. joe young: Plz somebody sub to me i am in risk of dying
  179. I Be Zoomin: I have a palace windbreaker😂😂
  180. CHiNO YT: That last bar dang
  182. savage unicorn cat: Did he like the song I did lol
  183. ???: Who else remembers when he destroyed ksi?
  184. Chris Hernandez: KSI DISTRACK PLEASE
  185. nikabi vlogs: click bait
  186. Jayden Saddique: Quadeca is a recomendation
  187. maskgamer _: I read the title wrong
  188. 516 oscar gamer: nice flow just like everything else because all ur songs are lit
  189. Charlie Ford: Dahm
  190. Jordan G: I don’t even the cops like rap
  191. Datz Perez: wouls you please consider making a editing video? your edits r so nice. even at that, ur goat
  192. Mexas Attacker: yep.. uhuh this a video. sure
  193. Mexas Attacker: yep.. uhuh this a video. sure
  194. Mexas Attacker: yep.. uhuh this a video. sure
  195. RC Ravenclaw: The song is actually really good.
  196. Chidi Ezeoke: Why is it fire tho
  197. Auto Shizz: "Slow doww www www wwn" LMAO
  198. Auto Shizz: your my favorite channel
  199. Lewis Connell: What is this gay shit
  200. Bentley Woods: January 12 2018:)
  201. Lord Warhol: I fuck with the whole track up until you do the whole gimmicky, white rapper, fast rapping bullshit.
  202. I will Change My Name If I Get 100k subs: he felt bad for you Edit:you had to use too much auto tune
  203. SML fan Blablabla: U burned the law cause of that rap
  204. SML fan Blablabla: Quadeca u should shave
  205. Han Yao: Who agree Ronaldo>Messi ???
  206. Rented Feelings: I demand a separate video for the song
  207. Uglybum69 Renteria: Singing isn't really something he is good at
  208. Izzy Mez: While watching this, his views and subs are the exact same amount
  209. Jinho Park: Play more soccer.
  210. Tia R: 2019*
  211. james basson: lol the videos length is 911
  212. KhadijahT Penguins: *9:12
  213. Real Adam: james basson damn son!
  214. Rison Lu: wraps his first egg roll?
  215. Marco Vidal: Also smart way how you put the title
  216. Marco Vidal: Who doesn't like quedeca's videos?
  217. Fortnite BATTLE ROYEL: He looks like obey randumb
  218. Reflex: Why is this literally better than all of KSI's tracks??
  219. AdamXLegend: I'm a smartass
  220. zoinks!: The fucking auto tune sucks
  221. GoodGuyAndy: Roses are red Violets are blue I just got clickbaited And so did u
  222. RoyallHornet: How to make a top comment: 1. Say something about the background. 2. Say : who is watching in 2019? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 3. Make a beat drop joke. 4. Write the lyrics. 5. Say a random joke. 6. Do what I'm doing now. 7. Make a list. 8. Being NCS and saying something. 9. Doing the, Read More Joke. 10. Making a long comment. 11. Say; like if your still reading. 12. Saying a meme. 13. Saying; Hi random person scrolling through the comments! 14. Copy & Pasting this just like you are doing now . 15. The notification squad thing. 16. D Do Doi Doing Doing T Doing Th Doing Thi Doing This Doing Thi Doing Th Doing T Doing Doin Doi Do D 17. Say something along the lines of Pewdiepie > T-Series 18. Like and sub if you agree
  223. Vital Clan: this was copy and pasted
  224. Not Jeremy: I fell for the read more I'm so stupid
  225. Calawaleb gAmeR: Nice
  226. Abdi Ali: Lol
  227. Leah Abukhaled: Or make a comment like this
  228. ET350: Song at the start please?
  229. T U: He kinda sounds like Logic idk
  230. MC elroyVEVO: Equal views as subs🔥
  231. Varun Chandra: *Good sir, I am innocent.* Fuckin gold 😂
  232. Donygbeast56: Good luck tomorrow
  233. ChiChi: I COME over there boi if yo dont
  234. papa smurf: He ain't even produce the beat. Its a yondo beat smh
  235. The VBC: We gotta link up. You in nor cal ?
  236. אלדר אייזנברג: quadeca is blowing up🔥🔥🔥🔥
  237. Sean Sagadore: I feel like it was more logic style anyone agree?
  238. VuLvUs ousaur: I’m really convinced you can make a song about buying bubblegum a banger at this point.
  239. OnlyREEF 357: Check my YouTube subscribe much love
  240. mia uchiha: i want to see the judges reaction to this 😂
  241. Minyx world: He says this is real and he can prove it but I feel like this still belongs in our r/quityourbullshit🤔
  242. Tash Carne: Make a second diss!!
  243. itsthatslowgt gaming: Not bad
  244. Reymysterio 756: WATCH LOGAN PAULS NEW VIDEO!!!☺👍
  245. Ljpips 99: Your not helping yourself looking like your driving backwards
  246. DankSize: he will get the point on his record
  247. Lucas Lopez: Next year is 2019 not 2018. Quadeca" January 12,2018.
  248. TFFUnreal Gaming: Fake
  249. Fort Meade All Stars: U ain’t gonna respond to KSI?
  250. The gamer who plays: When's the diss track coming out
  251. iEatDogs 0987: 6:36 is the song.
  252. Jack McCann: She’s like 12345 she never wanted to pick up my line
  253. Ebony Barbat: The fuck you have to go court for a traffic ticket that’s retarded in Australia you just gotta pay ur fine and done.
  254. Subscribe to me for no Reason: I watched his teak over 200 times
  255. Zhan Conding: Your boring hahahahaha
  256. deivuxas1: Even this a song about a speeding ticket is better than what KSI has ever produced, Respect
  257. maria: i need this on spotify
  258. Connor Leeflang: This fire
  259. THECOMEUP: Plz upload
  260. Flyte: Quad come bak
  261. omg commando: Why you not upload
  262. Kaelan Collins: My man needs to get on iTunes finally
  263. Yahel Martinez: Make another diss track on KSI
  264. Ayden Sandoval: You need to help out kaan man he needs to blow up
  265. Roger Noa: Watch pewdiepie’s year review!
  266. XENOX: autotune
  267. kinggotam 1: Ask boyinaband to vs you
  268. The last Person you hope to die: It’s weird how this man got 1.2 mil subs,when I first subscribed he had like 766k subs and that was like 9 months ago.that ksi diss must of impacted his channel
  269. Kaz-Waz Fortnite Videos: Who else is an OG and watched when he only made soccer videos. I honestly miss those days 😢
  270. Jonathan Gordillo: Career**
  271. Jonathan Gordillo: Bro your raping is amazing with the flows and everything wish u and jj wasn’t fighting but got love for both of u guys and u have a good raping carre
  272. phantom Fz: Lol
  273. Xd Alex: Bruh this nigga can spit fire outta anything
  274. Zaqaun Young: Bruh who think that quadeca should diss justkryptic or else you going to pussy out kid?
  275. Yurim Games: Ok.. now im worried
  276. Ram boi: Bro get rid of the beard, no homo but ya look better with a baby face
  277. 1000 subs with no videos: Raps to get free food Raps to get clout Raps to diss Raps for a living Raps to make money Rapes to get girls
  278. Austin Taylor: I love if quadeca and dax collabed
  279. Kay Nation: So my friend said your their cousin......
  280. bigmouth: Hey there quad just thought I might let you know I'm making a diss track about my ex and you inspired me to do it 😂 from the song 'INSECURE' if you want to go check it out go follow my Instagram (@bigmouth_music4real) and subscribe 😂thanks
  281. Space Babe: a bop 😹
  282. - j4cube -: wtf is this description lol
  283. Rekt Nebula: You should check out hobo Johnson interesting rapping style
  284. Jacob: Jesus Christ how do you make everything fire 😂😂
  285. Nigel Omondi: what happened to the soccer videos
  286. oldtimeeclan fifa4life: I shouldn’t swear then swears latter into the video
  287. Bryan Romero: 6:35
  288. Paarth Agarwal: Maddd!!!
  289. big domer: That was low key a fire song bahahaha
  290. Mandy Ross: Ricegum said diss god isn't ksi ghost writer not that he didn't have one
  291. Sean Caffrey: Americans are TRASH BRUH at driving
  292. deth: *cLicKbaIT*
  293. Naruto Kakashi: When's the next diss coming?
  294. Bishop Howard: You a bitch for never dropping another ksi diss. You gonna let that garbage ares win?
  295. 100,000 Subs No Vids: Did you mail the L to ksi
  296. Emma stone: Minecraft
  297. Sandra Jogminaite: Go on Logan's Paul's podcast
  298. jahrel rice: That school is lakes 🤣🤣
  299. iWarfare: Yo
  300. betty row: Post more
  301. Cj turtle man: This is shit
  302. epicman29: Damn u should become a teacher and just make raps
  303. Zachary Rawlinson: how tall is he? lol
  304. Omega6423: First you destroy KSI, then you destroy that speeding ticket.
  305. i360muffin scope: look im writing my own diss track on mumble rappers i need someone professional to judge it. ive been watching your rap videos i loved it
  306. StickyStarfish: Other rappers rap about doing drugs and comitting crimes, while quadeca raps about going the speed limit
  307. Clash Villager: Don't you love it how the video length happens to be 911
  308. Kini K: Your litttt 🔥
  309. BoltArctic: Lol January 12th is my birthday
  310. Killerwhaledeezn: Fbi open up
  311. GalacticXeno: Respect those vocals
  312. Imran Ahmed: Can u plzz react to unforgivable like if u agreee
  313. levi .: Lol 1.2 million subs and 1.2 views
  314. Gomsey Games [Derpy Baby]: And the video is 9:11 minutes long
  315. You Smell: That’s an awfully hot coffee pot
  316. Kick Em: I tried raping to get out of a speeding ticket now I'm in prison
  317. Gabe Rich: Kick Em rapping!! not raping!! rapping!! Plz tell me you meant rapping😂😂😂
  318. Ali Wajid: Bro turn it into a decent music video. The song is actually dope
  319. Aaron Ostach: Bro did you die
  320. Oscar Doherty: Were tf your new KSI diss
  321. Rishi Veeramani: Autooooooootuneee
  322. laurynas Valciukas: Yoo, quadeca can you help me make a disstrack because it’s a long storry but i was making a song i sent it to my friend and he did a bitch ass thing he sent it to other peapole and they now are making fun of me and those bullys are now making diss on me so what should i do i don’t usually make dises i just make chill song and keep then in my phone.
  323. Monster Zap: Guys who wants quadeca to go back to soccer vids or collabe with his old friends that use to play with his old team
  324. ASMR QUALITY SOUNDS: drop another diss track u said u would
  325. Bustin Y.: See yall in a month
  326. ZerozNL: What is that Russian like music in the background at the start of the video called?
  327. Timo Werner: You should help deji to fight aginst KSI Like if you want Deji to collab with Quadeca
  328. Shane Ives: Your shits 🔥🔥🔥 bruh, you're gonna hit platinum stats soon G, keep on that flow shit
  329. Margret Parongwa: "I thought I was the legal mastermind"😂😂😂
  330. Daya Juarez: You should diss rice no kap, nibba was talking smack on his twitch stream
  331. TOP TWENTY Channel: Colab
  332. The best channel EVER: What happened to your FIFA rap battles
  334. Subz: 9:12
  335. Drums For Life: Why autotune though
  336. Shaun Walsh: Lol so fake
  337. igNite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtW1FGSG1I8&t=1s
  338. igNite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtW1FGSG1I8&t=1s
  339. igNite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtW1FGSG1I8&t=1s
  340. igNite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtW1FGSG1I8&t=1s
  341. igNite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtW1FGSG1I8&t=1s
  342. igNite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtW1FGSG1I8&t=1s
  343. igNite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtW1FGSG1I8&t=1s
  344. igNite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtW1FGSG1I8&t=1s
  345. igNite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtW1FGSG1I8&t=1s
  346. Ronny Almaag: Qudeca we need your help save pewds
  347. Mark Mitchell: lolololololololololololololol
  348. DivineMortal's Christian channel of Christ's Gospel: I feel like I seen this before
  349. DieConKIE x65: KSI's bitch?
  350. not brian: DEMONITIZED
  351. Flyte: Quadeca where the fuck u at????
  352. h.g Gamer: That song is peng!!! I say you post it on Spotify, 🔥🔥🔥
  353. Rafi Sirin: I bet people are in chat saying iam the judge iam the judge
  354. Musafir Hardayal: gary nanga hai
  355. FORCE-ASSiT -1: 6:35 song thank me later
  356. wasantha Anura: hell no
  357. RandyTheRando: I’ve never heard such a sick rap over just a speeding ticket. That was great.
  358. SPIDEY SPDY: *6:39** When is this gonna be on Spotify?!*
  359. دونالد داك يا: Lol
  360. T.M.I: i am a rapper and i just made a song with this beat then i was watching this video and he used the same beat. I dont know if i should be pissed or happy
  361. Owen Jackson: This shit is too funny
  362. charity connor: Please respond to ksi
  363. EricgoestoUSA: WTF???? This song was actually so good bro! RESPECT!!!
  364. Mr NiceGuy: +Saim Ali what he didn't even ask for likes
  365. Patrick_ xoxo: Du hier?? Hab gerade ein video von dir gesehen wtf
  366. i bite bagels: +Dat Fungí wtf?
  367. Timmy Piper: his songs are on fire
  368. noah: +Dat Fungí hahah what
  369. Anthony Willis: Merry Chirstmas Quadeca
  370. Viktor: That background music at the start reminded me about AGP
  371. ariette siam: It's actually lit
  372. Event Horizon: It's not better than the dissing at your teacher...
  373. thetruenderlord: Upload this on spotify
  374. Letters Of Fate: PLEASE! Put this song (yes im calling it a song) on spotify!
  375. ZeroGoLive: where's the ksi clap back man i been waiting
  376. Yusra Abubakar: You are one talented bitch
  377. Cole Payne: Yo can you make a ricegum diss, that would make my day...
  378. BossEveryoneRT: +C I A lmao yeah pretty much🤣
  379. Christian Tay: +Render Motions It's funny how you have to come in a comment section to try and defend a random male..that shit is sus af...and the funniest part is, you cant even defend him properly lmfao..if youre gonna do sonething, do it well or dont do it at all. And you're calling ricegum irrelevant like you have clout or something. Rice is in the hills living his best life, so why would he care if some random irrelevant ass 10 year old kid is in a comment section trying to talk shit and failing at it? You suspect ass virgins really be doing too much and its ridiculous...lmaooo
  380. Christian Tay: +Render Motions I'm not ten years old so it doesnt take me an hour to type 3 short messages.. but obviously you are , since you were surprised by something like that. Nigga your jokes are cringe as fuck no wonder you have to come in a comment section to use those lame shits
  381. Christian Tay: +C I A Nigga you are a 55 overall stretch belly with no badges...you are a plate cleaner my guy
  382. Christian Tay: +C I A go watch porn you troll
  383. Dead Pumpkin: Quadeca! Use the beef with KSI and Deji to make another diss track on KSI.
  384. Goat: You can’t rap tho
  385. x муѕтιк x: Oh yeah, forgot this guy existed
  386. Sheldon Smalling Jnr: Um what😂
  387. Ayhamking 223: Rememeber when your name had X8 in it?
  388. __gabac __: Will you respond
  389. SHAMES Maddox: Make a response to ares pls and murder ksi even more
  390. Deepkiran singh: I think you should just upload the "slow down" song separately. You'll get more views :D
  391. Avoid2modest 1: STOPPPPP CLICK BAIT
  392. Jahari Costoso: This is your best song tbh, actually easy to write/hardest to sing is the best
  393. SilverStache00: 🔥
  394. Blue Boy: Omg!
  395. Zachelis ZoeUnique: If I rap I will get more additional charges
  396. Unknown ???: *O f f i c a l ?*
  397. LTB_sa: How does he come up with his bars
  398. MLG squirrel: Shit :(((
  399. MLG squirrel: the best one is ksi dis track
  400. MLG squirrel: accualy no its Ok
  401. Bad Vibes: You changed a lot i liked the old you
  402. MarcoPolo: You finally did it!!!! Let's goo!!!!!
  403. Emery Jones: Some of y’all people some bandwagons for quadeca like if you a day one like me
  404. 1000 subscribers without a video: he hasnt uploaded in a week, guess he got arrested
  405. disharaWy: Quadeca react to ksis new song please
  406. Razem: Better than ksi diss track on you
  407. ILikeKids 69: Lowkey heat
  408. Deniz Hasan: Why are the disstracks still on YouTube? I was going to post them back and get views. Noooooooo!
  409. Andrei Dumitru: ESKETITTTTTT
  410. Andrei Dumitru: ricardo
  411. zac h: Cringe😶🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫
  412. Aahaanali Bhujwala: Judge diss track
  413. Kian Hassan: Add this song and insecure to itunes
  414. Jack Guily: this shit is cringe asf lol, raps about getting a speeding ticket, quadeca stop making vids
  415. Navi Sacdalan: QUADECA, NEW VID YEY! at the end he said "PASTE! "
  417. Becali Bacanu: Fire 🔥 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🍆🍆🔥🍆🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  418. Zinix: Shiii lol
  420. Person Perpatrator: Hey man, I hear you’re from the Bay Area, and you’re fuckin insane bro
  421. Person Perpatrator: Also I am too😁
  422. Edward101CD: Quadeca: Fuck the police straight from the underground! Police: *sniffs* tHATs mEAN
  423. Eric Almonte: This is dumbest video ever created
  424. Hassan: Upload a video please
  425. Forever Vex: But I Gotta slow dowwwnn, Gotta slow dowwwnnn. That melody
  426. SwordsmanTheGamer Nine: Are you okay? You said you live in Cali and the fires and stuff
  427. Devin The great 3: Plot twist : quadeca died in a car crash from speeding
  428. Fire Carter: Make another diss track on KSI
  429. PoOp Lou: When are you Going to post the new dish track on KSI because the last one was hack a good
  430. Can i get 100k subscriber with no videos: Do a school vlog plz
  431. Niggalodeon: Check out my recent song ft quadeca and please tell me how it is so rare me out of 10
  432. Solomon Bass: Still waiting for the responce to KSI
  433. LAROSE VLOGS: Bro that song was actually fireeeeee your too good at rapping
  434. Daniel Ghobrial: I hope I go down
  435. xTooSaucy: I dont have to eat dick. Ksi
  436. germana Obrien: That was fire
  437. germana Obrien: 😃
  438. germana Obrien: 💯
  439. Gabriel Pacini: Your GF Isabella in 9th grade is with Lil Skies btw if you didn’t
  440. Gabriel Pacini: Know
  441. Ultra Lucky: u could just took the ticket , jk ur talented 👌🏻
  442. Roberto Rodriguez: Are you gonna play soccer anymore bruh
  443. Blue Shadow: Hey Quadeca, I saw the video where some guy said the beef was fake. Tbh Idgaf if the beef was fake or not. I like your music. And i intend to listen to it.
  444. dope pathf: React to unforgivable
  445. peter md: Where is the ksi diss number 2???
  446. can we get 6,000 subs with one video?: found your comment on a 2009 video. (briefcase joe video)
  447. Sam Houston: Wait a minute isn’t it unconstitutional to make cruel and unusual punishments this sounds fairly unusual
  448. just faize: Make more soccer vids pls
  449. Suhan Karki: You are trash at soccer
  450. John Cena: cringe
  451. Declan Holland: What the song called
  452. Declan Holland: Lol that so. So so so so fake oh shit oh no i just seen the ticket
  454. gamer note: So much love💕💕
  455. I SLAPPED YOU MAMA BECAUSE SHE VOTED FOR OBAMA: Did you make the video 9 minutes and 11 seconds on purpose?
  456. Prasant ZzZ: when is the second diss coming kkk?????
  457. sir regan: The song is tho
  458. toxic fang gang: The video length obviously isn't 9:11 it's clearly 9:12
  459. Vince Jascha Orcullo: I can see Quadeca about 5 to 10 years later already famous and making Millions
  460. Matthew Cohen: dax kkkkkillswitch
  461. Joanne Lovelock: Ok then
  462. Sugata Basu Roy Choudhury: Its a awkward rap saong but ya it can spread awareness among the society
  463. Jackson Butt: Quadeca is a year older than me and hes out here makin moves
  464. Deniz Atay: Hey Quadeca I know after all of your recently given fame and attention that you probably would not notice a comment like this. I would like to get into rapping and making music and I just don't know where to begin. I was wondering if you could give me some advice on how I would start on making a beat and coming up with lyrics etc. etc. Anyway man keep doing what you are doing and keep up the good work!
  465. Darren Mulvey: I'm not tryna be a dick but this has to be Ur beat year for fifa
  466. nxkk Gaming - Roblox and More!: I eat donuts
  467. DarkWolf 05: Do the dis with deji and Logan it would be dope
  468. Ali d4b4uss: Wish you were in pakistan Cuz if the limit is 40 and you go 100 cops say nothing
  469. DJLove [GD]: I thought the cops pulled you over for the fire you created on the street
  470. Hugs Not Drugs: Craziest video you’ve ever made, are you kidding me bro, you rapped for 1 hour and 35 minutes 30,000 words that’s one of the longest raps ever, now that’s ducking crazy
  471. druvboss Gaming: #NORCALSF
  472. ItzMJ_: The song name should have been “Why You Coming Fast” 😂😂
  473. Ethan peekabukz: But why he sounded like react time before I saw his face?😂😂😂
  474. Nairobi Morillo: Quadeca need another diss track?? check this, it is also posted on the video where Ricegum reacted to your diss track and I decided why not post something in the comments that goes like this................. *Rice you act like you don't know that people steal other people's flow (at 9:00 ), your just mad 'cause he mad it sound better and you couldn't go. Yeah I'm really tryna rap I do not mess with this crap. You over here gettin mad at Quadeca but you really just mad because your head looks like a double-decka. Yeah you gon' flow on this rap, and yep it's a diss track*......... Want more Rice?? Watch out a rice/KSI diss track might be coming. Rice I do love you but jeez you gotta stop.......... I love rice, But I love Quadeca more. Quadeca if you do see this respond and if you do make this a diss track, I would be so hype. LOVE RUBY (WHATEVER IS IN BOLD OR HAS THE STAR ABOVE IT IS THE LITTLE DISS I MADE)
  475. Scott Sendelweck: respond to KSI its taken you so long..
  476. Amaan Ahmed: Subscribe
  477. Amaan Ahmed: Please
  478. Amaan Ahmed: Subscribe to zingaburger123
  479. Jane West: Quad i prefer u to jj judging what he did to deji,but ur family must be real f*cked up if ur uncle KILLED a biker
  480. Rekt.Legend YT: F quadeca he's sh*t! KSI has 20 times better content and subs
  481. Ice The Artist: Quadeca better at rapping
  482. TPT_KoolBeanz: Quadeca Wont Pin this.
  483. Need memes? I got u: Cop before: this kid thinks he can get away with this Cop after: sir you are under arrest for possession of a flamethrower without a license
  484. Salesti: Any one else think it's convent that this is about police and the time for the video is 9:11?
  485. Panda Yt: Are u making a dis track on KSI bro
  486. foul: My man has more bars that 6ix9ine’s jail cell
  487. Pixel Fortnite: You sound like Logan
  488. Visoe.: Nice diss track
  489. TPT_KoolBeanz: Can you make a diss on Rice Gum he was kinda trash talking about your diss on Ksi
  490. rich Asian: I'm try this and they bring me to beyond scare straight
  491. dml0007: Dope!!
  492. JustBosco: i like how this video's length is also "coincidentally" 9:11
  493. Joel James: Best rapper on YouTube right now
  494. Neil Lasrado: Your like 12 months late
  495. Fortnite Cracker: Reply to ksi
  496. MUI Goku: What a madlad.
  497. Joshua Woodbridge: Would be hilarious if KSI is that petty to mention this in a diss track
  498. Pranav Moghe: KSI : *show me your unusual* Quadeca makes this
  499. Meme B0SS: React to Unforgivable by Deji,Dax,Crypt,Jallow
  500. Khalid Ouri: Aren't you going to respond to KSI or ur scared from ur teacher
  501. Daniel Brix: I lowkey miss your football videoes/vlogs and your fifa videos
  502. Thesmallkidbiggamer: For a song bout speeding, thats fire.
  503. Josiah Nunn: Go on Logan Paul’s Podcast
  504. Äirza: I wish he responded to ksi
  505. El Drifto: Lol...
  506. Brianna Goodson: This was lowkey lit!!!!🔥🔥🔥
  507. Rj Morales: you making a response or no
  508. Jack TheMan: No point really ksi disstrack was rubbish
  509. Kyle Schiavone: 1.1 mil views 1.2mil subs 🤷🏽‍♂️
  510. RaG ezZ: Recommended
  511. Ethan Valdez: Follow me at insta at e_legit210
  512. Cole: I love how to time of the video is 911
  513. Cole: +toxic fang gang NO IT'S NOT and want proof, if you have discord add me Cole#3460
  514. toxic fang gang: 9:12 You are so dumb
  515. the adventure dance bros: Yooo January 12 is my birthday what a coincidence that’s the date he used😂😂
  516. Michael GRE3N: Hahaha, dude, your going to be a celeb one day, just remember be true to your music. This video just shows this guy has the talent to turn anything into a rap song. lol good job
  517. Salena Xx: This is actually decent as well lolol
  518. Jonathan Ketterer: that actually snaps for a song the judge made you make lmfao
  519. Jumoke Gamble: He’s not gonna come back and ksi
  520. SenadomOK TKO: who broke this man's nose?
  521. Lola Hutchings: I mean it's not that crazy but like I can understand that like other people might think that it is crazy I'm not hating at all OK THAT IS ACTUALLY QUITE CRAZY
  522. Jack Vroemen: did the judge like it
  523. Michael Lacy: Imagine if he misspelling rapping and it said “raping to get out of a police ticket”
  524. Pytaq: fr this song is more than speeding
  525. Morgan Randazzo: Great video
  526. Amadeus Martinez: MY NIQQA YOU RAW RAW🥵🥵🥵
  527. Amadeus Martinez: DAX MESSAGED YOU😩😩😩
  528. Reggae Mango: ahhh i get it the vid is abou th police and the vid lasts untill 9mins and 11secs
  529. Infinite Wrists: it's shit rap, you use autotune..
  530. Logan Nett: So no reply to Ksi’s diss track?
  531. Logan Nett: I’m saying Quadeca didn’t make reply diss to KSI yet
  532. Infinite Wrists: ? he already did
  533. Jesse Smetters: Wth happened to insecure on Spotify? @quadeca
  534. Jackson Maurer: Congrats on the growth man
  536. Alcuin Wright: it's 9 mins and 11 seconds. Someone better call the police
  537. DAVAN WAGNER: I hope I never go down.
  538. Rayan Med: 9:11
  539. Infinite Wrists: wow what a coincidence
  540. Addiegotbanzz: When that diss track coming out
  541. LOFTI 27: What biker goes 25mph????
  542. Wolf: Yo quad collarb with deji and throw a diss track
  543. PLAYER_UNKNOWN 69: Will you fuckin make another diss on ksi?
  544. SRG_ Ace: Song starts at 06:49 Ur welcome
  545. Lloyd Christmas: This guy rapping is so fucking cringey
  546. Nyrb Nann: I hope they gave you the fine, that was crap
  547. Studybox987: Please do the ksi diss track
  548. arshdeep singh: Cool
  549. Henrieco Uttamo: This song should be in spotify
  550. ZINOU BDS: عندما يصبح مشهورا سيأتي العرب هههه
  551. j-slay: sorry but this song is disappointing compared to the first one I heard from you 😂
  552. Kashyap Shirodkar: 6:44 Thank me later.
  553. Bradley White: Get to the point I waited 8 mins to hear any "rapping"
  554. Stuart Walter: what’s the instrumental ?
  555. Fredis Cortez: Lol still a cool song even tho it’s about a speeding ticket 😂
  556. Slam*: @3:40 starts playing @Fitz YouTube intro and outro anyone else notice? YEAH I LOVE THE MISFITS!
  557. Hi Hi: Pls use that flow more
  558. Fortnite Replays: Soon Qudeca Will be the new Jake paul
  559. Matthew Roth: just kryptics Hardee's curly fries hair head ass dissed u
  560. Albert Styles: Just found out this channel existed where the fuck have I been lol
  561. HexicSnake: I thought this man just dropped one last fire disstrack then dipped 😂
  562. Panda Playz: The thing about Dax is that he shows so much support to everyone
  563. extrodinary jay: Song starts @6:40 Thank me NOW
  564. Prized Moonz: Anybody realize that quedeca doubled his subscribers in a month
  565. TeamM13 Mortus: weird flex but ok
  566. Ghost: Is it me or does he sound like Logic when he raps
  567. Jacuppa Bane: Anyone an instrumental?
  568. AGT Travis: No need for a KSI come back. I just came from KSI's channel to see his new video/ track Beerus & I think Funimation should sue him for slander. Your small track here was over 9000 keep it up. Edit: Oh and you should still do a collaboration with KSI, It be like the Jedi and the Sith working together for a moment in time.
  569. ttverbtw: the video is 9:11 long lmfao
  570. ZID the sauce god: He made this on my bday
  571. ZID the sauce god: Pls put this on spotify
  572. F0ND0 PeRkZy: Make more soccer videos
  573. Ya Boi Hover Twin: Bro lol theres alot of bandwagons in here lol ive been here even before the diss
  574. SmytriXx: Where is the disstrack?
  575. Kevin Wang: Quadeca is about to pop off in 2019
  576. Henry does random Stuff: Make another diss track on ksi
  577. Beast Mode: Quadeca one day you will be a very famous rapper. I really do believe that. Btw I'm addicted to INSECURE😂
  578. Faustino Sifuentes: This nigga said rapping
  579. Snipez. alex: insane bro man!!!!!
  580. Alejandro Bedoya: Wait were is the ksi diss ?
  581. Frida Sofía Mier: Kinda hate you but that was a great song 😎
  582. Yipygaming 1: The song was decent
  583. Daiana’s YouTube SHANNELL: I thought it said “raping to get out of a speeding ticket”
  584. Toby Gordon: This is one of the most pointless and gayest things ive ever watched in my whole entire life
  585. Peyton Gjerstad: What the track was good and it was about something so simple🤷🙏🔥
  586. Chris _MC: That song is good and good luck
  587. daniel ramirez: that song is fire!!
  588. Najib.: Quadeca x Dax would be *liiiit* 🔥🔥
  589. Aska: Copying KLINAC
  590. Vivalam: Do a «unforgiveble» (by deji) reaction🤙🏽🤙🏽
  591. Craze AndreasRF: god damn firee
  592. EternalMetalDevastator: It's cute to see a wee kid sitting behind his posh Microphone, acting like he has a Reeally big audience... Lol. You Americans are always trying to target people. Don't you remember Uncle Ben's quote??? "Remember, With great power, comes with great Responsibility".
  593. ღ꧁Aɭaƙσяԃʑ꧂ღ: Where's the next disstrack for ksi?
  594. followblake: Use this comment to help put “slow down” song on Apple Music, every like = 1 vote. Insta - Blake.bleu
  595. Sneaks _yt: Make a dissss dud 😶
  596. Semaj Haynesworth: You not going to respond to KSI
  597. Robert Delafuente: You got outta it cause your #WHITE lmao 😂
  598. Oris tv: what is the music playing at 0:28 ?
  599. Jorge Narez: cringed so fucking hard at the autotune
  600. Wicked Wizard: #bestsongoftheyear
  601. Wicked Wizard: 😂
  602. Callumpagey17: The melody is silky and the rap is fire. 🔥💯 #talented
  603. fruity memes: 0:31 song
  604. The Nathaniel Field: What a wetwipe my man can’t rap for shit
  605. lisa Greer: Quadeca X ImDontai
  606. Daniel Nkosi Dos Santos: your content is so trash
  607. benjee_ent: That was sick
  608. Bean burritos Tutorial and flips: *rapping to get out of murder charges* quadeca: "logan paul come and film this, i think i just killed a man!"
  609. Emmanuel Whiting: You should get a Ferrari and And rap😎
  610. Arda Akbulut: Great song
  611. Mein Kampf: Hope somebody will give you a studio bro and sum producers cuz ur raps and songs are lit🔥🔥
  612. DrInfinite: You should hit up josh a and Jake hill and do song with them it would be amazing
  613. Luke Scholes: this shit goes so hard
  614. Michael Diaz: Good, now every Cringy teacher at every school will play this for drivers Ed Class
  615. hitesh Choudhary: Love you quadeca from Hyderabad (India)❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 😍
  616. ImGay .: Ricecum is next
  617. wassim kh: Dam u got a speed ticket for speeding while here u can just go on 120-200 and nobody would give a fuck
  618. Rappite 13: Fire
  619. LamePvP: Coincidence that the video is 9:11 minutes long? I think Not.
  620. Markongi: If there is any rapper tryna to collab, I post fire beats or you could just listen to it for fun. ;)
  621. Jake Rosado’s Clipz: anyone else notice the vid was 9:11 like the police and he gets a ticket from the police
  622. Ryder Tino: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  623. EndroDesigns: BROO you made a fire ass track
  624. Kylie Ngo: who noticed that the cars were going backwards during the song
  625. xTCx ELLUSION: Collab with Logic?
  626. Eddie Mulholland: Bro im 26 been on YouTube since it dropped. Have been here thru it's stages of just really for music and tutorials into this vlogging atomsphere. Asmr , just in general the things that are now popular those are examples. That being said . Quad is lit. Keep dropping diss tracks and checking these YouTube lames bro. Much respect.
  627. Studderfromthe6: Still sucking KSU for clout
  628. small babykiwi: Sorry but this isnt that good The Words did not go with the Beat But anyway
  629. Gustavo Perez olguin: I'm srry but that was trash
  630. Gamerkid4352: Joyner Lucas,Eminem and quad would be amazing
  631. Anarky Clan: Holy shit nice
  632. Bigbadzee 24: I wanna be a rapper tho I don't have much to rap about (I need help)
  633. David López santos: I like and Love the song
  634. RedKey 00: That was actually pretty good😂
  635. David López santos: The Fuck
  636. The life of Adeun Adeniyi: No offense but this jawn was a like a high school media project 😂😂
  637. YoSoloChilL: Actuall fire BTW🔥
  638. alexshowoff 16: You should put insecure on Spotify
  639. Anthony Carrillo: January 19 is 2019
  640. Hey its Andreia: Who's here after BeEruS?
  641. Shadow Winged saiyan: Yo u should put insecure on Spotify
  642. tangentgolf 4516: Comeback at ksi
  643. Dallas Hale: I need you to sing a song because that intro to fucking insecure was 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  644. Adam Piotrowski: Quadeca please add "Insecure" on your Spotify playlist!
  645. Brady Cook: Wtf that was actually fire ahah
  646. Shayna Gibbs: From all the likes i see its not clickbait
  647. Blaze HD: Put on Spotify ?!
  648. Saia S: Ksi changed his bum life. Lol
  649. gg gg: why is it end at 9:11
  650. 100,000 With video: Whoever subs to me I am now subbing back
  651. Xd_IDDosKidz4FuN: Am I the only one waiting for that 1mil song?
  652. Nestor Playz: React to beerus
  653. Josh Bacon: Bruh song was great! Banngggeeerrrrrrrr
  654. ChillzGauge: Hello Its been 3 days and we need you to UPLOAD
  655. Cameron Williams: Release this
  656. Joel Watters: We gotta collab bro fr!!🔥🤟
  657. Flameless Gaming: Bruh react to Beerus it will make you vommit
  658. XXXBK 247: You lucky af if all you need to do is make a song which is really easy for you. Now lets just hope the judge isn't some very old man who hates music now a days.
  659. William Zayas: When I’m In the Car With My Mom And theirs Bikers I GET SO ANXIOUS
  660. Amgad Bashir: Says red and blue lights *shows blue light*
  661. Ziko: Quadeca vs the feds Diss track
  662. Tarig Sulhum: U should respond to ksi dude
  663. angel's curls: New subscriber
  664. cheatos: So wait, all we have to do is get Quad speeding tickets so we can get new music.. bet.
  665. habibi.salehhh h: Like this if want Quadeca to do another disstrack on KSI?
  666. xXTheGamersXx: We need insecured on Spotify like so he can see this
  667. Ghoul_nerrdys: The real reason they pulled you over is because you murdered ksi
  668. - j4cube -: ''so i may have missed my test, but i learned a lesson'' thats next level fire
  669. RJS: You’re making me regret subscribing.
  670. Yauo: Why?
  671. Lil Ozzie: Gets pulled over by cop Makes video exactly 9:11 mins
  672. Chef Jeffy: Your rapping is shit
  673. - j4cube -: +Quadeca is Shit nigga he already destroyed him why??? its like kicking a dead body, why do you kick it when he dead
  674. Chef Jeffy: Did he though
  675. ItsDrakky Gaming: +Chef Jeffy he killed KSI
  676. Chef Jeffy: He can’t dis ksi so how can he rap
  677. - j4cube -: +ItsDrakky Gaming wit his creepers and herobrains XD
  678. slim shady: Isn’t that voice from Coraline or something
  679. Jay Pine: The song's hook is too good
  680. Rabdel Tube: That’s hilarious dawg 😂
  681. Sheheryar Tariq: Diss KSI
  682. - j4cube -: stop wit the ksi quadeca beef quadeca destroyed him and thats it
  683. Rose Parker: lmao the time of this video is 911
  684. smokey boss: This is fire
  685. intrumentation project: there was a black guy who tried the same thing. he is dead now. white previlege confirm.
  686. CHIGOZIE EKE: what is the classical piece being played?
  687. CHIGOZIE EKE: in the beginning
  688. Freyja: His hands crack at 6:28
  689. F1dEst: The video is 9:11 minutes long now i need to call this number (If you find my body then just Call 911)
  690. Noah Johnston: fake
  692. Jkool1330: Still better than KSI lol
  693. busa bro: uhhhh when i got first got pulled over i didnt stop for the cop
  694. Asher Hoffman-Paul: 80k likes
  695. Asher Hoffman-Paul: this exact thing happened to me lololol I love you songs and videos Quadeca
  696. Asher Hoffman-Paul: hecka funny
  697. DarkSoulz: inow you happy ksi diss you cuz i did not now oh tf you were no disrespect
  698. Shane Moyle: Your shit you little skinny fuck
  699. Musa yakub: Bb
  700. Vrovo: Who is here after seeing Quadeca’s diss track insecure?
  701. can we get 30 subscribers without videos: You gained 300.000 subscribers from dissing ksi
  702. BLUESHARK911 - mincraft: So fake
  703. Charles MyName'sNotCharles: yo we need a followup though REEEEEEE >:(
  704. Seran Coscer: This is so fake!!
  705. Hey It's RC: A little to watch this but i'm surprised.. last vid I watched from ya.. ya were at 900k+ subs.. and now you're already at 1.2M? Talk about fast revolution! And that was only like 2 or 3 weeks ago
  706. Octave Raffault: Selling replays 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39 6:39
  707. cooper lunam: low-key fire
  708. Stavo Bautista: The moment when you realize this song better than absolutely every song KSI has ever thought of
  709. I. %Percent%: Gg Man U cool
  710. bob vagana: lowkey lit
  711. Ayd_Spurs: no wonder people cycle its probably quicker than driving
  712. HenryH HD: Your hairline is so fucked up is that u look reatarded
  713. GibblerChallenger: This is lit im so on fire i canot type this shiforjrnbwdahlxaofgaksus
  714. SwagCrist _: Iced Out and My Neck Look Like Pee
  715. Lachie Mac: Ain’t nothing usual bout me, I put that on whoever doubt me👌
  716. Ethan Byrne: Ksi diss track where it at
  717. Its DLP: You got a speeding ticket for going 40 in a 25 😂
  718. D4NG3R_RL: garbage
  719. JayDriso: Honestly wtf was the song oh shit nvm that shit 🔥 I love 💕
  720. Music Addict: That song was actually good. I'm sure they'll take it off hopefully he likes this type of music
  721. bluntsweatandbeers: "back....back on the road" at 1:30 *laugh track* back on the road where we all laugh at you for being bred in LA *impressed by knowledge of adobe audition*
  722. bluntsweatandbeers: Quadeca typa fake you can go in on and never feel bad about it why u even thinking about going to bio when you think you can rap? btch.
  723. Callum Verdouw: Please put this on Spotify NOW
  724. nolife _420: Hey literally said my birthday January 12 bruh I'm dead
  725. Olsenu: Lil dicky is that you
  726. xSplayd: Video length is also 9:11
  727. Splay: Oh god no a verified youtuber with a very similar name to what I wanted to use for my future channel but honestly idk because this is the most unique I’ve come up with
  728. Sixth Hokage: 9:11 was the best thing that ever happened
  729. Ajee AJ: xSplayd 9 12
  730. ESD 19: That song was actually 🔥
  731. Paris Gable: This is so clean💧💧I would actually listen to this you should put this out 🌸🎉
  732. epic teh windows: spotify?
  733. Griffin 2853: Auto tune sucks
  734. Aether Bills: my guy makes hits without trying!!! Love you man Keep doing what your doing
  735. No Grade: the video is 911 long
  736. Pudgypanda: No lie, that shit was fire
  737. Bright Ace: Can u put this on spotify like so Quadeca sees
  738. Sameer Khan: The song was good but the ending was lowkey weak
  739. Manuel Avila: Firee🔥
  740. ResSZN: Seems legit.
  741. Tony Vision: FAKE!
  742. ChromeElecTric: The background vocals on the second "slow down" are sooo good i love it soooo much
  743. Aristides _59: Firer 🔥 if so like
  744. Nathan Estavillo: React to the KSU diss track by deji
  745. Commanda Panda: Can you please start rapping and making songs bro i would love to listen to it
  746. Varunaditya Pande: who the hell disliked this?
  747. blockeization: you should learn how to drive
  748. Simeon Harry: Real smooth Quadeca 🤧
  749. Boyd Brown: 6:40
  750. Jess Fae: Straight fuckin water yo 😂😂
  751. kevinboaz15_ Sika-Nartey: Quadeca You're fire🔥🔥🔥
  752. Sushicide: This was so FUCKING GOOD!!!!
  753. Bean: Fire man keep it up 👍👍
  755. brooky panda: Great lyrichs,but had u realise that he always start low and then go super high,no no,ok
  756. Kendrick L: Judge going to give u another ticket for rapping to fast 👌
  757. tyler tucker: Bruh the video is 9:11 minuets long
  758. Plug Gaming: Fire
  759. Andrew Blumke: I remember when Mac Miller played this outro song on the piano 😢
  760. Siddharth S: I plead the 8th Amendment
  761. Vladimiruskiy: Are you making another ksi disstrack??? Pleeease do so quad
  762. Sean Himsworth: The song is banging tho
  763. Alex Rios: Is the ksi diss track part 2 happening
  764. Logan Sweeney: January 12th is my birthday lol
  765. Sam B88: so fire...
  766. THe HuZic: January 12 2018 u cunt
  767. Kamikaze: lowkey its g
  768. Life Of Loc Le: Fire 🔥
  769. OceanGot Garms: The instrumental on this song is actually quite beautiful.
  770. Moe TM: Remind me of that guy singing to judge you honor I’m soooorrrry 😂
  771. Obi wan Kenobi: Want a sprite cranberry
  772. Mighty Mike: yo what if the judge don't like this jawn 😭
  773. Sooping Straw: Isn't she lovely
  774. KING K00PA: The song would be a lot better without the auto-tune. Or even, just if you used less of it. The flow is on point- it’s just that super-auto-tuned hook that didn’t sound great but ur bars were 🔥🔥. Just tryna be constructive, all love man, keep making music *edit for autocorrect and grammar fixes
  775. Matthew Soder: Who else is here from irl soccer
  776. Blitz Lightning: What’s the song at the start called
  777. Nick da boss54: ?
  778. PainJustPain: 7:42 i bet the judge will be like “You’re not allowed to reverse in the middle of the road, thats a ticket”
  779. Peanut Butter: Jan 12 is my Bday
  780. Jackson Sherman: Ant=ybody notice at some points he wasent moviing his lips but singing! DOPE MOVE QUAD!
  781. Open Show: Please upload the track separately on its own!
  782. Ima Goat: He let you go cuz your white I’m just kidding 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  783. Alex Lopez: Hey I like the song
  784. Skillage _: This kid is good at rapping fast, but his Auto tune singing is actually gay
  785. H2oHypeBeast: This didn’t happen
  786. Rafael Polanco: That was dope Quadeca it was really , hope the judge likes it bro
  787. Jon Travolta: You rap too fast man, that’s gonna have to be another ticket 🤷‍♀️
  788. Ren Kurono: 9:11 On perpouse?
  789. Snow Addictions: Can you help me with a diss plz the person really needs to stop what he is doing please help
  790. Steven Jones: Oh shit, quad your gonna be in prison!! Nah that shit was good
  791. Steven Jones: Man quadeca you have blown up from roasting ksi, good for you bro. Two birds with one rap
  792. NiTro- PP: Song was fire
  793. byRyanStevens: why are you not making a second diss track?
  794. SunnyRacc: Video starts at 6:46 you're welcome
  795. No Thanks: The thumbnail tho. Click bait in my books
  796. Cr4zy: I hope you’re going to prison cuz this shit worse than it’s everyday bro
  797. Topsey Nerve: The length of this video had to be done on purpose
  798. Nerd Alert: *I just* _learned how_ -to do this-
  799. Back Nod: just rap dont sing pls :}}}}}
  800. Wizardo EV3: 6:40 is the song
  801. B0NGIS: Isn't this against the bill of rights and shit, one of the first ten amendments says something about the outlaw of any cruel or unusual punishments in a court of law
  802. Joshua 2Harding: How do you make such amazing verses and music. His wordplay is insane
  803. C H: That song is actually lit🔥🔥
  804. Jake Healey: what mic is that
  805. ToXic NoVa: Ok buddy
  806. JJZ A: do a diss track on KSI again, WE WANT A REAMTCH ps spread this around like crazy to KSI and Quadeca
  807. Matt O'Sullivan: That’s lit
  808. Oreo Likes to Draw: Raps to get a's in school Raps to get out of speeding ticket Raps to get million dollar house Raps to get married Raps to have kids Raps to live What a guy
  809. Mrdeanwwe 3: Did he actually do that
  810. Luthanius: rapes to have kids
  811. Geir Jhonny rongli: OMG look at the likes and look at the comments
  812. Thilthy Rose: Made it 666
  813. aaroon macaroon: Raps about HIV and STD Raps about dividing fractions Raps about the Government
  814. Michael Noon: Drop that bih
  815. unknownTime: I'm sorry but quadeca is now relevant because of ksi
  816. The Prophets Magic: The song was too nice though
  817. SL studio: What r the chances that the judge is gonna play that song everyday bc its so FIRE 🔥
  818. Astro: Better than beerus
  819. Mark McLaughlin: Big rebel o’ here wi’ the juvenile traffic court
  820. R0b0T: Sue that Judge, "No cruel and unusual punishments" lmao. but thats a good judge tho
  821. Ryan: no one else realize the length of the video is 9:11?
  822. Hey look: Where’s the reply to my diss?
  823. Jerry Murph: Tbh i dont really like it
  824. MASTER TUBE: Ayyyy that dsi store music tho
  825. QSA_Impuls e: Omg ksi actually made your career the sub count tho
  826. nazmi terstena: No clickbaitttttt
  827. Polar Smasher: 8:13 that freakin car is going backwards! Also at 8:25
  828. SJ1: White privilege at its finest🤦🏾‍♂️😂
  829. SeshTimeNews: +troll LOLOL 💀💀 that's normal for liberals man.
  830. Cian Rainsford: He says it in the video..... Its a joke
  831. troll: +Mythic Mr305jr Make me, you fucking pussy.
  832. Mythic Mr305jr: troll stfu
  833. Will Hicks: Why.......just why did race have to be brought up
  834. AraJustin: Quadeca that's not a good idea they are going to give you another ticket for rapping because your so fast
  835. Noah Gassaway: that is good
  836. Noah Gassaway: GrBg JSL
  837. Noah Gassaway: AraJustin
  838. GrBg JSL: AraJustin smooth
  839. FD Conquer: If you dislike the video you can’t rap
  840. Joshua Amis: This shit sounds like something they would show in traffic school.
  841. Brandon Medrano: Pretty fire
  842. Andreas Moser Kristiansen: Songs start at 9:12 *Thank me later*
  843. Austin Johnson: i have 4 points bc of an accident 🤷🏻‍♂️
  844. Richie Cross: I love how the cop sees him at like 2:00 then he raps at like 6:45
  845. Arsh Qasba: The judge reacting to this 😁🤩
  846. Yournan: 0:39 omg I live in the town below wth haha
  847. Awesome123: Btw quadeca you’ve earned like 4-300k subscribers recently
  848. washoywa: I am sure he did not have any idea of his sub count. You are an angel sire, every youtuber needs a sub like you. Keep on spitting the factual facts, you are much appreciated. How many likes does this video have? Try telling quadeca about, I am sure he has no clue.
  849. Controllerkingthe Gamer: QuadxTherealak 💯💯
  850. Kyra Mclean: This song is actually fire 🔥
  851. Ameen Ahmed: funny how the vid is 9:11 mins long
  852. Jahmeir Birmingham: That was good bro
  853. cookiesand gaming: That was good
  854. Nigel Thornberry: Bro fuck yall hes trash at rapping yall dont know shit.
  855. Hayden Gilbey: Its so fake
  856. James Genovese: Quadeca is the only one who cam make a song about passing bikers too fast fire lmao
  857. KingDT: They should do this for 6ix9ine.
  858. oopsie doopie 2.0: Make a song for pewds
  859. M B: Clap clap clap that was fire
  860. Juyel Integrity: I love yondo beats some of the best
  861. VoiD_Imortalx: Better then ares
  862. Anxiety: What the actual Fuck
  863. Best fornite meanes Up weekly: Thank me later 6:40
  864. Best fornite meanes Up weekly: 476
  865. Adam Jones: Most gangster shit ever
  866. Annette Orozco: Dammm I love the song ❤️❤️❤️
  867. Nickolas Davidson: Clout chaserrr
  868. Alpha Q: *This entire video is one major coincidence. He gets pulled over by the POLICE and the video is **9:11** long.*
  869. Kaydee the glitter queen: This song is actually really good!!
  870. Willerbee 3: Better than KSI diss track :)
  871. The C00kie: I like how the video is 9:11 minutes long xD
  872. Gcost16: Real talk this video was great but the song was greater! But Insecure isn’t on Apple Music and I want to add it to my #1 playlist that I listen to literally everyday going to and from, and sometimes during school. And of course this and all other Quad music needs to go on AM as well.
  873. Abhrajit Saha: Lol vid is 9:11 and it is about 911
  874. Hugo Ramirez: Wtf here in the valley no one give a fuck about a ticket we all drive without liscence fuck the pigs
  875. Aaron Vlogs: If you don’t respond to ksi, your a fucking loser. Don’t fail us quadeca, respond to that nigga.
  876. Cringe Cult: This shit a bop
  877. Tshepo Shabangu: 🚀🚀🚀
  878. Nate: we want jony zizou
  879. Lil T & G & TonyDaGoat: Where did the KSI response go?!
  880. NotJustin 14: *Can you Make a song With Dax*
  881. MA4 Xtreme: I rapped so fast they gave me a speed ticket.
  882. Johan_ Sailo77jr: The best court moment ever lol :)
  883. ItzNahima: Plus twist the jude makes a disstrack on Quadeca😂😂
  884. Martynas Izatavicius: not gonna lie. i like the song
  885. Toxic Cabbage: Dax and quadeca diss on KSi like if you want
  886. Linkychu: Who's here before it reaches 1 mil?
  887. jazzytosassy1 aj r0bl0x: Can i get likes every like i get ill add 😝 starting with mines 😝😝😝
  888. Nuka eli07: Cool rap but fake story like nosses
  889. Overwatch Origin: Did anyone realise at 8:15 all the cars are going back?
  890. XXXRudi: 1 milly in 2 days. Boy ive been here when u couldn get even 100k per video on a day😂
  891. Alina C: Hi Quadeca, where is your "Reacting to people reacting to my KSI Diss track" I really wanne see your reaction to Logan Paul :D
  892. Zain D. Raza: Makes A Video Song About Speed Limit 2 Month Later COP DISS
  893. Alex E: Whos before 1 million
  894. Kwf9: Fuck the ticket, the judge is going to let you fly a jet through red lights after seeing that. Nah, it was funny though.
  895. ICEMELTARR: I beg you put the song on Spotify
  896. Mateja Stevic: Listen to the song in 1.25x speed
  897. Juan Diego Gutierrez: B this was fire😂😂
  898. Jael Jemima: This song should be it's own video
  899. Imran: this needs to be on spotify
  900. Tance Suleski: God, and kids gonna tell me this god awful shit is music lol, stop.
  901. Idk Idc: I have educated myself well
  902. Fortnite clips: fire
  903. Dom Fowler: This song is better than all of Ksi’s songs
  904. Yash Meher: 7:42 guess you broke the speed limit again......
  905. Mr. Woop: shorty savage the joke is that he was rapping too fast
  906. Chris _MC: anyone that didn't get it this means that in the time he was rapping rly fast so he broke the speed limit
  907. Yehia and Maitha: Yash Meher I get it
  908. Wrestlingpro101 RP1: Yash Meher.
  909. Chris _MC: LOL
  910. Matthew Jackson: This song makes me want to speed just so i can play this song to the cops and or judge
  911. 10,000 Subscribers No Videos: 📂Folders L📂Music L📂Quadeca L📂Bad Songs ⚠️This Folder Is Empty
  912. Shadowin: did u guys see the video length its 9:11
  913. - j4cube -: wow gj
  914. Jonas Lund-Sørensen: Cut the crap
  915. Josh Jones: 👌🏾🔥🔥
  916. Tare: I would gave you a ticket, this is dogshit..
  917. Lisa Vail: Wow that was lit u r really talented-can't wait 2 c if it works! I think it will...😁
  918. mat lorenzo: React to unforgivable
  919. Burnt Melon1618: Wheres the ksi diss track?
  920. Chr1z703 God: Can you reply so I can brag to my friends
  921. 10k with no videos: Actually good ahah
  922. mihnea lupu: Earlier than 1 million views
  923. LuskProductions: better call saul
  924. Oj Playz: Cop: Ladies and gentalmen we got him. Quadeca: hold my beer Cop: i though you were 18. *loves so hard to find*
  925. Erki Haljasmäe: The intro song? 0:28
  926. Oliver Interesting Account: Quadeca did 911
  927. Kwezinges: do a disstrack back on ksi
  928. SuFyGo: Quadeca and KSI beef is dead. I would like to see Quadeca x KSI x Randolph vs Deji x Crypt x Jallow, Dax is already finished tbh. 😂
  929. ComedyRole6: Stop acting like ur the best rapper ever 🙄
  930. Special Beam Vegeta: Comedy Role6 What’s the point in rapping if you ain’t trying to be the fucking best-Dax
  931. XD Cactus: React to dejis disstrack on ksi
  932. Leo Behrić: He stole the title from matty b
  933. Huma #: Awwwwsssssommme rap bro really
  934. Leo: song at 5:28?
  935. Basically I doSax: That was really good.
  936. Business Stuff: We want a diss track fam
  937. fire brain10: you should react to deji diss track for ksi
  938. Jamari Tyrone: Song starts at 6:37
  939. FaZe Ecko: Like oif u r hype for christmas
  940. Aaron Brock: I jus got clickbaited and so did u
  941. Paradox_573: Good luck
  942. Nkosiyami Mpala: This is content is absolutely shit....a 10min recording of my scrotum would get more views
  943. Games R us: Please upload a diss
  944. k pogi: you look like a younger noah boat
  945. Ilham E: Yes Quadeca I love this❤️
  946. Gaming Is Fun: I think the court will give you another for rap speeding ticket LOL
  947. Maxi gdmus: Dax and quadeca should collab Agree? Hit like
  948. RussellPlays Mods: +Maxi gdmus because it happen like yesterday or day before
  949. Maxi gdmus: +RussellPlays Mods and you replied 1 month later !! Oh yeah yeah
  950. RussellPlays Mods: It happen already
  951. Kevin‘s Dance Covers: Your diss track is way better
  952. abel MABALA: Imagine he dropped an album
  953. Boy Marvel: Trashh
  954. EVIL ME: 😶
  955. n cammack04: Quadeca x dax
  956. The Official Peaky Blinders RDR2 Gang: React to Deji and his diss bro
  957. My- Dudes: Auuuuuutttttttttoooooo. Ttttttuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnneeeeeeee
  958. Michael Agbaje: This sounds like a young logic
  959. mazvita selemani: @Dwayne and Jazz react to this
  960. King Of Games: Damn, noice editing man!
  961. Ashlyn L vanhorn: THAT WAS ACTUALLY SICK !!! ❤️👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
  962. Copaulio 1594: Help me guys get quadeca to see this comment and tell him to do a reaction of Unforgivable - by Deji x Jallow x Crypt x Dax (KSI DISS TRACK) And quadeca is you see this pin it so that it tells us you actually read your comments
  963. Xx_ChaoticFTW_xX G: Everytime he says biker, play insecure and complete the whole song.
  964. Adidas Z: Wow!
  965. Ashlyn L vanhorn: YOU DRIVE ??? I THOUGHT YOU WERE 7 YEARS OLD 😂😂
  966. Kevin Nelson: 3:23 Ross?
  967. AstaFN: oof
  968. J Equinox: If the judge doesn't like the song, he just has bad taste
  969. MAARIJ 野蠻人: Where’s the diss track 2
  970. Jennss V: Reminds me of logic 😱
  971. Subscribe To PewDiePie: this song sounds like logic kinda thing
  972. Class 10C: Nice beard you got there"baby face"😂😂
  973. Straight Loaf: Quadeca x Dax would be dope 🔥🔥🔥
  974. Soham Gaming: Quadeca x Josh A and Jake Hill would be the best song ever
  975. LouiePK: One of those raps your school shows you to learn something like don’t do drugs..
  976. Adrian Aspra: that shit was trash
  977. Asian: You should release a response to destroy KSI and bury him deeper.
  978. L13 Montages: Low key liked this song
  979. SoloSniper: hhahahahahahahahahahahahha biggest pussye ive seen xdddddd
  980. Daniel Martinez: Damn why you braking the law quadeca come on I know you better than this
  981. jesse hernandez: I've been watching you vids for a while now but I just sub to the channel smh
  982. Xxlil-reptile-sggothxX 2007: Epic bro
  983. Ertiza Jowdat: that was pretty sick
  984. Proficy_Legend: This vid *gUCcI*
  985. z5n: LOL The video is 911 long xDD and he got ticket
  986. Sally Sight: After this vid ya boys subbed
  987. Percy Goodbeard: I'll have you know if he gives you an unusual punishment, that is a violation of your rights according to the eighth amendment. Just facts... lol
  988. HaliFlame: Look at the time of the video...
  989. RandomVBandit: So rapping is useful for everything
  990. Drae Whitey: Why does every sentence he speak sound like he about to rap?
  991. Samarth Theman: Song starts at 9:12
  992. Stefan Denchev: Fk me that's awesome lol
  993. Final Form: of course the video is 9:11 lol
  994. Logan and faze rug: 🔥 🔥
  995. Looven z: Legends says that the judge is rockin his car with this song 24/7
  996. Exroz: song heat lowkey.
  997. LA Ramzy: This instrumental sounds familiar what song has a beat like this? Let me know please
  998. Eagle YT: LA Ramzy Wii Music.
  999. I AiméCLIPS: haha, YouTube privilege. Dax patrolling them street: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rnbu7zhRPrs
  1000. Mark Kanter: Jan The 12 (What?, where your LOGIC)
  1001. Dewa: cant imagine the judge face when he listens to the song 😂
  1002. Don Does Stuff: I feel like this song is a PSA for driving safety
  1003. The Re8per: January 12th is my birthday 😂
  1004. Milesbtw: It sorta sounds like a cheesy psa
  1005. Mr.Steal YourChode: did you delete your newest song? like wtf i cant find it the one where you walk in a straight line the whole vid
  1006. CyGe Gaming: Noice
  1007. Canuke: Been listening to your stuff ever since wii music fire! Keep it up man
  1008. Jack Swan: literally you can make anything fire!
  1009. Alicia Coronado: Songs actually fire tho🔥🔥🔥
  1010. god btw: Who else got Joyner Lucas vibes🤔🤔🤔
  1011. Xterem Soccer: This song was shit tbh
  1012. VICE: V v v v vvvvv. Veeeeeeeeeergeeeeeeennnnn
  1013. Skysourz: Imagine if he was black🤔
  1014. Jasmin breaking bad stranger things: Had a heart attack then realized the car was moving backwards.
  1015. Jasmin breaking bad stranger things: Emo look. Hella cute.
  1016. Mossaab Aiman: Why was your head flying around while you were singing? Did it loose gravity? Lol
  1017. little cock in a blanket: ROASTED
  1018. Under.Ground: +Wittletaungy Marchbank dayyyyum😂😂
  1019. Wittletaungy Marchbank: Mossaab Aiman Why is your profile picture a penis with warts? Are you cancer?
  1020. Noble Yang: In ur vid u said my birthday January 12
  1021. Telestoe: Too bad you didn’t have auto tune to help save your sorry ass
  1022. Joseph Paskerta: This sounds like some bullshit
  1023. Mad Webb: bruh what's wrong with your nose
  1024. gaming tv5664: Lol that song
  1025. Emrold Radio: Wow
  1026. kyrie irving Is the best: Please reply to ksi distrack ares please
  1027. XxMoXx G: Fire😉😉
  1028. Yahia Nemr: Fire💥💥💥
  1029. walmartboy 52: This shit should go platinum
  1030. kyrie irving Is the best: Can u reply to ksi distrack ares please
  1031. Telestoe: You fucking loser AHAHAH
  1032. Mathew Evan: Auto tune way to much your shit
  1033. Jabari Branson: I’m the cop that pulled him over
  1034. 1000 subs with no Videos!: 5:00 to 5:05 my mans said January, 12 2018. Lmao! 😂 Pls sub to my channel btw. Trying to reach 100 subs before making a video. :D
  1035. Frosty Landon: Wheres the ksi diss
  1036. Idk05: Ngl pretty fire
  1037. torybrown04: Where’s your old intro it was 🔥🔥
  1038. Dima 44: Subscribing cause of this. Heard your other song “insecure” and it was good too
  1039. david kihg: It will be 2019
  1040. souristhename: I liked you until this video
  1041. GucciGangDezzy: If the judge doesn’t like it I want a disstrack on him
  1042. Apopularcake456: Lovin the Legend Of Zelda Music 3.8K dislikes are probably just salty KSI Fans.
  1043. Steph77543: Quadeca sentenced 2 years in jail
  1044. Ravenous Cosmic: Bro where's the disstrack?
  1046. Jj Redick: New Police anthem calling it
  1047. christelle lezin: Where’s the ksi diss
  1048. GreerS: Spotify?
  1049. Proxima Playz: *dabs while driving away* cop: stop right there *still receives the ticket*
  1050. I’m a NIQQER: We all know you paid that fucking cop. Smh
  1051. Leilanikai Gaspar: Wow if u and like a famous rapper did a. Song u and whoever =🔥
  1052. Help Me Reach 1,000 Subscribers: bitch lasagna
  1053. bonecrusher Snow: This is sick
  1054. Sathvik Charugundla: LItt song
  1055. Isaac Norris: for some reason it said i unsubscribed🤨had to fix that super quick
  1056. Bob John: Am I the only one that thinks this song is actually 🔥
  1057. Foot to ball: Best YouTube rapper/singer
  1058. Ohex No: Get insecure on spotify
  1059. Alexander P: Is that a Stevie wonder cover in the outro???
  1060. Alexander P: Anyone think the sample kinda sound like biking by frank ocean and Tyler the creator ???
  1061. Nestor Garduno: Isn’t January in 2019 not 2018?
  1062. Mustafa Khan: hold up this dude is fucking 18, thats what he said in insecure, so why tf is he going to juvenile court???
  1063. Danny Mendoza: Gayass nigga ohh wait he is a cracker also gay
  1064. X Gaver: Ur channel grew sooooo fast
  1066. 5k Sub challenge: Becoming a rapper so my record stay clean 😅
  1067. mazvita selemani: The IRONY is too real in this comment.
  1068. Get Rekt: Yoooo January 12th is my birthday
  1069. lil_jayX45: 1 day late the music vid is LIT im pretty sure your gonna pas
  1070. Ali S: This is really important... You’re made of cheese
  1071. Ali Al Agil: epic random funny
  1072. Jetta, Kean & Pinny the onions: Wtf bro that so random 😂lol
  1073. Ali S: I’m made of cheese
  1074. Cheeks Official: this was dope, I can't wait to see what you can do with real shit
  1075. xd skele: This song is ass ngl
  1076. Attach: As your judge I approve of the heat spit and allow you full release from court 😉😘
  1077. Nrgking: Damm bro that shit fire lowkey
  1078. Dio Brando: Please Grand Zeno, since this bitch(ksi) claims to Beerus a god..make him participate in a live action freestyle against an earthly human Quadeca
  1079. Jake Paul: Overuled
  1080. Justin potato salad: This song is weird
  1081. Jose Cintron: Just dropped a mixtape for my birthday please give it a listen https://soundcloud.com/therealjoz/sets/jo-z-introvert-1
  1082. NinjaAvocado: Cop u mad bro
  1083. Cole Kimminau: This shit has to be fake
  1084. Paulo Ferrreira: Howww dafuq did he make it so fiiree
  1085. Cameron __: Certified *Banger*
  1086. Taco Man: Why the auto tune
  1087. Angelo Rice: Fire
  1088. Infinite Vlogs: 1 like= 1 prayer for quadeca not to get arrested
  1089. Cleazy: I was paying attention to his flow He really does gotta slow down..
  1090. Skojarn: Ayeee wtf did I just watch?
  1091. Vanessa Thornton: I love this!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
  1092. Christopher Padilla: He’s lucking he isn’t black lol. He would’ve been shot
  1093. Travis Paharsingh: Damn.fire.lit.
  1094. Manly Momz: Plot Twist: the biker was KSI
  1095. Toastedfox [Wildd ]: yo you used yondo beats thats sick they are good
  1096. Eduardo Babb: Lol new sub man your lowkey the man bro !!!!
  1097. Christian Ramos: This kid just turned a speeding ticket into a paycheck. Respect
  1098. HoodeeZ: Yo Quadeca just made a diss on KSI and Deji soon you and others are going to be next so get ready
  1099. SmerrBear -: You a bum for that lol, I fw it tho lmao. I had to do 4 hours online traffic school and I’m still doin it rn
  1100. Taylor Schultz: I never thought the day would come i actually enjoy a song about passing a biker on the roads
  1101. ben dover: Boiii if you keep making music like this imma be rocking your music alot more! this is lowkey fire about traffic violations and iyou wouldnt even know what its about unless it had pretext
  1102. Ella lively: Now if he was black..
  1103. Saul Escobar: Spotify please 😍😭
  1105. freshkidd2525: did anyone know he said 2018 when its 2019
  1106. Zyrian: Should of ran over that fuckin cyclist cunt hogging up 1 metre of the lane they should use the fuckin sidewalk
  1107. Jack Clarke: You gonna make another diss track on KSI
  1108. somebody: “Trying to get to my biology test on time” that’s all you had to say for me to relate
  1109. Chris G: Not bad, son.. not bad at all.
  1110. chaosgaming: I thought he was rapping straight to the officer, that’s what it looks like from the thumbnail smh😂
  1111. Advait Chandramouli: i love u dad
  1112. Anthony Argueta Yebra: 6:36 Thank me later
  1113. Andy Armor: One of those elderly men where on Friends! 3:23
  1114. Exile Kronicz: what a frikin legend bruh😂😂
  1115. H3AT: https://soundcloud.com/ayeceezy/ceezy-x-bean-seven-layer-salad
  1116. Lit Jit - Topic: Pin this plzz
  1117. filthy baby: Cringe
  1118. Sean Caine: Honestly one of the worst rappers I've ever heard but congrats on your success
  1119. Ryan Wilson: This song is wack
  1120. Debi Doyle: Songs trash bro
  1121. Dank MEMZ Virus: I don't know what's funnier, the actual video or the fact that it's 9:11 long.
  1122. Grim Reaper: Bihandu Wanniarachchige it's 9:12 for me
  1123. Bihandu Wanniarachchige: +SpaceCat TV 9:11 dum shit
  1124. Dank MEMZ Virus: +ghouljamie thanks for having my back against these 9 year olds
  1125. ghouljamie: toxic fang gang actually it depends on your device. You dumb shit
  1126. toxic fang gang: +SpaceCat TV correct
  1127. Pak Joshua: I will just take the ticket. Lol
  1129. Iplaygota: 9:11 is the end of the video D:
  1130. roboshin101: Ksi made him famous
  1131. Morpheus: Every song you put out is fire bro 🔥 mad respect
  1132. Amin Matar: Deadass you should post this song to sound cloud and YouTube 🔥🔥 like this has a badass song
  1133. Evan Black: I did not know that you lived in norcal! i am from pleasanton
  1134. Morpheus: Anyone still going back to INSECURE everyday to see KSI Get destroyed everyday ??
  1135. jlock: Why couldn't xxx rap to not get shot 😥😥😥
  1136. ibloo: He should get a speeding ticket for how fast he raps
  1137. xEthnics: If this judge is over 40 you defo ain’t gonna persuade him you should of went for the coldplay feel
  1138. ReaPer: 3:23 why the hell is David Schwimmer there...
  1139. Fat Appendix: Qaudeca acts like a 8 year self centered kid in a 15 year old body
  1140. Peng: Make one more diss on ksi lmfao
  1141. XxBlaze08 xX: I bet quadeca is popular at his school!
  1142. Skyler Bonsell: This sounds like some kids pop shit 😂
  1143. Imade Jordan: KSi diss track
  1144. Killershooter117: How u find the fire beats?
  1145. MOTO BSO: Ya where do u live at in NorCal homie?
  1146. Sanji BL: That song was actually fcking lit, lmfao
  1147. J Marte: I will sub to anyone who likes this comment
  1148. Tarbug 1: Quad keep releasing that fire. Like your shit bro
  1149. ryan o donovan: KSI made your career
  1150. Abir Hasan: the vid is 9 min 11 se c u defo getting that ticket my boiii.... nah jkjk
  1151. I’m that Epic Gucci Gamer: When your broke.
  1152. Red Spartan: This video ends at 9:11
  1153. Ronnie Bates: Lol u said it was on January 12 qhich it my birthdday
  1154. Nathbrig04: this aint it chief
  1155. Zain Ali: you need to release a full version of that bro its flames
  1156. Trenton 04: No more auto tune
  1157. AMV’S ERA: Quadeca
  1158. lunar: So when is the new diss track coming
  1159. Berry TheGamer: The cops badge in the thumbnail looks fake
  1160. Concepción Rodríguez: What ever topic it is it still be fire 🔥
  1161. Nathan Polkinghorne: Lol I'm new. That song was pretty good :)
  1162. SDM_Ghost: My neck look like pee
  1163. Jonathan Odita: January 12 “2018”
  1164. Kace face: That was lit!
  1165. Golden Pizza: 6:45
  1166. Rexhep Mani: sickkk
  1167. Slick _Omar 13: KSI 2nd diss track???
  1168. Roisin Driscoll: Why was this lowkey good!?!?!?!
  1169. 100,000 Subs No Vids: Highkey
  1170. Tola Vong: Roisin Driscoll lowkey? it’s actually good
  1171. Kace face: Good sir, I am innocent Thank you
  1172. JayElectricity YT: 3.6k dislikes are ksi fans GTFO
  1173. Commander X: This video was too long. Halfway through it, I got hungry so I left it playing and went to the kitchen to fix my self a sandwich. But then I found out that I'm out of mayonnaise so I went to a store. There, I saw the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my whole life. But I'm really a shy person so I took up a three-year personality development course so I can introduce my self. She was very friendly and all, but unfortunately, she has a boyfriend. So I said, all good, I'm a mature person. I want the best for her and I harbor no illusion that I am the best person for her and she seems happy with her boyfriend, so I did not bother her anymore. But we kept in touch and we became friends and I got over my crush on her. Then she broke up with her boyfriend, we drank some alcohol because of it, I told her she'll be fine and I wished her well. I still think she's the most beautiful woman in the world, but like I said, I am over my crush on her. It was like five years already when I first saw her. Besides, I am quiet happy with the friendship I developed with her. It was more important than a crush. So we kept hanging out, drinking, having coffee, and all. I had a girlfriend, she started dating other guys. My girlfriend wants to live some other life without me in it, so I said, okay, I want the best for you and I want you to pursue your happiness. My lady friend and I drank alcohol about it, and she gave me the same advice I gave her when she was in that position and I became okay with the breakup immediately. But we were really drunk, so she spent the night in my apartment. I only have one bed, so you know what that means: She took the bed and I slept on the couch. But on the couch, I really can't sleep. Something was bothering me. So I tossed and turned for about three hours, then I finally can't take it anymore, I stood up and went straight to my room where she's sleeping. I approached the bed, gently sat on it and I reached for her shoulder to pull her closer to me. She stirred and woke up. She asked what's up. I told her, you know, the first time I saw you, I was watching a video and left it playing to get my self a sandwich then went to the store to get some mayo then I got distracted by life that I forgot to finish the video. She said, you know what, I've been wondering about a weird noise in your night drawer. So we opened that drawer, and lo and behold, there's my phone and this video still has two minutes of play time on it. Thanks for reading, I’ve been thinking about making like funny cartoon animated videos about stuff like this on my channel, please subscribe to let me know if you guys would enjoy something like that. Cheers for your time ^_^
  1175. Daljit Dhaliwal: 6:39 song starts
  1176. Boneless Wangs: This is so good! KSI is ass compared to u
  1177. 02 but emo: other rappers : *Disses cop* my boi : *actually rap about speed limit and add a life lesson*
  1178. DMAN 2005: Cringe
  1179. KC *: This actually fucking slaps.
  1180. Drewius 9: Jan 12 is my birthday
  1181. sir faggot: Please make a KSI diss track you could bury him, it was obvious just the last time you were playing around
  1182. D.H.I GAMER: i like it but ur gonna get 12 years preson
  1183. Big Clan: Quadecas irrelevant tbh
  1184. Nick Episcopo: I am your judge: Good job boy i accept
  1185. Jay Bois 72546: 6:42 THERE U GO JUDGE
  1186. Michael Scollon: Did anyone see that the video length is the police phone number 9:11 or 911. lmao that guy is a good youtuber.
  1187. Jeremy Wankerdonger: Lmao it's 9:12
  1188. Mash Purtaters: +tipperary you need help u crackhead
  1189. Filip Lunak: Wooshed
  1190. ???: tipperary your actually stupid
  1191. ???: tipperary “gangster rappers?”
  1192. Liam: Shout out yondo
  1193. Yekerz: This was actually... good
  1194. Sofaeces Chipettes: He’s a smart judge coz you’ll never speed up again
  1195. Dan sanchez: Bro I swear you were just at like 300k..
  1196. immalogangster: Dan sanchez trust meee
  1197. T-boy-z: Ksi is your answer...
  1198. Brnz: That’s what happens when you diss ksi
  1199. Zageri: Dan sanchez that’s what happens when a bigger dog gives you publicity @ksi
  1200. 100,000 Subs No Vids: Fr dude he grew so quick especially when he went from 600k to 1 mil in days
  1201. Marita Shannon: Well I speed Read more
  1202. xX_ItsAlex_Xx: Damn bro
  1203. ICE: bro the US is so soft compared to other countries in Europe
  1204. Mujeeb-Ur-Rahman Naveed: It said January 12, 2018!!! That already happened!!! It SHOULD have said January 12, 2019!!!
  1205. Hank Shepherd: U got slapped by KSI
  1206. Mujeeb-Ur-Rahman Naveed: 5:08 "January 12th 2018"
  1207. Fierce Deity Link: Think his album comes out that day 😁
  1208. Aka Lxndon: Aye my boy Yondo made this beat
  1209. Some Person: Stick to diss tracks mate
  1210. Genaro Rosas: I was going 70 on a 45 and I just have my permit
  1211. Ryan loghmanpoor: 0:23 L
  1212. jedikiah: i wanna make a singing song w you!
  1213. HHR4: Anyone else notice the video ends at 9:11? Considering there was police in his video
  1214. Anonymous Gaming: Pretty catchy, but still good
  1215. Good News: Listen To Difficult Now in : Youtube: https://youtu.be/jTqYAXv8PWo Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/user-963901430/difficult
  1216. Good News: Listen To Difficult Now in : Youtube: https://youtu.be/jTqYAXv8PWo Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/user-963901430/difficult
  1217. Thomas McGuane: You are going to get out of that ticket.
  1218. 1: That cop gonna make a diss track
  1219. n3kk3n: Ahaha lowkey fire
  1220. Kaleb Phelps: Had this same experience with an assault charge lol.
  1221. Muntasir Bhuiyan: lowkey nice
  1222. Viud :v: I would actually hear this when I’m with dad lmao
  1223. Louis Delpire: Damn that is shit
  1224. just George: Wheres the diss
  1225. KareemTooKrispy: 😂Genuis
  1226. ToxicPlayz: Post more
  1227. Benedict Osibuamhe: This guy could pursue a great rapping career
  1228. Thepro_Gamer 127: Lit🤯🔥
  1229. Vortex iOS: fire
  1230. CRahilC: When's the next album??????? Like if agree
  1231. Adnan Saff: C’mon I wanted to see the judge reaction
  1232. Omar Prosper: Rapeing to get out of court
  1234. Aidan Bez: Yea he’s fine this songs lit so he’s free 😂
  1235. Jake Holland: That high note Qauddaca 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  1236. Grawlix: 9/11
  1237. MFZ 285: Why you coming fast!
  1238. Ryan Welke: Deji should’ve included you in his diss. If he did it would’ve been 100x more 🔥
  1239. Edgar Munoz: Watched this while driving. Good song
  1240. Mfoniso Ntia-James: Gotta slow down, your videos are fire! Keep it up, Quedeca for number 1!!!!
  1241. TheJack3763: High key fire af
  1242. Ashmomba YT: http://vid.social/UY9sNfjKcx0/2653
  1243. Ya boii: Literally skipped the hole video to see it
  1244. Josh: That was low key really good
  1245. KiingAP: On the white privilege thing...its not..ive actually heard of judges do stuff like this for not that big of a “crime” like this one girl was speeding and the judge said she had to record herself walking 20 miles or something like that
  1246. David: 😂
  1247. Identity Used: XD
  1248. Prodby Elaine: damnn!!! thats fukin insane
  1249. Victor Nardone: just a hunch he may need to slow down
  1250. Chloraseptic: Idk why or how but this song is lowkey dope
  1251. MOMO AB: January 2018 that’s an f
  1252. Aussie Gooner: The judge telling you that you can rap to get out of the ticket must have been the best news ever, since your a beast it would be like that judge asking other people to sleep to get out of the ticket it's so damn easy
  1253. Wolfpack Alpha: You definitely getting a ticket
  1254. Avery Neal: 😂
  1255. UltragamerVX7: Lol Jan 12 is my Birthday
  1256. Richard Bueno: This song slaps
  1257. Fortnite Savage: 6:37 Thank me later
  1258. Ronaldo Mclean: Yo my mom got a speeding ticket last time.
  1259. Sancia M: Boi get rid of that seedy beard
  1260. jrm_tha_virus: White privilege
  1261. USER 66384: You sound like PEWDIEPIE when you don’t have a face can on x
  1262. _-GhostChilli-_: If you love your fans pin this comment
  1263. Durkvan Dozich: Soundcloud.com/lilmercer
  1264. Reed Lazar: I didn’t think it would be good but then it was amazing. Wtf man, you’re so talented, I don’t know many people able to write a dope song about getting a speeding ticket 😂 it’s so inspiring, hope to be as good as you someday
  1265. Agent 2K: Fire
  1266. aCeLiFyVS: He reminds me of the famous rapper Lil Dicky
  1267. Dankmemeulous: Bullshit
  1268. RSVG the shrimp theory: Yeah i guess
  1269. Joe Wilson: only my nan can like this comment
  1270. Camel Lover Lover: I've got a lot more bangeRs on the way
  1271. A Wild Taco Animal.: the length of the video is 9:11. coincedence? i think not
  1272. GalaxyXx Sonola: He said that he probably should NOT swear because the court might watch this ALTHOUGH he said SHIT 6 times😐😐😐
  1273. TSM_ Ali A: 5:04 EYY THATS my bday
  1274. niels baumann: So you tryna tell me that's how murica works
  1275. Not A Bot: Cringe but low-key fire
  1276. tfg anonimous: This shit better then blue face big thing😂😂😂
  1277. HQ Vapes: 6:41 welcome form all the bullshit
  1278. airmax: All this for a ticket, the cringe levels are high smh.
  1279. Ryan Featherngill: That song was straight heat
  1280. Anthony Gradilla: Hi doug
  1281. geoguyz1: This guy keeps coming up in my music , fuck off please your shite
  1282. mastermatt02: so bad, literal cringe
  1283. TOP CLIPZ: Can’t wait for the judge to drop a diss track
  1284. Prutt Bajskorv: ILLEGAL!!!!!! STOPID CUNT PAY ASWHOLE
  1285. JOEHID JOESTAR: That was epic!
  1286. Moonbear 66: This shit is so dumb
  1287. EMB FLAME: anyone have quadecas 📱 number? Been trying to contact him for serious business but he won’t reach out.
  1288. EMB FLAME: mazvita selemani yeah I’ve tried email, Ig, YouTube comments lol
  1289. mazvita selemani: Someone with a million subscribers shouldn't really have their number being public. Don't you think? Have you tried DMing him on ig
  1290. Jon Sanders: *gets arrested for recording himself driving*
  1291. Antony Johansson: Finally a new video
  1292. Subhaan Ullah: Ksi made u
  1293. Finlay Bartlett: I didn’t even know about this guy until the disses
  1294. Sarcasm: So when you where singin’ you had auto-tune on or off?
  1295. MWP Gaming: where are you judges?
  1296. Sarcasm: He should of gave you a speeding ticket for your mouth... ;)
  1297. Frankie Fitzgerald: Check out my new freestyle “threesomes”!! Thanks! Much love
  1298. Reanna, The Creator: This is a really good song just about speeding while passing a biker. It takes talent to take a random ass thing and make it into a masterpiece. I hope it works dude lol
  1299. Meghan: lmaoooo this is amazing
  1300. SmartNinjaGamer: How did I miss this upload lol
  1301. Random Youtuber: I CRINGED TO HARD AT THIS
  1302. Thats Just Sad: Imma take a nap, when i get back i better have 50 likes.
  1303. Clayton Hertz: Ayy nor cal!! I’m in Livermore, where you at??
  1304. cardinal 11x: This seems so fake 😂
  1305. HARSHID Pandey: Lit bruh
  1306. Thats Just Sad: Are you not gonna idk like fire back at ksi or something?
  1307. Zena: hahahah i love our channel so much. when you roasted ksi i HATE him now LMAO
  1308. Curly Locks: Lit
  1309. JaBeFr03: Honestly pretty G00D
  1310. Guy Man: Plot twist The judge is ksi and he does not accept the song.
  1311. dilly BOII: This is Russ level corny
  1312. Royal Graphics: Fire 🔥
  1313. Zain Richard: Fire
  1314. davide oreglio: Fireeeeee
  1315. Bad Left Hook: Crap
  1316. Hans Anders: What is the name of the background name in the beginning?
  1317. CJ: Not feeling it
  1318. Meera Ahmar: this reminds me of the guy who ordered McDonald’s rapping 😂😂 (hint hint)
  1319. Phantom Chris: Yea Hi-Rez
  1320. 3xtr3m3 Gam3r: Hi-Rez
  1321. Meera Ahmar: Rahhhh 😂😂
  1322. Nella Deraj: Isn't she lovely outro, nice
  1323. Gerardo Perez: That was actually 🔥
  1324. Gamer42Go: Did the same thing. Got life in prison
  1325. senpai xD: Haters will say it's real
  1326. Taqweem Rasool: Quedeca is stupid hr use otow tune he can't sing
  1327. Jack Thomas: anyone think he sounds a little like Logic???
  1328. Jynx Plays: Wow u really got mad subs quick asl 😂
  1329. Angel: Heard through the grapevines that cop cookin’ up a diss track on you quad.
  1330. Dewbie: Did he make it to the biology test???
  1331. Tasheena Meadows: How do you make something so simple sound so good lol. Crazyy 😂🤯
  1332. Jerry: Month later.. JUVENILE COURT DISSTRACK
  1333. WILLIAM FONSECA CRISTANCHO: where the diss track?
  1334. ACLife: brooooooooo sickkkkkkk
  1335. Btec Freestylers: Raped rapping👌
  1336. Aki: just delete all your videos and let insecure public
  1337. Abdul Ali: Cringe to the max
  1338. The mango boi: I making a diss on ksi
  1339. Aki: going to court for overpassing a biker wtf
  1340. cody cash: That shiii was 🔥🔥
  1341. YTPoliceDepartment YupTee: The Judge does not just make a decision and after change his mind...
  1342. Jack Collard: This is some great clickbait
  1343. Sadiq Brimani: you're talented man
  1344. Tristan Camilleri: Quadeca leaving the fast rap at the part where he talks about going over the speeding limit. The guy really knows his craft, the judge has to let him off.
  1345. MeCoolGirl Hanne: This song waS shit!
  1346. Dereck Bourne: Who else only knows quadeca from the diss track
  1347. Jasmin breaking bad stranger things: I found him from the jmx diss track last year.
  1348. Gamersonly: Lmfao this is fake af
  1349. Alexandro Arias: This highkey lit lmao
  1350. Nicksterkai: Sound a lot like Royce da 5'9 Like if you agree
  1351. Mr Zakrab: Its liiit !
  1352. Jason Carrion: This song is an actual banger👍
  1353. Juliana Rios: I HATE KSI 😡😡😡
  1354. Olly Mason: *When you run out of video ideas* Actually sick tho hella respect
  1356. ayron -: So fkn booooring...
  1357. Gareth J-D: He bout to get a point and a fine damn this song is butt cheecks I mean ksi could produce better shit Ffs quadeca I thought you were better than this
  1358. M Games: Man I wish you could record his reaction or something, I’d love to see that 😂
  1359. JJ19tkr: Respond to KSI
  1360. Igor Arruda: the video length is 9:11 lol
  1361. Audecity Shock: You must’ve taken way longer to make a ‘good’ song in 3 days, because this is garbage. And some would say, “Insecure was garbage too”. They’re right.
  1362. Hubert •_•: "There is no 2nd Quadeca / KSI diss track or rap battle or whatever but at least yall got this." I WAS WAITING FOR KSI DISSTRACK :(
  1363. rD kArma: Who was here before 100k
  1364. Explicit Content: wtf is wrong with u fucking desperate teenager wants fucking views
  1365. JayTee 10: You sound like logic
  1366. Faxxx: the singing part is trash but otherwise the song is fire
  1367. freetoad5: The exact same thing happened to me a bus was going 30 in a 40 so I change lanes and speed up because the car on that lane was coming in fast next thing I know thers a cop right next to the bus out of sight that I did not see and got pulled over I'm like really man fuks sake
  1368. Mads Møller: this seems staged
  1369. Anthony8851: 2 much autotune
  1370. Denny Bowers: Why not honk the horn to get him to move out the way
  1371. Petrolosis: 5:43 LOL
  1372. Matthew Alvayero: this is the judge, just letting u know that the song was good but yo ass going to jail. #gottchabitch.
  1373. Ibodygames Daily: In the thumbnail it look like Noah 🛳 from liveloveserve
  1374. official Roblox gamer: Is coming to 2019 and the judge said January 12.18 it's coming to 2019
  1375. Jonny hill123: how to get views of a fake speeding ticket
  1376. Danny Mthedog: Is this shit on Spotify cause it’s lit homie 🔥🔥🔥🔥
  1377. Heramb Jadhav: Uve got super skills in this
  1378. Commanda Panda: Hows lil pump famous but not you fr fr you’ll blow up in the future bruh bruh🔥
  1379. Mikey gonz: Pretty fire tbh
  1380. Goone A: Might as well lock this cracker up with this shitty ass music
  1381. kai lim: Next video Judge reacts to quadeca slow down
  1382. Ronald Prajval: Cool judge
  1383. Lace: 700k views in 21 hours my boy is growing
  1384. xx CLUSHxx: Slow down low down
  1385. Nxoah: Hey. Looking for tips on rapping because I am young and I am insterested in it so I need help.
  1386. Rap My Depression PROD.: fire🔥 aye i hope he drops it and let’s you go because this is you and what you do bro i wish you the bestest luck🙏🏼
  1387. Ali Abdullah: Worst song ever
  1388. Ardelius :0: I thought you actually rapped to a cop but this is some shit that you would play to a bunch of kindergarden kids
  1389. Luka Dragon: am i the only one who saw the videos lenght (911 = police)
  1390. Thomas Damholt: WOOOW Im sure he like it with los of autotune and RAP when he is probably 50 years old -_-
  1391. Shelby Young: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  1392. xd CloudMain: r/thathappened
  1393. iFlex YT: Who wants quad to collab with dax!?
  1394. HYPER 826: That would be a banger 🤩🤩
  1395. iFlex YT: +x муѕтιк x like deji 😂
  1396. Darriel jankie: +x муѕтιк x he made a track with deji
  1397. maximilian evans: That would be fire
  1398. x муѕтιк x: Dax has higher standards
  1399. Aarav Tanwar: Damn that song is lit fam
  1400. Nick Coppa: song is fyeee
  1401. iShizmu Minecraft: Bro that was fucking gas
  1402. deathmanXx2 oladimeji: Spotify?
  1403. Cameron Jaquet: Great bullshit
  1404. IceDew!: What if the judge doesn't like this style
  1405. footnite: The guy under me is GAY!! 👇
  1406. reese Weathers: fake I like ksi
  1407. Bleach: I bet this kid is a virgin
  1408. Stjohn Van Tichelen: He using fitz music
  1409. Kenny Doherty: - Judge: I’m a judge that believes in unusual punishment -The Eighth Amendment: The Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution states: “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.”
  1410. Cormac Wallace: The fuck happened to your nose
  1411. Wildo 48: Dumb shit, but good shit
  1412. renars zalitis: You should do more songs on this kinda beat
  1413. Sowski: Quadeca makes cringe good lmao
  1414. GAMERTHONES: ok...
  1415. Mayom Boomin: January 12, 2018, but he got his license in February lmao. Bruh this is gold.
  1416. mazvita selemani: He was speeding in February. "A couple of months after (he) got (his) license."
  1417. Wimpy Kid: Mayom Boomin he meant 12 Jan 2019
  1418. Vassilios Vogiatzis: You're a dumbass. He said he doesn't remember the date
  1419. Salty Needs: 6:45 is what you came for.
  1420. The best channel EVER: Salty Needs thanks
  1421. Sowski: here before i million view :D
  1422. MuseFX: It’s illegal to film from your device in a car aswell....
  1423. Gagi Ugrekhelidze: america's legal system is fucked
  1424. Lil Manxxy: Shit content💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩
  1425. Amir Dehghan: Honestly the song is kinda shit
  1426. Dwight Bamfield: No 1 mil special???? U let me down hard
  1427. gabs bs: you won anyways
  1428. Djdjdj Hilldjdjdjdjd: He thinks he’s logic
  1429. Krystian Kalek: Trash
  1430. lachelnfarhan: fireee 🔥🔥🔥
  1431. Audrey: This is a meme
  1432. Deep Shah: Omigosh woow3e
  1433. Kragoo: r/ThatHappend
  1434. Nahin Halder: So many others commented the same thing hahahaha
  1435. Gamerzflame: Wow
  1436. josh ford: keep going man keep making music. your getting better and better
  1437. Nahin Halder: I do not think that you should take this piece of music as a result of his music getting better; meh lyrics with autotune. No hate though
  1438. M_hdavies: I like how you sped it up when you overtake the bike
  1439. T.E.S_Tee: lol my guy said jan 12 2018
  1440. Ibrahim Osman: What is all this talk, animation and Hollywood music, where is the video or audio recordings? Fake news!:ccc
  1441. Nahin Halder: You talking bout the music part? The comment would make more sense if you were talking about the rest of video but the song
  1442. Nahin Halder: Yep there is no way this actually happened smh
  1443. Beck Petersen: Fuck you Quadece
  1444. Moose Moose: the subject of the song is random but its firee
  1445. Lucifer 666: Let's see KSI try this HAHAHA
  1446. Roberto Pittana: the song is kinda low key lit you know haha
  1447. Now That's A Wrap: 6:40 thank me later 😑😑
  1448. Akarsh Ranjan: hey I live in the North too and I deal with problems everyday
  1449. Young Baby: Nice song man and i hope everything goes ok and the jude likes the song
  1450. MajorLeagueGaming21: I tried rapping, they gave me additional charges..
  1451. IZZOTON Xi: MajorLeagueGaming21 lol
  1452. Demon Verzion: 😂 Maybe he only likes kpop
  1453. The only vegetarian: +Joanne Lovelock rapping*
  1454. Big Bob: LOL
  1455. Dot 62 Ghost: Joanne Lovelock hold on there fella
  1456. Toby H: Smart, smart guy
  1457. Ivan Wong: educational rap is the next big thing
  1458. Sayem Khan: The song is sh*t
  1459. Possess: fire.
  1460. CBA Walton: so we jus gonna pretend that the track didn't bang ;)
  1461. kyrie james: Nah we gonna acknowledge it as a mf masterpiece 😤🙏🏻
  1462. Last Name First Name: so cringe
  1463. wolfcreed games: The judge better fuck wit dis
  1464. Simon Olander: Well....that was bullshit
  1465. Larkish: well this is unique
  1466. Aqxffy Izzxni: React to Unforgivable ( KSI Disstrack ) by Dejo ! please ..
  1467. Lilian Ukaegbu: mary solomon lol I guess
  1468. mary solomon: +Lilian Ukaegbu like I died when I saw "dejo" lol everyone makes mistakes I guess
  1469. jahi richardson: The beef is dead
  1470. Lilian Ukaegbu: Aqxffy Izzxni *deji
  1471. Joe Mills: 100% bullshit
  1472. Wouter Nijhof: Fuck you judge fuck the government if ur reading this
  1473. very sophisticated: usually police officers just pull you over and give you a ticket but ok
  1474. Beck Petersen: He is so cool
  1475. Beck Petersen: He is not JK he deletes most comments. Plus he lost to ksi bc he can’t make one back and his a little salty girl
  1476. Josh Haveloch-Jones: Fake 😂😂 the fact u thnk ppl wud believe u shows how moronic u r
  1477. Exotic: Yo when's insecure going on Spotify??
  1478. Tuur G: Drive slow homie
  1479. Luca Ferroni: Sick editing bro
  1480. Get eKsited: 5:04 january 12 201*9*
  1481. Liam omg: Lit song!
  1482. Ahmed Faiz: if you want a sub DO A DISS IN KSI PlEaSe
  1483. Serisavior Gaming: Yondo!!!
  1484. Mustard-Sama: I was perplexed by the title a first, I thought it was the other one...
  1485. ksi olajidebt: Ksi made you
  1486. akshat karnani: The vid was sick but the chorus was kinda wack XD
  1487. Seif Plays: WHERE'S THE ARES COMEBACK?
  1488. Hellhound: Yeah you are getting the ticket. (ex d)
  1489. Kadeem Mckoy: This was ... HEEEEAAAAATTTTTTT 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  1490. Uday Saputra: Wait, can i be tracer
  1491. WAKANDA JR: Speeding, Knock it off Ticket, Knock it off Using Bikes, You better stop that
  1492. Jak Zeed: WAKANDA JR sup fellow chodester
  1493. Gang Wolf: Dude your awesome
  1494. Daniel Moysés: Its true, I was the car
  1495. Zeeman185 Velasquez: Now you boys better get to bed before I get dad
  1496. Crispy: Daniel Moysés wait brother I’m the exhaust your my brother
  1497. Priyanshu Dhawan: Ksi diss
  1498. Silaso: Stop speeding
  1499. גלי פרת: 3:29 sounded like a song for a second
  1500. toxic fang gang: +TOXIC WAVE I'm the leader
  1501. TOXIC WAVE: +toxic fang gang wow dawg I'm the TOXIC leader of that gang.
  1502. toxic fang gang: How
  1503. Dutch Van Der Linde: Better than any of JJs (ksi) songs
  1504. ARedArrow679920: Effortless But AMAZINGGG!!!!!!! Like if You Agree
  1505. Darx Manu: but dis in spotify
  1506. _ KIDMIX: LMAO dope rap dawg if only I can get out my problems like dis
  1507. Hardcore gamer: Gotta go fast to pass this biker up ahead Dont want him to be dead I made that up you like it?
  1508. Panashe Madz: Wishing you luck famo
  1509. Ladan: Wtf quadeca is the shit
  1510. Tyger Harrison: Better then ksi new track lol
  1511. Ray Ray: The song begins 6:39
  1512. Warlord_youtube: Nice..
  1513. Tigaxz98: Will it be out on Spotify? 😅
  1514. XxTSN xX: The song was hella FIRE 🔥 🔥🔥
  1515. Omar Atef Abbas El Shorbagy: the vid is 9:11 mins long ;-; soooooo 911 whats ur emergency or 9/11
  1516. Omar Atef Abbas El Shorbagy: +Ingunn Viken on my screen it is 9:11 MOM I NEED AN NEW PC
  1517. h.g Gamer: Wrong 9:12
  1518. Ingunn Viken: 9:12 Nice try
  1519. Rhythm Fever: the vid is 9:11 long i see what you did there
  1520. Bryan Rodriguez: It's actually 9:12
  1521. AUNTIE LEMON: Yeah you need to send that
  1522. Zachary Acton: This was better than KSI's diss track
  1523. reaper unknown osiris: Dax and quadaca it needs to happen
  1524. Roman McKown: At the beginning he made it look like he got arrested
  1525. Real Craig: But what if you get a speeding ticket for your rapping?
  1526. ProBot 204: Your every were
  1527. Tekashi 69: Cringey ass American kids
  1528. julia: Then Eminem has a lot of speeding tickets
  1529. Real Craig: Sad Crows hi brudda
  1530. Squarelens: That one got me lol Good one fam
  1531. Nate Davis: Also that speed limit is wack
  1532. zx Stenseng: 1.25 speed is best
  1533. Nate Davis: Look what they made you do 😂
  1534. introvert irl extrovert on internet: quite dissapointed there isnt gonna be a response to ares aha
  1535. MrNat916777: This is actually a great song, flow is sick! I hope it gets on Spotify, pls
  1536. Chazy East: When you don’t want to get shot
  1537. BTbroadbrand: Ik the guy who owns palace not that anyone cared
  1538. George Isaac: weird flex but ok
  1539. Michael Smart: Damn even little shit like this is fire bro can wait till u blow up
  1540. Nardo Gaming: Hope its accepted
  1541. bganio: Upload that on Spotify.
  1542. Frostie: Deadass when I was watching this vid a police fucking drove by me
  1543. Archie Norris: jheeeez you are so clever bro
  1544. Ohb Obi: That was better than KSI’s diss🤷🏽‍♂️
  1545. Amin Abdi: Do another diss track to ksi
  1546. Pranav pandey: This is bullshit.
  1547. Tamaki978: Baby face😂
  1548. sophie bridge: This is sick 😂😍
  1549. SkidishingAround: Congrats on 1.2 Mil Quad!
  1550. Flyer Billy: let us listen what u made for skippin prison lol
  1551. Spellz101: Damn lit video!
  1552. Richard Lewis: Speech lvl 100
  1553. VnceS: why is this actually heat
  1554. nesta wylde: They finna play this song in court for other speeders. 😂
  1555. Michael paul Peters: Dax and quad should do a song together
  1556. Ōetsu Nimaiya: The best song about safety that iss, maybe they'll play it to every speeder now lololol
  1557. נצח קפר: diss ksi 🙄
  1558. Stash PHL: Pussy ass bitch clickbait
  1559. semi: no ticket today!
  1560. [SCTR]TWIXY: only nibbas with gigantic shlongs can like this comment
  1561. Zim Hatake: 6:37 guys
  1562. MAX THE GOD says oh yea yea yea: He has a phobia of bikers
  1563. Lunax VII: Anyone skip to the end think wtf is this shit.
  1564. Roje Mckoy: No plz one more
  1565. Zim Hatake: anyone smells a fake content? nahh, I don't feel it right here
  1566. Casey Cooper: Video Length 9mins 11secs
  1567. Hussain Amerji: Soo have you mailed the L to KSI yet?
  1568. TRiNI -Contest Master: This definitely is white privilege he gets to go free after murdering someone? R.I.P KSI
  1569. dubs 09: That was so gooooodddd
  1570. Djllonstevens: No Doubt talented 🔥
  1571. Fabian Gomez: Mega gayyy
  1572. MAPLE Niir0: Who sub queadecca bcz of jj
  1573. Frazg Storm: This is like when you do something bad In school and the teacher tells you to write down on a piece of paper why you did it and why you are never gonna do it again
  1574. Sam B88: so response to ksi....?
  1575. Mikas Kristensen: May I ask why KSI is in the tags? Quad being hungry for views so he tags bigger creators..
  1576. Russo Italiano: Because he mentions him in the description answering if he will do another diss or not
  1577. Elke JAJA ELKE JA: Time: 9:11 HMMM Quadeca did 911?
  1578. Steven Baker: When Quadeca's song about his speed ticket is better than KSI's last song
  1579. Abishek: Whoever this Yondo guy is, repect. Peace.
  1580. Itzlavish TZ: back to old quadeca before diss track
  1581. Knox: The only rapper to make a song out of a speeding ticket
  1582. Shahbaz Khan: What a shit Video
  1583. Justin May Vlogs: "Cause Juvenile Traffic court, that's where all the craziest shit goes down." Lmao my brother....naaaaaa💣🔭
  1584. stg gaming: that’s a banger lowkey
  1585. dead zone: You legend
  1586. katie: This needs to be on spotify
  1587. God of Anime and Memes: Wasting the officer’s time
  1588. Liam Farrell: oooooohhh yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh *moaning noises* 💕 thicc daddy @ it again
  1589. Liam Farrell: ur is eight might noggin
  1590. Mark Crumbz: Nice faking
  1591. Arshin Sikka: Waiting for juvenile reaction and quadeca reacting to court reacting to biker diss track
  1592. Sheo: You should buy BMW and then passing every limit is just instantly justified. Confirmed and tried out in rural Poland, Europe 😅
  1593. Calmy: Sheo? od kiedy ty oglondasz quadecke?
  1594. All Ya dead: +Daniil Yurash It's polish not russian you opóźniać.
  1595. RhymezOfficial: I have a 1996 bmw M3 and I can confirm in all of Europe Including the U.K
  1596. Daniil Yurash: Señor Möth it’s cyka you bot
  1597. PlatinumChips: Yea lol but he has a Volkswagen so the rule kind of applies. Euro cars for life👌.
  1598. MTL 15: #DramaAlert 😂😂
  1599. Zack Ortiz: Quadeca makes me want to make beats and rap music at least for fun 🙂
  1600. KhOrganization: I laughed like shit when you said you were going 40 in a 25 🤣
  1601. Nikos: Fucking legend 😂👌💜🔥🔥
  1602. angel sosa: Still better then ksi's music
  1603. tom Ankiewicz: i wish we could see the judges reaction
  1604. Thanos Car: Damn weren’t you at 600k now ur at 1 mil.
  1605. LIMITLESS SHARING: America's driving laws are complicated, here in Romania you take the ticket, pay the money and your points will expire in time... if you want to take it to the judge is going to take years just for a ticket so you just pay and move on...
  1606. Joshua Basile: Lol January 12th is my mom's birthday
  1607. Levi Halperin: If Quadeca is your actual licence plate then you just doxed yourself
  1608. THESPIDERSQUID: I see,going down the fousey tube way...not the best desicion.
  1609. JackThaPRoRoblox: wow thats actually dope😁😂
  1610. TheOfficialAdnan: 6:39
  1611. FreePIZZA: Dam this shit was acc fire 🌡️🔥🔥🔥
  1612. Doopexy: that was actualy fire lmao
  1613. bxyw: Was watching videos on these types of judges today and to see another similar penalty happening to you, it seems like the justice system in the US is taking a turn for the better. I’m glad people in your country are finally looking out for one another and are proceeding to lead astray from traditional corrupt corporate greed.
  1614. Gaming Center: 6:39 Thanks Me Later
  1615. Jaydin Santos: Put this on iTunes
  1616. Corey Pillot: Fake asf 😂
  1617. abdulaziz alrawahi: If I were the judge, I’ll ask for another one.
  1618. dhaval dv: His style somewhat matches like Ricegum.
  1619. VIO: 40 is the speed limit? Here it’s 100.
  1620. Ryre: So did you get the ticket?
  1621. Y Beast: Only quadeca can make a speeding ticket over dramatic
  1622. Stephen x: This hella white privilege
  1623. Clayton Nagle: Damn, did home boi really just make a track to get off a ticket.
  1624. Dene Hollier: Fucking cyclists
  1625. Suprotim Karmakar: Its lit af The melody is fire <3
  1626. FaDeDwithaBigD: Still better than beerus
  1627. Randymash: 6:35 for the song. You're welcome.
  1628. Mariyah Rehmani: that last verso tho
  1629. Rohan Saha: 9:11 time.... police.....🧐
  1630. Ali Aladawi: 🔥🔥🔥heat
  1631. Wolf.: That Animal Crossing music though.
  1632. Jay Pine: Wait fr?
  1633. Mārrutks: January 12th, 2018. mhhhhh. :D
  1634. Techno Arafat: R.I.P
  1635. Saad Khan: you are a legend man
  1636. Aaobi: Quad, you're so freakin talented like your one of the only people can make this sound somewhat good. Your insane
  1637. GL 2 Timez: I’m almost at 20k and all I do is stream
  1638. Luke Erofeyeff: another way to get out of a speeding ticket is to not speed
  1639. Blue HunterXWY: Ur definitely crazy xD😂Free tickets🤣
  1640. Alfredo Woods: For a second I thought quadeca got his clout and dipped
  1641. Ayman Ibrahim: Are you not going to reply back to KSI???
  1642. Stop TV Happy timea: Ksi Eve Gay
  1643. Snip3r: 9.9 likes Get it to 10
  1644. anagh BG db: accidentaly makes a better song than all of Ksi's rap career
  1645. Soldier_75: Everyone STFU already the beef is OVERR it's deadddd.
  1646. Rap Lyrics Central: Guys it’s not supposed to have a good flow it’s to get him out of ticket he obviously didn’t spend that much time on it 😂😂😂
  1647. Zombiestriker bg: +hi kys ksi's bitch. You see i can do that too
  1648. Chriiah: Tre Does have u heard all of his songs?
  1649. Roxy The Wolf: Anagh BG db shut up you quadeca dickrider! I understand and see that it is an amazing song/ rap but it's not better than all of ksi's songs .. KYS you fucking queer
  1650. Generation Sigma: Lmao, the content desperation is real!...
  1651. Sweet's Family: Im here before Quadeca blows up alv :v
  1652. Thato Siyabonga Mthembu: Wannabe logic
  1653. summer friends: How about youre disstrack response to ksi disstrack on you
  1654. Goodie Boi: It is still better than Beerus...
  1655. toxic fang gang: No
  1656. God Of Destruction Lord Beerus: I wouldn't speak badly on a god
  1657. donkey 123: Goodwin J Sateesh and all of xxxtentacion’s trash songs😂😂😂
  1658. ahsanplayz: your are my favourate rapper
  1659. Aniket Mohanty: Big up yondu
  1660. Malthe Skak: If the judge is a KSI fan... . . . . . oh wait they don't exist anymore
  1661. your mom: Nah you just white privileged
  1662. Lewis Jackson: So fake coz it’s 2018😂
  1663. Mark Soto: Do we have an album date yet Quad... I'm in need more fire 🔥
  1664. Dankmemesfor thirstyteens: Use me as a straight fire button
  1665. Savi Aroush: Yo Whaaaaaat is he doing?
  1666. JDC: If I was the judge I would give you 100 dollars instead
  1667. 21 jump games: Hah the judge told me to watch the YouTube rewind...so I took the ticket instead 👌
  1668. PondaPlayz: I did the same thing, but now I'm broke and live in a box with my dead cat that just sleeps a lot and won't wake up. Totally worth it though
  1669. PondaPlayz: +SMS Mastr no u
  1670. Ñëţ Nıćøłë: Good choice
  1671. kastal: +Anas Bensiddiki ITS ACTUALLY GAVIN HAHAHA
  1672. Alex Rios: Would do the same
  1673. franek kaniewski: haha look how long the vid is :D
  1674. Jaiden dsouza: Lmao this shit better than ksi’s new song
  1675. Jose Abbott: Yo, this is low key deep af.
  1676. DroolingBalloon: Wheres the diss track?
  1677. Fff F: Every time he said ‘biker’ instead of cyclist I creased
  1678. Kelly x: A cyclist rides a bicycle, a biker drives a motorbike.
  1679. Sam Bortnick: Your comment made me cringe
  1680. Troll Handsome: Is that some British way of saying it? Cyclist
  1681. HunterAdam: Fff F Tbh never heard someone say cyclist
  1682. Pexe Lie: Lol
  1683. Worm: Its low key fire🔥🔥🔥🔥
  1684. AmberKade: This song is the kind of "safety" stuff they would show at school
  1685. troll: +Zeeshaan Risalat Since 16 year olds were able to get their liscense...
  1686. Jasmin breaking bad stranger things: +Zeeshaan Risalat your allowed to get your license when your 16
  1687. Zeeshaan Risalat: Since when did kids drive lol😂😂😂
  1688. Jasmin breaking bad stranger things: But better
  1689. caide malani: everyone gonna ignore that he said January 12th, 2018??
  1690. Julian AKA Windy: Bruhhh gahhh damn
  1691. II Warzone II: Make a video of judge reacts to song
  1692. Ayyoli: I really need to learn to slow down when driving I was going 60 in a 20 today (km not miles)
  1693. Morpher: He Gon sent to jail
  1694. josh williams: Lol that's actually hilarious and you made some good points in the song. I think he's gonna take the point off
  1695. Shelby 6666: I guess they dropped the speeding charge for speeding.... but I think they gonna charge you with grand arson because this is fire 🔥
  1696. Christian Lopez: This bitch went 20 over and his tickets was like 120 or whatever here in florida i went 18 over in a 45 and got a ticket for 450 wtf lmao
  1697. Dishant Visaria: January 12, 2019*******
  1698. Christian Lopez: Sounds about white ☝🏼
  1699. Kill shot 360 with a scope: Bro where’s the diss
  1700. BlameFulYew4542: I like how the video goes for 9:11 minutes XD
  1701. gramcrackerfam: ♥️🤩
  1702. FullMetal Atheist Gaming: Hahaha this is awesome
  1703. TRFUjc69 bruh: When is he going to respond to ksi
  1704. Insane Gaming: 😂 in my country we have no speed limits
  1705. IT'S ME VIK: We want ksi diss
  1706. da bawss: The moment you came for is 6:40 Like it to help others find it
  1707. da bawss: No problem guys
  1708. xCozmic: Thanks
  1709. Chéri: +Jonas Lund-Sørensen shut up
  1710. MLG Harlem: Thx
  1711. Jonas Lund-Sørensen: He needs to learn how to cut the crap
  1712. Zac Farrugia: Yooooooo that was absolute fire
  1713. Jeremy Uzoka: Damn this is lovely...
  1714. Hotdog: skills
  1715. Jonathan Garman: Better than Ksi’s diss track.
  1717. IsangBata GT: BOI The judge gonna give u life sentence for murdering ksi
  1718. Rhythmic Heights: Atleast he didn't call himself a god......like a few others
  1719. Ops Gaming: KSI says he’s like a god but quadeca literally destroyed him lmao
  1720. Colten Vanderpool: +Ruben Rodriguez Nah, just tired of the dumbasses. I haven't watched that sellout consistently since like 2015.
  1721. Ruben Rodriguez: @Colten Vanderpool sounds like someone's a DICKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK RIDERRRRRRRRRRRR
  1722. Uce Wayne: +Colten Vanderpool then stop riding his dick with no protection
  1723. Colten Vanderpool: +SHAMES Maddox No way in fuck that sell out is my idol 😂.
  1724. cops are dogs: The fucks with everyone begging for likes so badly nowadays
  1725. Lakshya Sharma: This guy is fucking Talented......
  1726. Prince Afro: My favorite line in his KSI disstrack was the bit about squidward...that shit went hard
  1727. Dablack Coins: I can relate because my grandma hit someone on a bike😂😂😂😂 he was fine
  1728. Hansnii Aukhjee: So good 👍👍
  1729. Rafael Flores: This is the type of gay shit that separates real rap artists and YouTube rappers like this guy. Smh
  1730. Nelson Rivas: Bro this shit was lit
  1731. christopher lu: Will you put insecure on Spotify
  1732. Fire Killer: This is much better then Berrus tbh like if u agree
  1733. Miguel Rodriguez: https://soundcloud.com/user-668236649-309514349/tragedy
  1734. Malaska :D: Of course the judge says you’re guilty. Why would you murder KSI?! HUH?! EVEN IF HE’S TRASH, LET HIM LEAVE, MAN!
  1735. Fire Killer: 6:45 here’s the rap Thank me later
  1736. Stew stew: Your a loser
  1737. Alyssa Stokely: Ayyye!😂🔥that was fire bro.🔥
  1738. Tanopano1: 6:08 THE COURT GOT IT WRONG LOLOL
  1739. Tanopano1: 5:03 he said january 12th 2018, but its supposed to be january 12th 2019 lol😂😂😂😂
  1740. INGA LIL: Best song I’ve heard from you tho haha😍
  1741. AZK 7: Next time u better hope the judge doesn't like ksi
  1742. Mbappe is over rated: You guys should realize that KSI is using the "god complex" claims as a figure of speech. Even two of his mates have said that he does it to piss people off. it seems to be working.
  1743. Zebra Gamer: Judge: you are accused for a murder Quadeca: say what? Judge: you murdered a man named JJ aka ksi Quadeca: say that again. Judge: you murdered a ma.... Quadeca: Logan Paul film this shit
  1744. D1M1T: 5:24 rocky!
  1745. Moda Hage: Quadeca NEVER PINS COMMENT😢
  1746. unhurt: Quadeca = Diss Cop KSI = Criminal on the run
  1747. JayDaniels: your a legend
  1748. Rifit Rashid: Shut up Ksi is beast
  1749. First Name Last Name: Aye he aint got no more baby face. What you gonna do now KSI?
  1750. First Name Last Name: +Rifit Rashid Nah Bro
  1751. Rifit Rashid: Ksi beast
  1752. Trap Gamer: Enjoy your fame buddy 👍🏼
  1753. Jamar: Sounds about white
  1754. AGENT X MAXIMILIANMUS ARMY: Just take the ticket and move on... What’s the point in making a 9 minute video over one ticket?
  1755. Diego Ortiz: That’s fire 🔥
  1757. Xhale D: U rap too fast so u were threatened with the ticket
  1758. Nicole Jessica: Aww, you remind me of my baby brother... This was good.
  1759. Knetter Time: It was really good as well
  1760. 2aa2: Trash
  1761. Kevin Stewart: That was actually fire
  1762. Gothicflyer7 28: When January 12 is your birthday 😂😂
  1763. just do et: you've been popping 🔥
  1764. 2aa2: lame AF just diss someone
  1765. Noah Carrillo: Honestly pretty good😂
  1766. tajima uchiha: ksi diss track
  1767. jaap ten dijk: I'm ngl, I'm not a big fan of the autotune choruses.
  1768. Ajay: Easily better than any song ksi has ever made
  1769. JacksonLoaf: Whytf is quadeca so good
  1770. TFS NitroAgent: Starts at 6:40
  1771. Maximilianmusttakeoveryt: Why you coming fast?
  1772. Drew Mitchell: Your in NorCal? Let’s burn one lol what part?
  1773. Archi Susngi: Why you gotta make such a big deal about getting a speed ticket
  1774. The Singularity: Better than any of dejis diss tracks
  1775. Yekendra Shrestha: this kid made me listen to rap songs again.
  1776. stuart leal: This song is actually fire
  1777. J S: Yo that was fire
  1778. SavageBlade: This ahouldve been a plot for a movie
  1779. SavageBlade: should've*
  1780. Bakir Izetbegović: Better than KSI's Ares
  1781. ActuL emil: Lol 😂
  1782. Krazy Lui: Am I trippin or does this sound like it was kind of an influence by Travis Scott
  1783. gpham 17: 6:44
  1784. Queen Versachi: I really like that song bro 🔥🔥
  1785. Joseph Crews: Man u got off only bc your WHITE
  1786. Taurus Izayah: 6:40
  1787. duncan: Hey judge, the song starts at 6:39.
  1788. Diego Garcia tenorio: A
  1789. Diego Garcia tenorio: 😂
  1790. cinnamontoastjr: +Rayth Slayer r/wooosh
  1791. Calloway Roof: Thank you brooooo
  1792. Te Rua Flavell: too bad the greater majority of people eat up the whack rap shit cos this is really cool mate! Very creative mind!
  1793. Imran: damn. this shit slaps
  1794. неLLо шоrlб: if youtubers can just make apology videos as good as this, right laura lee?
  1795. Victor Tejada: Just wondering when is the next KSU dis track coming out or is there not gonna be another one
  1796. Chaddy300: Although I’m a kid, everybody makes mistakes.. in a car, lmao.
  1797. Krispy K: Our court system is a fucking joke😂
  1798. Casper21: Fake
  1799. ImBiracial: Your singing and use of auto tune is getting a lot better
  1800. Nikitys: Jj made your youtube channel😂
  1801. Slender Slayer 96: Make another KSI disstrack!
  1802. Colten Vanderpool: Why? He already won
  1803. King Mo: No one cares about ur fake vids
  1804. SmartSmith: I swear to god, the disses you're going to hear about you are gonna have this story in it.
  1805. Serthon _: 6:38 thank me now
  1806. CAM N MAL: j cole vibes anyone?
  1807. tortellini fettachini: This isn't true, if it was the judge would be fired
  1808. Neel Patil: Quadeca and Dax will blow up in 2019, they should make a song together
  1809. Ravan: Gotta slow down in bed :(
  1810. Dylan Vip: Damn Quadeca hit every flow and cadence. Gotta get on that judge's good side.
  1811. sonictonic: LOL this is amazing. Also, I loved the Animal Crossing background music during the story part! :D
  1812. Thanos: The “got to slow down” bit killed me😂
  1813. TTV.Kenmpower: Sub to me I will do the same back
  1814. Formidable Individual: For every like I get, I will not yank it for a day. :)
  1815. Kasih Playzroblox: "I don't know the actual date" me: 😂😂😂😂😂
  1816. TimmyTimTim 321: But where is the KSI Dias track :(((
  1817. oh oh oh oh yeah yeah yeah: hi my name is ksi Dias.
  1818. Oliver Miles-Fine: Jan 12 my bday lets go
  1819. Fuzy_Box: The auto tune needs to go Dooowwwwnnn
  1820. Dre Wilkinson: We had the same judge at the same place lmao
  1821. Handsome Thanos: Jan 12th 2018? You hella late boy.
  1822. nicole _: if the limit never approaches anything, the limit does not exist
  1823. Colten Vanderpool: Your actually incorrect
  1824. Dre Wilkinson: Fuck San Mateo juvenile traffic court I wore a full suit and this judge named grotz or some shit was a dick and he asked hella weird and annoying questions
  1825. Dallas Brillhart: Bro he got me I thought it was gonna turn out to actually be clickbait then he showed us the paper
  1826. Shake: Bro KSI has made 2 music videos named after gods soon after u accused him of having a god complex, coincidence I THINK NOT
  1827. ッFIR3FLAME: Why is the song actually 💥💥
  1828. Frokeh Frosch: lol
  1829. 1,000,000 subscribers challange With no videos: XXL take this kid put him in the same group as Cordae... lit bitchess
  1830. WI YGO: Why is this actually good???😂 it’s something so weird and out of the blue and quad just kills it. Keep it up boy
  1831. IamAliGamer - علي قيمر: Loved the song, brother! 😍👌🏼
  1832. Kapten Jan: Cant even pay your speeding ticket? You sad... just stop
  1833. Jere Seilo: Haha you need to eat dick!
  1834. Yousef Gaming: Fire🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  1835. Arvind K: Whenever they say it's a 100% real, it's not. XD
  1836. Kaesura Jobsz: OMG this guy is amazing at everything I wish I could rap like him Amazing,I would actually listen to this on Spotify
  1837. 0 Subscribers With No Videos ?: Honestly, this was crap, and white boi can't rap :/ The hand gestures made him just look drunk, and the auto tune note cut voice thing definitely didn't help either. Also, I don't think you go to court for a speeding ticket
  1838. Daven Mattacola: Ay nor cal gang let's go west side till we die
  1839. Cameron Williams: Why nowwwwwww he said February HOLY that’s early
  1840. innocento sisto: Mahhn! You said it alright. White privilege at it’s finest frss 🤣🤣💀
  1841. URTinyIndian: I know man it is so white privilege not even funny smh
  1842. Views: I'm telling on you
  1843. Mutanity: How is this not #1 on trending?
  1844. Faze Qutip: Yeah YouTube is broken
  1845. Jasmin breaking bad stranger things: Cause YouTube broken.
  1846. my friend: Bruh from a fucking ticket😭 🔥
  1847. my friend: 😭🔥🔥
  1848. Eddy Manzano-Pineda: anyone else thought he said baker instead of biker?
  1849. Haseeb Ahmed: 7:44 lit Flow 🔥🔥🔥🎆
  1850. the ONYX: Don't act like you don't know ksi dropped diss track on you. Kill him again
  1851. I am dumb and Juan Lopez: Beerus wasn't a diss track I don't think.
  1852. av iator smith: I just want to see a comment from the Judge
  1853. Tommy Weltchek: Shoutout Yondo. Best beats on YouTube I’ve been subscribed to Yondo forever.
  1854. Bojangles Swarovski: can i just have a long conversation with you. i feel like i would learn so much. dope shit man.
  1855. ExtremeBeast360: This was ass and cringy asf
  1856. MrPcanfly: I am black and this didn't work.
  1857. Lilian Ukaegbu: URTinyIndian lmao 😭
  1858. URTinyIndian: I am indian and we have boats so this is never an issue for us
  1859. Amogh Patil: :)))
  1860. Jack Joseph: Atherton cops are assholes
  1861. Dominic Earney: this shit actually had heat
  1862. Fortnite Overdose: Damn quad u really killed it.
  1863. rittick xd: React to Unforgiving by Deji
  1864. Craven: this is honestly jokes
  1865. Jazziel Chavez: This lit
  1866. Slovae Loaded: Wait wait wait...Wheres the 100 styles of Rap?????
  1867. Luis Cruz: All these subs came from ksi 🤣
  1868. SirReplay: So when’s KSI 2nd death ?
  1869. Vivek Manoj: This is so cringy 😂
  1870. Its Treasure: I live in the Netherlands and litteraly everyone has 1 or more bikes and almost all kids go to school on their bike. Rip quadeca in the Netherlands😂 he would be scared for life
  1871. iPhantom: You know dis shiz real when the video isn’t stretched to 10 minutes.
  1872. Joma Ipio: Boring... Just make diss track to every youtubers
  1873. Michael Decker: You have the most talent ive seen in someone so young.
  1874. Can we get 100 subscribers from comments Alone: Only way to solve this *diss the policeman*
  1875. JK B: Can you add that to your Spotify? Plz and Can u reply when you add it
  1876. The Galaxy Gamer: HERE IS HOW TO BE QUADECA 1. Make ryming lines 2. Swing you head left right and up every 3 seconds
  1879. ghost 75214: Waiit no 2nd dis on ksi whaaaaaaatttt 😞🤔
  1880. Colten Vanderpool: Why would he need to? He already won
  1881. Liam Aldous: That was the best song I’ve ever heard
  1882. Panda iOS: Damn, that was horrible
  1883. Qqq: 2:16 Da fuq is wrong with his nose
  1884. Austin Toland: Dang, Quadeca was in Oceanside
  1885. Beastyツ.: Cringey but low key 🔥
  1886. ChunDoi.Tv/Twitch: Is this a diss track for the judge 🔥😝
  1887. Yuhboidaniel YT: Woh
  1888. Lucas Dupuy: not a g anymore
  1889. The Naughty Gamer Dan: I went 70 on a 30
  1890. Jorge Zambrano: Aré you stupid
  1891. Donavon Wichman: Flow switches are nuts
  1892. NovaVortexx: Anyone know the name of the hoodie he was wearing during the rap
  1893. Baromachine: I k I ki I kin I kind I kind o I kind of I kind of r I kind of re I kind of reg I kind of regr I kind of regre I kind of regret I kind of regret w I kind of regret wr I kind of regret wri I kind of regret writ I kind of regret writi I kind of regret writin I kind of regret writing I kind of regret writing t I kind of regret writing th I kind of regret writing thi I kind of regret writing this I kind of regret writing this, b I kind of regret writing this, bu I kind of regret writing this, but I kind of regret writing this, but I I kind of regret writing this, but I h I kind of regret writing this, but I ho I kind of regret writing this, but I hop I kind of regret writing this, but I hope I kind of regret writing this, but I hope I I kind of regret writing this, but I hope it I kind of regret writing this, but I hope it w I kind of regret writing this, but I hope it wa I kind of regret writing this, but I hope it was I kind of regret writing this, but I hope it was w I kind of regret writing this, but I hope it was wo I kind of regret writing this, but I hope it was wor I kind of regret writing this, but I hope it was wort I kind of regret writing this, but I hope it was worth I kind of regret writing this, but I hope it was worth I I kind of regret writing this, but I hope it was worth it. I kind of regret writing this, but I hope it was worth it. C I kind of regret writing this, but I hope it was worth it. Co I kind of regret writing this, but I hope it was worth it. Cou I kind of regret writing this, but I hope it was worth it. Coul I kind of regret writing this, but I hope it was worth it. Could I kind of regret writing this, but I hope it was worth it. Could t I kind of regret writing this, but I hope it was worth it. Could th I kind of regret writing this, but I hope it was worth it. Could thi I kind of regret writing this, but I hope it was worth it. Could this I kind of regret writing this, but I hope it was worth it. Could this c I kind of regret writing this, but I hope it was worth it. Could this co I kind of regret writing this, but I hope it was worth it. Could this com I kind of regret writing this, but I hope it was worth it. Could this comm I kind of regret writing this, but I hope it was worth it. 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  1894. kittycatplayz gacha: 1/12 is my birthday :)))
  1895. Blazin Ronin: After this put oil
  1896. Nauxyy: get rekt m8
  1897. Clash TV: Fire rap
  1898. MTRX.5.2: I loved this video nice job
  1899. Yanuel Alvarez: Damn how do u spit so much bars on a speeding ticket 🤩🤩🤯🤯🤯
  1900. Princess K: Every time I hear the Animal Crossing music in your videos it makes me so happy 😂😂 Lmao this is too funny! What a great system. I'm pretty sure that alternative penalties have been shown to have really positive effects on communities, so I'm glad you happened to get a judge who believes in that. There's definitely privilege involved in the court system but that's on a systemic level, not really an individual one, unless that judge has been shown to be less lenient to young black/Native/Latino kids, which probably isn't the case if he's the type of awesome judge to use alternative tasks to reduce recidivism and to try to give kids the chance to make it right rather than just slapping a fine on their parents. (Why black, Native, and Latino? Because those races on average experience more discrimination and more severe penalties when it comes to the criminal justice & judiciary systems.) Good luck with the ticket! I hope the judge appreciates your song.
  1901. Rohit Gupta: where's the disstracckkkkkkk
  1902. Monkey Man: Judge : What do you want to study? Me : Porn Judge : Get that ass over here
  1903. Cypher: This is actually lit⚡
  1904. Eli Saghbini: Acc a banger 🔥
  1905. MS Hussain: Your judge must have been Judge Di Caprio.
  1906. Trondkyrre Norheim: the video is 9:11 minutes long well then!!
  1907. travis curry: 9:11 HHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMM 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
  1908. Don Reynolds: Lmao this is funny as hell good job man can't wait for the new music and tracks coming with dax soon...?
  1909. pointedSTONES: Holy shit January 12 is my birthday
  1910. Yearn: January 12th is my birthday 😂
  1911. TCA Aloks: Can you do KSi diss tracks
  1912. Chimmy Love: Wow this song is so good
  1913. Jordan B: The dislikes are all the bikers.
  1914. Speedy: If the judge don’t like it then well guess your dead
  1915. Mr.G3n3: that was pretty lit!!!
  1916. Samuel Feliciano: Now the judge has got to like this
  1917. Joudy Joudy: we want ksi diss dude
  1918. Lewis Clark: Complete trash 😂
  1919. Zoom Gamer: Damn bro this shit fireee
  1920. RedBeryl 81: They do this...
  1921. Anjali K.: Omg you are so talented and need to start making actual music! I would LISTEN TO IT!! Not just me haha, many many other people too! You could grow up to be a star youtuber and rapper in the future, REALLY KEEP GRINDING!
  1922. Shadow: You know its legit when the video ends in 9:11.
  1923. Willow Tufts: Yo y’all get those dislikes out of here. This is fire
  1924. Bosshunter 27: Yo why was that so fire🔥
  1925. crazyjs2131: Creative!!!
  1926. Daniel Arthur: Fake
  1927. IIRisenStarII: Wi-Fi crashed mid verse
  1928. NoVa Aaran: Cool
  1929. Slick Kicks: U funny as hell bru 🥶😂 god damnit quadeca
  1930. Jason: Ksi needs to slow down and stay in his lane 😂
  1931. aadu skurfskerf: Lmao
  1932. Chris- fbp72: I should slow down 🤔🤔🤔🤔 -noted-
  1933. adrifts: hit or miss, sharon took the fucking kids huh, you got a boyfriend but i wanna be *tRaCEr*
  1934. Nathan Stuck: Where do you think is the most dangerous place in the world? *former inmate* : Atlanta maximum security prison *gang member* : the streets of the hood *quadeca* : JUVENILE TRAFFIC COURT
  1935. JJL 250: Pisquila 99 it was a joke retard
  1936. Nathan Stuck: Pisquila 99 no it’s just funny how he said the realest crap went down there 😂
  1937. Pisquila 99: Nathan Stuck What? That should be "The most dangerous placs you HAVE BEEN" Are we complaining about he being in a good position now?
  1938. Jackson Wasylk: As a State Champion cyclist this makes me very happy that road safety was actually a theme in your song! BANGER!!! While I have y’alls attention TRY GETTING OUT AND RACING BIKES it’s one of the most fun and healthy things you can do with your time. Have a great day!
  1939. Mercury: this guy was getting excited about an essay wtf
  1940. Clark Griffin: no cruel or unusual punishments........ this bitch shouldn't have a job
  1941. enrique manjarrez: Now I actually kind of maybe sorta wanna slow down ... lit song.
  1942. Stoopa: Not even the diss back smh
  1943. LibetMalik: I love Quadeca not only because he’s a raw ass rapper but because he’s so authentic on camera and just himself. 😀👍
  1944. Joey: JJ I'm so sorry your angry Hairline so fuck up Your barber is............... Read more
  1945. Dominic Carter: Someone hit 1mil
  1946. Strizk: We like it but I don't think the judge won't like sorry :/
  1947. Hello Hello: Fake
  1948. Milevskyi: *gets a ticket for copyrighted music*
  1949. purple_loe: This actually pretty good lol
  1950. Varun Upadhyay: The judge got bars😂
  1951. Chris Haydon: There is no way the judge hates this lol
  1952. Alex tillery: I watched video on the judge that comes up with these crazy punishments this shit was pretty crazy.
  1953. Alex Hodgins: Actually heat for being about passing a biker
  1954. Cancer Stick: 🔥?
  1955. CraZmexican: where’s the ksi diss pt2?
  1956. Wunder Bread: I wanted a second disstrack. It feels like you were gonna drop one because you hadn’t posted in awhile
  1957. Blaze Baller: Anyone else keep replaying?
  1958. Ceejhay Wews: 6:38
  1959. Wunder Bread: I wanted a second disstrack. It feels like you were gonna drop one because you hadn’t posted in awhile
  1960. kimis314: i thought this said raping to get out of a speed ticket... i still clicked the video
  1961. Swager Jager: You should call out other youtubers to make a song about the exact same thing and try and beat your song
  1962. BANG BULLET: Dat was lit bro 🔥🔥🔥🔥
  1963. NinjaGamer 443: Ok budddy!
  1964. Cryptic: Quad you gotta put this on Spotify my man
  1965. The Memerz: Who else subbed from his diss on KSI
  1966. Jasmin breaking bad stranger things: Been here since his feature on jmx last year
  1967. MaximimilusLEVEL5000: Cringe bro
  1968. rahman ansari: Does anybody know the font at 6:38 ?
  1969. JnD Outdoors: Reminds me of G Eazy
  1970. Clarky 123456: 6:38
  1971. Leciere: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  1972. Rickshaw Sexy Back AFK: I just wanted to share that it took me half the music video to realize the cars are going in reverse. lol
  1973. KrewGamez: The real question is... Did you pass your test?
  1974. Lucas Matthews: January 12th? My brithday in January 11th yeet!
  1975. Nimskiedoo: Your Ksi disstrack is better
  1976. JustHaxn: bro wtf this is crazy firr
  1977. Married to the moneyy: Last 3 lines were bars
  1978. Pratik Patil: Free my nigga quadeca he dindu nuffin
  1979. Anonymous 0: That shit is fire
  1980. Jordon Schwann: Legal Bangers!! This is the Christian channel type music I was waiting for 😇😇
  1981. I liek egg: There was a police siren sound when you talked about the juvenile court stuff COINCIDENCE?! I think not!
  1982. Hyper Dhindsa: At At least you hit 1 mil before your channel died.
  1983. onetruboi オネトルボイ: That shit seems like it ain't just about the biker incident, but that's just me I guess
  1984. Jason Espinoza: White privilege
  1985. Isaac: lol the vids 9:11
  1986. Nebulah: bangerr
  1987. Kaden V: The songs catchy
  1988. Fizzydwarf: 2:15 = Me at every story time video
  1989. Chicken Man: I may have missed my test but I had a lesson 🔥🔥
  1990. Andre Aviles: such a banger
  1991. yaboiraviolii: "The Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution states: “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.” " nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted." this judge is illegal lol
  1992. Bryan Ramirez: Fuck bikers (its a joke)
  1993. Ryan Ellis: Judge better subscribe
  1994. Batdeeran 24: 6:35 those that just want to listen to the song
  1995. Alexis’ shame death's destuction: Thanks
  1996. M1kenobi FIFA 15: Bro PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PUT THIS ON SPOTIFY!! Run me my likes.
  1997. TGK BRIAN: RIP
  1998. Aero Loww: Young Sinatra vibes
  1999. Forgotten Archives: Ksi is your master
  2000. Umm yeah: Only quadeca could have us vibing to a song about safe driving 🔥
  2001. ZdloraH Kurosaki: Tekashi69 be like: Rapping to get out of jail
  2002. liam cislo: Where were his parents during all of this🧐
  2003. Pearce _: Good song duuuude 🔥🔥🔥
  2004. I am not Nick: if you sub to me I will sub to you plz support me!
  2005. jlock: So why didn’t 6ix 9ine rap to get out of jail?
  2006. Oreo Likes to Draw: cause he's trash so they just gave him more years XD
  2007. SHAMES Maddox: jlock he did try but his. Music was so trash he got more time
  2008. Ibino: Faxx
  2009. Iced_Eagle: Because he is Stoopid
  2010. FB I: Cause WE GOT HIM
  2011. Toad siphen: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  2012. Justice Hartford: Traffic ticket song>Beerus😬😬
  2013. dollans xxxforever: first time watching other then diss track and reaction to ksi so um yeah ur freaking funny like um yeah new favorite utuber.😂
  2014. Ace VII: Way better than JJ's new God complex song😂😂😂
  2015. SHAMES Maddox: Colten Vanderpool their dissing right now retard he was saying how much better quad is You ignorant fucker
  2016. Weechester 101: hi 😂
  2017. mazvita selemani: +Solido KILLS search what god complex means. That is the definition of KSI.
  2018. Ye fokin wot mai?: +Solido KILLS lmao he trash either way
  2019. Soulja Flame: yes but he keeps using it as a flex, he raps about nothing else+Solido KILLS
  2020. Breno: Auto tune is gay
  2021. STRIK3R 300: Man good vid but i cant stand the auto tune
  2022. VexT Tensionz: The date passed
  2023. Gmode Gameing: Song plays 6:38
  2024. Jordan Fuller: It’s because ur white
  2025. cjdagamer: Where at in NorCal do u live
  2026. inversa: If he doesn’t like this. Fucking make a diss on him
  2027. Marissa White: KSI DESERVES MORE FIRE... we’ll .. his family already did.
  2028. Marissa White: YOUR BETTER THAN THIS
  2029. Marissa White: NO DISS TRACK?!
  2030. orlando alcaras: ksi gave him clout
  2031. WeezyFire: song sounded like it belonged on an album
  2032. Knox: Is that yondo beats
  2033. Marissa White: KSI paid him not to rap.
  2034. Marissa White: Why aren’t you doing a diss track?
  2035. Yung Tylenol: 500k in 30 mins...
  2036. Mattt P: 🤢🤮
  2037. KDG Productions: Lol January 12th is my birthday
  2038. Lil G: You should diss a rapper then when he respond be a rapper
  2039. Pokémon Unpacker: KSi diss track 2 do it already
  2040. TempTrck: Relax, you make adisstrack on ksi now you think u're a rap god
  2041. Tina fashion: Maybe the judge is reading the comments, so please don’t give him a ticket 🙏🤗
  2042. 10000 subs with no vids: " YOU WON'T, NO BALLS"
  2043. TheFlashSage _: This joint was 🔥!!!!!!!!!
  2044. Zachary McClain: Your rapping is so awful. Just quit. Nobody can understand your daffy duck sounding ass.
  2045. Ebrahim T: Is this on Spotify?
  2046. Phlatt: I was about to get a ticket but the officer said if I subscribed to his YouTube I was free to go 😂😂😂
  2047. yo_itzkiki: man. even this is pure fire, AND IT'S ABOUT A FRICKIN CAR GOING PAST THE SPEED LIMIT.
  2048. Caleb Coleman: Brooo January 12th is my birthday!
  2049. Dax: Hahaha I seee you boi. Way to make something out of a speeding ticket lololololol
  2050. Elite_ FX: ky
  2051. Sammer Hammers: Dax x
  2052. snipericecream1 snipericecream1: Dax i love u man the number one artist ur also sick man
  2053. Pumpkin Kid: Dax best rapper in the game u are
  2054. Timmy Piper: i love you dax
  2055. Griffin: i live in nor cal too, where u at?
  2056. Loplopk: Even though he said he lives in norcal the video at 8:17 is skyhaven lane which is in carlsbad so idk
  2057. SAM: This guy was relevant for like a week tbh, he didn’t end anyone but himself🤣
  2058. Donjeta Ajvazi: Only quadeca can make a song about safe driving a banger Lmaoo
  2059. eVg Woat: Lowkey the littest song about something so stupid haha
  2060. Mike Adano: WTF?! Is this some sorta joke?
  2061. Toxsity: This is fucking heat 🔥🔥
  2062. Zach tragic: Low key that was flame lil brother.
  2063. 1k subs without videos challenge: Ladies and gentlemen we gottem
  2064. The Crazy Guy: the video is 911 long. what a coincidence
  2065. The Crazy Guy: ben .zetuni lol
  2066. ben .zetuni: finally someone noticed
  2067. Kenny German: Officer: Do you know how fast u we’re going? Me: You know officer you same very stressed, how was your day. Officer: She... she took the kids. Me: I’m sorry. Officer: It’s ok Me: Plenty more fish in the sea. Officer: I needed that. Officer: know have a great day sir.
  2068. Despacidont -: Clickbait
  2069. Jonah Kapoor: How tf did you manage to make a song about not speeding go hard af
  2070. Phoenix Fire: Thats good shit 🤙🏻
  2071. Arrow Okami: Low key fire
  2072. sourodeep ghosh: Damm
  2073. Raygun Uremovich: hi key fire
  2074. Hannah p: wtf why is that actually a banger
  2075. yerr mum big gay: Every like and i will do -NOTHING-
  2077. Thomas Grube: Its time for court I caught
  2078. Thomas Grube: You
  2079. Mike Bucket: Are you going to clap back at KSI or nah?
  2080. Chave Beats: January 12 my bday🤦🏼‍♂️
  2081. Van: Sooo when you going to drop the diss track on KSI?
  2082. Preston Meeker: We’ve all done it
  2083. DeplioS: Length of the vid is 9:11
  2084. MsRyfg: H
  2085. Coreytheawesome: Probably made that shit in like 15 minutes and it’s a banger
  2086. So Pigmented: *BARS* 🔥🔥
  2087. Rnb: Quedeca got fucking talent
  2088. Yeet 67: Nah you’re good white privilege is a myth
  2089. Im Matty: 6:40 😉
  2090. Sleeping Moses: Lmaooo thought he was gonna rap to a cop in his car 😂. But the song was dope🔥
  2091. DanksFoSHo: How was this better that any of KSI garbage?
  2092. Xela Gunvalson: Nice work
  2093. raman gupta: Wb ksi
  2094. Ralph Warlie Cajes: PLS PUT THE KSI DISS ON SPOTIFY
  2095. ZayUpNext: for every like i will fuck my cat
  2096. Jukinj94: Now do the social experiment with a black guy rapping his way out of a speeding ticket.
  2097. Jeffrey Concepcion: Yooo I love the fucking song u made. I enjoyed it cause i got to hear you sing just a little bit please make more like this. It's amazing to my ears. 🔥🔥🔥
  2098. The True Goob: Kinda cheesy
  2099. Epic Gameplay: Ksi made you. Go such his dick
  2100. Dann - LimitlessAU: bro... this is the best song of 2018.no bullshit ahah
  2101. Kate Marie: January 12th is my birthday🤣🤪
  2102. Thatcher _: Was going say it's cringe but I started bobbing my head like, shit
  2103. Branden Russell: Please for the love of god take out the auto tuning on the “slow downnnn” and just any fucking bits with auto tune like it’s cringy asf to watch everything else was brilliant lad keeep it that way no auto tune ffs
  2104. Eugene Hetler: The take away from this is everybody has a whore story about some biker.
  2105. Sara Goop: that was bomb, can u put that on spotify or sum?
  2106. Lucass —: Speeding to make a YT vid Damn u a real one
  2107. PaniYukio: January 12th 2018 is ages ago....
  2108. All Diligence: Dude makes a bop over a speed ticket lol
  2109. King Maddog: Lol kinda lit
  2110. Thanos Toy: Girls go to Jupiter to get more stupider Boys go to Saturn to get me fatter Niggas go to mars because...they’re behind bars
  2111. JFV NATION: But u still ain't responded to just kryptic smh ur sad
  2112. zayb: 4:52 ain't nothing usual about me say ain't nothing usual love that song quad
  2113. LeWarEnds: Make diss track on the judge
  2114. Dxddy x: Song/rap starts at 6:36 , but if you wanna watch the intro it stars at 0:00 :)
  2115. BLACKOUT SARGENT: this is lit but cut a lil bit off the auto tune
  2116. The Almighty Zugs: That court room is going to be lit.
  2117. Hello hi: did anyone else realize that the vid was 9:11
  2118. Slim ps: Ain’t nothin usual bout me
  2119. dark star: Make a disstrack on youtube rewind
  2120. Parker: The clickbait
  2121. Derek Hilden: video length is 9:11 lol
  2122. Donny Pooh: I go 69 inna a school zone
  2123. SuperCreativeUsername: Make a diss track on yourself. KSI couldn’t do it so finish the job
  2124. Bruh That's Sam: Legend has it, the judge was actually a lyric thief
  2125. Marshall Kaniff: 3:37 reminds me of Fitz's CSGO
  2126. King.Andy: Send judge this song in 1.25 speed it’s way better
  2127. Elite Ethan: Your nose is a fucking ski slope wtf
  2128. anksi here: this is insane, damnn 🔥🔥🔥🔥
  2129. Ayden Simpson: Length of this video is fucked up man... too soon.
  2130. MARIRS Gaming: Last few lines were honestly so fire, whole thing was, but the last few in specific were just nasty
  2131. Osama BinLaden: I got out of a speeding ticket the same way except minus an P 😎
  2132. Darian Nasirzadeh: That was high key fireee
  2133. Prince_Taryn: Classic Quadeca
  2134. YTW Productions: The autotune is shit but the song is lit
  2135. Taara P: Wow amazing 😂
  2136. Justin Lay: This shit cringe
  2137. DoctorJinks: Fire 🔥
  2138. lo key: next video should be " being white to avoid jail time" 💀
  2139. itz toge: All of quadecas songs are pure 🔥🔥🔥🔥
  2140. Skilledllex IOS: Lit 🔥
  2141. Madilynn War: Perfect ❤️
  2142. Just Guz: That’s lit wtf
  2143. TVBroFalcon: Best YouTube rapper
  2144. Marc Vinyls: This is heat man. Shoutout to my few fans putting me onto you. Keep doing you. Much love -MV
  2145. Manchester United: The MARC VINYLS??? HOLY SHITTT
  2146. MVP_Quad: Youtube isn’t meant for love notes
  2147. Prod. Subcynical: did you just fucking sign a youtube comment? smh
  2148. DoggyZ: Clever advertising..
  2149. THMC besbosever: Beat that case
  2150. Skilledllex IOS: This happened on February and the judge told make a song on January 12th 2018 wtf lmaoo
  2151. D_vvv_ey: I’m laughing so hard
  2152. zT Pulse: So you just going to take that L
  2153. Dalilaya Jukiz: Judge: make song Quadeca:I'll take the ticket Ksi:cuz he can't rap Quadeca:new diss track Judge:BEN you are going to jail Ksi:died on December 16th 2018
  2154. Dalilaya Jukiz: +Skarro bye
  2155. Skarro: Dalilaya Jukiz oh. I don’t have anything to correct you with this time. Good Job. Okay goodbye 👍🏾✌🏾
  2156. Dalilaya Jukiz: +Skarro ok we are done here bye have a nice life👋🙂
  2157. Skarro: Dalilaya Jukiz first of all, I apologize for not knowing him before his diss track, he wasn’t even that popular. Second, Why did you even say quadeca if u knew his name was ben? Third, Your grammar on this “coment” isn’t any better than the last one. Coment = Comment* Where = Were* Wow you really need help...
  2158. Dalilaya Jukiz: +Skarro see here mister smart ass I don't like and how is you to give me a vocab lesson and if you were a real fan his name is Ben sooooo that how is fucking BEN so you happy we have a fucking vocab teacher over here need help with spelling come to this comment hope you become a teacher congrats 👏
  2159. Michael Anderz: I dig it
  2160. Tanner Diehl: FIRE!
  2161. Kevin Santiago: The song in 0.75x is dope🔥🔥
  2162. Gabriel Johnson: Bro where is the dis track to KSI. (2)
  2163. Skilledllex IOS: Thank the bus *DRIVER*
  2164. Michael Robles: What’s this best?
  2165. Aggy T: Lowkey cringey
  2166. AJPRules: 🔥🔥🔥
  2167. King Josh: Quadeca JustKryptic dissed u kill him!!!
  2168. JR music: Yo why is it fire ahah😂 you crazy bro
  2169. secluder: Are you running away from the beat...cause this is terrible
  2170. My penis is unbelievably small But,: “Your riding waves can’t get out of the water”
  2171. Denette Larson: The new emnim
  2172. Red A: the court is gonna be on fire so you are not free my boi
  2173. Rankus Music: NWA: Fuck tha police! Quadeca: Speeding is bad...
  2174. Asish Mehts: Can someone explain why the dislikes ?
  2175. Atom Pulse: Yo, song: Dope or Nope?
  2176. Phsyc Delayzz: you are good just lay off the autotune you using to much when u sing and shit
  2177. xxxtentacion lloll: I read it fast and I thought it said something else
  2178. connor2811: this sounded more like J. Cole rather than drake or kanye but it was dope none the less
  2179. Андон Петровски: Lol Kids today believe anything they see. How dumb can you kids be to actually believe this? XD
  2180. ngu archer: I love your editing 👍
  2181. HeyItsSoar: What... You are so talented... more than 90% of the artists out there can't even compete with your song about slowing down and TURNING DOWN THE HEAT. You are insane my boy.
  2182. Masify: January 12th 2018?
  2183. IXMXM: Fucked up the whole song with the autotune singing
  2184. avcat1 _: "Maybe I shouldn't curse" Continues to curse😂
  2185. Miketherager: rukman sidhu you shut the fuck up dumbass NEEK I bet your a stickman in real life so shut the fuck up roxy 2.0 get a life pussy ass bitch
  2186. avcat1 _: +Miketherager k.
  2187. rukman sidhu: Stfu
  2188. Miketherager: Avary W the first comment without comments with a lot of likes not including my comment
  2189. Keyoni Reid: The Intro Reminds Me of theStart Of No Deal
  2190. herish karan: He said February at first then he said January hmmm is it fake 😂
  2191. Gabe Bergh: When the judge gives you a year for murder when they listen to ksi's diss lol
  2192. That 1 Giraffe: Sick vid bro
  2193. Gordon Humer: Hey quedeca , i heard you say you live in nocal. I was wondering if youre in the bay area
  2194. Owen Lynott: I dont believe the cyclist was goin 25mph tbh you could of passed him going 25 or 30 mph or kph in USA
  2195. HK x Flex: "January 12 2018"😂😂
  2196. Default Skin: only nibbas with gigantic shlongs can like this comment.
  2197. xXneroXx: "Nibba" gtfo
  2198. Oscar Hernandez: You mean ni🅱️🅱️a
  2199. Baseer Ghaznavi: +Moehasskilllmao small shlong
  2200. 《 Decisive 》rk: I have that pfp on an different account it's so funny when I first saw it
  2201. Aidan Saucedo: Default Skin I liked it with my schlong
  2202. Giords :/: 1 month later COP DOES A DISS. (Edit) It has been barely even a day and I’ve gotten 668 likes.. YA’LL ARE CRAZY AND KIND!
  2203. Giords :/: Safwan Shahriar Okay dude! xD
  2204. Giords :/: Fouzan Siddiqui IKR !
  2205. Giords :/: Solido KILLS xD okay dude
  2206. Giords :/: Dark Chilled135 Sameeeee
  2207. Giords :/: FeryzzaKnight Yehaaa Boi tru
  2208. callum7: For someone with a lisp Your actually bad at spitting
  2209. XNR: quadeca the criminal
  2210. IXMXM: Avoiding the ksi diss?
  2211. Nate Phillips: That’s so fried
  2212. David Noob: This song was trash
  2213. Rhys: Looks like you’re getting that point
  2214. Nxmb And Dxmb: You gonna have to pay that fine for this shit lol
  2215. Maen Jillani: I take that back
  2216. Daddy Andrey: Wait for the cop to drop a fire diss track!
  2217. Alex Durst: THE CRINNGGGGEEE
  2218. Hurricanesfan 37!: Great video as always😂😂😂😂
  2219. DontScreenPeek: Is the audio peaking or crackling for anyone else randomly? Or is my phone going to shit.
  2220. Gerard alpaca: The song actually is a banger
  2221. pryat scrutah: Damn boi wtf you how you not signed yet
  2222. Dream Forever: Your music is fire 🔥
  2223. Kool-Aid Jr: That moment when that song is more fire than all of KSI’s disstracks together in one
  2224. Drippy Darky: Please tell me this on Spotify
  2225. ༺The Baller Aryan༻: He sounds so much like Ceeday lmao
  2226. F B I: *_He is a one hit wonder_*
  2227. Maen Jillani: Ksi is better. Psych
  2228. Fat ass OAF: Me: pulls guy over Driver: starts rapping Me: woah tf you doing I’m trying to ask for Scooby snacks
  2229. Itz Nova: What is the little song in the intro
  2230. Evan Boehmer: Kinda cringe
  2231. RealGee: Hello guys this shit is fire, who is here? Should I react to this?
  2232. Blessed Wabina: Mediocare
  2233. Ace of Spades: Where’s the disstrack
  2234. Gabrielle Eden: He isn't making one
  2235. Geraldo Gabriel: Yeah....youre going to jail..
  2236. natisaver: lmao wat kinda court is this
  2237. DON'T SUB TO ME: The 🔥stuff is at 6:36
  2238. Jimmy Padilla: Low key 🔥
  2239. DatNigga Jeezus: Fuck KSI
  2240. Tipsy: that was fire ngl
  2241. Dillon Quirk: It’s 100% a lye Jk
  2242. ZoneEdge: that shit was fire
  2243. subscribe me only if you are sad: _im the judge_ you did good boi
  2244. Aks: Damnn he sounds sooooo much like Logic
  2245. neri lederberg: 😂😂😂😂
  2246. Joiipk: Bruh this Clever, Fire, and It SMACKS🔥🔥🔥🔥
  2247. Kaylibb Matheson: His ksi diss track is the only good song he has made 😂
  2248. default Dinglechalk: The biker gonna put a diss track on you
  2249. Mr. President: Your a legend
  2250. Kaylibb Matheson: All I can hear is a ssssssnake
  2251. Savanna Morrus: The shit is fire 🔥
  2252. Rory Scott: Do the race, beat the case!
  2253. Broad-Y x4: I thought he was gonna spit bars at the cop while giving him a ticket..
  2254. Spark MK: Next thing you know JUDGE - Limit of 25 ( Quadeca diss track)
  2255. DON'T SUB TO ME: make a diss on ksi...
  2256. Shafty Sports Gaming: anyone else notice that the video footage of driving in the background is all in reverse
  2257. michael gordon: Smh this is a prime example of Rap Privilege. All because you all are born with the bestest bars doesn't mean you're above the law 😂😂
  2258. TheGaminguniverse24: michael gordon Sarcasm font?
  2260. LCJACKS OFFICIAL: U finally hit 1mil congrats bro
  2261. Ethyl ASMR: so I’m guessing there is NOT going to be a part two to the ksi diss :/
  2262. el richie: Wanna here a joke Read more
  2263. Owen w: did u make the vid 911 minutes long on pupruse because the cops
  2264. Riyan Khairul: I read the title of vid wrongly for a sec.
  2265. MrAriekor: Good luck
  2266. Chris Ward: “So I may have missed my test, but I learned a lesson” - Quadeca / bar of the year
  2267. ThoughtsOnThoughts: That's a fucking lead pipe
  2268. João Fifeiro: Spotify?
  2269. drive worm101: I swear that rap sounded like a Joyner song at the beginning
  2270. nirav065: collab w/drake :thinking:
  2271. LogicTurtle 22: January 12 is my birthday!
  2272. Mbnelson721 :D: You need to post more I love this channel
  2273. CoCo Josue: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  2274. TYSON jr: ends the vid at 9:11 (~#__#~)
  2275. UnknownEchø -: Bet you he's gonna roast him harder than ksi lmao
  2276. How To Stupid How To Stupid: is the time of the video purposely 9:11
  2277. Lil Slayer: 🙎🏾‍♂️:Hmmm it must be good to be white 👱🏻‍♂️: yep I still love the song should extend it
  2278. Troll Handsome: Idk if black rappers would get the same privilege. Might just be cause they trap about killing your family and fucking your girlfriend.
  2279. Veiker MV: Que?
  2280. HUFFPUFF 147: I was in juvenile court and the judge made me fortnite dance so I wouldn’t get any points on my license
  2281. Bob John: yes r/ thathappened
  2282. Praise Kek: It’s obviously a joke you fucking morons 😂
  2283. DarKStonez: Cruel and unusual punishment lmfao
  2284. Francis Ladipo: HUFFPUFF 147 lier
  2285. Bryson B: Ik that’s some bs, lmao would be funny as FUCK to see tho
  2286. RomanDelGallo: FREEE QUADECA!!!
  2287. SwAzE: I would arrested you for speeding with that rap lol
  2288. 94CoolboyManlyGuy345minecraftDestroyer123: kinda ass ngl
  2289. Joel Smith: Omg its a story from February, wow dead channel
  2290. Mario Hurtado: Where the 2nd disstrack on ksi? Yeah you already won, but still if you think you can do better go for it
  2291. Gabrielle Eden: He said he isn't doing one . It's in the description ☺
  2293. fish: Holy shit I thought this was a joke but this actually happened
  2295. Btrain 66: Where’s ksi diss track
  2296. Prateek: Please when is the diss coming out??
  2297. ItzJuniorBloxx _YT: Omg I got a XXXTENTACION-BAD AD Omg!!!!!
  2298. Comkio: Man you really should've just took that ticket
  2299. Jayden Hammer: Why would you think speeding up to go by a bicker would be safer😂
  2300. Gunnar McCool: My man can turn anything into heat 🔥
  2301. VXRK: Judge: eyyyyyy this shit is firre cuzz mada fak u trina colab lil nigga cuz u lowkey bangin. any way hit me up cuz, if you wanna go viral.
  2302. Cameron Sams: Neck beard
  2303. ChiEF: What are the odds
  2304. Young Vipp: My boy at 1.1 mill last time I checked he was at 500k
  2305. Hayden Ainslie: Because he used "KSI" in a thumbnail
  2306. Odyssey Falcon: quadeca growing a beard🤔
  2307. gaming central: Amendment 8 no unusual punishment
  2308. daniel m: Haha the judge Will like This song 🔥
  2309. StrangerOf The206: Bicycling uncles reckless as fuck
  2310. LuiZLex: Still better than ksi
  2311. Kaydon Taylor: This nigga isn’t posting for a month
  2312. Aspiring Git: So when’s this tune dropping on Spotify ?
  2313. Christopher Ramirez: Bars
  2314. IQ Fluid: How are you that good
  2315. Aspiring Git: “White privilege at its finest” 😭😂😭😂😭😂 real!!!
  2316. IAm TheG.O.A.T: Scammer get scammed
  2317. Twitter Unknowngamer51 Hunter96174: Only rapper were I’d listen to a song about driving on the speeding zone....
  2318. Navonod: If I ever get a ticket, can someone hook me up with his judge?
  2319. Deranged MTG: quadeca can make the dumbest subjects into fire tracks
  2320. Yo Yo: FavoriteGuyTV I don’t mean that i am lyrically talented and am a pro I’m saying compared to other rap song that is like me rapping in my shower
  2321. FavoriteGuyTV: Yo Yo send me a rap bRother
  2322. Bamboozled: Yo Yo then who are you?
  2323. Yo Yo: That was not fire that was me rapping in my shower
  2324. Bamboozled: Deranged MTG on me
  2325. Krystian Goczal: Not a hater , but this was awful bro
  2326. Kade Stamps: How tf can he make any concept into a song and make it actually sound amazing?😂😂😂 I fuckin love you Quadeca. I like to rap and I hope to be as good as you some day
  2327. Will The Cook: Better Call Saul season 1 episode 1 at 1:08 ey like if you noticed
  2328. SWANKY SUSS: Quadeca needs to work with Dax 🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯♥️♥️♥️
  2329. bulldogz: Pretty fire
  2330. yodude 5000: I understand the fact that you don’t like to drive near bikers but why would you speed up? Just makes it more dangerous for the biker?
  2331. Hayden Peckitt: The video is one second too long
  2332. Dan Clarke: Idk yet cunt
  2333. xBarnsey: Yes cunt
  2334. Mynameisred: no cunt
  2335. Caleb Richardson: +Hayden Peckitt no cunt
  2336. Lilian Ukaegbu: Hayden Peckitt no cunt
  2337. The Nexus: These comments🤣🤣 I think the judge will be pleased🙌
  2338. Eli Barlow: Idubbz makes cop content
  2339. The Rigie igie toons: If you didn’t sing it would be fire like stop singing bruh just stick to rapping
  2340. khidir kokori: 9:11 min long
  2341. ATHLETIC SKULL: So when's it dropping Spotify, SoundCloud, Apple Music, etc. I NEED IT 🔥🔥🔥
  2342. Neefty: January 12th is my birthday
  2343. FIFA is Life :P: -Makes Disstrack in court-
  2344. DJ Cameron: Ksi diss track..?
  2345. Kyle Murray: *how is that still heat √√*
  2346. Weenie Dog: dope shit
  2347. alejandro espino: Damn this shits legitness
  2348. Jack Debolt: This song low key hard🔥🔥
  2349. Legit Pai: how is this so fire
  2350. Xp40c: congrats on 1m man
  2351. ViLe FreT: Instead of you paying the ticket, the judge pays you because the song is so fire
  2352. Logan Armstrong: 7:49 Grammar Bro
  2353. Thomas money: Great job bro..ur a legend
  2354. AshCrouch 95: Bullshit
  2355. notswitcher CF: Where’s the diss on KSI???
  2356. Noahm4444: This was fire
  2357. Frances Thompson: thisss is flaaaaamesssss
  2358. Ryan straw and Jack Moulton: Not gonna lie this shit fire🔥
  2359. Nizam Sayed: how the fuck is he so lit
  2360. CaptainShlongderpants: shittttt, dude im from norcal what high school u go to?
  2361. Mike Openshaw: Were the KSI response though?
  2362. Udayon Sen: Which software (s) do you use, Quad?
  2363. ツツ: White people
  2364. kek_productions FE2: still better than ksi
  2365. Sachindra Bhattacharya: enjoyable.
  2366. Nabul Abdul: Ksi diss track pt2???????
  2367. Aurelio Deza: If KSI did this he would get sentenced to life in prison.
  2368. Slowjoe McCorkle: This shits fire lmao
  2369. Cancerous Trash: Police car melted.
  2370. Nikolas Olsen: This is such bullshit
  2371. Abishek: 6:42
  2372. Zaki: Only the real ones will understand his countdown reminds me of marks head bobbers and hand jobbers
  2373. adam cheng: This incident happened early 2018. Judge gives u 10 months to write a song. Bruhh. 3 months wouldve been reasonable.
  2374. Rhino's/Confilm's Loot: Next video should be " Rapping out of an ass rape in prison "
  2375. GenkiMadGaming: this is tight bro lol can't believe the judge was cool to give you that opportunity and i think you nailed it!
  2376. Florian Krentzel: Judge gonna have to call 911 when the courthouse burns down
  2377. That JollyBro: Yeah, you're incredible.
  2378. BODIESBYBOZ: White privlidge doesnt exist
  2379. ronda chaddic: Where the f is the video
  2380. Robertdowski: Damn you are good 🔥🔥
  2381. Makayla Serrano: I never knew I would find myself bopin my head to a song about being safe. Fire tho🔥🔥
  2382. BoySmileXD: look like someone just got themself a sub from the judge xD
  2383. Cristian Gutierrez: Put this on Spotify
  2384. Nostalgic: Tell me why that was actually lit😂
  2385. Lucas Keith: I thought u lived in England
  2386. Gazzy Garcia: Quadeca > KSI
  2387. Lex Ayyy: idk about his slow songs i like upbeat songs a shit ton more just my opinion
  2388. Government Secrets: What it fire
  2389. Kyle Mendoza: Lowkey lit
  2390. Girls Are Property: Um k
  2391. Comment117: WAit wait wait... CDL? I thought he was Canadian but he actually lives there!? That's awesome
  2392. improbro: Quadeca x judge ksi disstrack
  2393. ETLegacy: It actually sounds fire.
  2394. Griim: Holy shit you went from a few thousand making soccer videos to 1 mil congrats on the work bro been seeing you work hard for the past year and a half
  2395. RBC Reset: I’m such a big fan of u like this if u are too
  2396. World Music Upload: He snapped
  2397. lol rofl: Diss track on the judge
  2398. Julian's Outdoors: There should be a 2nd one so you can end KSI
  2399. Reece Gallagher: Better than Ares
  2400. Gugu Masango: Actually i wanna download the song even though it’s for the judge
  2401. Millionrare: Best court ordered banger I’ve ever heard. Also the only one I’ve ever heard, but still a banger nonetheless.
  2402. Eivind Fiske: That rap was wack.
  2403. Tmb S3ope: The dislikes are from terrible music artist who are wannabes
  2404. John mihaylov: That was fire dang
  2405. Jakaria Islam: Quadeca Bro you are rally good at Rap!!!!
  2406. Nathaniel Romain 1211: This shite is fake
  2407. Ray Ass: Your a shit YouTuber and Ksi will destroy,you all ways try to act black!you flock
  2408. DTL Televised: your deadline is my birthday :|
  2409. JJ MR7: This is so fake 😂😂😂 its so obvious ffs
  2410. calboy seseman: I made a diss track on Quadeca but good luck, also LIBERALS ARE T TO THE R TO THE I TO THE G TO THE G TO THE E TO THE R TO THE E TO THE D..... No won't see this
  2411. calboy seseman: +oh oh oh oh yeah yeah yeah LMAO salty.
  2412. oh oh oh oh yeah yeah yeah: calboy seseman it says triggered don’t bother.
  2413. Dorito-cat: 1.5 speed is pretty good
  2414. Jay’s Vlogs: You trash boy KSI Is your teacher he made u relevant Remember That
  2415. X: Better content than ksi
  2416. Kiile: when he started rapping fast it sounded like logic
  2417. Houlen: This shit was soooo goooood
  2418. Ali Star: That chin beard do
  2421. XxThuNDeR_BlaZE xX: Well I just wasted 9:12 of my life...
  2422. ELB 3: This is acc sick, I like ksi a lot better but your acc sick at rapping
  2423. JasonMlV: whens the ksi diss track 2 hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... (JK)
  2424. Ashton Alicea: clickbait ass thumbnail lmao
  2425. TheGamer'sMansion: Just diss that judge he is gonna be dead *like if u think quads diss on ksi was fire* 🔥
  2426. ImCayotix: DAM
  2427. YungSayain: 🔥
  2428. Brunson Burner: if he dont like the song its cause he old lol
  2429. Sayan Andrews: GUYS QUADECA GOES TO MENLO IN THE BAY AREA, he played my school in soccer this past week a ton of my friends saw him
  2430. Colten Vanderpool: You can get sued for that btw. Don't give out others info online or one day your might end up getting your ass beat or worse.
  2431. hi: +chaotic Pika shut up Quadeca fanboy
  2432. chaotic Pika: Dude fuckoff.Quit trying to expose his personal info because its wrong.People shouldnt know where he fucking lives
  2433. Oh Yeah Yeah: Bro no hate but please take this down. In case he might take legal action or something like that
  2434. FoetniteGod 69: January 12 is my birthday holy shit
  2435. J3 Music: *osrs quadeca prolly the only artist I know that can make a song about a speeding ticket sound good* 😂🔥
  2436. Antonio Santelli: Bro didn’t think it was gonna he good just because of the topic, but you seem to make anything fire. Keep up the great work man.
  2437. shaun Ryan: Hi all my name is Shaun Im small YouTuber and I like to do vlogs and reaction videos it would mean lot to me if check out my channel and if you like what you see make sure to subscribe and support me Through my journey and being part of the Maddogfamily
  2438. WoLf GANG: Fyeeeeeee🔥🔥
  2439. dylan redinger: Daddy Long Neck and Wide Neck got me here
  2440. Movie Talks: Fake
  2441. Char1ie IB: Quadeca = quadickhead
  2442. Ahmed mamdooh: This is actually way better than ksi - beerus 😂 Edit: it's just an opinion calm down
  2443. Ahmed mamdooh: +vvvrath lol you're literally 12
  2444. Ahmed mamdooh: +Mark Yea very true I guess I messed up there
  2445. vvvrath: This guy sounds like a girl and you're a mussie go blow up a building quedeca fan girl
  2446. Mark: its not that you can't have an opinion its just that you know that there are some ksi fans in the comment section and you didn't have to say that another track is worse. you could say the same about idk, one of quadeca's older raps and you would get the same shit as in this comment section. 2018 is just a shit fest about people complaining about other people complaining about why they have this certain opinion when they can keep it to themselfs. in the end people are gonna get triggered and people don't think when they post something.
  2447. Otto Palao Jr: Don’t you mean “bEe rOsS”
  2448. Limeylee: It’s fire like always
  2449. Riku Kinnunen: Dude shave.
  2450. ma nen jef: We want more quadeca im a huge fan of ur work ur music plz destroy ksi again
  2451. HON Dios.: I'm going to edit this comment in a few hours so the replies don't make sense. Comment something about Donald trump.
  2452. Dr. Danger: Bradley James Donald Trump is gonna win in 2020
  2453. Maxwell: he has more facial hair than KSI
  2454. RedHabour79 XBL: not that bad, i got done doing 150mph in a 30 here in the uk
  2455. ItsVortex: The video ends at 911
  2456. Catalan Mapping-Conflict of Nations: make new disstrack on ksi please kill him
  2457. Alex Brook: r/thathappened
  2458. Becky Bose: Oh and hope it all turns out for you!
  2459. Blayne Shiraki: Instrumental
  2460. Dominic Metaxas: Ksi got the W
  2461. Ben Higton: January 12th is my birthday, can we get a like and an Amen
  2462. Kosu Sama: That Yondo Beat!! 💯
  2463. Puebleee: Shit af
  2464. Mr Beast: He has talent don’t @ me
  2465. Colten Vanderpool: +FrazzaJ2000  FrazzaJ2000  Actually your initial comment was making fun of the people that portray famous people. Also I didn't know it was ironic to not understand a question. Pretty sure irony is when a dumbass like you says something to make a point, but it completely backfires and signifies the opposite effect in often a funny way.
  2466. FrazzaJ2000: +Colten Vanderpool what's even more ironic is your failure to comprehend my initial comment which was making fun of people believing it to be a real account. Who's the real idiot here :) ?
  2467. Colten Vanderpool: +FrazzaJ2000 I was talking about you, that's so ironic.
  2468. FrazzaJ2000: +Colten Vanderpool I couldn't imagine the stupidity until I saw the likes on his post..
  2469. Colten Vanderpool: +FrazzaJ2000 Imagine being so stupid you actually believe people trying to impersonate people with fake accounts.
  2470. Becky Bose: Haha that was great!! I honestly like the judges way of thinking.
  2471. Truth: This is White Privilege at its finest! The court is letting YOU make a RAP song to get out of a TICKET?!
  2472. iCriscolo: +LukstrGamr go ahead and name some federally mandated white privileges.... Ill be waiting. The reason i pointed to that one privilege is because its a government policy that enables racism and in the long run is crippling minorities due to a heavy dropout rate for those using affirmative action
  2473. Zakiah Henderson: +Lukstrgamr lol someones mad, you mad bro?
  2474. Dolphin Dan: Stupid liberal
  2475. Louis: Except white privilege doesn’t actually exist
  2476. Luciano Gutierrez Casañas: can yall watch the video damn😂all you getting all butt hurt for no reason! life aint fair, if you didn't realize that already! stop complaining about who has it easier and do something about it!! smh
  2477. yznuGKA: 3:36 OG Nintendo dsi shop music XD Nice
  2478. Edit Tool: *Ceritfied Diamond* Quadeca "Slow Down"
  2479. Itz Hitman: Make a bomb diss track please
  2480. CrazysnakeYT_: Lmao
  2481. Gilbert Torres: Why this shit kinda heat
  2482. OVΞR: "SLOW DOWN"
  2483. MilkyWayVlogs: Ur the best quadeca
  2484. NTermination: 🔥🔥🔥
  2485. Tai Breaker: 🔥
  2486. MhelFrom YT: WTF a got a Baby song Ad Best voice changer ad
  2487. Vurbex: How much did KSI pay you to not make a diss track?
  2488. Bruno Godinez: “BUT I GOTTA SLOW DOWWWNNn”
  2489. ewok2469: Respect for rapping with a lisp More like trying to rap your shit
  2490. ewok2469: U stoopid go check out dax
  2491. Red A: ewok2469 hater he’s the best youtube rapper
  2492. TSJ Slayer55: 1 millie😭🔥
  2493. Trinity: nice video
  2494. Service Dog Lili: its cute
  2495. Will James: You can read KSI like a book
  2496. Susmoy B: Imagine the judge making a diss track on Quadeca
  2497. Cody Verdes: Waiting for the next diss track on KSI, PUT HIM IN HIS PLACE!
  2498. Porkchop: Yoooo 1.1 mil 🙏🙏
  2499. BlanZz: wtf thats fire
  2500. Jacob Lund: Where’s the ksi diss track
  2501. kael stephens: he should put this on soundcloud
  2502. Niemeier Outdoors: Slapped
  2503. EJxWAVE: the video lasts for 9 minutes and 11 seconds, well played quad
  2504. lolmyhol: If you rap to get out of a speed ticket your just gonna get a one more
  2505. Benjamin Allen: CDL stands for commercial drivers license why would he have a COMMERCIAL drivers license😂😂😂😂 obviously this is faked but it’s still funny as shit
  2506. Jasper Hakala: How come u make a song for the court and it's still better than anything KSI has done :/
  2507. SWEY: he finna diss you back
  2508. Nazarie Miron: Imagine the judge doesn't like it 😂😂😂
  2509. Toolkid_tk_1: So Quadeca Um ain’t u finna gon Diss Back (Justkryptic) ?????
  2510. Toolkid_tk_1: mara h Justkryptic
  2511. mara h: Toolkid_tk_1 who?
  2512. Oppiside: Now let’s just hope you don’t get another ticket for driving and recording at the same time.
  2513. s0menerd 2018: Should've got dax on that single: Speeding Ticket
  2514. FN Silencers: It’s a nice song but how u gonna use auto tune in court 🤔
  2515. RizzE SwIfTzZ: Yo that jusdge is gonna gas
  2516. Tentacles45: looool the video is 9:11 long
  2517. :] Adventurer1912 [:: Can we get the one day playlist on spotifyyyyy????
  2518. Hector Cortes: did you guys realize that this video is 9:11 minutes long.
  2519. s0menerd 2018: Lmao that song is actually good.
  2520. Song Videos: *BiKeR* Cyclist**
  2521. ShesLegal: You came here to watch is at 6:40 You're Welcome
  2522. 1,000 subs no video?: Anyone else constantly checking Quadeca’s channel for that new dis track?
  2523. Oh yeah yeah Oh yeah yeah: This is so fake
  2524. Edward Smith: Don’t have lie about going to court for speeding, we all know that you kill KSI. Quadeca= murderer
  2525. 1,000 subs no video?: Quadeca, where’s your new dis track on ksi??
  2526. wyfox: @Judge
  2527. whiteguywithacousticguitar: Drop a second KSI disstrack
  2528. ANOTHER {1} PRODUCTION!!!: That big hit men u need to give us the full video
  2529. Chris Elliott: Ya be careful I know in Maryland you have to give 3 feet for bikers when your driving
  2530. Sepp Meyer: this shit got bars man
  2531. Mitch: Yuk. Give him a ticket 😂
  2532. connor goos: this shits too fire
  2533. We are Venom: this seems hell complicated in Australia we just get a fine
  2534. ThunderCookie101: LawofAxis 😂
  2535. LawofAxis: It's what Americans call sympathy, I think.
  2536. Josh Rajnarine: Drop the song its lit
  2537. Sepp Meyer: judge is gonna bump this shit all day. the song is fffiiiire dawg
  2538. Imapuddles1: Where ksi diss track 2?
  2539. Keyoni Reid: You Are Now Gay Make This Button Blue For The Cure ⬇
  2540. Ed Ford: It’s not hard to be the craziest content you’ve made cos your content is ass
  2541. MorioRex: So are you going to respond to ksi's disstrack
  2542. Ed Ford: Fake
  2543. Andrez Moore: That was worse than any ksi song I’ve ever heard
  2544. Louis Herrera: Where the response diss track to KSI
  2545. ScoutiN: 40 in a 25 aint shit
  2546. - -: Ok
  2547. Nassim Rahmane: This is mad LMAO
  2548. Conal MacCabe: Respond to ksi
  2549. WARDZTER: Where's the disstrack at?
  2550. Juan Diego Quintero: Well someone is not getting a ticket
  2551. Juan Diego Quintero: A point*
  2552. Smurf_Snipe: PewDiePie Where u at bro😂😂😂😂
  2553. Keyoni Reid: No Deal Ft Moxas
  2554. tye wachter: Honestly who even listens to these wack YouTube artist😂😂😂
  2555. The Prodigy: Never heard someone rap about a speeding ticket and make it fire af, good shit quad.
  2556. Alex Amor: When you talked about driving very fast you should've rapped really fast.
  2557. tye wachter: Auto tune is really bad lol
  2558. Tyler: the song is shit, but you got lucky
  2559. T Boi: 🔥🔥
  2560. Brian Hall YouTube: This is complete ass
  2561. HARDCORE BinMan: Biker? U mean cyclists also they scare me as well
  2562. Time to be Creative: Una palabra para ti Quadecca JABLADOR
  2563. Papi: cool
  2564. Naztybear: How this man make a banger of a traffic ticket
  2565. Community Gaming: No diss track on ksi?! Why?!
  2566. Nastic NG: Quadeca x Eminem would be savage
  2567. Armyosk: High key lit
  2568. The_Mylky_Way: Bro... release this on spotify. Now.
  2569. 1 man: You are one of the poorest guys with a mil sub the poorest ever is askagangsta
  2570. Keyoni Reid: Quadeca x Just Kryptic Coming Soon
  2571. Beth Morgans: high key crushing on quadeca right now
  2572. Greg Chipelski: Still beats KSI's diss track
  2573. ColdMandalorian: You should react to deji's diss to ksi
  2574. Chaz Lambe: This guy is actually lit
  2575. Filip Elez: rapped faster than his car went
  2576. TrapNatins S: Yooooooo your a goat 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥😱
  2577. Marc On Mars: Put this on Spotify please. If you can lmao
  2578. StopCringeShit 44: Faze Quadeca like if you would want that |:)
  2579. Nicholas Phillips: Like before I watch you fire bruv
  2580. Etharap 13: He broke the 8th amendment 😂
  2581. White Fang: After everything is settled, make a diss on the law
  2582. DeviousVEVO: 0:29 - 0:32 DATS HOW YOU CELEBRATE DAMN!!! Nah jkjkjkjk XD
  2583. ClAVE NUEVA: I got to slow down.
  2584. KKing KKaleb: Better than beerus 😂
  2585. Joeindimension: Damnnn, when did he hit a million? Been here since 600,000
  2586. YVNG_AJ TM: Qaudeca make the KSI career ending diss
  2587. Jordan Roth: 600k subs to 1.1 mil good job
  2588. Ashley D: This is the best thing I have ever seen/heard in my life.
  2589. Zeynep Cevik: 5.14 2019
  2590. Preston Hurd: No one cares about your fake story asswipe
  2591. Don’t Know: Why did quadeca stop playing football? He was really good at it
  2592. IAMCURSED 1: The KSI diss track was a whole lot better
  2593. Dj316woo: Where is the ksi diss track at
  2594. sticky stick: the song starts at 6:40 don't need likes I' aint want likes because some else probs did this comment
  2595. Wheh Wheh: It was really good!
  2596. Camzoh: THIS WAS FIRE
  2597. TenorSaxPlaya: U like Jazz Quadeca ok I see u comment if u like jazz
  2598. its sxulmate: Huh
  2599. kaleo k9: If it was a black person he would be facing life in prison lol.
  2600. Kuxir! 97: +Jackson Goss yeah but it's pretty obvious it was a joke
  2601. Austin Dolan: He'd get the same punishment if he answered in the same manner as quadeca
  2602. callum potter: Probably because they clapped the biker with his car not sped past him. Jokes don't cry
  2603. Seledoon army: +kaleo k9 no he fucking wouldn't
  2604. Seledoon army: +David c. you use autism as an insult are you a worthless piece of shit?
  2605. ftcn: You are so good on rapping
  2606. Foxxy Wolverine: Guys read the description, he not gonna make a 2nd disstrack on KSI
  2608. ShantMark00 7: Foxxy Wolverine but i think insecure was enough
  2609. Advait Kushe: Rip quadeca getting the fine 😂😂
  2610. SomeStrangeBoi: Ahhh the auto tune
  2611. luke: Rap at 6:37 your welcome
  2612. Bloo NRG: Did we all just forget about the Ksi beef?
  2613. T M: I’ve never clicked so fast on a video before
  2614. Isqandar Zulqarnain: No wonder you couldn't "drink desperado" because you're acting like a kid No offence mate
  2615. Chris Egan: Decent wan
  2616. DANK and MEMES: How tf you make a song about speeding sound so good!?!?
  2617. DeVade: The hook reminds me of Joji. Catchy af haha you will get off for sure!
  2618. Kaleb Alemayehu: Even when your not trying that hard Your a Beast.
  2619. Jared Wood: Fuck off with ur fake bullshit
  2620. Eastside Bros: i'm not fake
  2621. Leverage Gaming: how can you make a song about speeding so good
  2622. AzTc Eclispe: That was cool.
  2623. Eastside Bros: agreed quad helped me make my own vids
  2624. Tic Tac: Finish KSI
  2625. Eastside Bros: agreed he made me start my own vids
  2626. xLockdown: killed it
  2627. 10,000 subs with 0 videos CHALLENGE: Fuck a beat i was tryin to beat the case
  2628. Eastside Bros: ay
  2629. malik m: You like landon
  2630. malik m: Love your vids have been watching seen the day
  2631. Jason Thoresen: Kidbehindacamera uses the same music
  2632. Anthony Luongo: good shit
  2633. Ending Ignorance: Slow Down high-key a bop.
  2634. ItzJuniorBloxx _YT: Lol his edits
  2635. Eastside Bros: i know i love quad he heped me start making my own vids
  2636. GoldenBoyHipHop: Quadeca x GoldenBoy
  2637. Jase The Fish Guy: Stfu white privlave isn’t a thing smh🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
  2638. Applebomb Turd: where’s ksi diss are you even doing one
  2639. xeon blade: This is gonna go viral cus of the normal looking thumbnail. They always go viral
  2640. Arfin Show: *I guess they never miss, huh?*
  2641. ༺ཌקeᖇseυsད༻: *you got no girlfriend cause u have ligmaa*
  2642. MTL 15: Arfin Show but im already tracer
  2643. Diamond Shine: *You got a boyfriend, I bet he doesn’t kiss ya!*
  2644. [KL] Knight: +Dxddy x GTA*
  2646. ItzJuniorBloxx _YT: Someone knows ImDontai I do to
  2647. Eartha Day: What’s wrong with me, I’m actually tempted to drive the speed limit because of this vid
  2648. Discource: Waste of time and rap was pretty shit unsubscribe one hit wonder
  2649. Akylah Gregory vlogs: Auto tune
  2650. GodzillaMusicHD: Wait but it said produce and record a song about how you will do better and whatever; but you didn’t produce it lol Yondo beats did, didn’t he? (I know you purchased the lease but still lol)
  2651. Sanne Van Den Heuvel: This is soooo good!
  2652. Mita Benegal: This is even good. Go pro man.
  2653. Fiercy: Next we will know he will be in those drunk drive get arrested commercials😂
  2654. Topz World: DOPE
  2655. Soupking films: the video is 911 seconds long get it?
  2656. That's Parth: they boutta take 30 seconds from this song and make a youtube ad outta it
  2657. Ciaran Lynch: 2:15 is what you need thank me later
  2658. Christian Torres: Judge proceeds to make a diss track on quadeca
  2659. THE BOSS: The song is more fire than ksi best lol.😂😂😂
  2660. PartOfReality: this is amazing, thank u for inspiring me and giving me a laugh thank u quadecky i love u❤️
  2661. Braden Taylor: This dude is special I’m telling you
  2662. Alain Lomeli: That was nice and all but can we have the rest of the song from your "insecure" video those first 5 seconds were fire af bro vocals is what we need in our lifes keep grinding
  2663. Mah Check: That peace at then end tho
  2664. Yassou: yo the time is 911...lol
  2665. Static Fall: FIREEEE
  2666. Cassius Westen: *PLOT TWIST:* This was all a lie and only for views.
  2667. Varingx Gaming: That song low key bangs
  2668. PrimeTimeChriz: bro you fr cold!! LIke I love it when you rap and then give us that auto tune singing that shit cold bro
  2669. Nick Abdullah: not gonna lie the song grows on u its actually good. good job bruv
  2670. Mike Avent: That shit was fire🔥
  2671. Lily Pole: A bit too much editing
  2672. Jake Pole: Mom?
  2673. Piano Roots Music: say word it got a bit cringey
  2674. Chief: The song 🔥
  2675. DRIVEN INSANE: I thought he was gonna do a video of him getting a ticket then trying to rap to try and avoid it
  2676. ChocolateMoss: I didnt know why this popped up in my recommended, then i saw quadeca
  2677. Txns: Get the judges reaction!😂😂
  2678. MUT - Steelers Nation: Love your content brother
  2679. ling ling: Can yall like my comment because im irrelevant
  2680. Wais Kuba: Dont worry every rapper has a criminal record haha
  2681. Luke Somers: Ok where’s the ksi response
  2682. Ludicrous Official: Gay
  2684. Stubbsy: This lowkey like the old logic in a way, obvs not the same topic tho😂
  2685. Cody Morgan: Are you going to make a another ksi diss or what we’re all waiting
  2686. k money: KSI diss track?
  2687. Itz RipperX: Hi
  2688. Hazell: Dog wtf this was dope hahaha pretty funny
  2689. Jay2Gud: *I dont need to e a t D I C K*
  2690. homie tiger: It was isn't she lovely instrumental at the end and I just sang that at a nursing home today.
  2691. Wulfie Gaming: Is he gonna respond to aries?
  2692. iHaveAimbotx: Dope
  2693. Arryld Soci: I'd let you off! Creative flow
  2694. Josh Casillas: fuck 12
  2695. Ross Dirrane: This song is so good
  2696. Ricky Zenith: I hope you stay rich Quadeca and always will stay successful but seriously dude stop rapping your lyrics are so cringe I cant tell if your actually rapping or that I'm dumb and cant take joke that your purposely trying to be cringe.
  2697. Tails Warrior: Whens the ksi reply coming yo
  2698. Erebus.eχe: It isnt
  2699. Vicson Rookie: I really thought u were saying d truth There was no real shit happened
  2700. Keiron Nicol: Handwriting is shit straight up
  2701. Intrinsic: This funny as hell💀💀💀
  2702. Dragon ologist: Lmao
  2703. JESTER THE 3RD: Next video: rapping to get out of a school shooting
  2704. Abdi Mahamud: Brother 🔥🔥
  2705. Alex - Galaxy: The speeding ticket should've been for the rapping...
  2706. That1NameThatSux: +Prophexie Viper yes
  2707. Hudson Race: That1NameThatSux ur obvi the kid here if u think “Gaydeca” is a good insult 😂. Shouldn’t u be in a highschool algebra class right about now?
  2708. noodle headass: That1NameThatSux Now we know who the KSI fan is. You’re big mad huh buddy?
  2709. Prophexie Viper: +That1NameThatSux no offense, but you do know you dont have to "Rap fast" to be a good rapper?
  2710. Connor Bugler: That1NameThatSux my guy Fuck gay-deca 😂😂😂
  2711. Harry YT: Quadeca X Deji Would Be An Awesome Diss tracker But I think that would never happen Psssh except if this video hit 100k like he might do it lol
  2712. aditya abhyankar: Quadeca x Dax, now that's something we all wanna see
  2713. Young Ale: This dude just made a song about driving slow and it came out kinda nice😂
  2714. Billy Barp Vlogs: Not gonna lie this is cringe af
  2715. Brian Abear: y was that actually good
  2716. Najki: LIL QUAD
  2717. Sandra Reyes: Hey
  2718. Lucas Owen: Holy shit if u made more songs like that voice everyone would love u that long is fucking awesome bro keep it up❤️
  2719. Sniper_Sargent_ B: Oh I see you with that Yondo beat.
  2720. lettr04 St3v3: Ayo quadeca drop this on Apple Music and Spotify
  2722. Oldy plays: And..... Wow it's not a 10 minute video
  2723. Noah Peterson: Didn’t he say to produce the song though ?
  2724. Oh Yeah Yeah: 1mil
  2725. Elijah Carnes: We want ksi distrack
  2726. Luke Wenberg: Distrack on the police and judge, make it happen. Also, your video is 9:11? Connected with the police? I think so.
  2727. Lucas Silva: This man would get a speeding ticket by just rapping.
  2728. 10,000 Subscribes with no videos?: SPEECH 100
  2729. TheOpinionatedOne: Straight heat 🔥🔥🔥🔥
  2730. Adam Maazouz: Please make your Ksi Insecure disstrack on Spotify and Apple music
  2732. Anna Kintu: Starts at 9:11
  2733. Nguyen Nguyen Khoi: video length 9:11 okay I see what you did there
  2734. Rafa Benitez: Just remember ksi made you too but you killed him
  2735. TheOpinionatedOne: Song at @6:40
  2736. Pap Dog: Today on things that didn’t happen:
  2737. Tronci: Quadecas timing is so bad
  2738. leon cross: You think your proper solid
  2739. POOP DECK: 60k song for 1mil special?
  2740. TheRsLegende: Raping and getting a ticket
  2741. TheOpinionatedOne: U came for @4:00
  2742. Noah Peterson: WE NEED QUADECA X IMDONTAI
  2743. alejandro wong: i'll be funny to see the judge reaction
  2744. zac12134 yt: This is actually a bop no cap..
  2745. Daniel Gracey: Make this a single
  2746. Jai Blanks: Wait since when did u have to go to court for a speeding ticket?....
  2747. So Waves: The young g-easy
  2748. Jake Jenson: On my last comment on quadeca vid I got 212 likes so let’s try to hit 300 likes on this comment and please subscribe to me
  2749. MistyShot: Did anyone notice the video was 9:11 ?!?!?
  2750. X Epiphany: Is the song on any streaming sites i need it
  2751. Sniper_Sargent_ B: Try 101 in a 60, my judge was nice though. And don’t worry it was a vacant.
  2752. Unknown Channel: Spotify?
  2753. TheTwinkster: it's weird that the length of the video is 911
  2754. cashtous: 😂😂😂😂
  2755. Loyalz: January 12 is my birthday lol
  2756. gmoney plays boom: 🔥, you r good bruh
  2757. Caiden Moreno: 3:38 fitz will copy strike u for stealing his background music
  2758. Caiden Moreno: Zero subs with no Videos Ik I’m jus yokin around
  2759. Zero subs with no Videos: He didn’t make that song so anyone can use it
  2760. Poolit: Caiden Moreno Wii plaza is heat
  2761. Mr SaL7y: Why are you moving your head so much?, other than thats it good, i just couldn't pay attention to the lyrics cause i was watching you move your head all over the place
  2762. Robo Bleep blop 07: Bruh you shoulda rapped really fast so they couldn’t even understood it 😂😂😂
  2763. Robert Smith: 10/10 would speed again
  2764. Rapperjosh13: Can we get this on Spotify?
  2765. fletcher: *GG*
  2766. NUT CLAN: You should do a ksi distrack
  2767. Siamak: better than every ksi tracks
  2768. Not Swrl: Fire🔥
  2769. Morydieplier: video is 9:11 min long
  2770. Stephan Takacs: what editing program does quadeca use?
  2771. Magic6958 YT: That date was a day before my birthday
  2772. Ben Charlton: But u can’t rap and it’s fake
  2773. Kai Kestner: January 12th 2018 he’s a year late
  2774. NEW JEW ON THE BLOCK: 1 mil special.
  2775. Nikki Fowers: I can not read titles. Omfg. I thought it said raping
  2776. BOLA BALOGUN: wow the video was 9min 11secs long 911 eh eh
  2777. Jack Cookman: Quadeca x Dax would be the hottest thing on the internet 🔥🔥🔥
  2778. oi leon: lmao recording the video with your phone while driving then sending it to the court gor driving recklessly 10/10 play
  2779. Regoldo Simoi: Wats that weird background music he always uses At 0:35
  2780. jas ag: fuck you too
  2781. Fiona Bell Camp: animal crossing the one in tom nooks store
  2782. fuck you: Its from animal crossing forgot the name though
  2783. Ray iOS: yeah you should get fined/your license revoked/whatever your American policing system is on speeding - you went 15 over the limit
  2784. Fucci Gang: Who else thought he was going to freestyle in front of the cop when they saw the thumbnail
  2785. Buhguul: dude quadeca is litty spaghitti
  2786. Aaro n: This is hard too
  2787. FrankieDainkie: So is he ever gonna reply to KSI or what?
  2788. Nick10: damn 1 mil do i have bragging rights to say i was here before 200k now?
  2789. braedenm71: January 12th is my birthday lmao
  2790. Paul Jean: Who else read "Raping to get out of a speed ticket!" and had a heart attack for a sec?
  2791. sumairaa bibi: Lit mate 😂😂🔥🔥
  2792. Thecheeseking 26: Ur irrelevant now lol
  2793. Brandon: How is a speeding limit song better than all of ksi shit
  2794. Tre hutton Of: the video is 9:11 minutes long hmmmm...
  2795. Grizz 2k: My Gran killed a cycler when she was speeding on her Skateboard
  2796. So apparently, you can change your name on Youtube: Less autotune plz
  2797. Jr West West: That’s good singing
  2798. OMGJay: ‘‘Twas cringy
  2799. Jr West West: Bro
  2800. DogeFinderPrime: **Makes: Judges Be Like (Judge Disstrack)*
  2801. whY aRe YoU rUnNinG: Where is KSI’s diss track?
  2802. Tyone Lean: You should add this song to Spotify
  2803. Charlie Farquharson: Still waiting for the ksi response
  2804. DogeFinderPrime: Yo, JustKryptic released a disstrack on ya, he said you were clout chasing
  2805. Brandon: KSI left the server
  2806. Brandon Parks: When you gonna finish ksi my man
  2807. Ethan Smyth: Can you please make a video on how to flow and write to beats? It would really help me out.
  2808. Lawng Gawn: SONG AT 6:39 ... Thank me later
  2809. Hx.kevin: Why didn't you just pay the ticket ?? Haha 162$ and 1 point.. you probably lost 1 day in court for 162$
  2810. Danny martinez: Drop a diss track on the judge 👨‍⚖️
  2811. Baina YT: That song was actually sick
  2812. Jacob Tomlin: bro that song lowkey slaps
  2813. mist uchiha: Dis is lit u got a beatiful voice😢😂I wish I was half as good as u😀😊😁
  2814. Im Doddsy: 🔥
  2815. Ideen Tayebi: Kid diss track?
  2816. L9 UniqeBlaDe: Can you make a video teaching us how to make better bars and just how to rap good like you?
  2817. Obinna anuebunwa: Bars. Straight bars
  2818. Paicus: Jake Paul : 5 mill in 6 months Pewds: 6 mill in 1 month Mr beast :2 mill in 2 months Quadeca : 450k in a month T series: 9k in a second Me: 20 in 6 months
  2819. Lv 4999 Soldier: Paicus cause ur ass
  2820. EpicYouTuber 14: 31 in two years
  2821. VenoX: Only 6 mill in 1 month for Pewds i think more no?
  2822. Jay Kandari: I subscribed 😁
  2823. Lord Booming: me 5 in 7 months
  2824. Savannah Martin: WHY IS THIS FIRE
  2825. Jannat Fareen: Damn.... how u so good? I feel like u can literally make a rap song about absolutely anything and everything and it'll be good
  2826. J N N: ...
  2827. Malik Gaming: Your lisp is cool in a way
  2828. Jake Setterlun: Or just pay the ticket?
  2829. Estarossa Mael: For that song if i were him i would give you 2 years in prison
  2830. Future subie owner: There is no such thing as white privilege Ben Shapiro debunked it
  2831. Big Rhino 420: Future subie owner Ben Shapiro is an idiot
  2832. Fife It Up: Anybody here logic in his voice? fire
  2833. mist uchiha: 1 day after my bday😂😂😂
  2834. Julian Olafemi: I rate the song. It's a banger
  2835. Luke Williams: congrats on 1.1M
  2836. Ronin Honda: Quadeca the only dude that can make a song about speeding fire
  2837. LEO VLOGS 845: January 12 is my b-day
  2838. seanog 7857: How did this man manage to make a good song about speeding Wtf 😂
  2839. Jens Lien: Bring back football vids
  2840. DUNG Mr.Fister: the judge cant do unusual punishments
  2841. J.B.SMITH GOLDHUNTER: I should have tried rapping to get out that armed robbery in 94. Actually Im glad i didnt have to, they woulda added more time. Cool video man.
  2842. Saiint: XD
  2843. Stefferson Segundo: You should use this chorus in another song too. "But I gotta slow down" it's nice, cool and cathy with the auto-tune effect, you can make a song about something relatable to this chorus, like when you're making a lot mistakes in your life or you just wants to chill out, in these cases you have to slow down
  2844. Jay West: The song really bumps bruh
  2845. Freddy Btn: I dont think it is a coincidence that the video is 9:11 long
  2846. NEON: Freddy Btn it’s 9;12
  2847. Default Dance: It's not it's 9:12 minutes long
  2848. Harrison Davis Khan: Fire
  2849. KillinItParkour: How he make such a simple topic so lit??
  2850. Wide Neck: If i get 100 subscriber's, i will drop a 🔥🔥🔥 distrack on long neck...
  2851. TylerTv: that palace crew neck is fire
  2852. Dope Dopamine: This was a let down I hope you get ticket
  2853. Haroon Farooq: If this isn't clickbait then I don't know what clickbait is
  2854. Time to take over YouTube: +LawofAxis Actually not that hard just make fun of their mom or dad or grandpa and then they'll be like my mom or dad or whatever is dead and then you can be like haha you're mom died from cancer
  2855. LawofAxis: +Time to take over YouTube 1) Not trying to make you mad; feel what you want to feel, Drama queen. 2) What you're suggesting would actually be trying too hard.
  2856. Time to take over YouTube: +LawofAxis You're trying way too hard to make someone mad, if you're gonna make fun of someone have knowledge about the other. Make them tell you how their mom died and then laugh and tease them about it or something. Drams queen isn't gonna cut it.
  2857. LawofAxis: +Time to take over YouTube you said it, drama queen
  2858. Time to take over YouTube: +LawofAxis Like I said in the beginning, someone's ignorant
  2859. Quantum: Okay dokie
  2860. Ewan Maillard: You move to much in the "music video" ik it was put together quick but visuals gotta be good for a good tune
  2861. Bookiemooks: 😑 ugh
  2862. 0 0: 💥💥💥 - ABSRD
  2863. Daniel T: need this on spotify
  2864. George Gempton: Coincidence that the video is 9:11 long?
  2865. BlainBoy39: Yeah whatever cool
  2866. Johnathan B: Perhaps the Bay Area
  2867. Johnathan B: Northern California: Sacramento area?
  2868. Pearson Productions: Judge: Yo that shits fyeee
  2869. badrxd410: Nice one!!
  2870. narcisse1519: If the judge doesn't like it, make a diss track on him
  2871. Morpher: This shit trash
  2872. Coast x: +Anon The Alien And their fan base is probably full with 12 years old
  2873. Coast x: +Anon The Alien You're not getting paid so that's a diff story lmao go play diff shit instead
  2874. Anon The Alien: +Coast x "Kys" in 2018. Alright. There's a lot older people playing it but are they getting hate for it? No, because that's how their getting paid. Lmao.
  2875. Adhith Saji: Bro 300k in two hours?!? That’s insane
  2876. peeprz boi: He raps faster than he can speed past the driving limit
  2877. James Wagstaff: They need to use this
  2878. Willy Mcginley: 6:47 your Wellcome 😂
  2879. Steven Martell: I don’t know why I expected the judge to verified on YouTube and have top comment
  2880. HUNDO PE: this is why i love you hahaha
  2881. Killer Beaner: Everyone can like this because God loves you no matter the size of your schlong
  2882. Willy Mcginley: Where I’m from all you get is a hundred dollar fine
  2883. Exiled Entity: dope!!!!
  2884. Sevens: How tf do you make this much heat about gettin a ticket😂
  2885. Jasmin breaking bad stranger things: That's just what he does.
  2886. Chaddy300: Sevens how he talks lmfao.
  2887. Honcho: Deadass
  2888. ITZ TREVI: Sevens 90th like
  2889. Efipx: Man you might get convicted for arson with that one
  2890. Sebastian Danckert: Wtf? When you get a ticket in Denmark you just pay it unless you want to go to court to reclaim the ticket. Why do you HAVE to do so in the U.S?
  2891. Evan Hefner: yondo beat
  2892. da wae: why dont you callab with logang paul and diji to destroy ksi
  2893. I Don't Suck: Clickbait didn't tell us his ticket number
  2894. Apxthetic: Talk no jutsu
  2895. Jaimito Is The Shit: This is such a white suburban kid way to get out of a speeding ticket. Hahaha.
  2896. Gamer X GG: Too bad ksi can't rap for his life...
  2897. JackChissy: Well as people like judges tend to blame rappers on influencing crime and all that, I really wouldn’t be surprised if he gave u a point purely because u sent that video...
  2898. Evan Celik: I can just imagine the judge listening to this it cringes me out
  2899. Hypze: Evan Celik ikr he’ll be like what the hell does this mean
  2900. Eistee 0815: Savage
  2901. Jackson Lennon: Speech 100
  2902. roky5900: did anyone else notice that the vid is 9:11 (911)!!! :D:D:D wooow that just took creativity to a whole new level
  2903. Chriss R: Going platinum...?
  2904. Satveer Singh: You mean 2019
  2905. Sebastian Esperes: Why u look like the guy from blues clues?
  2906. Footy TV: Drop a disstrack on the judge!!
  2907. pedro dasilva: North Cali sounds like it’s a dangerous place for uncles
  2908. The Doopster: id giv u the fine cos it sucked
  2909. Jens Lien: Do more football soccer vids!
  2910. Sodaygo: You got a speeding ticket on purpose? 😂
  2911. Vasnot: Sodaygo no watch the full vid
  2912. Prakhar_04: still better than BEERUS ( by KSI ) 😂😂😂😂
  2913. Sodaygo: 🔥🔥🔥
  2914. Sum Ream: Judge : well boi I guess ur free Judge: watches ksi diss track *well I’m sorry son but you’re being charged with murder*
  2915. That it !: I remember when this comment had police instead of judge!
  2916. SHAMES Maddox: Howard The Penguin no one cares grammar nazi
  2917. Connor Bugler: Well he just didn’t murder him you absolute tool. KSI ripped the idiot. #fukquadeca
  2919. zRo Winter: Sum Ream lmao
  2920. Fanatics Official: Okay but WHY IS THIS FIRE?!
  2921. Riley Taylor: Song at 6:37
  2922. You da best Oi: dAmN sAd DaYs
  2923. HappyDolphin 901: 🔥🔥F I R E🔥🔥
  2924. Braulio Campos: 5 year-old + Autotune = Quadeca
  2925. Smart MMA: Don't ever disstrack anyone again when the judgebsomehow gave you a bigger L than going to jail.
  2926. Phantom69: How did this nigga make such a good song in such a short time ksi needs lessons
  2927. stu_tv: I live in a gated community and our speed limit is set really low so I was going a 100 in a 10
  2928. LifeOfEray: Love yours vids You inspire me to start a YouTube channel! Gonna start posting soon Subscribe
  2929. KidzGotGame: What a guy what a goat 100
  2930. Michael Mendez: yo quad, good shit man i'm really proud of you you've been on top lately and i'm proud you made it past a mil. But I feel like you need to make a 1 million sub special, even though the last diss track pushed you over a mil I still think you should make a video thanking everyone just so we know you arn't taking us for granted.
  2931. Pxgf: Damn
  2932. Blaise Thevenot: This is really some heat 🔥
  2933. Depressed teen with No self-esteem: Where’s the diss track
  2934. Thisula Jay: Sounds like a twenty one pilots song
  2935. SLITKER: r/thathappened
  2936. Oh Yeah yeah: If you comment on this you’re gay
  2937. Neck Rope: KSI doesn’t deserve a second diss. He’s not worthy enough.
  2938. DEROBOI Rap game: Response to KSi :raping for a ticket
  2939. Blitz: Beerus>this
  2940. Dhruv's TV: Wtf😂😂😂
  2941. Nicho Anderson: When January 12 is my birthday😂
  2942. Disturbed: put insecure on Spotify. like so Quad can see.
  2943. Juvenile Judge: This song will do congratulations
  2944. Cj: length of vid, 9:11
  2945. TBW Potato: I guess you could say he got a speeding ticket for his rapping 🔥🤑
  2946. Kris Bhusal: "On January 12th, 2018" 5:08 Lol so it was already due 😄
  2947. edvin bennehall: is insecure coming out on spotify
  2948. xLomio: Quadeca do you have a bit of underbite? Check it on google it’s very serious
  2949. Oneeyed King: You shit
  2950. Krithik Maran: That was actually really good
  2951. Guilty Nevada: Don't you just hAte it when people beg for likes...like if you agree👍
  2952. ItsYaBoi: They finna make you pay the penalty because it's too heat 🔥
  2953. BlizGirl 007: OMFG the menlo park cops are on something else bro... my friend got pulled over a week ago because "the reflective coat on her license plate was peeling" like tf????!!!!
  2954. Nasim Scream: X8
  2955. edvin bennehall: is insecure coming out on spotify
  2956. _InYourGrave_: Nah its trash
  2957. HeeroExE: Someone needs to sign him up, this guy is too talented.
  2958. _InYourGrave_: Stfu
  2959. Lesharo Clark: What’s the name of the song the beat com from on the last part
  2960. Leonard: You fire bro
  2961. _InYourGrave_: Nigga
  2962. TSS_ Wowzer: Is this on spotify?
  2963. _InYourGrave_: No
  2964. Sqlude -: Auto tune much??? 😂😂
  2965. _InYourGrave_: Yep
  2967. André Azevedo: Don't never slow down man, you going to the top real fast
  2968. _InYourGrave_: JSHFOD
  2969. Zymolic: Am I the only one who thinks he sounds like hes rapping ?
  2970. _InYourGrave_: Yep and why the FUCK did u like ur own shit
  2971. Joey DeAngelis: Jawns fake
  2972. _InYourGrave_: Kals
  2973. William Perrry: Take out the autotune
  2974. _InYourGrave_: +William Perrry aha sounds gay🤣
  2975. William Perrry: +_InYourGrave_ in the song
  2976. _InYourGrave_: Which?
  2977. CoDEReD341: Niggas late by 3 months late lol
  2978. _InYourGrave_: Stfu
  2979. Valentino 401: Q-tip goin in lowkey
  2980. _InYourGrave_: Slapkng. Jaghdi
  2981. Rest in peace XXXTENTACION: Wasnt stretched to 10 mins
  2982. Green And Gold Highlights: Did you really put “at least you got this” in the description. Drop a KSI diss you smug asshole
  2983. Lee lee Magooo: Ace 👍👍👍👍but where’s next ksi diss track 😉
  2984. youtube person: lol did anyone notice the video was 9:11. Old quad knows he fucked up ksi and the law
  2985. Yashi Oo: anyone realised that the video lasts 9:11 minutes ?
  2986. I DO STUFF: 1:11 Ur such a dumbass u just told everyone your license plate
  2987. Joel William: Dang!! This was sick. Great work man!
  2988. WildzzPulse: When are u going to make another ksi diss
  2989. Agent KETH: Dang this shit lit
  2990. The_ Tendy _One: Hope this works man
  2991. jose medina: No matter how cheesy it is low-key and I mean low-key it slaps
  2992. Protofx 原型: What’s the rushan song you always play in the background
  2993. Esvellyia: Dope my dude.
  2994. Picolas Cage: Already know it’s fake
  2995. Rick Astley: Post more
  2996. Billy Living life: 6:35 thank me later
  2997. FPdbomb2020 fortnite and more: Fire
  2998. IslandBandz: Lmfaooo!!! SLOW DOWN QUADECA😂😂😂😂
  2999. tasos iosifidis: On January 12 2018... Hmmm
  3000. Scuf: better than beerus , like if you agree !
  3001. Marium Haqqani: Does that biker know about all these stuff?
  3002. iSkrillzz: The voices at the start, were exactly me.
  3003. SGAV: and the time for the video is the police phone number
  3004. Argenis Herrera: Gaaaaaay
  3005. Green onRS: Fake
  3006. Mqaz: The judge Finna play this song for everyone who speeds and gets caught 😂
  3007. Zekey Boi: U already know Like Quadeca Comment Quadeca
  3008. Dev: can we just appreciate that the video is 9:11 mins long....coincidence? I think not
  3009. melon: 9:12
  3010. Salvador Ziblim: Dear quadeca...u have talent mate
  3011. kinigegatos manos: Clickbait thumbnail 👎
  3012. randy membreno: 6:40
  3013. MudZ: *Judge has left the chat*
  3014. 零 #Tempest#: what your real name
  3015. Freezah: Dude this is lit af
  3016. Fire Brew: Fake
  3017. Joshua Barber: Wtf lol
  3018. QASWASRED: Bro quadeca is unstoppable at this point! Going nowhere else but up, totally hyped man!
  3019. King Comeonmam: Lucky ass😂
  3020. kxyoto: Yondo produced it tho...
  3021. Paul H: Wtf shut up u bellend hahaha garbage
  3022. Courage Tshabalala: It said September 12 2018
  3023. Larry Hicks: Finally you at 1 mil subsss
  3024. Alex The Busted Nut: lmao its so funny that ive been here since 200k and then at 500k you started to beef with KSI and now you got 1.1M
  3025. Flare Guy: Flawless victory!
  3026. "from finland guy" Keegan u know ho i am: Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life Life is fun Li Life is fun Li Life is fun Li Life is fun Li Life is fun Li Life is fun Li Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life Life is fun Li Life is fun Li Life is fun Li Life is fun Li Life is fun Li Life is fun Li Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is f Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is f Life is fun Life is fun Life is fu Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun li Life is fun Life is fun l Life is fun lif Life is fun Life is fun. Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun. Life is fun Life is fun. Life is fun Life is fun. Life is fun Life is fun. Life is fun Life is fun. Life is fun Life is fun. Life is fun Life is fun. Life is fun Life is fun. Life is fun Life is fun. Life is fun Life is fun. Life is fun Life is fun. Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun li. Life is fun Life is fun Life Life is fun Life is fun Life is Life is fun Life is fun Life is Life is fun Life is fun Life is fu. Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun. Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fun Life is fu Life is fun Life is fun Life is f
  3028. Tilly Cotton: Make sure you give us an update on the verdict 😊
  3029. Steven Brousseau: imagine how many black kids wish they could rap to get out of a ticket or a charge.
  3030. Vicente Castillo: Damn thats dope
  3031. IssaSAM: This is actually good 😂🔥
  3032. Watch Yourself: Damn where the footage at
  3033. "from finland guy" Keegan u know ho i am: React to dejis diss
  3034. Oskar: It's like Logic but depressed, with auto tune and worse
  3035. Cundall077: That was sick hahha
  3036. DG dagelijksgaming: best disstrack on ksi ever
  3037. Ziko: If a black person did this he’ll straight end up in jail
  3038. Ziko: I’m making a charity to help me pay this bill
  3039. Ziko: edwin torres I know😅😅
  3040. Ziko: av iator smith here I go
  3041. Ziko: Does asking for
  3042. Ziko: So umm right now I’m living in the streets using mc Donald’s WiFi
  3043. Melvin Bajrovic: The judge wont like the tune
  3044. 零 #Tempest#: karma
  3045. tommy zoom: Nibbas without long shlongs are permitted to like this comment.
  3046. yung savage: Can 6ix9ine also rap / scream his way out of prison
  3047. yung savage: +Emanating Faucet damn nigga
  3048. Emanating Faucet: @yung savage no nigga he's a punk b*tch aint no escape for him until the sentence is done! but he does need some mental therapy & help tho..
  3049. Omar Figueroa: Look at 5:10 he said january something 2018 im dead😂😂😂
  3050. Clinical Gucci: 40 in 25 guess I break the law everyday!
  3051. the earth is a donut: This just answered the question of why quadeca destroyed ksi
  3052. SavageSophia XOXO: 6:38 *Your Welcome*
  3053. Saucy BBC: I hate when people ask for likes *Like if you agree*
  3054. It's PATRICK: I thought this would be awkward but that was lit🔥🔥🔥
  3055. Hello hi: @Arvind K wat
  3056. Arvind K: If this guy ever became an actual artist, he would make the most monotonous music ever. With T-pain-ic autotune.
  3057. [KL] Knight: +Blake B im choking
  3058. Hello hi: LOL
  3059. Blake B: It's PATRICK how you gonna call him awkward? you a big nerd
  3060. Lruit_Foops ok: 3 6 9!!!!
  3061. random gamer: Where the fuck is the ksi diss track man
  3062. Barrett Sendrowski: Song was fire
  3063. It's Ya Boi: He has a beautiful voice 😍❤
  3064. Alex Gaffikin: Good but waaaaay too much auto tune
  3065. FreddyTV: Should go on impaulsive
  3066. Controversies: *Lowkey*
  3067. papawolfy t: you prepube
  3068. COD TV - DBRM: when I'm speeding ima think of this song bro cheers
  3069. Helldash: Can we get a judge reaction video?
  3070. Billy Goodman: Man you’ve blown up
  3071. Random Me: January 12 . 2018 bruv you going back in time? Its 2019 for people who dont understand
  3072. Muhammad Darwish: That "Peace" at the end of the video with ksi's voice lol
  3073. Armageddon895: Yo my man, you say you live in NorCal but who took this video then?! That street at 6:40 is Lake Boulevard in Oceanside, CA. Ayyyy we famous now boysssss!!!!!
  3074. Wildey_10: Better than Ares
  3075. Lemonz: This was amazing! The world needs more judges like this 🔥
  3076. That Kid Vertz: Good song
  3077. Its Frosty: Only nibbas with long slongs can like this comment
  3078. kxyoto: Finally after two weeks
  3079. StopTrynaKillMe: like if this is fire 🔥
  3080. Dutch van der Linde: If they don’t take it off, I’ll take his testicles off.
  3081. MrSnipezRK: This song is shit
  3082. AAA AAA: I can imagine the judge (old White man) going hard to this 🔥
  3083. T._. Marshall._: This gotta be fake lol
  3084. Jordanthespectacular Tv: Collab wid dax
  3085. oh yeah yeah: Bro no deal is my favorite song after who would’ve thought
  3086. Erik Crosby: There’s no need to make a diss track since Deji’s diss track ended the war for KSI.
  3087. b: GG
  3088. Yazka: 9:11 best part
  3089. Mosten: LISTEN TO THE RAP ON SOUNDCLOUD : https://soundcloud.com/mohddesoky/quadeca-slow-down
  3090. FireBird-16: Song sucks they should lock you up
  3091. The Judge: this shits weak
  3092. Sony: I cant find the beat
  3093. Joel Garcia: He can rap about anything and make it lit
  3094. harry ding: Ok cool, but where is the next KSI diss track 🤧
  3095. Maxwell Agyei: Quality
  3096. oc skiller: Only quadeca can make a song about safe driving so fire 😤
  3097. n u t: this boi wore a green jacket on a green screen
  3098. Yuan Wullink: They should show this on the tv and let people know they gotta slow down 🔥🔥
  3099. YourXavierNyko: Video starts at 0:00 *thank me later*
  3100. David Rojas: TGAY
  3101. Brendan Warner: That was so fucking dope
  3102. Brendan Warner: Not like I’m surprised tho
  3103. Jesal: January 12th 2018 Hmm🙄
  3104. ImJustARandom 101: Edits of his story are on point.👌🏻
  3105. Adrian H.: This shit lit 🔥🔥🔥. I'm not longer passing bikers.
  3106. PeekDropz: When’s ur reply
  3107. SJ Navaid: KSI diss????
  3108. SJ Navaid: KSI diss????
  3109. Sprees: Song lowkey could get bumped to in the car 🥺
  3110. Senne Banier: Liking the flow a lot on this one, nice work fam
  3111. Famous Spellman: Hard asf educational asf
  3112. ykhs: Put this on spotify :*
  3113. MaiEdits: Cool court tho
  3114. Caki 189: Song starts 6:40
  3115. SJ Navaid: KSI diss????
  3116. Gaming Center: Bro Song Is Lit❤
  3117. bobryx8: you need to finish season 3 football thank u, next
  3118. D K: Put this on iTunes
  3119. Diane Ancheta: Lit🔥
  3120. Marcell Fisher: Respond to ksi diss
  3121. Nate Moore: This song was better than most of these rappers tracks🚫🧢
  3122. Litty Boi: Quadeca x aminé would be litty
  3123. mustache man: Where second disstrack?
  3124. Quif: U should litter on the sidewalk
  3125. Bala Ravikumar: bro, my birthday is Jan 12, lol
  3126. Fortnite Trolling: Whats up nigga
  3127. ĆHÔŻÉŃ ØŇĖ: Quadeca out here thuggin💪💪.
  3128. Danixzy: Better then the ares Song from ksi
  3129. Lolexo LX: Ahahahahahah
  3130. OriGames Live: Trash
  3131. Tiye: Every like will be how many days I work out & I will put proof on my channel. Make me workout for an eternity it will motivate me 😂
  3132. Ibra X_X: ”Judge subscribes”
  3133. MasonCora Official: This song tops all KSi songs tbh
  3134. BeanieBoyDanny: What headphones do you use I’m looking for a good pair of them rn
  3135. George S: Judges reaction plz
  3136. Denzel: 🔥
  3138. Suneru: Quadeca lowkey most underrated rapper together with lil dicky
  3139. Josh Turner: Where’s the reply to KSI??
  3140. Jack Flett: Get insecure on Spotify
  3141. IHit Gaming: Are we getting a response diss track to ksi
  3142. Iam Vikk: This is the content we've been waiting for 👌
  3143. LGBTABC123: You are Notorious B.I.G. meets Logic
  3144. Titan Skull: Ur mum gay
  3145. 2DZ_ Bootyclaps: January 18th, 2018... hmmmm it was due a year ago??
  3146. Iulia Bianca: The paper was issued in September 2018, and he had to send the recorded song until 31st December 2018. It says in the paper he shows on camera. He said he didn't know the exact date.
  3147. Dxddy x: VeroBlaze X in the start he kinda has a beard
  3148. Danato Cavallo: Abby he’s say January in the vid
  3149. Abby: it’s says december...
  3150. Brandon lee: My guy i think you missed a month
  3151. Gareth Hutton: Was he using fitz back round music?
  3152. Eniola Bryan: Lucky you’re not black so you didn’t get shot
  3153. kargarath over9000: I think it would be cool if you got on a track with ksi
  3154. Nandoo: Awesome video
  3155. jameka robinson: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 yes qaudeca
  3156. Ollie: That was actually so good
  3157. Hamad Jamal: Nice gta background
  3158. Anonymous Dragon: That judge lowkey lit
  3159. The Kingdom: It's so so shit video I see in my life with YouTube rewind 2018 I hope I didn't click it
  3160. xd_ pala: 3:24 Ross geller is like I’ll be there for u
  3161. Dick_tater _thot: See thats how you know quadeca is a raw ass rapper when he makes a lit ass song about the speed limit
  3162. seewhyzed: Rocking a Palace crewneck I see you ;) #skateordie
  3163. Boy: Its good but that's a terrible fkin hook
  3164. Mauvia Modi: This is wonderful. I just wanted to say that you are extremely talented and I like how unabashedly you talk about your tests and lessons and school life.
  3165. marc benavides: At least he didn’t crash like jj
  3166. paolo padgett: This is actually really good. Congrats that’s just talent, being able to rap about anything.
  3167. BeDubbs: KUDOs!
  3168. BJK 13: This song is lit 🔥 bro
  3169. kaneki: fight ksi you pussy
  3170. Flame Killer: Make mucic to take a point off😂
  3171. Carlos Ramirez: Congrats on a mil.
  3172. charlie the banana: Can we get this on spotify or at least soundlcloud
  3173. Bart roks: So much autotune... Rap is good tho
  3174. Sharar Ahmed: *wow even quadeca does clickbait*
  3175. De Dapper Dog: This is cool but illegal
  3176. Hey: Things that didn’t happen 2018
  3177. TheFatPenguin: This fire
  3178. ________ ________: So the cop in the thumbnail is edited!?
  3179. kargarath over9000: The definition of white privilege Oh wait I meant heat
  3180. TrickxShotZ: PUT THIS ON SPOTIFY
  3181. AK - AngeKerr: Welp I guess the war is over GG KSI
  3182. D K: Neat bro
  3183. Sam: "ksi aint worth my time, imma do me" type of attitude
  3184. youcef derbale: Lol
  3185. Kalem Sdao: now tell me why a song about speed limits is actually better than every ksi song??
  3186. Twothless Moose: What a coincidence that the time for this video is 9:11
  3187. Onehappiness Happy: imagine the judge saying “I don’t like this song” wow
  3188. TruTuf: Ain't nothing usual bout him, ain't nothing usual
  3189. Onehappiness Happy: This song is better than rewind 2018
  3190. Zachary Faught: Onehappiness Happy that’s not hard lmao
  3191. PROJECT : Yi: *searching for the judge's comment*
  3192. Mckinley Silver Me: Loved he video 🙌🏼🔥, but personally auto tune kinda makes me a die a little inside. Don’t get me wrong, I still liked the video. I just prefer your regular voice✊🏻
  3193. Drizz Nation: 6:33 is where the song starts
  3194. Memeboi Idk: This is amazing but at the same time wtf
  3195. Onehappiness Happy: I wish it would be that easy to get out of a speeding ticket.
  3196. cyclonerampage: Damn
  3197. VannaYT: My boy Quadeca be out here getting arrested
  3198. Zaxck: Unusual lyrics in this vid lmao
  3199. cyclonerampage: Damn
  3200. Lightning Strike: That song was a banger
  3201. Drift default Channel: You going to jail
  3202. Omar Alkiswani: Firez🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  3203. Green hulk Hulk: Ur trash
  3204. UWotMete mette: To the morons, white privilege doesn’t exist.
  3205. Daniel Jacobs: Sick Bro!!!!
  3206. SoenkeTheFreak: The judge seems to be pretty cool and the song ended up being awesome. Rap doesnt always have to be about crimes, drugs and shit, but can also treat reasonable topics.
  3207. KidWithTumor: now this is epic
  3208. Declaration of Independence: Now that’s epic
  3209. moizzkhan: If he still times you then he is a ksi fan
  3210. MANO: The dislikes are from the bikers
  3211. Zacschill //Films//: Fire
  3212. Santiago Arraya: Thumbnail is hella clickbaity
  3213. Tronic: Omg hahahahha
  3214. N!GE: Your song was LIT! I never use that word btw! 😂 keep grafting brother 👊🏻
  3215. KINGSTON KSI KSI: damn that biker should slow down
  3216. Sprees: The distract has 13mil views you can just pay for the ticket
  3217. Sam Veselaj: Very sick
  3218. SHM Golem: Besides the diss track stuff this my first time watching you
  3219. Dani Gxrner: he got clout from the disses
  3220. JOSUECGG: SHM Golem same 😂😂
  3221. The Mason Guy: SHM Golem same
  3222. R6Winters: Chief called, he said that’s it
  3223. R6Winters: RGN 707 I’m aware but I had to anyway
  3224. RGN 707: R6Winters you’re almost 3 months late
  3225. The Creator: Good personality and great music, he's going bbc lvl
  3226. Whitetiger: Bro, you gotta release this song separate!!
  3227. Lucas Orlando: January 12 2018? I think you mean 2019
  3228. Charles Lajoie: No? Pretty sure he meant the date he was arrested.
  3229. Konrad Uuselu: I hate the autotune but good song.
  3230. Andrew: I only clicked on this because I’m wearing the same hoodie 😂
  3231. Savage Playa: Guys is this real some one pls help me I’m going crazy squad fam
  3232. FireF Jebač: Januray 12th 2018. ?ok
  3233. Sprees: How’d you get the thumbnail though
  3234. Tevin Thomas: Bruhhhh this one of the funniest videos u made lmao 🤣🤣🤣 but that song was really good, lyrically, good flow, nice hook....you and YBN Cordae are my favourite young rappers ..Y'all need 2 link up snd make a mixtape or a few songs atleast 🔥🔥🔥🔥
  3235. Eoin: U gonna have background music and auto tune in court wow
  3236. Skiilz0: Quadeca needs to shave that shit ain’t working man
  3237. Sighty Uzumaki: Why is this my favorite song from you lol
  3238. TacoTooTurnt: Great video my guy!!! I have a question tho is your nose crooked or is that just the lighting in the video 🤔
  3239. Alex Aguilar: Killed it!!!!!!!
  3240. Fake Justin Y.: Nani the fuck?!?!
  3241. Donald MCDrive: Vid length is 9:11 very cheeky
  3242. Whitetiger: you're a fucking beast lmao
  3243. Ryan Daniels: 1-12-18 was my b day
  3244. Liam Mason: This song bangs hope the jude likes it
  3245. Daniel Schmidt: Song at 6:38
  3246. Aksels Suksis: Its better than anything ksi's made
  3247. Taya: I clicked on this not realising it was quadeca lol
  3248. Muslim Lover: Who came from the KSI subscribers
  3249. Muslim Lover: T
  3250. Muslim Lover: S
  3251. Muslim Lover: Mad
  3252. Fish: The US legal system is absolutely ridiculous, like what the fuck is your country hahaha
  3253. Kiwi xc4: "accidentaly rhymes while pulled over" youtube video title : How i rapped to not get a ticket" btw thw song is liiit 🔥🔥🔥
  3254. Bailey Piatt: Now your channel is dead.
  3255. skillNshoot: Actually some fire bars lol
  3256. Sumting Clever: White privilege at its finest
  3257. SynTracks: this is fire broski, you killed it!
  3258. Nico Dvorak: 5:03 damn january 12th is my birthday
  3259. Sprees: I thought we were waiting because he’s dropping a insane diss tract or reacting to ksi or with deji but no a speeding ticket.....
  3260. medo sh: Every like i get i will do 1 pushup let's see how much i need to do.. I'll actually prove it with a video deadass
  3261. StrangerOf The206: +RbxPrince "stop hating. Don't hate. You're a hater." That's the problem, all you soft ass pansies crying about hate, boo hoo hoo, waaaaaa waaaaaaa.... This cancerous site needs MORE HATE so all the PUSSIES like push up boy here will get the fuck outta here and take lele pons and jojo fuckin siwa and that Evan kid that buys all the fuckin toys and those God damn Paul brothers and all the rest of these fuckin puddles of shit and then we can post videos of guns and blowing shit up and shooting rockets into space and hardcore mathematics problems and stepping on Legos and all you crybabies will stop wining about hate and all the haters and all the people that just copy and paste other comments and say "SUBSCRIBE to me and I'll SUBSCRIBE back and do 50 jumping jacks!" And all those hoochie cam girls and THOTS and the COPYSTRIKE PEWDIEPIE and the ASMR chew your food in my ear and whisper about taking a shit and running out of toilet paper and smack your face on the microphone and boo hoo hoo sooooo much hate sooo much hate CRY CRY CRY!!!! So what the fuck do you do for the world?!? Huh?!? I bet you don't even recycle. You don't even shut the fuckin water off when you brush your teeth.... I would take a shit in the top of your toilet right now if I could. Upper decker. Plop. I know what REAL hate is. It's how your dad feels about me every day cuz he knows I'm rattlin your mom's rusty cage like a jiminy jumper on a hominey harwark!!! SUBSCRIBE TO PEWDIEPIE. I might be your real dad, and I'm ashamed of that cuz you're a god damn crybaby. You pussy.
  3262. RbxPrince: +StrangerOf The206 lol never said he was going to do them. lmao if you actually pay attention to what I said you'll find out basically all I said was that stop hating.
  3263. StrangerOf The206: +RbxPrince aww yes, it was you, you were the one calling me out, for calling this kid out, the kid who didn't change the world with his push up promises to the youtube community, like you assumed he was really going to do... well yes, um, I told you so. And um, I know you are but what am i?
  3264. StrangerOf The206: And here we are, days later, and nothing... and who was that saying this loser was changing the world with push ups?!? You can shut the fuck all the way up, all the way. The fuck. Up.
  3265. Bob John: medo sh u didn’t upload anything fuck off
  3266. Sprees: I thought we were waiting because he’s dropping a insane diss tract or reacting to ksi or with deji but no a speeding ticket.....
  3267. Sprees: I thought we were waiting because he’s dropping a insane diss tract or reacting to ksi or with deji but no a speeding ticket.....
  3268. RainyyVybs: Go audition on X-Factor
  3269. Harmony Montoya: I never knew I would ever like a song about a biker
  3270. BAC -LP: America......
  3271. Will Myers: Come to Dallas
  3272. Seth Beason: Bruh this shit is actually fire🔥🔥
  3273. rafhanah raco: tHe quality content we subscribed for
  3274. Luke Krumlauf: You got half a milli subs since the ksi diss 😮
  3275. White kid from polar express: What background song is that you usually play in the beginning ?
  3276. Zero subs with no Videos: Swag Money some animal crossing music
  3277. Daniel Schmidt: For every like I'll do a pull up.. go easy
  3278. Glistlo: *Speech 100*
  3279. williamplaysgames: U GOOTA SLOW DOWN
  3280. Mxth1cz: It’s 🔥🔥💯
  3281. Abdul Nihaz: The effect JJ had on this guy's channel :) 300k in one hour bro
  3282. Erebus.eχe: You mean the effect of him killing jj
  3283. Laksh Kahol: KSI diss track?
  3284. Samuel Adams: That hook was fire tho
  3285. XyZor: I think the judge is gonna give you that ticket
  3286. Guilandra Kibaki: Actual song at 6:36 if anyone isn’t dedicated enough to sit through the full 9 minutes
  3287. GK15: 4:00-4:03 How does he do that camera movement edit? What's it called?
  3288. Bacon Nuts: When the speeding song is more fire than KSI’s diss track and newest song
  3289. Abstracticalboi: Quadeca goes to prison with 6ix9ine XD
  3290. brody 1735905: Now that's epic
  3291. ace angle: this is better than the ksy's disstrack
  3292. NSW MiNi: Ngl I'd boost this shit in my car
  3293. Ryan Daniels: Mr beast
  3294. Vu Phan: React to unforgivable diss track on ksi
  3295. Luna Xz: Sounds Good When You Speed The Music Up.
  3296. Luna Xz: +Khayyam Khan Lol.
  3297. Khayyam Khan: Whoah hold on... You gotta slow down
  3298. Luna Xz: +VeroBlaze X Eh...
  3299. VeroBlaze X: It's awesome at 0.75
  3300. Luis De Los Santos: Yo the judge gone be lit in that bi
  3301. Jose Garcia: This sum type of Shi they would show us at school to stay safe but aye still fire tho
  3302. MFC Evo: If they was only one person who could rap his way out of the speeding ticket, it would be the main man, Quadeca.
  3303. Ryan Daniels: Mr beast
  3304. Gooble McDooble: That was actually a good song
  3305. Jakeaboy Pickford: Lmao the judge saying 'aint nothing usual about me'
  3306. Kermit The Frog: *Vroom Vroom*
  3307. Haris Bajwa: baller nah? boi stay in yo lane
  3308. Prop54 l Epic Daily Gameplay: Tune
  3309. Sprees: I thought we were waiting because he’s dropping a insane diss tract or reacting to ksi or with deji but no a speeding ticket.....
  3310. Monarch Of Memes: Cant kill whats already dead
  3311. Fresh2000: *Read the description*
  3312. Dylan Young: Beerus is a fuckin banger
  3313. WTF AG: January 12, is my birthday
  3314. Josh Harrington: Please do a follow up in the future my guy 👌👌
  3315. PluTiper: Wheres the ksi diss track?
  3316. Benjamin Baniassadi: autumn leaves at the end
  3317. • JuicyTime •: *The song in ×1.25 speed It's* 🔥🔥
  3318. Dxddy x: • JuicyTime • It’s
  3319. King.Andy: Ahmed Idris 😂😂😂lmaooo facts
  3320. Ahmed Idris: but you gotta slow down
  3321. GameFlexx: Actualy ya
  3322. Mango Boi: • JuicyTime • holy shit yh
  3323. This_Is _OG: the vid is 9:11 minutes long nice
  3324. Emoney: Goat
  3325. Prismatic: You gonna get charged with murdering that track
  3326. Shuhen Chowdhury: Yo the judge found me guilty for murder but I’m bouta drop a banger🔥🔥🔥 on him so I don’t have to go to prison 😎😎😎 Wish me luck guys
  3327. QuantomDoes VlogsCuzHesGay: His reminds me of umm what's his name j Cole I think
  3328. Damien Midkiff: Caption........
  3329. ryan53294: 6:45
  3330. Kei Top: Hey Quedeca do you skate cause I see that palace shirt ?
  3331. Bryan Hernandez: Yup i'mma sub to this guy
  3332. Just Yelling: When quadeca has a milli subs so now he can be on the xxl freshmen list
  3333. Derrick Black: If he doesn't like it that'll be epic as fuck! I liked it.
  3334. Jack Harding: Like it but the autotuned chorus makes me sick
  3335. KPLIITZ: Faster beat please
  3336. TemZy _: I would’ve gave you free mcdonalds for the rest of your life if you made a song for me lol
  3337. Shunmuka Valsa: Wheres the second ksi disstrack?
  3338. iam. idiosyncratic: 😂🔥🔥
  3339. katana_92: Actually a song I'd listen to lmao
  3340. rick bleach: if u drive 40 in a 25 in norway u lose your fucking licence. or u get a ticket that is 1000 dollars.
  3341. TheAppleGamer123: U got me waiting for the song but when it hits it's a banger
  3342. sampic160: Yo story is buuuuuuuuuuuuuulshit imma tell you what
  3343. XXL: Y
  3344. Abdalrhmn Alatrash: This song needs to be officially released
  3345. PROMINECARTGAMER123674: Ironic I’m in my car and there’s a biker right in front of my car
  3346. Hugo Paper: Quadeca = fuck YouTube = DEMONITISED
  3347. dope: Gotta slow down
  3348. Emanating Faucet: @dope That's a valuable sentiment we can all hold O _ O
  3349. Péter Brunner: I'm getting flashbacks of Joyner Lucas Ross Capicchioni
  3350. sleepy: That was fire
  3351. STOP Team: That was probably an undercover cop KSI had sent.
  3352. Zero subs with no Videos: • satxhel • you realize you can’t just backtrack on everything and say it’s a joke dumbass
  3353. xxx tentacles: Zero subs with no Videos lol, triggered? It’s just a joke fam
  3354. xxx tentacles: Matt Peralta you’re*
  3355. Zero subs with no Videos: • satxhel • stop making it a black. Thing cops don’t take orders form any civilians smh being black had nothing to do with it
  3356. Dalilaya Jukiz: Brooo
  3357. Flynn Swagmire: This is hype, but you're also a bitch for doing it. What a paradox.
  3358. Qwerto: Omega lol
  3359. GayAssPizza Memes: * judge subscribed*
  3360. H2o Luck: ahaha people you have just been clickbaited!! come to my channel *winky face* im 22 btw
  3361. Alex: H2o Luck no you're not 22
  3362. Pikachu gangster: This was lit btw I'm a huge fan I been watching insecure 50 times a day ur one of my new rap inspirations thanks for being awesome and good day quadeca and have a good day everyone seeing this
  3363. Oh Yeah yeah: It would be funny if the music video got demonetized
  3364. Jasin Iska 8TrA Elinebergsskolan: Your rapping is shit
  3365. Nathan: Ooof like it
  3366. saph clifford: i can’t breathe 😂😭💀💀
  3367. TakeYourEloYT: Quadeca, I honestly think you should read this comment. Learn about the right to travel, it's been fought many times in the Supreme Court Cases for the Constitution. Now you arent a driver, you're a traveler, you can find the Supreme Court Cases definitions on blacks law dictionary. And all the lights, speed limits and etc are for people that are a driver. A driver is a person in action of comers. Driving for money, or doing it as a job. Holding paid cargo and etc. You didn't break any law, infraction and etc. Just go on YouTube and look up right to travel.
  3368. EdwinIsWoke The3rd: Your the crack
  3369. PotatoMG: damn
  3370. KingWIgz 1: Respect
  3371. FearlessFoxX: Your dope asf dude
  3372. - MockBeat-: Im going to try this
  3373. Macho Wolfie: You a cool ass kid 😂😂
  3374. Peaches AA: Literal fire
  3375. Its Odin: still makin a ksu diss track?
  3376. Jao: you got almost 300k in one hour and the new sidemen video got 300k too but in 3hrs 🤦‍♀️
  3377. Da cringe lord: Wait he's rich why doesn't he just pay the ticket?
  3378. Tap Water: Where’s the KSI diss
  3379. es1mage: G shit quad finessed +respek
  3380. Yeet Boi: Low key fire😂
  3381. Quadeca on The playlist more than ksi: Nibbas with long shlongs Pls don’t like this comment
  3382. Minecraft Ore123: Did the police stop you for murdering ksi
  3383. C D K: The judge is about to be a fan. 🔥
  3384. C D K: +TIMOTHY SPENCER JR i wish I was still a fan
  3385. TIMOTHY SPENCER JR: C D K aye Logan Paul come film this I think I just killed a man
  3386. Shane_ Official_112: 6:39 is what your looking for thank me later
  3387. Damian Ferranti: you are a waste of life
  3388. TheLionPrince: No thanks! Worth it watching the whole thing.
  3389. MrBeast: Te amo no homo
  3390. MilkyWayVlogs: Thx
  3391. Orl games: You're is what your grammar is looking for
  3392. UmangTMC: bruh didn't make it 10 min lol
  3393. Harry Ennis: “I was feeling myself, I was driving around the boulevard”
  3394. Pennyless IDIOT: Yup.
  3395. Quadeca on The playlist more than ksi: Hey u killed ksi
  3396. Joe Harvey: When’s your response to ksi coming out?
  3397. Dan133l: He's not making one
  3398. Ethan LaBelle: read the description
  3399. Da cringe lord: Song at 6:46
  3400. Charlie Ward Games: Grey cunch Americans gassing up about a fucking speeding ticket..🤦🏼‍♂️
  3401. NYKPI Sb: 👏👏👏👏👏
  3402. Herberti83: Not gonna lie, I got to know you through KSI, but now i subbed cause this video was very entertaining and the song was lit. Very nice.
  3403. M3 17: He sounds like logic
  3404. Julio Aguilar: Actually Bumping wtf 😂💥💥
  3405. Ken Houston: Quadeca is special he’s got something going for him
  3406. Shayan Abedi: Damn why it’s low key fire😂😂
  3407. TheAppleGamer123: I thought it Said raping some to get out ticket
  3408. Quadeca on The playlist more than ksi: Quadeca on the playlist more than ksi
  3409. Aviv Simantov: Straight flamesss🔥🔥🔥🔥
  3410. TRISTAN B: That was low key fire af
  3411. GAMING Controlled: The Judge is still gonna give u the point, he is gonna be salty after he hears this because your gonna set him on fire
  3413. Khaotic Vlogs: Why do I want to learn this song
  3414. 4BID SUPER STATION: Cyclists.
  3415. WeLove X: The officer better respond with a diss
  3416. BeansAndRice: Lol
  3417. Migooo_ant: LMFAO
  3418. dan flynn: officer: show me your hairline quadeca. game over.
  3419. oaktwain: 😂😂😂 the cop rapping
  3420. GAMING Controlled: Listen that song shouldn’t have been FIRE 🔥, but y was it??
  3421. sub and you can be TRACER: At least he didn't crash his lambo ksi should make a song about that
  3422. jlopez: Ibz 25 nigga it was a joke
  3423. Ibz 25: Presley Cooper you’re actually 9
  3424. Jxkie: +Presley Cooper 🤦
  3425. Presley Cooper: Jxkie yeah he did he drove it off a table
  3426. Jxkie: ksi never crashed his lambo tho
  3427. Aedan X: That song reminds me of angry grandpa😔 0:00 EDIT: the little song at the beginning of the video
  3428. Ixactl: 5:18 tho
  3429. Ivxy: KSI will probably add in his diss track your a pussy just because your scared of a biker.
  3430. yt fan: Its shit
  3431. Isaac Cohen: Wow your awesome I’m in love with your music
  3432. Yoni: Shoulda made the song a minute longer so incase he doesn't like the song you can bribe him with the AdSense
  3433. Ixactl: he recorded the video on handheld in driver's seat, and sent it to court, lmao
  3434. philip4419: Ixactl are u retarded?
  3435. E.D.M. Official: FITZ MUSIC
  3436. Diana: Ishma birthday
  3437. Jay: PUT THIS ON SPOTIFY!!!!
  3438. Capital F: Gotta speed up!!!
  3439. Adam Mousa: This had better roasts than KSI diss on you
  3440. aqqressive: LOL
  3441. Sheki: Damn bruh the music he plays at the start reminds me of the Angry Grandpa days..
  3442. Cheub Sky: why you stressin so much 😂😂😂 calm down lol thats some basic ass shit
  3443. Tyler X Trash: cruel and unusual punishment is illegal xd
  3444. Bryan Margain: Very good men, Best song i ever heard about a ticket bro.
  3445. Ram The Man: thats it? just 1 point? in new york they revoke your entire license until you're 21 lol
  3446. NGOtaku: No 1M video👀
  3447. Ronin: Lesss gooo it's been a minute
  3448. Antwun Trademark: Why is this man so talented 🔥 This song is actually deep asf
  3449. Fuchi: *_needs more autotune_*
  3450. Jacob: You love Pewdiepie at this point😂
  3451. Undercover okk: Lmao I was watching a vid whilst looking at my recommended then I was like omg quadeca uploaded
  3452. Arnold Albarran: Just kryptic says he a better rapper then u be he ain’t
  3453. Sphark: That unusual reference by the judge
  3454. bledi badallaj: Dayummmm he had 400k subs before the beef with KSI..
  3455. Ani Guy: Get this man some clippers his clickbate weird (and the beard too wtf i loved your Babyface)
  3456. TheRealZnrG GD - Music and Games!: *c r i m i n a l* jk lol
  3457. Boochie Gang: Damnn wtff ksiii gave quadeca a hugee boost !!!
  3458. lil dobbs: You lucky dawg. Good shit!!
  3459. Chirsty goose: 1.1mil from beefing KSI
  3460. Megan'sLens: Rap game more dangerous than your driving skills. You shoulda told the judge you rap faster than the speed you were traveling when you passed that biker up haha but you killed this, as usual 🔥 hope the judge approves 🙏🏼
  3461. Zachary Cull: January 12 is my birthday
  3462. kj: free up quadeca
  3463. Albert Køie: Is it a coincidence that the video is 9 minutes and 11 seconds long?
  3464. PIXLATOR: everything you see in this video is one hundred percent is real *** insert Wrong gif here ***
  3465. PrPlays Savage: What city does he live in?
  3466. Izak Diaz: Cringe HARD
  3467. vza [_V2_]: *Not the hero we deserved but the hero we needed* first part I'm joking we need quadeca hes a legend
  3468. Angelo Rice: I know not to speed
  3469. cheese prize: +Oh yea oh yea gamer oh he also forgot the full stops XD
  3470. Oh yea oh yea gamer: cheese prize he's since it was in a sentence
  3471. cheese prize: He's
  3472. hlua Sailo: why dont you just take the ticket?
  3473. Pototo Salad: this is cringe but its for a good reason lol :)
  3474. Faad Abubakar: I am lucky to know you before you go mainstream.
  3475. AbsThePro: You hit 1mil Congrats.
  3476. TRVTH: When he started with the *GONNA FLY NOW* I was so ready. Then he stopped
  3477. Secret: Drop a disstrack on ksi ffs?
  3478. STZ- TigheZYT: Takes quadeca 60 seconds to think of a diss track twice as fire and twice as long as Ksi’s disses put together.
  3479. Pomegranate Inu: +dooomsday666 He reused one of the lines in that video. To say he recycled that video is you discrediting the 20 other shots he threw which were way better considering they made sense unlike ksi who spewed nonsense and basically proved quadeca with his god complex and him just flexing about his money.
  3480. dooomsday666: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=316iw_lUZVc&t=115s
  3481. dooomsday666: LMAOOOOO look at quadeca's video reacting to weller vs ksi trailer the insequre diss track is recycled you fucking dumb dickrider.
  3482. STZ- TigheZYT: lx-_Cyrus so does like half the world.
  3483. X Crimson: This is fake. He obviously didn't. Smh 😂😂😂
  3484. XERES: all the dislikes are cops
  3485. Cameron Connolly: reply to ksi
  3486. Xero: *makes disstrack on the judge*
  3487. Xero: +LJ64 AHAHAHA
  3488. Xero: +Zub-Zero mission accomplished :÷)
  3489. Xero: Jesse Gibson yo I like botted because I farted yeah yeah yeah ay ay ay I have lean at the side of my nuts
  3490. mark onochie: 😂😂😂😂
  3491. LJ64: The judge talks nonsense mediocre with a God complex.
  3492. Winster Wolf: This lit🔥🔥
  3493. lil Chrispy: I fucks with it make it a real song so I can download it
  3494. RavageRaps: I wanna hear what the *court* says?
  3495. Jacob Federici: Bruh clean rap usually sucks but damn this was actually fucking fire
  3497. Ksmok3 Gsmok3: Lol... A speeding ticket.
  3498. Maia: Coincidence that this video was 9 minutes and 11 seconds long put those together 9/11 oh wait the law enforcement is in this video law enforcement you say isn't that apart of the government now what is one position in government thats right president oh who was president during 9/11 Bush. Bush did 9/11! You're welcome
  3499. Sony: Hey, congrats on 1mill.
  3500. Body-guard rat from Flushed Away: This video was actually really good and funny ngl
  3501. Yvng X: 6:37 is what u came for
  3502. Terrance Bobb: You can make anything fire, from dissing a god to rapping about passing a biker. Talent at its finest
  3503. Leo Hunter: Weird flex but ok
  3504. Red Man: 911 dislikes
  3505. SavageSwitch: Who else thinks this song would go platinum?
  3506. Alejandro Frias: Quadeca looks like MurdaBeatz
  3507. It’s Ya Boi Trae: Hol up, i’m listening to a song about speeding....WHY THE FUCK IS IT FIRE😂😂🔥🔥
  3508. Adil Makame: Quadeca x Imdontai , would be flamezzz
  3509. avcat1 _: Fr
  3510. Adam Idk: Myth why you a wannabe and calling others cringe?
  3511. AESZ FORTNITE: +TSM Myth Ok the guy with the name tsm myth
  3512. Straight Loaf: Quadeca x Dax
  3513. 3AMtruly: TSM Myth says the one who’s name is tsm myth
  3514. Coen Bijpost: Lol, this was actually cool. It’s a bit corny, but the subject isn’t that hot to begin with, you made it into a banger nonetheless. Hope the judge likes it as much as I do. Wish we had cool judges like that in the Netherlands.
  3515. pubgdogs pubgdogs: when is ur dis coming
  3516. Snoopi: U will have a point plus and 100 $gift bro ur 💣
  3517. Follow new account same picture skigod: doubble pump is back
  3518. Whos Beast: shit definately smacked i rock with that song
  3519. Ab Mark: WHY U COMIN FASS
  3520. Hector Stokes: Aha this is so sick
  3521. Cookiés: Low-key FIRE...🥓🥓🔥
  3522. Jad Fadlallah: Nice.
  3523. Jake Mager: WE ALL WANT A KSI DISS TRACK
  3524. Prince Fresh: This is like when the teacher gives a school talking project and you ask if you can rap instead and shes like “ only if its to do with the topic” . So your dumb ass makes a whole fucking song about friction or some shit
  3525. Red Super Saiyan God: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 FIRE
  3526. Whomshallifear - PS4: This is CONTENT
  3527. Sony: That was hella lit!!
  3528. Rsinist: Congrats on 1Mil!
  3529. Stitch Shop: R.I.P for bikers 😂😂😂
  3530. Predito57xx: Your good bro.he won’t give you a ticket
  3531. 1.25x Music Videos: FAKE CUZ YOU DONT HAVE A CDL. CDL= commercial drivers license
  3532. Nelly Kopala: *MASTERPIECE*
  3533. idothewiggle: man...this is great!
  3534. Phoenix: Yo. That shit was pure fucking FUEGO 🔥
  3535. JSlice1026: Lol, you and I drive the same car
  3536. Lydia x: this is so good it’s actually laughable
  3537. usf ftw: song starts at 6:30
  3538. Yummy_Squirtss: 🤬 trash
  3539. Lewi FOOTBALL: Click bait/ fake
  3540. kingcrafted 10: Banger ALERT
  3541. Ali Mezher: My house is on fire🔥🔥🔥🔥
  3542. Andrew L: just imagine the judge being like " that song was wack af, im adding 2 points to your record and 60 day suspension, peace motherfucker.... #SpeedUP"
  3543. its labs 2: January 12 is my birthday lol
  3544. Kaikane: Quality original video that is his style, I rate you quadeca, as a YouTuber and a rapper
  3545. IliySharshakov: Are you going to write a diss track on ksi??
  3546. Frownhorse: Watch this become an advertisement playing in the waiting room of the court.
  3547. Floating- Cube: Release that shit
  3548. Brian Kaleal: the video was 9:11
  3549. bdkz: Like and sub
  3550. Sonny Martell: This is click bait af this guys channels dying he’s tryna grab back some of those Ksi views that are leaving him 😂
  3551. N Dawg Dalibaro: Sooooooo are we all just gonna forget the Disstrack stuff
  3552. MasterSnake: nobody noticed that the time on the video is 9:11...
  3553. D-Pro: Judge: I'm a judge that believes in sort of unusual punishments. 8th Amendment: Am I a joke to you?
  3554. Kevin Cruz: What Happened to Dissing KSI Again
  3555. 10000 subscribers for no reason: jaunary 12 2018 WHAT WHAT THE FUCK
  3556. Ahmed Abordan: Shit ,that was highkey fire🔥
  3557. Joe Basement Woodworking & DIY: 2pts and 60days suspended;)
  3558. ExScopp: Gets out of speeding in car by speeding with words
  3559. Danny Mullane: Why was that song so good
  3560. LEGO KANGAROO: I read raping and I got hella scared.
  3561. Drip The Hypnotic: Lol fire 😂🔥
  3562. Abigail Spence: Bars
  3563. Jelly Jello: Better than that beerus shit
  3564. german solis: Low key it was 🔥🔥
  3565. LeanInMaCup: clickbait love your rap tho
  3566. MrDJPJ: What a legend dude🔥
  3567. Toby Warren: Where do you live
  3568. Mr Tar Tar: This guy really just made a song about not speeding and it was actually good
  3569. Golden Boy: 😂😂
  3570. Feed Network: It’s very nice fire but cringy
  3571. fadi.aljohari: 9 minutes and 11 seconds, hmmmmmmmmmmmm???!!
  3572. FM Script: Literally needed 1 more minute for... you know what 🤑
  3573. Destinee Ramirezz: am i the only one who thinks he’s flippin hot ? yea? ok. cool. anyways the song was ight or whatever
  3574. Merch University: That song was LEGIT
  3575. IG Elite: This is actually better than Ares and it isn't even as long and it isn't even a disstract
  3576. Just Forfun: Its actually fucking cool
  3577. nadne washington: the car you were in at 7:39 was driving backwards that's against the law sike i love you
  3578. The Unicorn Love Hearts: Hey
  3579. Clash Tutorials: Ksi track?
  3580. Bendik Palma: The car puns are exhausting 🚗
  3581. GODMODELAGGER: Haha. Why tho. Why
  3582. Coen Bijpost: Dude, try driving in the Netherlands, we have the most bikes per square kilometer in the whole world ;)
  3583. TTM Trick shots: Actually too sick, my guy quad!
  3584. Follow new account same picture skigod: styles of youtube clickbait videos (ali a)
  3585. thegrimkeeper: They gonna see you diss ksi lol
  3586. GreenYoutube: *damn*
  3587. ALI 4554: wtf is this shit his voice is soo annoying
  3588. Farrah Chloe: Well we all hope that the judge takes of that one point 🙏🙏
  3589. 3.14159265 35: "100% true" aka fake
  3590. Carson Hubert: Bruh that’s my highschool in the picture wtf
  3591. SBA J: *Gives a speeding ticket for rapping too fast* Thank you all for the likes <3
  3592. SBA J: +Marin Romčević lol gg bro
  3593. SBA J: +VeroBlaze X I really didnt but believe what you want
  3594. Marin Romčević: SBA J fuck man,we’re twins
  3595. cheese prize: DAM
  3596. Nostalgia Benz: Bruhhh congrats to 1 million
  3597. TMDM !: He rhymed down with down, HYPOCRITE.
  3598. Jayden Anolin: you lucky cus if you were black they would shoot you
  3599. bsbswag 25: was the video purposely made to b 9:11 as a joke cus police n 911 n shit?
  3600. Zin Thura: W
  3601. Official tiktok feminist jellyfish: Quadeca is lit
  3602. Byy Skillzz: The real crime here is missing the Biology test
  3603. Samuel: That was fucking good damn bro
  3604. DP888: Quadeca wins again
  3605. Quinn B: Song at 6:38
  3606. ToReYz: "So I may have missed my test, but I learned a lesson" best line
  3607. Ayush Yamba: R u making diss or what u have to do this bro ksi is losing u have to make this happen
  3608. kkk kkk: Ok why is this fire though 😂💥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  3609. Ivan Castro: Creative genius
  3610. Bryan Taylor: Cyclists not bikers...
  3611. Bakht Khan: Too much autotune.
  3612. JD Rismay: Slow down bro
  3613. G4L: you should get a life sentence after what you did to KSI
  3614. ColoradoStuff: Need a reaction to BEERUS
  3615. Conor Finnerty: @quadeca why have you removed insecure from Spotify
  3616. Meeth Vlogs: Holy dang dude this is actually amazing haha lol keep it up bro hope your ticket goes down 😂💯🔥❤️
  3617. Joeocity Productions: Damn he couldn’t do 911 for the memes🤔
  3618. washoywa: nibbas get mad cause they cant rap to save themselves from prison. Nibbas got bars, lol
  3619. TheBossChicken: So... hit the biker while doing 100 in a 25?
  3620. Yes Its me: Its not white privilege but if he was black he would have been "rapping while he was on crack, speeding from the police after a drug heist."
  3621. SmuckersBrand: Yo Quadeca, can you put this shit on Spotify
  3622. Charlie deAnda: Lowkey had to listen twice because i had to make sure the car in the background was place i speed sometimes 😅 but rbv hs and this other middle school
  3623. NX H17: I freaking love the song quad fu** ksi you better then him
  3624. Kraken: This man is a criminal mastermind
  3625. a trash boii: Bro I pray to God my school don't hear this cause then we gonna get a full hour long lecture about speeding and then the only enjoyable part of the hours will be like 3 mins long
  3626. GAMINGwithJONNY 123: When you’re so good at rapping you can make fire out of anything 😳😂
  3627. Juaquin Aguilera: boi 👏👏
  3628. Niccolò Ivarson: I hate cyclists.
  3629. Wanyr Og: That was trash
  3630. ποντιος WasHere: Clickbait idiot
  3631. Charlie Xoxo: ........ SUB TO PEWDIEPIE
  3632. I'm jm: 1 like= 1 🔥
  3633. you know when you just don't care anymore: You really blew up, 200k views already
  3634. Yuki Binladen: Better than everyone song KSI has ever produced
  3635. Anonymous Mans: Shouldnt have sang just rap
  3636. LGND Bugga: I swear I'll never speed again
  3637. arman.m.photo: This shit is fucking fire oh my god! Please post more on this mf youtube , fucking lyrics got me gassed up
  3638. Light1Films: Great song Quadeca.
  3640. ANEEQ TUBE: Anyone december 2018 Anyone january 2333
  3641. MemestoDeath: And tomorrow the KSI Diss i think 🤨
  3642. Who Am I: 227k views in 1 hour??.... Well shit.
  3643. Anonymous Mans: Wasnt that good
  3644. NeXuS_ XtReMe: Wen u realize u arn't zubscribed 2 Quad :O
  3645. Samir Nduwayo: Awsome
  3646. Samir Nduwayo: Awaome
  3647. Combatgamer100: The autotunes tho
  3648. IG Elite: Bro what a legend xD you have such a great talent for rapping
  3649. Carlos Gutierrez: didnt think you should/could be making songs off of this shit ... but he had to do this shit for court too? damn lmao
  3650. ToXc Wolf: 2 min song but straight bars 🔥 🔥
  3651. Mark The boss: Like-quad Reply-KSI
  3652. Nahin Halder: Asking for likes lol stoppppp
  3653. Paal Tangen: Fckign get that shit on spotify already!!!!!!!
  3654. Nahin Halder: If the video tells the complete truth, it is illegal to do so... #BuzzKill
  3655. Jack Gomez: got a GTI too👀
  3656. JonigamerCorp: next time you should do the same thing but instead of ´´Rapping to get out of a speeding ticket´´ you should do ´´showing my genitals to an officer to get out of a speeding ticket´´ you would get out of a ticket for speeding but you would go in jail instead XD
  3657. Entitys Hazard: Gotta love the code geass OST
  3658. Tanner DeFries: A line should’ve been “yea I know I’m in the wrong, that’s why I’m making this song”
  3659. Zack PlayZ: I’m fucking out
  3660. Michael Deokinandan: Jan 12th 2018 already passed lmaoooo 😂😂
  3661. Zack PlayZ: Wtf is this
  3662. Swift: This song is garbage 🤣
  3663. KarmasSoldier: lmao that was fire i feel like they are gonna start showing that in all drivers ed now xD
  3664. Red&Black: better then the disstrack😂
  3665. M Plays: If u put it 1.25x the song sounds really good
  3666. bunny Money: Damn quadeca thinks he’s a badass bc he got pulled over... lmfao lame asf
  3667. Gaara: no 1 mil subs vid
  3668. 10k subscribers without a video: 4:08 - When you need to go toilet and the teacher doesnt let you
  3669. blaster Bros: Lol
  3670. Nova Ways: I know you gotta slow down but bro. You got passed by a Prius.
  3671. Kanye’s LeftLeg: What did the librarian say to the kid Read more
  3672. youngbenz: Kanye’s LeftLeg i hate you
  3673. Hey It's Phlopy!: Song was actually lit as hell not gonna lie hope the judge thinks the same 😂🔥
  3674. TylerHulseyMusic: Cdl suspension? Surely quad don't have his Cdl. Hmm fake ticket?
  3675. imtheonlytye: this deadass is white privilege tho LOOOL they're letting a white dude rap into order to get out of a speeding ticket. Hip Hop is black culture and they're letting a white dude use it in order to get out of a speeding ticket xD if he was black they wouldnt allow this i guarantee it
  3676. imtheonlytye: Alex he literally showed the documents 🤣
  3677. imtheonlytye: Alex not everything in life is a lie so yes I do LOL
  3678. Alex: Do you really think this happened
  3679. Jahidi Tv: That was lit🔥🔥
  3680. Anthony Swaz: Boy you better shave
  3681. Abawarri Adem: Who waited for a disstrack but instead this shit came
  3682. Biljet: *kills ksi* nothing happens, speeds biker; has to make a song or pay 160$...…………...lol
  3683. Saig Raven: Quad ... Bruh actually post this song on like Soundcloud
  3684. MR. Dioblo: This song is a bop
  3685. Lil Pulp: Misread the title as “raping to get out of a speeding ticket”
  3686. Nahin Halder: Don't press read more... Slow down right there you could have got those long comments 👌Sike
  3687. Nahin Halder: Why u gotta do this to me bruh...
  3688. Muselam Abdallah: +GreatGreenDerp haha me too😎
  3689. J W: +Michael Mancarella It does if you're on mobile...so yeah.
  3690. Michael Mancarella: GreatGreenDerp No, it doesn't.
  3691. SkiMaskTheGodSlump: Imagine being so good you make heat about getting a speed ticket 🔥🔥
  3692. Ry Tha Kid: Banger video 💥
  3693. Edisson Pegram: This shot is complete FIRE
  3694. #RJGaming: keep making videos bro
  3695. Fifth Yonko: This was stupid
  3696. GRIM GK: You need to release this it's really fire
  3697. ImNotShadow: 🔥
  3698. clever clapper: Fire
  3699. Theifzy: Should of got arrested for setting things on fire 🔥🔥
  3700. Oliver Hallin: This shit fire🔥🔥
  3701. Call Me Daddy: The judge only let him go cause he’s white
  3702. yo boyalex2gamerlol: Your songs are all ways firer 💯🔥🔥
  3703. Pakistan Ball: Fire dude 👌
  3704. John Owen: This quadeca guy is cool he should make music
  3705. Elijah: Well, it’s no secret that the best thing about a secret is secretly telling someone your secret, thereby adding another secret to their secret collection of secrets, secretly.
  3706. ClearAlpha: Tota Now that is an epic victory royale
  3707. silver: Were is the diss on KSI
  3708. Spid3y.: Better than anything KSI has made tbh
  3709. James O'Dwyer: Great chance for a judge diss track missed 🤭
  3710. Almighty Nu: Mbn to be white (song is fire asf tho🔥)
  3711. Lotsofcats 123: Btw like if u agree that Quadeca is just a budget Logic like his voice is the same only with more auto tune.
  3712. Faded Ehide: Bruh, the video is 9:11 long wack
  3713. MrRaul: But I thought you were already in prison for murdering KSI
  3714. MilkyWayVlogs: Ohhhh shittt
  3715. honore AKA the gamer: OMG
  3716. toby wright: Lmfao
  3717. Autumn Leaves: Yikes, both his videos and his viewers are cringe.
  3718. AJ F: Lol rekt
  3719. damedapbiang kharmuti: quadecax8 is literally my first fav youtuber/rapper/footballer xd/AMAZING KID
  3720. Richard Williams: Where u just driving a car in the bike lane?!??? He Gonna give you more tickets🤣😂🤣😂
  3721. cArLos BbC: Wtf this shit was fire
  3722. Olivia Conley: lol since ur insecure video i've started to like watch ur vids and ur pretty thic lol ik ur sister cuz she goes to my school lol
  3723. Gaming Legend: Waiting for your 2nd diss track on ksi😁
  3724. Gaurav Athwal: lit song
  3725. Yomi_Themadfox x: Chorus... Meh... But it actually wasn't bad... Also I need some more music Quadeca... I've been blasting the same songs over and over... Their good.. But I need more ya know 🤔
  3726. Vote Cartman: #FreeQuadeca
  3727. TBONE9594: It be like that sometimes
  3728. PyroAap: video time is 9/11... QUADECA DID 9/11??
  3729. JianjiTriivaco: lmao
  3730. Stefansky.: subject of the video: A speeding ticket. length: 9:11
  3731. The Noonies: gotta get close to that 10 minute mark
  3732. Connor Graham: +Universal entity yes thats my point
  3733. Harvard's Best Memologist: So what is that supposed to mean
  3734. Samuel Boriss: Not gonna lie but if quadeca can just pleas release more music! I would be bumping it in my car, at school, at the gym, before bed, while I'm eating, while I'm sleeping, while I'm peeing. Bro WE NEED MORE!
  3735. سايبر: Video start 6:45 NP :)
  3736. 72O - SKePTiC: oh I thought he stopped you for killing KSI
  3737. dF ZepTro: He raps faster than his speeding ticket
  3738. Chernobyl: But then they arrest you for arson XD
  3739. Nahin Halder: Thats a crime right there lol
  3740. Nahin Halder: Why did he *lit* the song *up* and made it *fire* ?
  3741. NerdsPlayGames: Let’s all be honest If he was black this wouldn’t have passed they woulda given him another ticket
  3742. Nahin Halder: Quadeca explained that other people would have said that also don't say that as this unusual event never happened #NoHateBiches
  3743. MLP: The video is 9:11 minutes - I don't think your gonna get a fine for speeding, Ben lmao
  3744. Nahin Halder: K its alright thought you did though lol
  3745. MLP: +Nahin Halder oh soz i didnt see
  3746. Nahin Halder: Did you copy my comment as well? Lol Can you guys pls stop
  3747. Fartingdoughnut: I think that’s illegal but i don’t give a fuck
  3748. Nahin Halder: Yep
  3749. Albert Kovtoun: America is weird...
  3750. Killer_ Shadowboy: “I GOTTA SLOW DOWN” That Melody tho
  3751. charlie aumiller: Quedeca u think I wouldn’t notice you name dropped ybn cordae and at the beginning you were using lyrics from target
  3752. Keanu Steel: 6:36 is what youre here for
  3753. Youtube Gamer: FIRE 🔥 🔥 🔥
  3754. Youtube Gamer: +Nahin Halder EARTH
  3755. Nahin Halder: WATER💦 💦 💦
  3756. BohemianWar: White privilege is non-existent. Don’t @ me
  3757. Toixk: Cop joined the server Quadeca joined the server Cop left the server deji ended the server
  3758. Apertod Dude: HAHAHAH
  3759. Lotsofcats 123: ............THAT.WAS.FIRE🔥🔥🔥
  3760. Samuel Burner: Respect
  3761. Rabona Football: Frozen by Joyner Lucas thank me later
  3762. Jen.Adames: The judge better have good taste in music or he’s not gonna like this
  3763. Lil Ski: Thought you had a man hunt for murdering every flow you go on
  3764. c_brooks 18: Make a new diss on jj
  3765. Don MATI: Im subscribing to everyone who likes and subscribes to my chanell
  3766. Ben Nig: #Notificationsquad Also NIGGA YOU MAD LIT
  3767. KOS: Your not going to get the point in you record . that shit was fire 🔥🔥🔥🔥
  3768. DBO 23: Where is the ksi diss track??
  3769. TheSeriousShow: This some 2012 live leak shit
  3770. The One: Just buy the fucking beat fuck a lease
  3771. XXHarryST14: Quadeca fans are low key retarded I stg 😂
  3772. X.O Lonnell: This is better than 6ix9ine🤫😂
  3773. X.O Lonnell: Emanating Faucet shut up nigga you’re ugly 😂😂
  3774. Emanating Faucet: @X. O Lonnell Wow aren't you smart for pointing out that that Quadeca is better than *he who shall not be named* (Skittles) we f*cking know! (atleast I'd hope most of us do) 🤦
  3775. Rahul Gahlawat: The story is dope but the rap is wack tbh 😂
  3776. o_.toad._ o: remember Quadecax8?
  3777. Marie Marie: Why do I wanna listen to this every time I pass a biker fire asf😂❤️🔥
  3778. Dr Khan: What a great role model 👍
  3779. Ben Thompson: Damn I thought he rapped to the cop on the spot
  3780. Nahin Halder: Same he worded and thumbnailed his video misleadingly
  3781. Papi Chulo: Yo this video is *ucking great 🔥🐐
  3782. Nahin Halder: This is the internet no one cares what you do or do not censor lol
  3783. Javi Sosa: Yo Quadeca the background footage for your song is right by my house lmao
  3784. Keegs: *Knock Knock Knock* *FBI OPEN UP*
  3785. Stitch vlogs: Anyone else think this is fake?
  3786. Nahin Halder: Yepppppp
  3787. Stitch vlogs: +Nahin Halder fr 💯
  3788. Nahin Halder: Maybe cause it is. No solid proof have been received from him to us the fanbase
  3789. Brandon Jones: I legit just recorded a track to this beat 20 mins ago, then got on here and you're using it too. I love Yondo he one one of my fav producers.
  3790. Krishaan Singh: ayyyyyy january 12th my bday
  3791. Nahin Halder: U sure though? Too many people are born in the 12th in the comment section
  3792. Josh Fitzhenry: Where’s Johnny Zizou?
  3793. MAKAND123: Football series pls
  3794. JeweledJames: Man you killed KSI! Boutta be back in that court room if they see what you really did!
  3795. Trex3211: Song starts at 6:43
  3796. Cian Corbett: Bruh show us the judges reaction !!!
  3797. Echo Daso: 5:06 how can it be in January 2018 if it is December 2018
  3798. Prime-DropZ: Better than all of ksi’s diss tracks
  3799. Mathis Basquine: He got stopped by the police and his vid is 9:11 long
  3800. One EYE: I thought you wore in jale😮 didan't you killed KSI?
  3801. Easwar Raja: U hope u would never go down???? I feel bad for her!
  3802. Josho Reacts: Make the air seem fire
  3803. Sam Vos: You make boring shit 🔥🔥🙏🙏
  3804. Constantin Hölzl: This is FIRE🔥😂
  3805. Kratebeast: When is the KSi diss gonna be on spot
  3806. BTB Live: *when You almost nut and it's only been 5min , " So i gotta slow dooooooown ""*
  3807. sarah gey: ᎡᎪᎠᎪᎡ ᏩᏌN ಥ_ಥ
  3808. k. e.: Nice how the length is 9:11
  3809. MyChemicalDisaster: You can make a rap about anything and make it sound so good.
  3810. Garrett Creeper Crasher: XD
  3811. Keanu Steel: 4:53 aint nothin usual bout me😂
  3812. mcmarmar: I fucking love you hahahahaha this is the best thing
  3813. BTB Live: *This is the most entertaining video i've seen recentely lol*
  3814. ZaynTheSloth: That was low key fire and he low key sound like logic
  3815. Ben Chikwanha: *FIRE*
  3816. THY LAW: Quadeca is next up
  3817. StyledByKilo: The cops gone bump that shit at the station 😂😂😂
  3818. Atbat44 Nadeau: January 12 my birthday
  3819. trashy jpg: Why is it fire tho, its actually annoying that its about that
  3820. Nahin Halder: Lol sooooo true
  3821. Alex Bustetter: This sing was fire not even kidding
  3822. Fortnite Potato: This shit was LIT 👌🔥🔥🔥
  3823. Ben Chikwanha: That shit was fire 🔥🔥🔥🔥
  3824. Nahin Halder: Not sure... is it cause of the (autotuned) singing? No hate
  3825. alexthenugget: the vidoe ends at 9:11
  3826. Nahin Halder: You copied my comment my good sir. Or someone else's
  3827. Minniefrickers: This was actually lit!!! Put it on Spotify?
  3828. Nahin Halder: Legal forced songs can't be put in other platforms but vids(if the video is telling the complete truth)
  3829. mcmarmar: goat
  3830. Tyler M: Isn’t the 8th amendment no cruel or unusual punishment?...
  3831. Shannon Ferguson: Loved the song but for some reason sat laughing the whole way through... inspirational
  3832. Slave King: Better than ksi recent song
  3833. DatGinger Nonce: r/thishappend
  3834. Nahin Halder: Finally memers have arrived
  3835. Ian Gamer: I thaught qudeca go to prison for life i thaught he killed ksi
  3836. Nahin Halder: You copied someone else's comment do not deny it lol No Hate
  3837. Cjbeast10 Yay: 198000th
  3838. Abdulrahman Mohammed: what a fiery mess have you made!Heatblast who??????(Ben 10 reference)
  3839. DatBoi OskaR: Whats that russian song in the beginning called?
  3840. HOT SALSA: 1 hour 200k views and you telling me my guy quadeca isnt gonna pop off in 2019. I'm calling it now lads hes gonna be popping off
  3841. Hector Aparicio: 👍
  3842. GanyX Plays: Clickbait but still good
  3843. iWolfy_MC: I swear I'm constantly seeing these comments about KSI, but this video isn't even about KSI. Like I know Ben's disstrack was fire, but it'd be nice if that's not the only thing he's known for.
  3844. darthaust20: This shit fye
  3845. Hola Petter: Coolest judge
  3846. Luago: LMAO that video was so serious
  3847. joselynn 2457: U gotta be shafe
  3848. Liam Ritchie: 69 should take a page outta your book
  3849. Michael Robles: Drop it
  3850. Aka Hearts: you need to make merch
  3851. James Matias: Awesome broo
  3852. Victor1k: u know ur a fire artist when u can make a rap about soeeding and it sounds like a billboard hit🤟🔥🔥
  3853. Edgardo: fire
  3854. Extraterrestrial Horse: NIGGAS
  3855. Adam Karlsson: Cean soomwon plej mijncreadft wehith me pleyes
  3856. A L O N E 一人で: I will add a W every like. W
  3857. D.M.Y.C: Opoooo
  3858. Derek Glasscock: 315 likes but 1 W? You've lost.
  3859. SnowBelow: Wow bitch
  3860. THE BOSS: 283 more dubs still waiting
  3861. Uriel Perez: Killed 20 people and rapped my way out
  3862. Misty Anderson: That was lit!
  3863. AnTonio DA DRiP KiD: SLOW DOWN
  3864. BALLA PRODUCTIONS: You are so impressive man. Well done . From Sri lanka 🇱🇰 🇱🇰🇱🇰🇱🇰🇱🇰🇱🇰🇱🇰🇱🇰🇱🇰🇱🇰🇱🇰
  3865. pesukarhu9500: This video is fire
  3866. Vexacion: next up: rapping to get out of a robbery
  3867. Steen: Literally would be on the playlist
  3868. cane corso: That was actually fire✔✔✔🚸
  3869. RaGe Eclipse: the video ends at 911 LUL
  3870. Mehdi: Bruh wtf the background for the song should’ve been the why u coming fast video
  3871. 《 Decisive 》rk: I just watched it and it was funny af
  3872. Matthew L: 😂😂😂😂😂
  3873. Tomi Balone: If ill see another LumpKing's comment i'll literally pull a trigger off him
  3874. SamEdits: What part of nor cal u live in
  3875. Bruke Melaku: Just pay the ticket
  3876. Pablo Ball: Congrats on 1 mil
  3877. Christian Mejia: This was uploaded on my birthday:)
  3878. Lab: this is complete BS LOLOLOL but i got ur back quadeca this is fire! lol
  3879. bullshit man: Quadrant destroy ksd
  3880. Randoms Everywhere: Pump Action shotty of some description
  3881. Morgan West: Cringey as fuck
  3882. big man: This is better than beerus by ksi
  3883. Rylie Mayberry: Nice:)))))
  3884. WHD gamer: Nice vid
  3885. Voltero: Bruh this guy escaped a cop ticket and vid is 9:11 thats some real skill
  3886. damanyeti: gotta slow dowwwwn
  3887. Araf Abdus: I thought quadeca was in prison for life cuz he killed ksi
  3888. BulkyToast: Lol Quadeca is so good at rapping that even this is better than KSI Beerus
  3889. Alim Sesay: so you guys in the comments are gonna waste time sucking ksi and quadeca's dick 🤣
  3890. Nahin Halder: The point he is trying to prove? He are bisexual. Please tell me that someone got that
  3891. King Boat: 👽👌🔥
  3892. Blikness: Fire🔥🔥
  3893. ChillzGauge: Omg that was lit asf and Chill
  3894. Misty: January 12th 2018? It should be 2019. Unless you go back in time
  3895. Nahin Halder: +Misty Nah its alright I guess lol
  3896. Misty: +Nahin Halder soz :p
  3897. Nahin Halder: #BuzzKill
  3898. Forenzyx: Judge better pass him!
  3899. Nahin Halder: Do you ever just see a comment with more than 10 likes and wished you posted the comment?
  3900. Nahin Halder: Oh well
  3901. vPulseApollo: Nahin Halder no
  3902. Muneeb Ahmed: How the fuck am i supposed to wait more then a month I cant wait !!!!!! BTW song was pretty good
  3903. Nahin Halder: Wait for what? I predict an r/woosh
  3904. janna Al-jaberi: Sike
  3905. Beck Petersen: Where is the KSI diss track
  3906. Nahin Halder: Look at the description
  3907. Oh yeah yeah: I like quabeca but this song is hot garbage
  3908. Nahin Halder: Couldn't find a way to describe it but then said lit trash. Yours is a bit better🤣
  3909. Shraddha Mestry: AuToTuNe
  3910. La Flame: song at *_6:36_*
  3911. KTsavage: 🔥
  3912. Khoudja Juve: This video made me wanna remove my left nut
  3913. Nahin Halder: What the Fuck? You are making me picture the scene fuck I will have nightmares
  3914. Nahin Halder: Quadeca:*Tries to post a mediocre song/cringey* KSI:*takes the L again 😞* Quadeca:*confused pikachu* Quadeca: DJ Khaled, suffering from success
  3915. Michmash: Not gonna lie... This feels fake. BUT if it's true (and the judge know what bumpin' music is) he gon' let u go! 👌👌👌
  3916. Nahin Halder: It was just an excuse if anyone says his song was trash
  3917. Nahin Halder: Nah its fake. No hate though
  3918. The Real Bleach: You have a Golf GTI. It is tempting to speed xD
  3919. George Brown: Lmao he plugged his own video lol
  3920. Ethanwjh 34: Autotune ruins it
  3921. Youssef Khalil Plays: The judge should give you money 😂😂
  3922. Immortal Kid1: Why people bringing up ksi to something completely different?????
  3923. Emi Koch: Highkey lit 🔥
  3924. Isaac Gil: U be rappingso fast its illegal
  3925. FranNeznam11: 3:36 Fitz anyone?
  3926. JennA N: happy i found u, thanks ksi
  3927. Dre Williams: That was sick bro keep it up wish i could have did that shit for my charge lol but fuck it
  3928. GMG News: Did you make this video just to make another shit song 🤣😂🤣😂 wow the levels of clout chasing has gone up.
  3929. Xsniper 18: Mkay
  3930. MaRkYd Ra8: White privilege at its finest
  3931. ScatBatman: For every like ill add a 🔥
  3932. Bishopfred Koroma: Them people be feeling so insecure
  3933. DRAGON FIRE: Driving my car like how I drive yo momma Passing these niggas now I have a diploma So many stacks I feel like I can back from a comma
  3934. Aashka ST: Superb song sweets 🍫
  3935. Harley Burris: The hook is 🔥
  3936. Shania Biasoni: This explains why Quadeca is the best🔥
  3937. No One: THIS SHIT FIRE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯
  3938. Cristian Paredes: Quadeca got the GTI, lit
  3939. YoshiMan128: When is insecure going on streaming services
  3940. Plainoldbread: Congrats quad. Im happy you arrent in dejis new disstrack. You cant put fire with trash
  3941. david edington: This didn’t happen
  3942. Amardeep Dabb: Bro no disrespect but you don't even look like you're old enough to drive
  3943. T7machinimas: that's how it is when you have a baby face
  3944. Nikki Fowers: Actuallyyyyy he does
  3945. Caelen05: What if I told you he isn’t old enough...
  3946. Marcus Cheng: Amardeep Dabb that’s a compliment
  3947. AjaniMcCloudRBLX: He’s 18 -_-
  3948. No One: WONDERFUL !!!!!! 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
  3949. Fox GD: To busy studying for my stupid physical science exam and I didnt see the notification 😔
  3950. GreeK: wow quadeca ksi just aint worth it huh lmfao he dont even need to reply overkill
  3951. branden levine: Kinda slaps
  3952. x feat.: the rapper that police doesn't want to mess with O_O
  3953. JustinYourBae: i keep hearing ksi say revive me i have the ray gun
  3954. hppy trgr: in 2yrs you’ll realise how cringe you are
  3955. Ben Edapal: Bet money KSI tries to use this in a diss against you
  3956. Noble King: When he just says random shit sounds fire 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  3957. Corb Binsky: Bro Ive gotten 3 speeding tickets and I'm about your age and you're def valid to get that point taken off 100%
  3958. Justin Rodriguez: 🔥
  3959. Jonathan Cwossiant: Fire
  3960. Pablo0 Grimw00d: We’re just gonna ignore the fact that he’s going to prison for killing a guy?
  3961. Jaylene Aceves: Soooo goood omg wow
  3962. DarkE: Back to irrelevancy
  3963. TheMuty: the speed of your rapp past the speed limit, thats gonna be a ticket for you sir.
  3964. Virolock: Yeah that judge gonna have this song on his playlist in no time. I rest my case.
  3965. BRIAN Sweeney: *speech 100*
  3966. Liam Broadbank: God, I can't be the only one who thinks this is terrible.
  3967. GBD: Was this lowkey fire❄
  3968. Theo Nexo -TheOriginalNexo: Could you imagine if you'd have killed him lmao
  3969. BRIAN Sweeney: So he put peoples lives in danger Then decided to rap to get out of trouble And it low-key worked Speech 100
  3970. So apparently, you can change your name on Youtube: He got offered to rap he didnt just rap cuz he could brian
  3971. Mike Oxlong: Johnny Allen Shane Prater it really doesn't
  3972. Johnny Allen Shane Prater: I don't think "low - key" actually works here
  3973. MaskedOpinions: *Finesse 1000*
  3974. icantfindaname: you should tell stories (you must)
  3975. Omni Player: He'll like it.
  3976. Imti Bakht: The song was legit fire. Like I'd actually jam to that.🔥🔥🔥. Quadeca you gonna be big, trust!!!
  3977. katto: the video is 9:11 long. and so the conspiracy theories begin
  3978. Zoe Evans: Bro he took a little ass subject and it was fire 🔥🔥
  3979. NTM Samurai: I’m like 12345 she never wanted to pick up on my line I was too alkward I acted like Einstein tryna put together the pieces of my mind hopefully someone likes this I spent 1 hour memorizing the song I only wrote like the. Good part cause I’m a lazy 12 year old
  3980. ItsWezzers: Yo that was actually fire 😂😂 but assuming the judge is quite old, I highly doubt he'll enjoy this because everyone who's old don't like this type of music lol
  3981. Lol Man: Faker than the sidemen beef
  3982. Matias: Is it me or did you sound like G-eazy in some parts
  3983. Perry: Thanks man I’m now gonna drive 500km in my mc Karen with my kids In and crash on ze road
  3984. Dan Black: Slow down-Clyde Carson
  3985. Roman Ortiz: I fw the palace shirt ❤️
  3986. Hivigo: The autotune killed it though
  3987. Farhad Noori: That was a great song!
  3988. Roman Ortiz: Who else hears street of dreams 2?
  3989. MSO JR: That Was FIRE
  3990. Mason Anton: We want a second didd
  3991. Vsluis: Amazing
  3992. DAILY VIDS: Judge: give him another speed ticket
  3993. Yaqoob Wajdi: Ksi thinks he is better than you lol
  3994. Too Funny: I swear on my mama I will like this (you swore)
  3995. Ian does stuff: This kinda reminds me of a Joyner song😂
  3996. Lui Raf: Yo that was pretty dope 😅👍🏼
  3997. {LAG:NDG} Schmoopy: Joyner Lucas ?
  3998. GMG News: Click bait again.......
  3999. Sharif Uddin: All I want for Christmas is 300 subs :)
  4001. AnthonyGoesWild: Quadeca got Talent 🔥
  4002. Supreme Hydro: 48 more minutes and you would have been rich
  4003. Melzts: Yo this song fire😂🔥
  4004. Vanessa: 200k views in an hour wow, that beef got you well
  4005. IEatClouds: All quadecas comments talking about ksi I guess he's the real winner
  4006. Jack Argyle: hit another song with moxas
  4007. Jackson Connolly: First part of the song is low-key trash
  4008. Fabian Leenhouwers: O shit, jeez you name it, quad wil make a song about it without it being whack🔥
  4009. lity kommander level:1000boss oh yeah Rahmati: 100% fake
  4010. The Funs: Best song ever
  4011. Jacob Ribbens: Judge: *watches video* Judge: “dat shit was fire my nibba”
  4012. Kris Thegamer: But I gotta slow down slow down
  4013. Ye Boi: those cops were delusional or drugs or they fused the two
  4014. blazey fearey: Bro if you can get the judge to react to this it’ll be litty
  4015. Kevinc: Lowkey fire🔥🔥
  4016. Marcus Parker: R.I.P PRINCE X 🖤like if you miss X🙏🖤
  4017. Killer Potato: Nothin unusual
  4018. Rafael Aguilera: Rose ate red Violets are blue The part you came for start at 6:40 🤣🤣
  4019. Lilian Ukaegbu: Rafael Aguilera *are red
  4020. Ammar Ahmed: Trash
  4021. Krzear - Road to 1000: Lit mate
  4022. Aoife H: Slaps
  4023. Rafael Aguilera: Rose ate red Violets are blue The part you came for start at 6:40 🤣🤣
  4024. alzstar: It was lowkey cold uno
  4025. Zoé Renshaw: Loved it. Great message too. X
  4026. freeza: Amazing lolol
  4027. Luca Caretto_jjkicktive: This is so cringey
  4028. Axel Pharo: That was fucking lit
  4029. Tadhg Hilliard: Cringy but I love it
  4030. cRingeL0rd 911: Judge:- Love it son :) you are free to go.
  4031. IM wheezin: Hah
  4032. lx-_Cyrus: ieatass 33 😂😂😂
  4033. BIGGIE CHEESE: I’ve gone 70 in a 45 for no reason
  4034. Young Stepdad: Thats one less ticket he wont have to worry about...
  4035. FaZe Fusco: Lit 🔥
  4036. old pump: Just wow lol
  4037. the bro show: What if the cop was KSI 😁😁 Like if u agree
  4038. MxR.JoseB: lowkey lit 😂😂😂
  4039. HeyItsRitesh: Better in 1.25x Agree?🤔
  4040. Nahin Halder: My most likes was 1. No one can beat me soooooo
  4041. JesusChrist: have you had your nose broken
  4042. Sunyaan: Judge: more
  4043. the bro show: What if the cop was KSI 😂😂 like if you agree. 😁😁 have a good day
  4044. Jeremy Otto: Dang
  4045. Jamz03: Virgin
  4046. First Name Last Name: STOP USING AUTOTUNE! Your voice is good you don’t need it.
  4047. Element Damage4: January 12 is my b-day (it’s true)
  4048. Kyann makz: Who's watching this while scrolling through comments?
  4049. ishaan shrivastava: Sub pew .
  4050. Gary Guy789: Yeet
  4051. Highlight Films: 160K views in 1 hour 🔥🔥🔥🔥
  4052. Jakepauler 69420: First
  4053. Element Damage4: January 12 is my b-day
  4054. PyroDark: You came for 6:45 🔥
  4055. DemonCraft32: what happend to soocer
  4056. ishaan shrivastava: U r lit 🔥 bro . Make a rap on pew vs t series .😂
  4057. Lil T14: No i love you !
  4058. Alex Barry: if the judge doesnt like it im gunna cry
  4059. jordan 2004300: Look at this it's so cute he just became old enough to drive
  4060. Donovan R.: fake
  4061. i u r i: Only nibbas with long shlongs can like this comment
  4062. Oh Yeah Yeah: i u r i why won’t it let me like the comment?
  4063. Itz Adz: Onion Ninja be my girlfriend
  4064. Mynameisred: Oh shit it’s not workimg
  4065. B Noble: Its not true. I was able to like it
  4066. Bartholomew Cumpernickle: people who say “nibba” definitely don’t have long shlongs
  4067. Horace Codd: What is the song at the very beginning of the video? I’ve heard it so often but have never known it’s name.
  4068. Liam Tuck: Damn that claps bro
  4069. EAZGames: Honestly still better than ksi's diss track on you 😂
  4070. YUNGOWINTHECUT: Yooooo that’s fucking fireeee
  4071. Trappy Feet93: Last time I came this early I got a girl pregnant I forget her name tho
  4072. Average_Adam_ Actually_Awesome: Hope it gets dropped
  4073. Manykiller Many: GOTTA SLOW DOWN
  4074. Catastrophe: Savage
  4075. SIMPLEBROWNIE 115: Damn this was 🔥
  4076. Rashed Elamin: oh my god XD
  4077. Myst: Trying to figure out if is actually real or he’s bullshitting me lol.
  4078. S.S fb: Sound like some Joyner Lucas story songs
  4079. __ Reaper __: Watch KSI randomly use this as actual material 😂😂.
  4080. Hyperboy: The choir ruined the song everything else was fye
  4081. Juliantoro4: SUBSCRIBE to my channel
  4082. Pentador: Still better than ksi's disstrack xd
  4083. HageC: Woah! This song is lit too. 🔥
  4084. Thando: use less of that
  4085. Dare Bear: Make another distrack on KSI please!
  4086. ItsJulianBro: Where is a diss track on ksi
  4087. Ragerodracir: WTF is going on in America? Making a song to get out of a ticket?
  4088. Tyler Nieves: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  4089. Salman Hashmi: Lol good job bro
  4090. K K Music: cool
  4091. Carter Timm: If that song doesn’t get him out idk what he has to do
  4092. Satire_ Is_life: Loved the video
  4093. Benjamen GAO: SO fire. I also wonder if he turned the video part in too or just the audio.
  4094. SUBSCRIBE TO PEWDIEPIE: I've been a KSI fan so never wanted to subscribe to you, but i gotta say, this video is just a masterpiece, the thing that you can rap like fire🔥💯 on a thing like 'overspeeding' is INSANE! Subscribed to you bro and good luck on your future!💯
  4095. SUBSCRIBE TO PEWDIEPIE: +washoywa no u
  4096. washoywa: u mom gay
  4097. ChefLats 36: Yoo bro can u hurry up n blow already lool keep it up
  4098. Sameer Laher: Here early but have dont what to write to get likes so give me a like
  4099. Tame Tiger: The song is actually fire 🔥🔥
  4100. Th3 RedOne: Wow this was low key 🔥
  4101. Josh Spencer: Cringe
  4102. Charlsberg: "I've been thinking about myself, staying in my own lane". Ha. Nice.
  4103. Kaleb Adams: That's a bang
  4104. Recovery rhymegod: 🤝✍🏽✍🏽✍🏽✍🏽nice
  4105. Mahad Yaqub: Shh
  4106. Persxna: Love this guy man
  4107. Mahad Yaqub: Shh
  4108. rah kajaj: Horrible hand writing and. I thought I write like 💩 but I was wrong 6:02
  4109. Mahad Yaqub: Shh
  4110. lofty: Make you rap or go to jail but he was already in jail for *Murdering KSI*
  4111. Trevor B: that is very impressive lol. The Judge is a cool man.
  4112. Micronisus: It’s ‘Cyclist’ not ‘biker’
  4113. Carson Gordon: Why is insecure taken off of Spotify?
  4114. GxbrixL *: Quadeca you from Bay Area??? I'm from Oakland #NorthenCali
  4115. Cosmin Comanac: Fake
  4116. Tom Mitchelmore: W
  4117. Kevinc: My uncle only takes me to his basement
  4118. Henry Estrada: this shit goes hard what the fuck
  4119. Beck Lea: 1hour already 153k veiws
  4120. Icy Nation: Isn’t she lovely is that the outro
  4121. King DDD: For every like I will add PEWDIEPIE so plz don't like its hard PEWDIEPIE
  4122. Mr. Kickflips21: Sooo lit
  4123. eric ronda: why is this song better than most music these days bruh
  4124. Jimmy Gonzalez: Who know quedeca before he dissed ksi Just curious
  4125. Jon ‘Pictogram’ Jones: Quadeca got bare clout off of the diss tracks with ksi. The new views and subs are well deserved tho
  4126. Mobile Gaming Express: Quadeca is better than 95% of mainstream rappers.
  4127. Johannes Paul: This can’t be true😂😂
  4128. Maltee Seeraj: LITTT!!!!!
  4129. Elaterain57: Where is that ares response
  4130. Vedansh Kodwani: how tf did he sound good on this?
  4131. ArmyAloof TV: January 12th is my birthday
  4132. Dimath Kojitha: What was sick ❤🔥
  4133. Weird Flex But Ok: 9:11 minutes long??????? Coincidence? I think not!
  4134. KOKONUT King: Low key 🔥
  4135. Campie Campers: That intro was cringey
  4136. caleb mckinnie: Dude when are u dissing ksi again
  4137. sarth sinha: I still feel logan paul apology video was better than this . ;-)
  4138. sarth sinha: Arun kumar just saying no offense to be made
  4139. Arun Kumar: sarth sinha WTF?
  4140. Felix Turner: Where’s the response
  4141. Leon: fat
  4142. Screaming Brick: and thats why you kids shouldnt speed in the future, cause otherwise you talentess pieces of shit would have to make a rap song about it
  4143. AleghS lol: The length of the video is 9:11... Coincidence?
  4144. Screaming Brick: confirmed bush did 9/11
  4145. AIDIW: thanks for sharing really enjoyed watching
  4146. Random Cunt: Cringy cunt
  4147. Randoms Everywhere: I'm Drinking desperado u can't even do the same
  4148. Mohammed Ali: plot twist: the judge was filming
  4149. Another Samurai: This is very helpful and good.
  4150. Rashed Elamin: 3:20 love it
  4151. Exaltedmist 319: This guy only raps and shit and that shit is old and if Ksi boxes Quadeca he’ll get shit on and break his bones😂😂😂
  4152. Micah Kingman: When are you dropping another disstrack on ksi??🔥🔥🔥
  4153. Messi The greatest: music vid?
  4154. Orbi t: Plot twist : he got a speed ticket because he rapped to fast
  4155. Not Santa: This dude got 100K views in 45 minutes and I can't even get 100 views in 45 hours 😂😂 Congrats bro. 🙏
  4156. s0phie21: good video man!
  4157. Kyle Smith: that's super strong flow bro love this stuff!
  4158. Ash: I thought the Video was Raping to get out of a speed ticket
  4159. jack tucker: its 9:11 mins long #BushDid911
  4160. Alycia Tara: This is fire the judge should approve
  4161. Little A: ZImagine the judge actually saw thismlol
  4162. Little A: I meant imagine and this
  4163. Ryan'sMG TV: King of rap*
  4164. vivek chawdary: nice
  4165. Anthony Abou Fayssal: KSI disstrack < Song about speeding past bikes
  4166. SensationTheOG: gl bro
  4167. Ryan'sMG TV: King of rap*
  4168. Jeff Kintuky: This is funny because I also got my first ticket recently, and i was listening to no deal on the way to my court date ybn.
  4169. Ryan'sMG TV: Quadeca goat 🐐 king is rap
  4170. Najiba Aktar: Every like I get I will do 1 pushups let's see how much I need to do Edit I have done 182,. 298 left I got this
  4171. Najiba Aktar: I done 72
  4172. Balrajda savage: 534 I believe in you
  4173. youtube person: lol show make a vid of it or else you a bitch. To everyone else, wait a day so that all the likes are in, dont rush the dude until tommorow
  4174. Everything Jay: 462 you got this
  4175. Apryll: Bet
  4177. Hakuna Boi: Faking content to get views FTFY
  4178. NsD_ Riftz: Put this on spotifyyyy
  4179. Fadlullaah Umar: Will u make another diss track for ksi
  4180. Tom Puck: Song was sick
  4181. Valde Sero: When the video is 9:11 long.
  4182. Tomi Balone: 9:12
  4183. TaZe Edgur: Alright I ain’t gonna the song was pretty good 😂
  4184. DP Bricks: Man makes one okay song and thinks he’s Eminem
  4185. Lilian Ukaegbu: GALI SETHRII right! He tripping
  4186. GALI SETHRII: He has Alot of good songs I don't know what you are on about
  4187. The Southern Shredder: Free my boi quadeca #freequadeca2k18
  4188. Ospinra: I need motivation 1 like= 1 pushup 1 reply= 1 minute of a plank (please no)
  4189. daz_ 2007: Nice one
  4190. Lewis does some banter: Damn the autotune makes me want to die
  4191. 7 X: there is no ads
  4192. Crome: Imagine if the cop was KSI
  4193. Tssweet123: Littt🙏
  4194. Brenton Woosley: where’s the next ksi diss
  4195. supsolekw the master: First hour
  4196. Tarnjit Neta: Auto tune but much mate cut it down
  4197. Yhiixa: Rap could save your life
  4198. BlaXEя: Autotune lowkey ruined it
  4199. Robert Morgan: Sheesh🔥
  4200. David Obinna: Fake
  4201. Lil Ken: Bro don't get arrested please don't!!!
  4202. Curse: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 on repeat
  4203. StaTiicZ: This song is lowkey better than every song ksi produced
  4204. omar hatem: Reign Smith i ain’t saying quadeca is a bad rapper but come on this video is realllly cringe please i just don’t get how do u think this particular video is good plus
  4205. Marcos Costa: +BestClips lol sorry if I have a life and you don't do shit but troll on the internet
  4206. BestClips: +Jay j Links idgaf about subs u bot with 0 subs
  4207. Neck Rope: Jay j Links I don’t.... I don’t think he cares....
  4208. Jay j Links: And it’s better than ur channel
  4209. OTS Clxmpz: Sounds about WHITE
  4210. samuel ok: Your youtube videos are really good well deserved that your youtube chanel is blowing up
  4211. Melvin: pls post more
  4212. Yassin Tarek: Dude this guy legit can do a song about anything. Make a song about peanut butter it will probably be lit. U talented 🔥❤️
  4213. Mhd Ridho: 50 minute 150k views? Damn bro , dont forget the OG
  4214. AXUS: FBI OPEN UP!!!
  4215. Merthur: why is this video 9:11? IS THIS A HINT?!
  4216. LumpKing: Anyone who thinks KSI raps better than Quadegoat is trippin trippin lol
  4217. MigosYRNTakeoff: That Wii music in the background got me hype
  4218. TeeKay: The way u catch the beat with ur flow is madd. Song after song bangs my bro 💯 🔥 ❄ 🔥 ❄ 🔥 ❄
  4219. Dejuan Jelks: 5:07 January 12th is my b-day
  4220. Fresh2000: To everyone in the comments wondering about the ksi diss track look at the description
  4221. LEGENDARY GAMER: I love quadaeca
  4222. Still Breathing: Please put this on Spotify
  4223. MEMES: i have posted this song on soundcloud if u want to listen to it click this https://soundcloud.com/lilskirrt/quadeca-slow-down-official-audio this simply just for u to listen to this song which is fire on soundcloud
  4224. GamerGirl: Lowkey Fire! 🔥
  4225. KAIROS: Judge probably hoping for some classical music
  4226. LumpKing: They better send that gold play button faster than u killed KSI
  4227. 78Khairi Ali Clendening: +Almost Good oh sorry my dude!!!
  4228. Almost Good: 78Khairi Ali Clendening you know I was telling him to shut up right?
  4229. 78Khairi Ali Clendening: +Almost Good you stfu this dude typing everywhere its kinda annoying
  4230. Almost Good: LumpKing stfu kid
  4231. 78Khairi Ali Clendening: shut up!!!!
  4232. MOIST MAKER 121213: What's next *rapping to not pay for the check at a fancy restaurant*
  4233. θηρίο: I gotta slow down
  4234. Nahin Halder: Every like I will add a cute doggy <3 msg if I am missing some dogs Too many likes thanksssss 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
  4235. Nahin Halder: +welz No i'm not I have exactly 553
  4236. Nahin Halder: +Gaming Center ? Anyway have a good day if you are reading this
  4237. Nahin Halder: +TIGAR PLAYSDon't worry dud I done it. No need for this lol having a bad day
  4238. welz: Those are 553, u missin sum
  4239. Nahin Halder: U thought I would stop uh? I was in a very long toilet session but came back with heat
  4241. expertease: 6:42 Thank me later
  4242. zer0harts: Okay but for real can you rap a bunch of PSA's and make D.A.R.E suck a giant L
  4243. revitup23: Assuming the judge is like 45 ish is he gonna like a rap song, but the song was lit either way
  4244. jazzytosassy1 aj r0bl0x: i been waiting for week to see this
  4245. ThisIsRT: U are the best rapper I've listened to till date man love ur songs
  4246. Emanating Faucet: +Jay Green Exactly personally my favorite is Noveliss but agreed man
  4247. Jay Green: Really? The best rapper you've ever listened to? So I guess that means you've never heard eminem, blackthought, big pun, Sean Price, elzhi, papoose, pharoe monch, slick rick, kool g rap, big daddy kane, Nas, rakim, big L, Kendrick, j cole, Joyner Lucas etc etc etc. You know...actual MCs. Wtf?
  4248. ThisIsRT: +Random Cunt well not true actually but I really like his music discovered him through his diss track on KSI
  4249. Random Cunt: Fuck, you've listened to some shit rappers then
  4250. M.Hussain: Fake af
  4251. JimmyV12: Oof
  4252. odhran oleary: This is fire 🔥 hah
  4253. alic_ leee: next up u should rap for hoes
  4254. Death soilder77: this is for views u dont go to court for a speeding ticket lmao
  4255. Tarzy: song lowkey fye 👀🔥
  4256. F.B.I: For everylike ill add "🖕" (i will be active asf) 🖕
  4257. LumpKing: Felt the heat before I even clicked the video
  4258. Tomi Balone: shut up
  4259. Rashon Lopez: This song is hella fire bro
  4260. Viral GG: I need to try this
  4261. lonelygirl207: This song is a *BOP*
  4262. Rico Savage: Imaging If He Got The Judge Reaction 😂
  4263. Dark Slayer: Lowkey fire lmao
  4264. Cynthia Kumi: I've been waiting all week for this
  4265. K K Music: aren't you gonna diss him?
  4266. An Anonymous Person: Now you get two speeding tickets one for driving too fast and one for rapping to fast
  4267. ChrisDerpTV: not bad! really awesome song bro!
  4268. Rafita EX: Ironic that the video is 9:11 minutes long?
  4269. Blue Creeper: Fire🌡️🌡️🔥🔥🔥
  4270. Iulian Răzvan: This song makes wanna go 25 in a 50
  4271. DJ GRANTSPANTS: The song is fire, but i think this gotta be fake for an excuse to make a song cuz u were runnin out of ideas
  4272. Double S: It's awesome, all of it, the story, the approach, and the song. LOVE IT
  4273. Hi, how are ya? I’m fine thx: Showed this to my bike, now it’s a Ferrari!
  4274. Owen Bruland: are you alright?
  4275. 808IDEN: 😂
  4276. Nahin Halder: This comment is underestimated but no like
  4277. ap streamzy No last name: Where is the diss track
  4278. Nahin Halder: Look at the description
  4279. Masslade57 X: Welp no KSI diss track I guess
  4280. CrazyMasterSushi: Can you make a rap about chicken nuggets
  4281. Fan Lord: I just dissed this pathetic man on my channel.
  4282. Matthew Tavares: Where's the diss. Im still waiting wtf
  4283. Handbalr 002: #Freequad
  4284. Wolfiee: The fact that you just made a song about obeying traffic laws and still made it lit is more than impressive
  4285. ZMG: You didn't have to make the the thumbnail make the video look different
  4286. Caleb Patterson: Low key lit
  4287. Hybrid: Song was fire 🔥
  4288. Isaac Jones: I thought you were talking about bikers
  4289. C.RaZzy: 🔥🔥
  4290. ItsJust REDMUZ: Weird flex but ok
  4291. Rohan Shrishrimal: Ksi or Quadeca Like Quadeca Comment Ksi
  4292. Tristan Birkerød: Ur llama
  4293. Ducky Duck: Rohan Shrishrimal miniminter
  4294. Frogee: UR CAT
  4295. tjplitfc: ur son
  4296. I haven’t ate cheese in over 3 minutes: This video has nothing to do with ksi, plus I like Quadeca more
  4297. losa sakarosa: Good sir, Ur a lyrical genius da fuq.
  4298. Ella Causon: jheeeez
  4299. The SSK: are you born talented or trained talented?
  4300. Joseph Erby: He was trained nobody comes out the womb rapping...... Except logic
  4301. DigitalWarrior9: Mom: why do you keep burning down our house?!? Me: BLAME QUADECA
  4302. lofty: Hi
  4303. Christian Gray: 100% tRuE
  4304. OfficialJB12: This problably something I would have to do
  4305. olly r: Pleeeeeeeease do a colab with Dax it would be sooooooooo 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Edit: Holy shit I’ve never gotten more than two likes
  4306. Official Dougie: olly r him doing a song with Dax
  4307. Konnor Adam: Dad is dog shit
  4308. olly r: Aaron FadMc ok
  4309. Aaron FadMc: olly r he’s saying that he agrees with u
  4310. Toby Warren: Yes!!!!
  4311. VuXi: Whaere is response to ksi ? 😢
  4312. Nudah Not Verified: Is that even legal?
  4313. Ethan Ifrah: So good
  4314. NotSoFishy: cyclist are bunch of cunts
  4315. Ec561 Playz: Make a biker diss track
  4316. Waleed Savage: When’s the ksi diss comin
  4317. EdgeRL: isn't it a coincidence this song is about the police and the length of this song is 9:11?
  4318. Chris James: +Benthejoe sorry thought it was 9:12 thank you for correcting me sir
  4319. Benthejoe: +Nahin Halder This is how comment threads should be - Clearing up misunderstanding, apologizing even if you don't think it's your fault. Respectable men and or women here
  4320. Ásgeir Orri: It’s 9:12
  4321. Thi M.: Edge 9:12
  4322. IntelligentMoron: Not only is the video not exactly 9m11s, but the song itself is nowhere near 9:11 in the first place lol
  4323. Sliqht _: when are u going to fire back at ksi
  4324. nityu: Respond to KSI
  4325. V_La_ Nova: They should play this at driving school
  4326. Jesus da Christ: I am the ultimate Judge, and I approve this message
  4327. Gabriel Ibeto: So no second diss track 😩
  4328. Andy Said: If you made it a single clip it would go viral
  4329. Irtaza: Love your vids
  4330. Oh Yeah yeah: O M F G
  4331. cynthia T: Gonna play this song when i drive from now on😂👌
  4332. supersuper Super: Should have done a diss track against the judge and the cop.
  4333. Space Muffin: Quadeca on the playlist more than KSI!
  4334. Chris dah boss: Ok but if i were to Diss Quad, this video has so much content to use
  4335. Adriana Cannizzaro: Sick vid🔥! (loving the scruff btw)
  4336. Twitch_Slayz_ 36: Hello random person scrolling down the comments 🖐️
  4337. Filip Lindell: That judge is going to give him money for that
  4338. Autistic Churro: 👌👌👌
  4339. Oh yeah Yeah yeah yeah: Gaydeca??
  4340. Andrew Geary: Judge watches video *Gives Quadeca $50 and an apology note*
  4341. Ryan Harrison: I stalked him to his soccer game and met him lmao
  4342. Mossy: Imagine the judge says he doesn't like it hahaha
  4343. Juddy J: you have 666 likes...
  4344. Liam Mason: +Jj Sweg it cant be too fast it is about going slow on the road lol
  4345. Sprees: Mossy lmaooo
  4347. Random Cunt: Then they'd be entitled to their own opinion and theres nothing wrong with that
  4348. Shahriar: 6:37
  4349. Shea Glover: This is white privilege
  4350. Worryful: 9:11 Minutes long, illuminati, confirmed
  4351. Nahin Halder: Oh k thanks for the quick reply. Many people are commenting bout this, and since I wrote fore everyone did, suspiciousness came. Anyway have a good day
  4352. Worryful: +Nahin Halder I never actually saw your comment, good sir
  4353. Nahin Halder: You copied my comment my good sir
  4354. Vxbe: wevry knise
  4355. Young Scooter: Fuego 🔥🔥
  4356. Darkz Z: You DESTROYED KSI. You are The new champ.🙏🙏🙏
  4357. OiXzE LoL: Haters will say its fake
  4358. Nahin Halder: finally the memes
  4359. Kalo: *Gets Prison For Life*
  4360. Cvetan Vasilev: Quadeca post daily pls. Those videos are really entertaining and funny.
  4361. Nahin Halder: Agree with the first comment
  4362. Cvetan Vasilev: +Nahin Halder You don't know me to say that I don't know how hard managing time is. But I agree with you. Those videos also don't get that much views so his buzz is even worse...
  4363. Nahin Halder: Why is managing time so hard lol Quadeca can't post daily soz #Buzzkill
  4364. SaffronAFK Saffron clan: Already wached this on Xbox
  4365. SaffronAFK Saffron clan: Nahin Halder ik im very dumb so what does doiminance mean?
  4366. Nahin Halder: Out off all the devices you can watch a video choosing XboX shows your dominance. No but seriously lol cool. I have done that as well but only when I am bothered. Replies from me are meant to be fast so give me feedback out of 10
  4367. SaffronAFK Saffron clan: Nahin Halder cuz my phone yt account is connected to my Xbox so I got the notification On Xbox so like why not the screen is bigger and the screen is not broken
  4368. Nahin Halder: ?why
  4369. Tom Ageddon: KSI: Look at that baby fa- oh
  4370. eric peterson: Not bad for a low-key rap.
  4371. João Pena: I wanna see you in slow motion
  4372. dankerson: What the fuck my uncle actually was a biker ang got killed when I was really young
  4373. Nahin Halder: fake cmon dude there is no way that actually happened. If so, I'm sorry for your loss but no proof so...
  4374. Flux FX: this song is better than any of KSI's diss tracks
  4375. Nahin Halder: KSI goes into personal things that others won't understand, which is the reason his distracts might seem pointless without making any sense
  4376. Christopher Ornelas: Damn!!
  4377. Darrien Foster-Vaval: Good song
  4378. Sir Charles: Dude u made it seem like u had a fire diss track bout to finish ksi not this gay rap. I’ll speed pass anyone I want foh
  4379. Void Locked: Jan 12 is my birthday
  4380. Harry Yates: song acc slaps
  4381. Asfand: Why does he need to go at 40 to overtake a biker whose most likely going no more than 10-15?? Looks like a excuse if you ask me.
  4382. Nahin Halder: Ouch!
  4383. furybader1234: Good sir, I’m innocent. Thank you :))))
  4384. Mart_Killer07: Song was awesome he better not give you a ticket
  4385. Geo_AW: What the fuck is this clickbait fuck off dude
  4386. Steven Zhang: Early *ganggggg*
  4387. Ares: Where is the diss track?
  4388. Rhys Drakeford Bennett: This song turnt, let's get this on Spotify or something 🔥👍🤷‍♂️
  4389. Mohamed Elhadi: Meek Mill get life for pop Welly 😡😡 White Motherf*ck privilege
  4390. Nathan .S: In Australia, that would of been 6 months jail, $10000 fine and 5 years community service.
  4391. Blurez: I lowkey couldn’t wait to hear some updates from quadeca
  4392. Đraco Fool: Straight fire bro keep it up 🔥
  4393. Sebastian: spotify?
  4394. shandrea Rosenberg: funny af
  4395. v5a: Can't believe you're not replying.
  4396. Danny Granados: Freshman XXL Quadeca
  4397. goloso: dooo the response disstrack
  4398. Idk.: You came here for 6:42 *Your welcome..*
  4399. FC CORTEZ LEON: When he raps he sounds like phora but still 🔥
  4400. goduxunike: Quality PSA. I know I'll remember this when I face a biker.
  4401. The One With No Name: bigg heat Quad👀🔥
  4402. TreeTop: I am a very old tree. 1 like = 10 more years
  4403. ?¿ _insecurecreep_ ¿?: I disliked so you don't die of age.
  4404. Wanye Films: 🔥🔥
  4405. GamingWithVSM 2.0: The Diss Track????
  4406. RektedBySniper - Overwatch pelailua: SCARLXRD
  4407. Anirudh: I hope you see my comment
  4408. ii_osm G: It was lit 🔥
  4409. Yusuf Khan: this guy keeps getting better
  4410. Valley KID: No need to clap back when KSI didn’t bring heat 🙏
  4411. Satin Balderro: i like how the video is 911 min long lmao
  4412. Nahin Halder: Copying comments I see
  4413. Viraj Shah: Ok buddy
  4414. Likeaboss11421: What your dream car?
  4415. Nahin Halder: Chicken nuggets granite oiled trains
  4416. Koae: He got let go because of his race.
  4418. Anthony Kwong: haha the video was 9 minutes and 11 seconds
  4419. JorangeB: January 12th 2018 is my birthday
  4420. Adrian Wakulicz: This shit is actually kinda fire😂
  4421. Faithlez: Anyone know who this KSI guy is?
  4422. Dominic: Here before it blows up
  4423. Toxikk: Quadeca do u live in Rohnert Park california
  4424. TreeTop: Who else is a day 1 fan?
  4425. TheSavageKingz 101: Since 62k
  4426. Tommy Shalom: Since 70k
  4427. vPulseApollo: TreeTop hey
  4428. Moofy: Haha
  4429. BenjiiGaming: he has such an old school 80s 90s early 2000s and jcole style of rap
  4430. Earth Terror: I’ve been watching him since his FIFA 17 days
  4431. steve stevey: this is fake
  4432. Lepto Surreal: Bruh this shit was so trash they gonna make him pay double
  4433. Thayer: Awesome!!
  4434. ConyaaBoss: This guy has mad talent
  4435. Faithlez: This is fire lol
  4436. Captain Mushmoo: Loved the vid 👍👍👍
  4437. Devil Flow: 2:05 that shit reminds me of TAWOG
  4438. Spents: Congratulation on 1 million subscriber
  4439. F.B.I: Finally
  4440. THRV Basic: Quadecky
  4441. OmarHamati: Dude you are incredible man! If you’re ever in NYC and need help filming just let me know. I have tons of gear and we could make it happen. Keep up the good work seriously.
  4442. Lieu Nguyen: better than most songs on the internet
  4443. SURREALL: i love yondo
  4445. Skiirt `: I haven't listened to one song/rap song that hasn't been bad, Every song is lowkey fire!
  4446. Earisk: Lmao to bad i cant rap
  4447. CRISTIAN: plot twist ksi was the cop
  4448. 你必須麻木的痛苦是無止境的: MR.QuadecaX8 why do you make a 400k special but not a 1 million special 🤔🤔🤔
  4449. Maximillanmus's Right Nut: Cuz he got 1 mill fast as fu k
  4450. AttackPotato: I bet he is planning 1 already
  4451. Lord Kowality: video is 9:11 long...coincidence? 0.o
  4452. Nahin Halder: +Lord KowalityWhen I wrote the comment there were barely any views
  4453. Lord Kowality: +Nahin Halder lol over half a million views and you think you're the only one to notice the time of the video...
  4454. Nahin Halder: Did you imply that you just thought of the comment? I still strongly believe others copied my comment anyway
  4455. Lord Kowality: Great minds think alike I guess
  4456. Nahin Halder: You copied my comment my good sir
  4457. Technology And Science by Sujal: *Killed it!!* 🔥
  4458. OrangeGuy: now that's cool.
  4459. BestClips: Fuck off irelavent bitch
  4460. Kite: *what are you doing here*
  4461. Fxizaan 11: Ayyy why u here bro🔥🔥🔥
  4462. Abid Zaman: Love your vids
  4463. xSigmaRage: tf you doing here lol
  4464. Panrellex: He low key sounds like NF
  4465. kerry ainsworth: 6:36 thank me later
  4466. Trey Hedges: That was really good
  4467. TwigzMso: Damn yo you about to make the judge your #1 fan
  4468. Nahin Halder: Shit the video ends at 9/11. 911 this aint an emergency
  4469. mattoss ツ: 2.25 is that symfuhny's voice lmao
  4470. Jack Harrison: Video is 9mins 11secs Quads a did 911 confirmed
  4471. Nahin Halder: You copied my comment my good sir
  4472. Brianna: See, my broke ass wouldn't complain and I would write some serious poetry. The song is good though, schools should use this video for PSAs 😂😂
  4473. Rohit Singh: Im adicted to insecure
  4474. Hugo de Groot: Cringe
  4475. OP MASTA: the new upcoming rapper
  4476. Anthony Arcos: Still better than ares and Beerus
  4477. OH YEAH YEAH lol: I been waiting forever. Jesus bro took forever
  4478. Hugo Janssen: Fake
  4479. I'm RaZeM: 6:42 For the song
  4480. Grim_oof// Sloppy_YT: Ay ay ayyy
  4481. CRISTIAN: all the dislikes were from cops
  4482. Drizz Nation: +Interim im not going to retype something for a smart ass that can even understand a basic text message. Can't even answer the damn question😂 Are you joking me🤣
  4483. Interim: +Drizz Nation Sorry could you try and reply again but this time in English? Thanks.
  4484. Drizz Nation: +Interim 1st of all this there a problem like his YouTube channel, 2nd of all it was just a question butt hurt much, and 3rd of all of you would come you research and actually lookuo these he is talking about them you would know (12 year old) that what he is saying is true. Ok bud😁
  4485. Interim: Drizz Nation Fanboy alert. Wow he showed one thing he could have easily wrote himself, he definitely didn't make up this story!!!!!
  4486. Drizz Nation: +Interim i mean did you watch the whole video or jus be a shitter, dislike and later?
  4487. pym: lol the video is 9:11 minutes long
  4488. jazzytosassy1 aj r0bl0x: omg 911
  4489. Green Leaf City Video Gaming: Sorry you got a ticket for speeding.
  4490. Lone Snipe: I’ve been waiting for another video
  4491. jazzytosassy1 aj r0bl0x: same
  4492. Ugandan Sans: Wtf ur gay
  4493. SteffaFunk: Mad how u can just make music from anything🔥🔥🔥
  4494. sruly goldsmith: Litt song I love it
  4495. yeet the skeet: Please give us that 2nd diss track. Plz quad
  4496. Uniform Down: Actually kept checking your channel if you uploaded every few hours 😩
  4497. Your PLUG: *This song was better than KSI’s beerus* how 😂
  4498. Rsinist: KaiKai TV 😂
  4499. 21 Splash: I've been waiting for a new vid
  4500. Cosmic MJ: “All great rappers can rap about anything” Quadeca is insane
  4501. ImSmashton: Song.. Was simply delightful
  4502. Ricky Fuentes: If I ever get pulled over for speeding you know I’m grabbing that aux super quick while the officer walks up
  4503. Danny: What's the instrumental at the very end?
  4504. Danny Granados: Free Quadeca
  4505. Sir Charles: No response to KSI???
  4506. Bishr Otoum: Is that what united states about
  4507. The Skulls of Goodness: straight bop
  4508. ReX: lol court will use your rap video prolly
  4509. InsaneVictim: He’s already catching cases. Rite of passage for any rapper.
  4510. Danny Granados: Free 69
  4511. TheSunnyKShow: yoooo the video is 911 long
  4512. Neymar4 life: This is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  4513. Vric: the video is 9 minutes and 11 seconds
  4514. RaGE MARROW561: KSI needs to get finished get him
  4515. Mr. Serr: I live in Southern Cali and when I was young I was riding my bike home from school and I got hit by a truck.
  4516. Aniket Patil: Bangerrrrr.. 🔥 AF... Judge will not only be happy about it, he will also apologize to Rapper community for accusing their King(joke,still long way.but lit song)
  4517. Kadin Edds: Dope ass cop bruh 😂😂😂
  4518. Stavro king: I havent started this vid but i know its gonna be hillarious and good at the same time
  4519. AQuinn0630: This song is really good
  4520. Muneeb.V: Why the f**k that song go hard af lmao.
  4521. InsaneVictim: Quadeca goes harder in respecting the law than other rappers do in breaking it.
  4522. emeanmachine: Absolute fire tho 🔥put it on itunes
  4523. YDZ Wormz: you should've said " Chill man im a suburban dude "
  4524. mossanツ: anyone noticed that the video is 9-11minutes
  4525. Kadir Rencber: Who tf says bikers it’s cyclist you arismetic cunt
  4526. joylex 22: beg
  4527. Tyler Laughlin: Damn I never thought a song about speed limit could be so fire 🔥
  4528. Moeez Ahmed: This is lit better than Ksi’s career
  4529. 69 Views With No Videos Challenge: Holy shit my house is about burn down from that 🔥, guess I will have to watch KSI Ares to cool it down...
  4530. Defaulty boi: Ares had a sick beat my lyrics were ass
  4531. Let’sGetTo1MillionSubsWithNoVids: The only reason it cools down is cuz it’s not lit 🔥
  4532. 4BID SUPER STATION: Didn't know Ares was dat cool
  4533. DAGGERDICK: Damn my dude. 🔥
  4534. DzY Zer0: Still better than ares
  4535. Mgwire: Id laugh so hard if he thinks this is shit and gives you the punishment (it's a evil thought but would be funny)
  4536. Unknownツ - Plays: I have no hair Now
  4537. Aidan Barakat: How those one do this
  4538. Karlo Sesar: Cringe
  4539. TMX: Lit asf. Your shit always fire, hope u don't get that ticket.🔥🔥🔥
  4540. Xd Shembesh: You dare test me! 🔥
  4541. DeFT: You are the best
  4542. Blastnoise Blade84: Have you mailed the L to KSI
  4543. Unknown Guy: Heart this Quadeca
  4544. bertram gielstrup: rapping beats all
  4545. Derezurekt: This song goes hard I wish my judge would let me do a rap to get out of my M.I.P😅😅😅😅 keep goin hard qaudeca!!!!!!
  4546. Kuda: January 12th is my birthday
  4547. austin: I got that sweatshirt
  4548. EmptyEditsYT: Everyone be bumping this when they see a cop.
  4549. Hio Mistah: Beast
  4550. GamaD: sex me daddy
  4551. Mohamed Elhadi: White privilege 😐
  4552. TeZZ: Thought you was talking about ksi's receeding hairline when you started the song with "Slow down".
  4553. Baltzar Bonbeck: So bad dancing tho wtf
  4554. Elite Impractical Clips: Diss Logan
  4555. Choppa: lol what da fuk, still fire tho lmao
  4556. Azarias Assaye: Damn you got bars
  4557. Ethan Hernandez: Yo my bday Jan 12‼️
  4558. Speed Stacking Maniac: tryna decide if this is cringe (the funny kind) or fire (but I do agree with the message lol) edit: wait, why did they order you to JUVENILE driving court if you're 18?
  4559. Shaniah: Wow i been waiting for a new video 🤩
  4560. FlightHerd Hits Clips: KSI SUCKS... He’s 6-2.. you’re 3-0... rice is 7-2.
  4561. eva eva: Lowkey fire🔥
  4562. Kadir Rencber: Nah this was crap
  4563. Salty White: *SAVAGE*
  4564. KINKY BONG: Holy crap
  4565. Amine Slogga: 1:50 how did u know 1:50 passed ???
  4566. lil short kid: my dream is this dude making a song with Dax, Denzel curry, Scarlxrd, Zillakami, jpegmafia, crypt and ski
  4567. Navalation Fx1: Wow just wow
  4568. Wantless: yuhh
  4569. YDZ Wormz: logan paul come and film this
  4570. maceo alwayslit: Your flow nasty
  4571. Pranay mohla: You made this video after a year
  4572. A Guy: Plot twist : This is his second song as the first one was a disstrack against the judge.
  4573. ACiDiC Gamer: Lmaoo
  4574. Conor: do a reaction video with the judge lmao
  4575. AntNation747: Looks like ur getting the ticket
  4576. Ayoade: this was really cool!
  4577. Raphtalia owo: Epic
  4578. [R3KT] Phantom: Never disappoints, well done!
  4579. Spencer Faber: Honestly Quadeca Destroyed KSI
  4580. Ady Cosmin: You should worry because if they see that u killed ksi u r going to jail bruh
  4581. Eddie Fassnacht: Banger
  4582. NOVA FIVE: Who’s watching in 2019??
  4583. Benja benjaman: QUADECA FOR XXL
  4584. dami Okoisor: If you were black you would've been shot
  4585. Wadie Zekriti: Bro i like the fact that when he was rapping about how he started to rise his speed he started to rap fast too
  4586. Aminur Hussain: I was 9,999 viewer
  4587. bugzo: Nice but we want a second diss track! 🔥
  4588. Exotic Flame: He isn't doing one check the description.
  4589. Gu/beyaz: a storytime youtuber now?? rah gabbie hanna is shook
  4590. Delicious: What a meme
  4591. رحيم - Rhyme: what's the opposite of gangsta?
  4592. Blank On Fire: tfw when u sign deal with court
  4593. Sahara Gamer: Ofc you did
  4594. TRYHARD - R6S: You always wearing palace not a bad thing but r u like sponsored them ??😂😂
  4595. TRYHARD - R6S: Liam Taillefer ofcourse there’s one that thinks I was being serious
  4596. Liam Taillefer: TRYHARD - R6S why would he be sponsored by a skateboard company
  4597. EddieKappa: *all of this for going 40 miles an hour instead of 25*
  4598. EddieKappa: Sara T good to know.
  4599. Sara T: In most cases you can lose your license for 15 over the speed limit. So yeah.
  4600. David Blancarte: Quadeca 6ix 9ine
  4601. BkM: Honestly i bet in school he had to make a song to get out of detention or some shit
  4602. ridz.04: Gotta slow down
  4603. Nate Watkins: I just tripped of the cars driving backwards
  4604. Ardelta: What a Bop
  4605. Tyler Laughlin: Jan 12 2018 nibbah that was almost a year ago
  4606. itsyaboyeric thegoat: Who remebers when quad killed ksi
  4607. havoc Duesuperkill: Drop a ksi diss
  4608. Nevenths: 5:08 on January 12 2018 XDDD
  4609. Sznse: Remember “FIFA is dead man R.I.P, the death of FIFA is the death of me” you were so wrong kappa
  4610. Indian Animations: Its actually good lol
  4611. Hector Lovell: Auto tune ruined it
  4612. Julio Gomez: 🔥 🔥 🔥
  4613. JKT: OG Quadeca fans wya
  4614. JKT: +IdioticNigel been here since IRL soccer
  4615. IdioticNigel: been here since you can't rap
  4616. vPulseApollo: Hi do you like the song who would’ve thought
  4617. jazzytosassy1 aj r0bl0x: i am a fan here
  4618. NiTi TG: How you spitting heat when you ain't trying too?
  4619. washoywa: +NiTi TG u mom gay
  4620. NiTi TG: +washoywa Once you even get half of my subs and views come talk to me😂
  4621. washoywa: u cringe mofo , go succ ghosts diccs
  4622. Declan Sherwood: Talented dude
  4623. Fresh2000: Edits on Point
  4624. Hot Topics/ Divergent: Reply to ksi
  4625. Jay so blueM: Still 🔥
  4626. Inayat Chowdery: Best song ever
  4627. Matthias HR: Congrats on 1mill
  4628. DL pokemon card collectors: January 12,2018???I think he ment 2019 😂I also love that song!!
  4629. Pump duo: yo nice job bro ur a cool artist
  4630. XxBxth 1: So when's the next disstrack on cops?
  4631. KartMaster TheBestV2: i was expecting you to diss the cop so hard he would curl up and cry
  4632. HarryMassey-Reed: Why you speeding though
  4633. Jace Keavy: I’m late, Can I still get some likes?
  4634. vloging champ: When you actually make money off a traffic ticket
  4635. Andres Gonzalez: Plot twist behind our backs this rap from him is on spotify
  4636. Mandela Dzeukou: JJ I'M SO SORRY YOU ARE ANGRY🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  4637. TheMagicaLlama: Songs lowkey a bop
  4638. lil brooker: hes so insecureeee 🎹🎼🎼🎤☺️😃☺️😉😙😘
  4639. Nathaniel Curry: Thank god you're back
  4640. Jack Tennant: 0:13 was like the start of a KidBehindACamera prank
  4641. xXBenjaminXD: What so he want's a speed ticket
  4642. KillShot: Every like I’ll add a 🎉
  4643. Jaden Rodriguez: Just waiting for another diss track on ksi
  4644. danberg0406 YT: Highkey fire
  4645. Want3d_Bossman 11: Hahahaha I'm dead this is jokes...
  4646. Devin Robles: I hope you don't really have a Volkswagen now that you got a million subs you better get yourself a whip 👌
  4647. Night Hawk: Fodamb can't even sleep right this is so good
  4648. 3no: lit song, you're the best.
  4649. Lynxxsterr: Comments nowadays are useless,
  4650. Josh Hodges: Came for the KSI beef, left Cos of this shit
  4651. Dragon Sins: He got pulled over for “ speeding’’ as in rapping to fast lol 😂
  4652. Creature of the Night: Bruh the song is fire
  4653. jeed Ar: this fucking video wasting my fucking time.. i should fuck ur mom
  4654. Tridepride: Like the song. auto tune a bit much tho.
  4655. Tavi Vasilica: "I decided to speed up to try to ..... pass him"
  4656. 5000 Subs no videos?: Pulled over for spitting heat to fast
  4657. Random Cunt: No its cause he had a gun in his car and was headed for a school
  4658. GoToSleep: Finally you uploaded a video, FINALLY!!! This is like an early Christmas gift.
  4659. noL1Fe: Idk if he’s lucky or if he’s just a god.
  4660. Omen Oig Vevo: *Ain't nothing usual bout me*
  4661. SupReme Slayer: Just woke up and saw a new video by quad, you know that's what I'm doing got a lil while now
  4662. Not A Child Predator: I dmed you saying yo Pierre. Can I get a like for being a OG?
  4663. OR3O B: the video length tho
  4664. Jordan Lager: *song is fuego but the story seems kinda fake*
  4665. Randy: Chill af... I love it!
  4666. SlayZzz: Who remembers quad beating ksi also plz plz help me get 300 subs by Christmas
  4667. Princy: Quadeca if u like this I will die I'm in 6th grade and I love you my friend likes that stupid god complex ksi dude thing whatever he is but yeah I love you and I will try to make her like you if u like this
  4668. ll goated ll: Quadeca XXL
  4669. Liam Boyne: this actually goes hard
  4670. HD كاس العالم: Better than YouTube rewind 2018
  4671. Jasmin breaking bad stranger things: Everyone in the description it says there will be no second diss track.
  4672. Exodus Official: BRO, respect hahaha
  4673. xoDk: 6:44 y'all looking 4 the song am i right?
  4674. ScarZz: Lit🔥🔥🔥
  4675. Rohan Mascarenhas: Who remembers the time Quad destroyed KSI?
  4676. T- Series: This is fake just like the video where he said that his school banned him from doing disses. The song is lowkey lit tho
  4677. SlippyCake: You are an absolute cunt
  4678. Jaiveer Toor: Quad will never heart his fans comments
  4679. JAY CURB: You're a lefty too?
  4680. Not Beez: Ksi is a bitch.
  4681. KillerPlays Fortz: Hope he gets fined its his fault for speeding what a doushbag 😐
  4682. KillerPlays Fortz: +فارغ شغل stfu
  4683. فارغ شغل: this kid is like 7 ffs o
  4684. Exodus TM: KillerPlays Fortz Ksi fan? Definitely
  4685. YTG Drip: Remember when he was at 60,000
  4686. Alexis Ashikwe: He can literally write a banger rap about anything!
  4687. xd Wraith. TTV: 6:38 is what u came for *THANK ME LATER*
  4688. nicholas McRae: Sickkkkkkkk BROO!!!
  4689. japanesecinema: I was going to take the point off your license, but then I heard you use autotune... 🤔
  4690. Sander Helmerand: Heat
  4691. Videos about XXXTENTACION: Stop talking shit
  4692. Damian Karjala: That was fire bruh🔥 you inspire me to rap bro thx
  4693. Mostafa Sakr: Fire
  4694. SkillsOwnU: when you know that your video is boring so you have to animate it !
  4695. Valentina Rose: Wow you’re so talented! 😍
  4696. Corbin Gooderson: itunes??
  4698. washoywa: ksi
  4699. ficom a: Hi
  4700. Exility: HEAT🔥🔥🔥
  4701. Mr. Fuck Yo Moma: Bro it was trash should have used a more aggressive flow than a emo flow... not even hating... just crititism you should be able to take
  4702. Ras Ali: Hes playing it for a judge bro not 4 fans. Hes trying to make it subtle assel
  4703. Pat W: damn fuck around and get arrested for resisting the ticket/arrest.
  4704. Maddie S Vlogs: Guys, guys, guys, just because someone drops a diss track once or twice doesn’t mean every single video is gonna be a diss. Ksi does it for a living *not everyone 🙄*
  4705. SAADì: respect G
  4706. Games Station: 9:11 whats your calling emergency
  4707. Selloutz IQ: Rapping to get out life sentence......
  4708. Infinite Power: *Imagine cop starts rapping back*
  4709. 10,000 Subscribers with two videos?: Man, white boy really fked up ksi
  4710. just think: Why is this lit😫🔥🔥🔥 🔥
  4711. Quakz.mp4: Is this Eminem or logic or BOTH?
  4712. Tunmise Oni: It's like he's gangsta but not gangsta😂
  4713. Jurg3n: Yo this is lit 🔥🔥🔥
  4714. KillShot: Who’s here before 1 million views!!?
  4715. Prod. Sotirf: Quadeca raps faster then his speeding
  4716. Kool Gamez: That song low-key fire
  4717. Peeker - Gaming: 6:45 thank me later
  4718. men cool: This is lit
  4719. Khalil: Wait... What??
  4720. Flip That! Fortnite: Chillllllll
  4721. unicorn official: ricegum vs guadeca like for quadeca
  4722. Boochie Gang: Quadeca is ass
  4723. Roy Saimovici: +Lnoob still trash
  4724. Randoms Everywhere: @Flow wolf We will get u over that wall boi
  4725. Random Cunt: +Orotasan not really, just dont like quadeca
  4726. Random Cunt: +flow wolf i didnt fat cunt
  4727. Pleb King: the autotune needs works
  4728. Mind Of Virtuoso: the judge will give you a plane license now
  4729. OTF_ Snipezz: Hi Quadeca I love you and your music i hope you see this 💯
  4730. Youyou Sadou: This is the 2nd funniest rap song i ever heard next to lil dicky LMAO Can you imagine the judge be like this shit wack 😂
  4731. Ellis Reid: Jeez views went down without mentioning ksi...
  4732. IamDonit: Pin this if you love your fans
  4733. Chris Carter: "Que the dramatic music"... should have played 'Jump Around' by KSI just sayin.
  4734. dominiquepopinski: Lmao fuck that ,fuck bicycles rather had paid the ticket for quad myself. 40 in a 25 not really that bad only reason the speed limit is there is cause of dumbass drivers/walkers/bike riders dying. Only have to obey laws when you cant get away with shit.
  4735. Omar Mosbah: Finally
  4736. xd Wraith. TTV: Back in the lit **STUDIO** HEAT 🔥
  4737. Fernando Castrejon: New ksi diss track when make one please
  4738. LumpKing: 0:44 Quadeca lives in Cali?! Aww so that’s why there was so many fires 😂
  4739. Almost Good: LumpKing shut up
  4740. Jason _129: Already 1 million subs!
  4741. Moseis: A new video 😋😋😍
  4742. jessie murillo: I like ur music but this is cringy.
  4743. iR Clan: Whoever subs to me ill subscribe back with 10 accounts
  4744. Tech Yeti: Where is the diss track??
  4745. gabrielle: yeah theres no point dropping a 2nd ksi diss cos he took a phat L anyway
  4746. Hassan Jallow: Yo that's the same day as my sister's birthday
  4747. Hogsty: Lol got pulled over on my birthday
  4748. Hassan Ndume: Simply 🔥🔥🔥
  4749. Mr. Fuck Yo Moma: Bro this shit was trash wtf😂
  4750. little purple: it’s judge privilege lmao😂😂😂
  4751. jm_ 88888: 💯💯
  4752. James Smith: The song better than Ksi's disstrack
  4753. 5TEFAN: Response to KSI
  4754. Dood Doodood: More content! Need more music!
  4755. Bison: KSI caught an L from this song somehow
  4756. Nigward: Judge bobbin his head to this low key
  4757. Tekashi Uzi Vert: If he doesn’t like it just slap him
  4758. MaxB: This shit was *FIRE* 😂👏
  4759. samuel doee: Luke Morrison I was about to do that do
  4760. Luke Morrison: Guess there's no point me commenting that too
  4761. jm_ 88888: Tune 🔥🔥
  4762. Wally: legend has it only humans with over 200iq will remember the time long ago when quadeca destroyed ksi's career.
  4763. KillerPlays Fortz: Trashes song ever
  4764. Somebody: Did you mail the L to ksi?
  4765. Lex s.: 6:40 song begins
  4766. Jeff Louzada: Banger 🔥
  4767. Crisplayz: Quadeca the king 🔥🔥
  4768. Mike Flow: No more diss tracks? KSI haters unsubscribing in: 3...2.....1
  4769. Jeff Louzada: Song of the year
  4770. TenFenSie: has anyone realized that the video number ends in 911 9:11
  4771. soundproof reverb: So much better than Beerus
  4772. ben shapiro: Quad doesnt need to respond he already won
  4773. Gang Gang: Logic come sign him
  4774. Tanaka: He’s lying the court appearance was for murdering KSI
  4775. devin carley: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  4776. Pol Cusido: The song is actually lit! LoL
  4777. SASHIGU: Cool
  4778. Indian at your service: QuadEEca
  4779. Polar Ice: I’m dying 🤣🤣🤣
  4780. M3RCURY:- X: Ain't nothing usual bout me😂😂😂...
  4781. Aiyden Babb: When is this diss track on KSI.....
  4782. magical charm: 🔥fire
  4783. Why me?: Who came here for a disstrack?
  4784. Elzeko GD: Good sir, I am innocent. Thank you :)))
  4785. savmazi: https://youtu.be/viOjB9G7Sss YOOOO
  4786. Aquelecaralegal l: "So I'll listen to the coice that tells me to slow down" Voice Memos is really coming people
  4787. Good Pickles: 1:16 50 bucks plus 40 a year? Idk, man...
  4788. Charly Tesillos: He so talented He can even make a song about passing bikers and still fire 🔥
  4789. ELITE_GHOST: 1 minute ago 56k views how the hell am I a post to be early
  4790. savmazi: https://youtu.be/viOjB9G7Sss
  4791. Misimaro Memes: Soooo beefs over ?
  4792. Marcos Perez: Bro are you gonna get an overkill on ksi?
  4793. Chubby Joe: Hello everyone and merry Christmas I got a fun rapping video for you all!!, Let me know what you think! https://youtu.be/fCBpIDbt9pw Be greatful for your support.
  4794. Axel Dupon: yo he made the video 9 minuits and 11 seconds long xD.
  4795. ItsCJ #1: Who’s KSI?
  4796. daniel elmasarany: Lowkey fire
  4797. ixmprove: "so i may have missed my test, but i learned a lesson." lowkey fire. well done.
  4798. pizzaboy: My speeding ticket was $500 going 97 on a 70mph speed limit 🙃
  4799. Wally: i bet the judge would be more impressed and let u go if you just sent him a link to your ksi diss track.
  4800. 313028dakota: Why do I think of you as the Peter Parker of rap? Anyway though, good stuff man.
  4801. - reddot: Dear Judge, skip to 6:36
  4802. Zeysa: - reddot a
  4803. DaRoyal Bro: Thx bud
  4804. Samet 678: - reddot e
  4805. DJdjwskdkkddksmdkd Heyjeemeo: - reddot d
  4806. Infinitemagic: - reddot thanks you the real mvp
  4807. Yxsuf_14: 6:42 thank me later 😊
  4808. I am a shob: I love this Guy
  4809. Demon Got Me: and finally he uploads
  4810. Ntsika Dywili: You ain't getting no ticket son
  4811. Seif sorensen: Better then ksi diss track lol
  4812. Ninjarzz 1: React to beerus
  4813. smiling cookie123: Beerus wasn't a diss track.
  4814. DerDreiBeinigeKanalreiniger: Lmao
  4815. iSoLyon: Tbh, this is better than KSI's disstrack.
  4816. jazzytosassy1 aj r0bl0x: i was waiting for this video like so bad i am happy you posted
  4817. mobeen badshah: I read the title wrong
  4818. dixon2473: How do you do this make everything fire
  4819. Anjel Zambrano: With this song KSI lost
  4820. screamingclown 25: Ayee jan 12th is my birthday!
  4821. Bradley Stottlemyer: nobody gonna talk about how the video is 9:11 minutes long
  4822. Joe Smith: +Noke lose* dumbass.
  4823. TheCombatLegend: so?, thats the number of the police or what?
  4824. Noke: +WESYM people loose minutes you fucking std ridden cunt
  4825. The One: Its 9:12
  4826. WESYM: 9:12 stupid fuck
  4827. Pyro The One: "THIS IS WHITE PRIVILEGE AT ITS FINEST" LMFAO i was thinking it , not gonna lie
  4828. Edvards Freimanis: How do you feel about pain losing
  4829. StuckIn Reality: No matter what anyone says, Nagato is a hero imo.
  4830. AverageGuyTV: I'm not even speaking from the point of view of someone who is mad about it but doesn't mean that I'm going to ignore it
  4831. Julian Flores: Pain got destroyed by naruto
  4832. Gloria Honoris Virtus: What a depressing lens through which to view the world
  4833. Tiv Gaming: U deserve another speed ticket for rapping that fast
  4834. PredzZ: talking about the law the vid is 9:11 long
  4835. ARE: Hope you delete the auto tune button.
  4836. Raúl: haha the song wasn't that bad lol hope the court likes the song!
  4837. CloutySkiez: I love you quadeca no homo
  4838. i will delete my life4 1k subs maybe 1.3k subs.: INSECURE mfs
  4839. Perdomo Savage: nice vid
  4840. Donald Trump: Song low key sucks.
  4841. Bush camper boy: The song is a bit cringe
  4842. Life Lost: Your To scared to battle KSI xD
  4843. James HD: Wtf why aren’t you going to do another ksi diss track
  4844. gage hogg: you got that ticket for rapping to fast
  4845. HBantz: Sick vid! Btw subbing back to everyone honestly I actually am...
  4846. Random Cunt: Your dad trash
  4847. APPLE KID: This slaps
  4848. itsyaboi mir: Fire bars btw
  4849. jazzytosassy1 aj r0bl0x: So amazing
  4850. Richard: Better than ksi ares lmao
  4851. Chlorox Rochee II: Quadeca gon' make it big.
  4852. Chlorox Rochee II: +lil leprechaun boi lol
  4853. lil leprechaun boi: I've seen you somewhere in the comments
  4854. The really Awesome: Hi I love that video can u reply back quadeca
  4855. THE XXXTENTACION CULT: coool black people get shot and white people rap
  4856. Shamwow: I feel like Quadeca would bully me in High School
  4857. David Schrage: bro... why is soo damn good. your just nasty
  4858. Jordon Post: This is why ur my favorite rapper
  4859. Howto_ tutorials: Bravo bro this nice
  4861. Maxi Army Trooper no videos: He rap as fast as he drive
  4862. Gjermund Norum Bugge: If pewdiepie nearly gets overtaken again u should make your own T-series diss to save pewds. Would be sweet, perhaps pewdiepie would wanna upload that to his own channel as well if it is fire ;)
  4863. kratos: Low key a banger no cap
  4864. oh yeah yeah: This songs better than any of ksi's lol
  4865. Nick Cooper: Bruh if the judge don’t take charges off he crazy
  4866. iAxndrei: 10:00 lol he farted
  4867. dominiquepopinski: Ayo quad! Pussy agua vasser water/ dripn dripn like a bottle. There's a bit now run with it.
  4868. Destiny Exyte: I will put a 🔥 every time I get a subscriber 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  4869. Yxsuf_14: “Quadeca on their playlist more than KSI” Fav line
  4870. ArmanMiri: Look at the text I sent you
  4871. Julien Rowes: Good Luck on your biology test lol
  4872. Gustavo Escorza: January 12 is my birthday
  4873. LumpKing: 6:46 Fire starts here, you’re welcome
  4874. Mythical: Shut the fuck up please lmao
  4875. Tomi Balone: shut up
  4877. LoSeR BoI: This is random but his name is so sick
  4878. DyloPillow: Thank you Quadeca very cool
  4879. Best Crafter: 🔥
  4880. Galaxy Of Cookies: Lowkey love that rap XD
  4881. Zqyed: Pls make a new track on jj I want u to fuck his dead body
  4882. Mehrab Saleh: Hi
  4883. Oh Yeah Yeah: This song is flames🔥🔥
  4884. Dylan Flips: Song was 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 u should dis Logan Paul
  4885. TCARTR // TheDrumaddictOne: *Congrats on a million subs my dude! You deserve it!*
  4886. soundproof reverb: I guess you can say he let him off with a (KSI GOT DESTROYED) warning huh?
  4887. LumpKing: How many of y’all saw me in the comments of Quadeca disstrack reaction 😂
  4888. Simonel: Is that lump cancer
  4889. Random Cunt: +Randoms Everywhere listen here partner, we can do this the easy way or the hard way, but one way or another you will get over that wall
  4890. Randoms Everywhere: Come out with ur Hands up we have u surrounded
  4891. Random Cunt: +LumpKing salty cunt
  4892. Almost Good: I think a few thousand people saw you but no1 gave a shit because you are just a looser spamming video comments for attention.
  4893. JTT: Anyone else notice the cars are going backwards in the song?
  4894. Yeet 6000: Lit
  4895. Bollywood Goddess: Damn if the judge doesn't like this song, than he has terrible taste in music lol
  4896. Ben Fajardo: I wonder is ksi can write a better song about slowing down...
  4897. Jüri Sepp: Bro you going big... For real
  4898. Trap Gggf: Where’d the 2nd diss
  4899. zədañ _ Ə: Lit👏👏👏👏👏👏
  4900. xenon warloc: Legend
  4901. LumpKing: 6:00 *THIS MAN IS LEGIT LOL!* Really thought he was trolling the entire time 😂😂
  4902. Almost Good: Shut up
  4903. chingy1471: Bet
  4904. Kristijan Radman: 1
  4905. Champ Streamer: This is better than ksi berus song
  4906. JDC Productions: This is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen 😂😂
  4907. Prxd. CVTZ: excuse me wtf
  4908. Agustin Santana: Wheres KSI diss!?!?
  4909. FJFrags: Finally this guy came back with a song, I seriously missed your content
  4910. Kait Shep: This sounds like a story that would run on inside edition 😂
  4911. Hunterqe: I actually really fw this song lmao
  4912. Alex Mole: Wow this is intense
  4913. Papa Stalin: New diss track
  4914. vZinc - iiNitzHD: LIT
  4915. Nathan Boctor: But respond to KSI tho 👀
  4916. Steven Killebrew: The video time is 9:11, IN A POLICE VIDEO!!
  4917. Ace: Steven Killebrew 9:12 moron
  4918. OnMyMomsAccount: But they didn't charge you for murdering KSI?
  4919. OH YEAH YEAH LVL4999 Maximilianmus soldier: Fuck off fan boi
  4920. 2pac ou: +ZaddyWill agreed lol
  4921. ZaddyWill: Omma cringe
  4922. 2pac ou: read desperation
  4923. Fe4r TheGamer: Quadeca you said you were gonna be releasing a part two of your raps you did when you were young when you hit 1 million subs It's happened
  4924. Richigo: 🔥
  4925. Edge Montages: Itune/spotify that shit 🔥
  4926. Cynical: Make a diss on ksi
  4927. sulieman saleh: why is everyone asking to like their comment?] so stupid like the comment? serious no joke like it pls
  4928. Xx_7_xXsHaRp ScOoTEr: Where is the diss track on JJ after he made Ares
  4929. Lilian Ukaegbu: Xx_7_xXsHaRp ScOoTEr read the description
  4930. EnvyFliqzy: I got a traffic ticket add on this vid lol
  4931. JY Shawty: Song slapping🔥
  4932. Edderson TYB 30: Am 19, and is not that easy in new york
  4933. v.j: +XxNizzyXx niga u should stuff bitch goddamn bully
  4934. Randoms Everywhere: Were is ur Isabella?
  4935. zompai uchiha: +Random Cunt fuck you
  4936. Dummyboii55819 Ok: 😯
  4937. XxNizzyXx: +Random Cunt stfu
  4938. ScoobSlayer: A cyclist lmfao what is a biker
  4939. Aurimas: Lol, the video is 9mins 11 secs.
  4940. I’m Lazy: I'd really like to get to 100 million subs by the end of the day..help would be appreciated :(
  4941. Feandal: good, now make me a rap song to get me out of a 10 day suspension of school
  4942. Royal Penguinxx: this videos going to blow up 😂
  4943. Roman Mwangi: It's been a minute Glad you're back
  4944. Reo - Gacha: Should have told KSI to slow down when tryna get a hairline
  4945. Saig Raven: OMFG LOOOOOOOL ! I CAN'T EVEN XD
  4946. Ringer the Hooper: Random Cunt ikr
  4947. Random Cunt: You're trying way too hard to be funny
  4948. GhostLife 905: I f*cking love Quadeca.
  4949. qqulti: wait youtube is broken. showing me a new video n not one from 2 years ago LUL
  4950. EDWIN COYOTL: I give props to Ben he inspired me to try to rap
  4951. Replay: when I see "Quadeca" and "rapping" in the same ideology, I click it
  4952. Kool Gamez: Thank KSI for making u less awkward and shy because now u can make more public videos.
  4953. washoywa: u a big nerd
  4954. Trenton Brown: He should be arrested like 69
  4955. Goldvayze TV.: speeding rap better than ksi beerus🔥😂......Easy
  4956. Al He: Randolph’s part was good
  4957. Lord LunchBox: Telestoe aye oh chill
  4958. Lord LunchBox: TheAdipalma02 it is aye KSI music is labelled with a parental warning for shit content instead of explicit lmao
  4959. Telestoe: Are you fucking high? Fuck off
  4960. Marco Chaidez: IsWavy Touché
  4961. DivineCobraGaming: Noti squad
  4962. deadmuffin: Where’s the new KSI diss 😭
  4963. LumpKing: Congratulations on *1 MILLI QUADEGOAT* Been here since 300k 🙌🏾
  4964. WAR SHORTY: Been here since 100K
  4965. K D R: Be here since 80 k
  4966. mopo ucco: been here since his fifa videos
  4967. Jack Ivers Games: I thought Quadeca was in prison for life. Didn't he kill KSI? Edit: OMG THE LIKES
  4968. OIU: Savage Ducky28 I fucking know that u fruit, I was joking u Down syndrome
  4969. Marcos Perez: +OIU its a joke S T U P I D
  4970. McFeti182: +Evan Parker double whoosh
  4971. ALTT7: FUCK OFFFF!!
  4972. Ghost Godzilla: *He killed the polices too ...*
  4973. Albanian FireGuyy: Still waiting for that second disstrack to beat JJ's Ass!Legend<3
  4974. q GAMING: This is sickk wow
  4975. MexazOPS: Get some help
  4976. RandomDude 24: 1:27 *Hitmarker*
  4977. PapaCamden: Revive me I got the radar gun!
  4978. zatzer: actually a good song
  4979. ITS CRISPY: Wow I got pulled over last night
  4980. jared tunesVEVO: Dope
  4981. Jack Wicker: fireee
  4982. Biggie Smalls: 18% off Americans can only drive with gears.
  4983. eddie ruiz: Make a response to KSIs whack rap. I know we all wanna see that
  4984. OMG its ExotikZ: Its such a coincidence that the video is 9 minutes and 11 second long
  4985. PowerStrike1355: You just made a diss track getting about 13 million views and you wont just pay the 100 dollar ticket?
  4986. Hellequin: smooth as hell my guy
  4987. Lewis Jack: XD
  4988. ThreeFreeTrees: That judge is awesome
  4989. Brandyn Cronin: Damn. Voice Memos just became 11 tracks long.
  4990. JD12R Is Me: Better than any of JJ’s music
  4991. TheMazinAlmas: Judge: *Listens to Ben's other music* *Gives another speeding ticket*
  4992. MR.Jimbo: Lol
  4993. i'm in the litty committee: ayy lmao
  4994. 22seconds.: hell yeah xD
  4995. Kaan Ali: TheMazinAlmas bruhh nice one
  4996. Sacha Callis: Loved the song bro
  4997. Vincent Zhang: Lit🔥
  4998. Jasmin breaking bad stranger things: Another reason not to drive.
  4999. S. M.: My dude has fetish for rapping
  5000. Jake: Yoooo this song slaps
  5001. Baltazar Gato: For every like I will add a 🔥.I will check back soon.
  5002. E C: You gonna get a fine bruh wtf is this
  5003. Lord Gaben: Auto tune is on point
  5004. Just_Cruzin: Never clicked on a video so fast
  5005. KID Cozy: Now you are gonna have to go to a mental asylum for hearing voices that tell you to slow down
  5006. Thomas Aponte: I was waiting for a new vid finally
  5007. Derango: This video is a BANGER bruv!
  5008. Julian Buldez: No bad language😂
  5009. Kait Shep: This sounds like a story that would run on inside edition 😂
  5010. Gacha Wolf: the video is 9:11 minutes long
  5011. Game Cells: Why did it take so long
  5012. LumpKing: I’m known as the Quadeca commenter now huh? I mess wit it lol
  5013. rxwdy: Lmao announces his fame to get the fame he supposedly had already
  5014. Tomi Balone: +Random Cunt I love u my fellow friend
  5015. Tomi Balone: shut up
  5016. chingy1471: +Mythical init
  5017. Mythical: can u fucking stop spamming comments for attention, please? I seen like 10 of your spam all in a row tf
  5018. Bugsy322: Thought it said raping😂
  5019. aimua Igbinehi: Cyclists get you insecure
  5020. Dannny Arovo: Was actually a good song
  5021. James Smith: you shoulda hopped on the track with dax, deji, crypt and jallow
  5022. the rude egg: I remember watching your diss god disstrack a year ago...how far you've come
  5023. Screaming Brick: The song was good, but i cant imagine the judges reaction, lol
  5024. AccidentalJoker: I’m still waiting to see Round 2 of Shadow Boxing Trees🔥👌🏻
  5025. LumpKing: 3:02 I don’t think added smiley faces is gonna help you my guy 😂
  5026. Tomi Balone: shut up
  5027. leo65ish: 1 like = Quadeca is the best Congrats on 1M
  5028. flare rider: Yo I'm late sorry BRO
  5029. Damiangames2 // LGND DG2: was waiting for a vid for a while, jeeez been here since 200k also when are u gonna go back to soccer/football, and did u leave the football club?
  5030. NZanZuMusic: He's 18 almost gonna graduate. Those days are over
  5031. Zubyr: Been here since 50k, we OGs
  5032. Stephen Makori: I miss those too
  5033. Damiangames2 // LGND DG2: +Carter Carlisle thx
  5034. Carter Carlisle: Great question
  5036. Instagram: username.here___________: Wow.
  5037. BombasticSpace: danm FIREEEE
  5038. Eqoze: no coincidence the video is 9 minutes 11 seconds
  5039. LegendMixer: Ayeee January 12 is my birthday!!!! You better make the song good!
  5040. Ryandude6522: WHY IS THE SONG FIRE THOUGH
  5041. Dwight K. Schrute: Tre on the beat yuh
  5043. Rampajour: this is actually insane the music was greeeeeeeeeeeeeeaatt
  5044. Witherleader: 9:11 on purpose?
  5045. Tauseef Moghal: why is it january 12th 2018 when were going to 2019
  5046. Lol That Dawg: Yo guys check out quadeca Joe vs KSI rap battle he used one of the lines in his Insecure it was "you had to go transform that's so deep and your so sick KSI your an And transformed into a bigger prick" no offense
  5047. Holden Chetty: This is 🔥
  5048. APWL: I dissed you quadeca please respond
  5049. FC KING: Quadeca i 8 when there's no new vids of u on youtube its boring love ur vids and music and i know almost all the lyrics of insecure and im following u on twiter love from israel
  5050. Chief Halo: Put this song on spotify it’s 🔥
  5051. MaFik: song is opp
  5052. Nick Cooper: No cap this story was actually lit
  5053. 2024Gursharan S387: Quadeca + Deji + Dax + Crypt + Jallow VS KSI + Randolph
  5054. Stephen Shaw: Love your diss tracks and hope u grow even more
  5055. jakob smith: I wanna do a ft with u!!!!!
  5056. Official Voltage: Bruhh
  5057. Demolition playa: I need to this. 😂. Great inspiration
  5058. OnMyMomsAccount: But they didn't charge you for murdering KSI?
  5059. Kaine Charles: Omma you’ve said it twice
  5060. 420mar: +Mohammad Javed It was not a joke because he basically did it
  5061. Mohammad Javed: Its not funny anymore
  5062. Jookah: Did anyone notice that the length of the video is 9:11?
  5063. Fredrik Sandbakken: 9:12
  5064. Killswitch X05: Your like the black marina Joyce meets fouseytube
  5065. SaffronAFK Saffron clan: You’re on drugs delusional or u fuse two
  5066. En3y 15: 9:12 moron
  5067. Random Cunt: Nonce
  5068. Easton Hrencher: I love quadeca
  5069. LumpKing: You know a Youtuber is real when they make a video that is 9 minutes and doesn’t try to get extra ad revenue lol
  5070. Sheikh Asif: When iis the diss track coming
  5071. Cian: Honestly i'd bump this
  5072. JoeyDaPlayer: Quadeca can make *ANYTHING FIRE!* 🔥🔥
  5073. Daniel Carranza: Hey there vsauce Michael here I was in your breaking keyboard video after you broke your keyboard I was there while you were getting another keyboard. I also stream sniped you once lol
  5074. Fire 07: Hi joey do more roblox vids i love it all :)
  5075. toxic fang gang: Hmmmm no
  5076. jxke: Joey, DO U CAMP!?!?
  5077. M Plays: Ay sup Joey Da Rager :)
  5078. Ali Noor: 6:40 it sounds 🔥🔥 on 1.5x
  5079. P_opcorn: Spotify?😂
  5080. Serihusly: KSI thinks he is better than him??
  5081. Jack Cone: ‘Slow down’ is more lit than Ksi’s diss track on u
  5082. l Shoota: 4:52 😂
  5083. Cameron Green: That was probably one of the hardest song u have ever made still did awesome job tho good stuff me guy
  5084. Charlie Winter: 1,175 comments
  5085. JoshTGS //MCPE: ....
  5086. Gidi Hilkowitz: Bro ur content is so entertaining. U should post more!
  5087. Giser: Actually fire 🔥🔥
  5089. Devan Wilburn: Bro this is the best song ever 🤣🤣🤣👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼
  5090. Rebooted: LMAO I LOVED THIS VIDEO
  5091. JayHawk: Nooo where the next music video
  5092. LumpKing: Quadeca got too full of himself after killing KSI. Became a smooth criminal lmao
  5093. _ Jacin: +LumpKing "make me bitch" You know? I don't like fighting kids behind screens like a little pussy.
  5094. CST Viper: I see you commenting on imdontai
  5095. Tomi Balone: Shut the fuck up
  5096. LumpKing: _ Jacin make me bitch
  5097. chingy1471: Stop commenting you thirsty guy lol
  5098. tyreek daley: U so lit 🔥
  5099. 74ce: *Finally* 😁😁😁
  5100. Jason holt: Chorus is wank like
  5101. Amanan: This is actually good song bro
  5102. Tikkel Bikkel: Funny how the court didn't mention anything about you murdering KSI
  5103. Anime Nerd: Damn this Rap was actually good! Even tho you probably were playing around
  5104. Prod. Sotirf: EARLY AF
  5105. Briana Carter: #FreeQuadeca
  5106. Comix Hub: Awesome video. Keep up the good work
  5107. The God Ragnorak: The song is slow (no homo)
  5108. Sheng-Yuan Piano: duration of video is 9:11 coincidence?
  5109. Tim Bishop: Ain’t nothin usual bout me
  5110. Alex Torres: Let’s hit 1,2 million before 2019
  5111. John's Guinea Pigs: A legal bop
  5112. Why AJCantMiss: +Random Cunt to me you little shit
  5113. Random Cunt: The fuck did you say?
  5114. Hunter Prino: Bro this was 🔥🔥
  5115. Lol That Dawg: Remember the time when quadeca wasted his time making this and not make a KSI diss track (CMON MAKE IT ALREADY
  5116. Erick _: can u upload more?
  5117. BigManBartek: Remember when ksi was relevent?
  5118. Cash Tasty: Charges Have Been Dropped Court date is when ksi becomes good
  5119. Mahfuzur Rahman: "So I may have missed my test but I learned a lesson" Too wavy 🌊🌊
  5120. Ali Abdelrahim: smh. whit people have it easy
  5121. Nat The potato: I really want Quadeca to finish ksi
  5122. Yusuf Khahin: r/wooosh
  5123. Ignacio Alfaro: Quadeca doesn’t read his comments anymore because he hit 1 million subs
  5124. Teri Ennis: Quadeca your smart and have head on right where do you see yourself in 5 years from now?
  5125. LumpKing: After that *BIG W* you’re Quadegoat from now on
  5126. Sopwith Camel: 9 minutes 11 seconds long... police reference?
  5127. Fresh2000: +Lil Bleach oh u right oof
  5128. Random Cunt: Nonce
  5129. CashOfTheDead: It’s 9:12
  5130. Lil Bleach: Fresh2000 Very wrong comment its 9:12
  5131. Fresh2000: Very underrated comment
  5132. recruitment soldier: But I Gotti Slow Down 🔥🔥
  5133. LXCKY DXVG: If it don’t work, then #FREEQUAD
  5134. Boiizzme TroubleXo: DISS KSI AGAIN PLEASE!!!!
  5135. Theo Kepler: 3 VERSES ON A SONG ABOUT GOING 40 IN A 25
  5136. Casper Crow: You're just awesome. You're going to be a legend
  5137. Dare Seek: You’re insane haha
  5138. Matilda: For every like ill put a 😍 down below ! 😍
  5139. DrZoidberg: Get a fucking life man wtf do u even get from likes, does youtube send u fucking money for likes on comments?
  5140. K D R: Add some more
  5141. KingSeal 48: You fail
  5142. Isaac Gonzalez: This should be the drivers ed theme song 😂
  5143. Yo Boy Webstar: 😂😂😂
  5144. Bindful: You’re such a god it’s amazing you my favorite youtube by FAR
  5145. Roxxana Gonzalez: Thats cool
  5146. Brendan Ehlenfield: that’s whack
  5147. Just a dude who likes Dbz: If it was rapping instead of how fast you are driving, Quad would have easily got a speeding ticket
  5148. roshan .jr.: Awesome ...
  5149. Ryan Mann: Where’s the 2nd KSI distract
  5150. Samantha Bhola: I needed a new quadeca vid in my life....
  5151. Sean Kim: Slow dowwwnnn
  5152. United Eight: Still waiting on another diss track
  5153. LumpKing: Who’s Quadeca? After he cooked KSI alive I can only read Quadegoat now huh? Quadeca so nice he made me dyslexic 😂
  5154. Tomi Balone: shut up
  5155. Kalifa22: I can wrap gifts fast.. Just throwing that out there :P
  5156. Raviloli_: The best way to get out of a speeding ticket is to commit a bigger crime everyone knows this
  5157. Phodge99: fake
  5158. Random: Low key fire song LMAO
  5159. ECHo: I bet you wont reply😵
  5160. Fortnite: Starts at 6:45 THANK ME LATER :D
  5161. J O E L J O N S S O N: Lol
  5162. Harry L: Read that title wrong
  5163. Johnny Kiehn: THE KING RETURNS
  5164. Chungus: I was staying up the whole day just for a new video
  5165. Abdul Shahid: Ok, so I am just commenting this for likes Can i Get some for quadecas sake😊
  5166. Im Legit: This song was actually amazing
  5167. Kalifa22: Dayum
  5168. Mase Dawg: I was just for the king of rap quadeca to post
  5169. Emily Hill: Quadeca: *raps way out of getting murdered*
  5170. Cool car guy Ferrari guy: I live Northern California
  5171. Chessete: I needed this video from him today
  5172. Lucas Forsberg: I don’t know if the song was LIT or CRINGY 🥶🔥
  5173. Juffs: T'was LIT NIGGA
  5174. Tutorial Videos: Finally dropped‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
  5175. TTV ZACKBENZIEE: The judge talks mediocre nonsense and the cops have a god complex
  5176. Matthew Sperry: Make the judge turn blue in the face like he Squidward
  5177. iiiTzForcez: Basic Black Kid how the cops gonna call him awkward they are big nerds
  5178. Basic Black Kid: go commit uninstall life judge is like the black marina Joyce that meets fouseytube
  5179. TheCloutGod10: It’s like the black marina Joyce meets fousy tube
  5180. go commit uninstall life: The jury is delusional, on drugs or they fuse the two
  5181. LumpKing: KSI’s still crying inside after his Eternal L.
  5182. Different4: Lump king stfu you’ve commented like 8 times, is YouTube comment likes the only thing that makes you feel good about yourself? Get a job
  5183. Mythical: At least he doesn't go around commenting on someone else's channel attention whoring, you've been writing the same shit for like 20 times, jesus christ no one wants u here just fuck off
  5184. DR. leto: Why you everywhere
  5185. XxNizzyXx: +Random Cunt and?
  5186. Random Cunt: Ksi has more money than you tho
  5187. Marshal K: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  5188. Paolo Turrini: actually fire
  5189. Slow Speedy: Really what you?
  5190. dontkys - PvP: Craziest video you made is burning Ksi
  5191. Unknown Guy: Who else is early or late?
  5192. Nemz: Saw your tweet saying this video is going to be one of your best. Straight up facts
  5193. Teri Ennis: You did great be nice and think twice
  5194. Tiago Kaye: BRO I FUCKIN LOVE YOU LMAO
  5195. Jacquise Sheppard: I love Yondo’s beats. I love his beats.
  5196. zain ali: Story time 🍿
  5197. WarmButterMan400 Playz: you got a speeding ticket for rapping too fast
  5198. Jacob Posner: This is just laughs
  5199. Moon Fallen: Gotta slow down !!!!
  5200. Anna Nass: I was waiting for atleast something dramatic form Quadeca what does it take to get a heard from Quadeca Ayyy lol
  5201. Smiteful: Song starts at *6:36* You're Welcome
  5202. Juffs: You're*
  5203. Arjun Bal: KSI or QUADECA? Reply for KSI Like for QUADECA
  5204. Kid Kiza: This white privilege at its finest
  5205. Bruhliant: “AINT NOTHING USUAL ABOUT ME” lmao who else saw that and understand
  5206. Rejectz Gamin: Why is insecure not playable on Spotify
  5207. captain kid just kidding: Hey
  5208. REAL Krenchbama: You are a hero.
  5209. amber louise: My g
  5210. Calvin Allen: Yo this song is a bop🔊🎵
  5211. MAKEOUTHILL: This is the funiest the ever lol
  5212. Jack Brodette: The court signs him to a record label 😂
  5213. Grey Mask: Still desperatley waiting on the disstrack thats gonna flush ksi's career down the toilet tho!!
  5214. LumpKing: Wish the disstracks would continue but Ares was trash so just continue your thing Quadeca lol
  5215. Can i get 100k subscriber with no videos: I was just hearing how u killed KSI
  5216. CraigyCraig: You’re sick at rapping bro you should honestly try and be an actual rapper
  5217. TKN_EXTERXION: R/woooooosh
  5218. CraigyCraig: He doesn’t exactly make that many songs for a rapper 😂
  5219. Foxerion: He is
  5220. Slump Gang: He is
  5221. CrazyGamer: 6:40 thank me later
  5222. Bisxxm: so IRONIC how the video length JUST SO HAPPENS TO BE 9:11
  5223. Andreas Rese Kirkesæther: can you please do an updated version of xxxtentacion next styles of rapping? when you did him it was just a joke
  5224. Matthew Kelley: Is this the guy who killed ksi?
  5225. MIBAF Mibaf: shit
  5226. Lil Money Z: Dude i love your video and songs, please realise more music and albums and please try replying to your fans more, Please note i subbed before your fired so yeah
  5227. Kai Davies: Can just see the judge trappin out the the song in court
  5228. abdull salim: Littt
  5229. Y o o H V l o g s: #NOTIFICATIONSQAD
  5230. lil gaming: go to 6:42 that's what you came for You're welcome
  5231. LumpKing: Who else Been watching Quadeca since his first styles of rap? And if you haven’t it’s ok we all will enjoy Quadegoat together lol
  5232. cloutclub: If the cop was black it would be better .
  5233. Satyavan Malpani: that's tough I only got a warning for going 40 in 25 lol
  5234. Billy Cunnew: yooo my favourite rapper makes a vid on my birthday
  5235. james klinkhammer: Can I get supreme on iTunes?!?!?
  5236. Abdul Qavi: Is this Another KSI disstrack...?
  5237. JC McGee 21: You dissin KSI back or?
  5238. Lincoln Ornelas: You can’t even go over 50... lmfao
  5239. Don't Click On My Channel: Quadeca doesn't pin comments.
  5240. Jordan Starr: Named it “slowdown” lmao
  5241. ZeroFire: 5:07 january 2018? Seems legit... time travel comfirmed
  5242. Chandler Hurt: January 12 is my birthday😂
  5243. Noah: Wow 😮 I actually care!
  5244. Chaitanya Arora: I love your videos bro ..Love from INDIA💝
  5245. Sporadic: Ayyyyy I’ve been impatient for another post
  5246. sam bogaert: I'm not gonna lie u got pulled over cuz a biker was feeling to cocky to let u pass by
  5247. Mike 767: Our savior against Ksi
  5248. Nina: This was very enjoyable
  5249. Cowzee!: hi?
  5250. JAymerxx: Beautiful, I luv it
  5251. mynamisjeff: Make ksi diss pt 2
  5252. Johnny Loco: Hope the judge makes a reaction video! xD
  5253. beexter nibbus: Lmao 10 minutes ago
  5254. ayopokemaster: Yo quadeca I didn't know you stay in northern cali where at?
  5255. Hussain Albinfalah: Honestly, I didn’t like the song. Going back to Insecure...
  5256. 89 Dragons: Uhh yea this has to be fake
  5257. Quickscopeplayz: Only cause he’s white
  5258. tboygarcia: I was waiting for ksi diss but this is ok
  5259. Jhinnn: Song lowkey lit 🔥
  5260. chingy1471: Sauce
  5261. Ivan Bazuaye: Hikey
  5262. Mercury: I been watching Quadecas progress for so long. Gonna be honest. His next album is gonna be the biggest banger of 2019. I hope he reaches into the flow from “slow down” and brings that with him. Lowkey has that J cole inspiration and Travis effects. I love that he is rapping bout stuff rather then clout and money. Let’s go Quad 👌🏻
  5263. Agron Takaj: Jhinnn facts broo
  5264. Da4k-_Maxsing: I see this niqqa commenting on every vid I watch
  5265. Champ Streamer: Second😎🤓
  5271. Sc0oby plays: Waiting for the w's
  5272. F.B.I: I left porn for this
  5273. Supreme Hydro: F.B.I is on their way
  5274. Zach Wilkins: Why is this depressingly accurate
  5275. chingy1471: Very original well done
  5277. The Senate: FIB OPEN U-uhhh wait a sec
  5278. Ali Naeem: Fireeeee
  5279. Reed NW: The song is fire actually
  5280. Jessica Gaitan: Better than any of Ksi’s songs
  5281. TOXIC RAIN: Haha
  5282. Zanerr PSH: Lit vid. I want more of this Quadeca!! (More music)
  5283. Simon the Viking: what have you done now?
  5284. Simon the Viking: oh, ok now I know what you've done now
  5285. Baxter: yo What the heck this sooo fire
  5286. wildestsix7: Fire
  5287. Adam Kyle: White privilege at it's finest. You couldn't get more ironic. A white rapper getting out of a speeding ticket. 😂
  5288. Neo Pet: That's not "ironic" it's stereotypical.
  5289. Biggie Smalls: Adam Kyle Whites got to be helped more they made the greatest system off all time that they live in
  5290. Memes: That thumbnail is unacceptable.
  5291. Fatty Mxn: Yo quadeca, I’m an og fan am would really appreciate it if you like this comment
  5292. Fatass271: The day has come first video after hitting a milli
  5293. SavantTV: Better than every KSI’s songs hahahahah
  5294. Michael-Russell Salmi: Quadeca diss track against Judge incoming??
  5295. Jordan Littyboi: That was fire
  5296. Jesse Grant: I love you dad
  5297. Triceratops195020: Hell yea this vibes pretty good!!! You should ruin ksi's rapping career
  5298. The Charlie: Haha guys remember KSI Yeah me neither
  5299. Jimmy Conrad: Imagine being black and trying this😂
  5300. Vyzu: Notification Gang💯‼
  5301. Darkcoss 21: Nice song.
  5302. Bodams6: He didn’t even make it ten minutes respect 🙏🏽
  5303. Skylar Lowery: what a great video man great job (not being sarcastic)
  5304. Sired Scene Packs: Better than any song ksi has put out.
  5305. Im actually -200IQ: Damn
  5306. Hardyd50: 6:38
  5307. Elias B.: BRO VIDEO STARTS AT 0:00 thank me later
  5308. Random Cunt: The sun is hot, thank me later
  5309. Woj911: 🔥 fire
  5310. Cornelia: i'm so glad I found you, you are so funny and talented i swear, can't get enough of youuuuuu
  5311. Johnathyn Motty: Wow come on quadeca 18 and gets a speeding ticket... Shame... Shame...
  5312. Darkcoss 21: Pin me plz.
  5313. CmonBruh: Where the x8 at though
  5314. Darkcoss 21: Ajsisgdisbaooasd
  5315. Yeakub Nobi: Me to
  5317. Reo - Gacha: I checked your channel becuz I was bored not on your videos but 5min later a notice but still not on your channel January 12,2018 when did this happen????
  5318. Allen Paul: Loads of love quadeca... Genuinely one of the best you tuber out there
  5320. Al BlooBrat: Well... it's...something
  5321. Black Guy: What conspiracies do we have on him
  5322. Alex Hogan: 🔥
  5323. Osmium: That judge is dope lol, we need more music Quad 🙏🏼
  5324. ZenTyzer: You gotta slog dooown!!
  5325. Sub bot er: Still waiting for the second disstrack on ksi
  5326. Tfue: For everyone who are asking for a second diss on KSI just look at the description FFS
  5327. Rhyvix: *bruh*
  5328. gamefreak is a scam: dont be a pussy bro wtf just take the ticket, the fuck you embarrassing yourself for
  5329. Adham Labwam: Aye he back
  5330. rhino2025: Fake videos already bro
  5331. adam123goal: 100 styles? Is it more than a myth?
  5332. Uttkarsh Suri: Are you allowed to record the reaction of the judge I would like that✌️
  5333. Aston Gunning: January 12th *2018*
  5334. FB I: I love u quad! No homo👍❤️
  5335. Floccinaucinihilipilification: You appear to have a phat future ahead
  5336. WILDCARD101: l0l
  5337. The Charlie: That was actually fire 🔥
  5338. IM-EGO-_-: Who else knows quadecaX8 if not then your one of those ksi disstrack new comers....
  5339. IM-EGO-_-: +Pick A Shoe never said there was anything wrong lol its just a comment my dude.
  5340. SaffronAFK Saffron clan: IM-EGO-_- i do quadecaX8 was his YouTube name but he changed it just to quadeca
  5341. Th3 RedOne: Your point is ?
  5342. Tense Smoke: who "wouldve thought"
  5343. Pick A Shoe: IM-EGO-_- no one cares if you’re an old fan, you’re as irrelevant as the kid who subscribed a minute ago to this channel in the eyes of Quadeca
  5344. Abdallah Plays: Noti squad
  5345. Dubblez: thats dope
  5346. Botond Erdos: Diss the police... DO IT
  5347. Agent .301: 7:43 yes sir
  5348. Fadow: the song is a banger vro
  5349. Alexander Wilson: What if he switched the flow rap quick and said “ fuck the speed”
  5350. Paranoidminds: Damon this shit was fire
  5351. Xxtentaction Xx: Release the song as a single on all platforms
  5352. Joseph Erby: This fire🔥🔥🔥🔥...... I mean I hope you learned your lesson.
  5353. 2024Gursharan S387: Anyone still remember when quadeca murderes KSI that was kinda messed up
  5354. Mr JYT: he'll like it
  5355. Chris G: Brody sick
  5356. OCTOB3R x: This lit. Drop it as a song
  5357. Ragingpenguin: This is actually fire lmao
  5358. Hartiquix: I have been waiting so long for a new video dude
  5359. Ansen Tran: Gotta slow down
  5360. Alexander Wilson: Ok so like that was actually fire
  5361. william herrmann: Where is the ksi diss track
  5362. Sakars Is A Jew: Massive W
  5363. VTMarveL_: 🔥
  5364. Darkcoss 21: Song at 6:40
  5365. Skypical: Remember that time Quadeca killed a man with 19Million subs
  5366. Warda D: Where the hell do you find your judges ? 😂 In France you'd just pay and if you did try to argue you'd be thrown to juve 😅 Love you Quadeca
  5367. Chaos ES: Animation is movie quality 0:33
  5368. spectre: It's actually fire 🔥🔥
  5369. SS PRO11: Best rapper ever
  5370. Darkz Z: For every like i will add a 🍕 I will check each Day. 🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕
  5371. Darkz Z: Why is everyone saying boi?
  5372. emilOhyeah: BOI
  5373. Pause Stezzy: Boi
  5374. China W: Boi
  5375. MiksuOW: Boi
  5376. Brotherhood Of Dark Phoenix: To much of a pussy to reply to ksi
  5377. Awesome FAL3: Better than Ares
  5378. Earl Sweatpants: Ehhh that's a streeetch
  5379. dylanZOMB1E Ps4: Why this vids stupid. Everyone’s waiting for you to respond
  5380. PHANTOM TripleAAA: AWESOME!!!!
  5381. Major Pollard: January 12, 2018???????
  5382. Dusk_Devower: Used to watch ksi back in grade 5 too. Quadeca is more watched then ksi now thats true
  5383. Joseph Erby: Me too
  5384. Koen Van De Vijver: Yondo mvp
  5385. The Ultimate Games: First comment I think
  5386. YunoCody: banger
  5387. GAMING NATION: That song is actually good
  5388. CJ Kenney: This song low key kinda trash but at the same time it’s equal to 160$
  5389. GamingLodgicZ: Hahahaha lol
  5390. Creations_ Recon: 325th
  5391. ArusheelOFFICIAL: Song was low key heat 🔥
  5392. Cutman1020: Finally a new video🤩🤩
  5393. Bruno M: Finally a new vid bro song was fire LMFAOO
  5394. ZMAN 420: Don't give your PLATE UP MAN?
  5395. Precious Boyce: Cool
  5396. Bulldog 112: I'm expecting quadeca to drop a entire album of just dissing ksi and other youtube rappers he don't like
  5397. Patrivk: 500k in a couple of weeks!!!🔥🐐🔥
  5398. Corbin The Devil: When will the next distrac on KSi come out
  5399. GraNNiX: January 2018?
  5400. Anthony Camargo: Bro your background music and editing just makes your video fire af 🔥
  5401. Emiliano Gonzalez: Nooo, I was expecting a banger diss track on KSI, not this. bruh
  5402. Aliyah Mshaiful: um, “better stay in my own lane” wAs tHaT a jAb uWu
  5403. Haribo475: Why is most comments about KSI ? your on the wrong video.
  5404. optio12: Judge here,you’re cleared. But you’ve just been charged for making an epic song. See you in court
  5405. stepz 187: This shit heat low key heatttttt
  5406. Clark Klent: Yo please make another diss on KSI your shit is fire
  5407. James Nunley: Lmao idk why but this was funny to me but good vid😂
  5408. Evanis it: Pro
  5409. lloyd vlogz: like if quadeca needs a trim
  5410. Sabri: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
  5411. - BlueForLife: First #notificationsquad
  5412. Ooga Clan: 2:43 we have the same jumper bro
  5413. SupremeBoy: No one even cares about the video just thinking about the diss track.
  5414. RiceGodx8 !: This is bull shit
  5415. EJ Lara: Congrats on 1 mill my guy👌🏽
  5417. Kiran Ruby: That verse just got u another speed ticket
  5418. TheNewBaller: Q U A D E C I
  5419. Darkcoss 21: Pin me plz
  5420. iRifle You: I bit I will not get a like
  5421. Ok ay: Wtf am I watching
  5422. August Weberg: "I am a judge that believes in unusual punishments. something that will really get through".... ew
  5423. Samuel Philips: Damn bro this legally lit
  5424. The Murisan's Family Vlogs: *I wish I could rap after 300 dollars worth of tickets last month haha imma learn*
  5425. BakaBoy: I am the Judge he's Talking About
  5426. APEX TOXIC: 😂😂
  5427. Vamsey Palagummi: good for him... he’s right tho, super privileged
  5428. thomas belajonas: Only mf to make a fire song about speed limits 🔥🔥😂😂
  5429. Big Chungus: song is fire lol
  5430. Nabeela Chattha: Lit 🔥
  5431. Chaos ES: Don’t subscribe to pewdiepie
  5432. Hoffman Cubing: How does one make a fire song out of respecting the law?
  5433. DDFG - FireDown: I see the title and I wonder “WHY”
  5434. DnB Panda: Song about passing bikers > Ares
  5435. Pro X Elite: 6:41 thank me later
  5436. c.j.x. 27: Actually bumps
  5437. Sir Z Gaming: *The song actually slap no cap* 🔥💯
  5438. XchoasbringerX: HOLY FUCK BARZ
  5439. Kevin -: Slaps*
  5440. rukman sidhu: Stfu
  5441. Nickolas Davidson: Clout chaser
  5442. Zqbix: How Many YTers u subbed to😂 I see u IN EVERY COMMENT SECTION
  5443. Mustehsan Fazal: This is highkey fire tho
  5444. Xl_sad vibes_lX: Stoopid
  5445. Armani Diaz: This rap is fire 🔥
  5446. muhammad lamine ndow: No deal
  5447. J2S: This is pretty crazy, but it’s also really cool
  5448. Gregory Avina: Who’s this guy, finally uploaded 😃
  5449. Chaos ES: Stop ping spoofing the video
  5450. Jett Adams: you are full of shit
  5451. oxorgy: can you put this on spotify? lowkey lit
  5452. One Tricky boi: Am I the only one that saw the title say raping to get out of a speeding ticket
  5453. VDR: Speeding ticket fuck that you killed a man 3 weeks ago..
  5454. Nicole sings: This is fucking amazing 😂😂😂
  5455. N.A.K.I: *Do a diss on this guy called "Quadeci", Keemstar loves him*
  5456. _ Jacin: Tf issa *Quadeci* ?
  5457. Zaxx: oh no.. What have you done now xD
  5458. just joel: Evey like ill add a 🍆 I promise
  5459. ThisGirlKassie :D: Quadeca you’re an absolute beast, I love your videos! You had me waiting ages for a new upload. Keep up the grind. Love ~ Kassie
  5460. Aliyah Mshaiful: g how you driving in january when the calendar says february which i assume is when you get your license im ~
  5461. dank meme: Bro respond to Kryptic he dissed you hard bro
  5462. Adithya Ajith: 4 min and 10k views quadeca has grown REALLY GROWN
  5463. Sam Sk8s: 1 mil lets go 1 mil lets go
  5464. JIB: Ksi couldn't rap for shit lol
  5465. GameAddict: First
  5466. Venom Clan: Wow just wow
  5467. Retro FN: Wait he said jan 2018 lol
  5468. Brandondhli: Quadeca is next up trus me
  5469. Tom Duncan: Fake
  5470. Eremyia B: Ayu boios listen to maj - sloppy seconds
  5471. Lil scoot: Yung Logic lol.
  5472. Bryce Davis: Wassup Quad
  5473. O B E Y O N O: Hell yeah
  5474. NO CLOUT: These edits get me every time 😂😂
  5475. Fe4r TheGamer: You should collab with token for a song
  5476. Constant: who remembers the time when quadeca remixed esketit by lil pump and made susej by jesus backwards?
  5477. Mr.RandoM: Yes he uploaded.
  5478. Betty May: YAAAASSSS he back again
  5479. Garfunk: What's all this great dramatic music throughout???
  5480. Musa: The song is banging tho
  5481. jonathan hernandez: This is funny
  5482. MangoSmoka: Hi
  5483. The Basset: Hello Slayer of KSI
  5484. Raymond Legend: White privilege
  5485. Dannydee: Cyclist*
  5486. Adnan mahasna: how to solve racism 101
  5487. Saucey Lawsy: Noice
  5488. dragonlegends madero: Congrats on 1 mil
  5489. Woodier Tax: BS ::Ps the song was shit
  5490. FeedPack: You can rap faster than that car
  5491. Noel raj: It isss sooo frreakin good❤❤❤🔥
  5492. xd Linx: Finally
  5493. The Charlie: Bet this won’t get pinned
  5494. Phil Swift: Make a diss track with deji.
  5495. Grant Adams: But can u get a victory royale 🤔🤔
  5496. The Charlie: Ain’t nothing usual bout me
  5497. Elijah Tony: WHY YOU COMING FAST
  5498. fatalhiphop: Skip to 6:42 You're welcome!
  5499. oct.4: +Olaf Games if that's true that mean I'm a porn star
  5500. Olaf Games: +Damiangames2 // LGND DG2 seem. Jesus fucking christ mate. So you saying i watch one video with hitler in it , i am forever a nazi.
  5501. Damiangames2 // LGND DG2: +oct.4 respect.
  5502. oct.4: +Damiangames2 // LGND DG2 I was here since 1k
  5503. GOOFY THANOS: Damiangames2 // LGND DG2 weird flex but ok
  5504. VLOG SQUAD Podcasts: Is this a storytime
  5505. Broseph: watch the whole vid
  5506. *SANS *: Who remembers when ksi was alive?
  5507. Ray: Quadeca to XXL freshman 2019 :D
  5508. Baxter: When the album drops my mans
  5509. Vastly: Rip KSI
  5510. Scotti Pimpin: Whitest thing to do
  5511. Subviper007: Only OGs remember Wii Music Fire 🔥😤
  5512. csabibi 27: Where is the response for KSI
  5513. Big Chungus: the dislike is the biker
  5514. Real Pana2525: I got a speeding ticket for clicking too fast
  5515. Baxter: Out Supreme on spotify
  5516. Flux: Literally Everyone.
  5517. Mariah Pena: Why is this lowkey funny asl😂😂
  5518. Damian: cool
  5519. Eoin Murphy: Yes
  5520. Salem Cormier: omfg why tho?
  5521. Nino Coppolino: That actually crazy
  5522. GPProdigy OSProd: Yeet
  5523. Cloudz: 10 likesss ! And I’ll drop a diss track on Quadeca 💞🛎
  5524. Alex Young: Shut up
  5525. Gamer today: When u gonna respond to ksi diss??
  5526. fff: Ok now this is epic.
  5527. BT Drunk Artist: That cop could have been Dax
  5528. Mo Mo: +Darriel jankie yeah I know😂😂
  5529. Darriel jankie: +Mo Mo its a reference to his new vid😂
  5530. Mo Mo: +Darriel jankie Cops.. Black.. DUUHH lmao
  5531. Darriel jankie: +Mo Mo so
  5532. Mo Mo: Dax is black
  5533. OWL: How much auto tune do you want Quadeca-all of it
  5534. Josh Beale: Great video
  5535. Minj OW: both ksi and quadeca tracks were shit im happy there are no more
  5536. The Universe: Savage jugde
  5537. Jack Crosse: Yeet
  5538. Nate Riepe: Lol 😂😂 to funny
  5539. Kill me: Dont you mean Raping to get put of a speeding ticket.
  5540. Lil JJ: Oh my
  5541. ReportKatPls: Ive been waiting a week for a ksi diss..
  5542. TywexGD: ReportKatPls read description
  5543. amaris Majil: Same
  5544. Mikail Albogachiev: When you dropping the diss on ksi
  5545. Dwax FT: 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
  5546. 놀이터 놀 수있다: Plot twist: he got a speeding ticket for rapping too fasttt
  5547. 놀이터 놀 수있다: +expertease sorry
  5548. expertease: Good one but you spell "to" wrong, it's "too"
  5549. Earisk: Oof good one
  5550. 44cps: Lmao
  5551. AXEL bdz1: Lol
  5552. Zarak Khan: bruh fire
  5553. A L: I dont understand. Shouldnt quadeca be arrested? I mean last week he just killed a man :/
  5554. Nathan Small: Hey I’m the judge 👨‍⚖️ My sentence is final no need to budge 😠 Help me finish it 👇🏼
  5555. Joaquib: +CROWN we go hard out here
  5556. CROWN: +Joaquib no that end line is just no 😂
  5557. Joaquib: +CROWN nah yeah, my record never tainted... never smudge cuz next time I'm cruising, ain't gonna hit the clutch and after my-court-date, finna eat some fudge
  5558. CROWN: +LFG Tekkers and I'm dipping LFG's bars be trippin I'm slipping Givenchi on me I'm drippin
  5559. LFG Tekkers: You see the road yeah i aint got no limit Id like to dodge this fine by going and singing And then I start hearing the police siren ringing And my heart was so nervous it started skipping
  5560. Kevin Morin-Laflamme: Loved the editing on this one. Your game keeps stepping up, and not just in the rap game!
  5561. FeXoTy XE: Jesus that was good
  5562. GABRIELTHEGODLYS: #2millsubs?
  5563. data point: I want more Ksi diss track now
  5564. Darkcoss 21: Like Quadeca comment ksi
  5565. A C: Who else was here before quadeca hit 1 mil?
  5566. Intisar Chauhan: I was here at 600 000k subs
  5567. Eeewout: I live in the Netherlands we all have at least one bike. So just to warn you never start driving in my country.
  5568. ICY N1NJ4: I just want you to destroy ksi
  5569. SpRk_Mummy: The way quadeca talks just makes me angry lol
  5570. Big Chungus: lel this my first time being first to comment
  5571. Abdul: 3 mins early lol
  5572. Nicolas: LOL
  5573. Vdarkm Btw: Lmao
  5574. Adam Is Here: This video is fire 🔥
  5575. Ben Austin: When are you gonna drop the next diss track to ksi
  5576. kaymackgee: Ryland Adams? Do you have another channel?
  5577. Macrye: Where is the diss track
  5578. QasimSki Ahmed: God cimplex
  5579. THEDoc: You should respond to ksi track even though it sucks just to embarrass him even more #godcomplex
  5580. Sufian Hossain: dammmm
  5581. The gaming Diss: im actually subbing who ever subbing to me
  5582. Deport Dora: Look who's growing a beard??
  5583. Deport Dora: +Richard Negrete Yes, but I'd date him any time.
  5584. Richard Negrete: +Deport Dora well idk about that but looks like he'll rock a beard if he grows it out😂😂
  5585. Deport Dora: +Richard Negrete yeah he looks cute lol.
  5586. DJ GRANTSPANTS: tru dat
  5587. Richard Negrete: And it ain't looking weird
  5588. Chloe Livingstone: The GOAT ⭐️
  5589. Jokar: when the video is 9/11 mins long
  5590. K!NG KSI: So boring im now half way to sleep
  5591. Alexman09 MC: Wew
  5592. AlexJakobz: Subbing to any one whos subs to me :)
  5593. Kazzo Productions: Yo bro quad, can you please start uploading more content, like 4 vids a week, becuz ur stuff is really entertaining and like i cant wait till the next video
  5594. Mr Zman: Fire
  5595. malana :/: I love you :)
  5596. Kenobimen: Wait this isn’t a diss track...
  5597. Liv: Do you think you could give me driving lessons 😂 not even joking
  5598. YeBoi Turtle: Dude ksi is silent maybe he will take 4 weeks to reply
  5599. fuifax: hmm nice to see Quad becoming a rebel
  5600. OrbitialZexalplayz: 6:37 thank me later
  5601. tymster united: Quadeca your the best You should respond to ksi i know it was bad But you should piss him off Your my favourite Youtuber And rapper Oh ya i was subbed when you had 37k
  5602. xd muf: Ayy
  5603. MalvarezZ: First To say that I'm 1 minute too late😭
  5604. Keisuke Mito: KSI got handled
  5605. Flaming Dragon: Respond to ksi again I just realized u got 1mil subs i was with u when u had 300k
  5606. FTN Oreo: You won’t pin this comment
  5607. tatum: ilyyyy
  5608. Triple G: Quadeca out here ballin! He’ll do anything to make a 🔥 video! All he does is drop banger videos! He is such an inspiration to me! My goal is to work with him one day. My 🔥 and his 🔥 would be deadly! All y’all please help me get there! - Peace!
  5609. Triple G: Thanks for the support y’all!
  5610. A Kid’s View: Triple G you a big baller homie!
  5611. LEGO Batman Fan: Triple G you’re a baller man!
  5612. Gabriel Geiger: Triple G you spit 🔥🔥🔥!
  5613. Dwyer106907: Triple G Just keep grinding!
  5614. CJ_Combo: hey im not first but who cares but 615th
  5615. Jack Gillespie: My grandfather and I love watching your videos together. However, a lot of the other nursing home residents find your production wesk and they say your syllabic patterns could be mpre consistent.
  5616. peter selie: fireeeee
  5617. Muhammad kahn: Quadecca U WILL WRECK KSI LIKE IF YOU AGREE
  5618. king studio: Nic bro I'm ur big fane from India can u send beat download track now free I'm a rapper
  5619. Elemental: NOICE
  5621. Unholy Makeup: RIP KSI
  5622. PVF_X: i love how the video is 9:11 minutes long hahahaha
  5623. Emre Evran19: Straight up you rapped too fast that the radar gun caught u at 92 wpm that’s why he pulled u over ur flow was to fast
  5624. Blue sandwich01: only u could pull this off
  5625. Hamzah Abrache: Do another styles of rap viedeo pls
  5626. Connor Isashootah: Pls can anyone subscribe to me pls I’ll appreciate support
  5627. Sebastian Alvarez: Better than KSI's diss track
  5628. Nick Patrick: Who's Disstrack is Better Like Quadeca Comment KSI
  5629. Sub To PewDiePie: quadeca
  5630. Dat one Boi: +Aaranya BarmanKsi is trash
  5631. Aaranya Barman: Yea I see behind your filthy little tricks
  5632. Aaranya Barman: 10
  5633. Aaranya Barman: 9
  5634. free form dread journey: Did you know ksi had said your a youngster and he been in the damn game longer than you SMH it's obvious that your disstrack blew the fuck out of him.
  5635. Young Trapstar: https://youtu.be/ywJnF1opCcQ check me out i support my supporters 💯🔥
  5636. Dragonstrike 3579: Horror story or killing a cyclist In Australia that is a godsend
  5637. jhjbj bjhbjb: holy shit
  5638. Hoffman Cubing: Why you goin 40 on a 25? Just slow down!
  5639. LULWA AL-SANEE: Finally sksksksksk
  5640. Hayan Khan: Yo
  5641. 8ig B3rt: Can you react to dejis disstrack on ksi plzzzz
  5642. Hidden Music: I was desperately waiting for a new video from Quadeca
  5643. Michael Tisdale: Fax
  5644. Earisk: Look on my channel
  5645. mathias horlbogen: same
  5646. Gisi: Why the hell does this have that many views? Not even funny
  5647. LANDON TAYLOR: +William Ferrand read description
  5648. Muhammad kahn: YAH YEEET
  5649. Lil Fatan: wtf fk the cops
  5650. Sky light: Hiiii I luv uuuuuuuu
  5651. riamonique1: I’m first viewer
  5652. Z1400: Just follow the laws of tay k
  5653. Dhruv Narula: first you killed a man, now you're speeding???
  5654. Thomas Triana: Where the heck is the diss track on Ksi, you said you were gonna make one, if you don’t you basically took the L
  5655. maverick the goat: You back bro
  5656. Nirbhay: That was pretty good
  5657. TempoArts: ksi diss??
  5658. Super boy: Hi jack
  5659. jowex: next rap to get out of jail!!
  5660. BeDistinct Daily Vlogs: Dont Go to UC DAVIS, you will hit HELLA BIKES! 😂
  5661. Mariah • why don't we: Yayy !! New video ♥️🐐
  5662. 死Shi Monster: Savage
  5663. Phil Mianus: Oi nahhh🔥🔥
  5664. Fake Taxi28: I love you
  5665. D Dog: I love u plz ping me
  5666. ApexAnarchy21: IT SAID 0 VIEWS
  5667. Sasha Freer: Drop insecure on Apple Music please
  5668. Cascade Fresh: Officer: Excuse me sir I'm giving you a ticket. Quadeca: That's probly cuz you're insecuuuuuuuure.
  5669. Selby: why is there documentation if you got out of the speeding ticket
  5670. Hi: ‘Quadeca on the playlist more than ksi’
  5671. CSR Censored: Not i gang!
  5672. charlotte Taylor: One of the first people How tf do u rap to get out of a speed ticket??? That's not POSSIBLE Ur hilarious lol EVERYBODY NEEDS to subscribe rn
  5673. Tokosho sox none: No views and 76 likes
  5674. The Charlie: He wasn’t just driving too fast
  5675. Shister Shook: If a black person (mainly men) did it he would have been shot on the spot. 😩😭 just SAD
  5676. UK Amino: Really wouldn't have tho would he
  5677. affliqt: +TonDaBossI agree.
  5678. Its Logobro: Lol here comes all the triggered white people
  5679. TonDaBoss: Shister Shook your retarded or something 😂😂😂
  5680. affliqt: bro shut the fuck up
  5681. Wsm2.: Yo qua Your one of my most fav YouTubers Can you make my day by watching my Latest Video and commenting on it
  5682. Yarp: Wsm2 no
  5683. BoyDovan: Well its only downhill from here lol. Jj was right your best work was done in the disstrack now all your other songs wont compare
  5684. Common Logic301: This whole video is a KNEE SLAPPER, and i absolutely love it <3
  5685. Kevin Dowd: 201 views and 324 likes YouTube is on drugs
  5686. Jofits 11: Noice
  5687. cooper vincik vlogs: First
  5688. 119CAKES: NOICE
  5689. Bye: But wouldn't he give you another one for rapping at 1000 mile's an hour? And then you set the world on fire and burned a man alive so that's a life sentence....
  5690. BB Scary Monster: Great vid better than all of ksi's vids
  5691. Young Trapstar: https://youtu.be/ywJnF1opCcQ
  5693. bangddaeng: Fuck off you wanker
  5694. Lol saur: Kill yourself no one needs you
  5695. Filip Sykora: Sureeee buddy
  5696. Jack Crosse: Hi chief
  5697. bob john: First minute
  5698. kid goku: 1$t
  5699. Vonshay Hamilton: how did he have the time to make a song in this video
  5700. mariana: my favorite, hell yeah
  5701. HyperMangi: xD
  5702. lilrow420: Give me a heart or I will eat you
  5703. Fadow: vro 1 minute in and 8 dislikes u got loyal haters
  5704. Umair Hussain: My guy
  5705. jowex: am pretty sure this is illegal ain't it
  5706. GAMING NATION: How are you so good at rap
  5707. Stingah: 👋
  5708. Richard G: 6:42 thank me later
  5709. TortaTheGamer: if quadeca hearts this then he does read the comments
  5710. FUZZY: i like the video length
  5711. dankdan7: AYYY
  5712. Leonard Kucsicsa: Benefits of rapping visualised Episode 1
  5713. emilcluchantipas.: Alright dude i don know what to say
  5714. George Bogris: KSI disstrack;
  5715. Jassim_ mohd56: Thx quadeca for destroying KSI Please pin this
  5716. Killah J: QUADECA FOR XXL 2019
  5717. Abbas buabbas: hi im finally early for a vid like if you relate
  5718. Gd Pegler: Where’s ma early squad ????
  5719. 50000 Subs with no videos challenge: I love you Quedeca no homo
  5720. Twitch: IsaacTW2003: I already know this is going to be a good video
  5721. King Savage: Make a rap with me hit me up 901-240-6545
  5722. Matt Groves: Quad called me and told me he has a thing for feet 🤮
  5723. Nathaniel Simms: First and your my favorite youtuber
  5724. Lucas Dasilva: 2
  5725. Alexandra Price: hey quad hope ya see this you inspired me to rap i love yan
  5726. DrxftKxng: Bikers as in motorcyclists?
  5727. Alonzo Medina: 💯
  5728. Maleesha Ediriweera: Quadeca is the best utube rapper
  5729. TRIFUSE: Destroying the ksi dollar tree bars
  5730. Jordan Murray-Wesco: We lit🤟
  5731. eidan baruch: You're sick man, make a video schedule, you have a fan base here bro
  5732. Gabriel B: lmao I'm actually first
  5733. WEASEL: Lets gooo another quadeca vid🔥🔥
  5734. Kaeden Storzer: noti gang
  5735. xExotic Beats: Noti squad up
  5736. Alex Polite: KSI is shook
  5737. Aubresha James: You should react to ksi's new rap video Beerus
  5738. knapster 55: First... Or not
  5739. Andre: i'm the third person writing the number 1 what's with you guys and the 1
  5740. Darragh Rodgers: Yo quad just saying ur Diss was class
  5741. Dom Batka: 5 dislikes?!?! DAMN even haters git post notis on😂😂
  5742. Isaiah Aviles: YOU STUPID No Offense
  5743. Hoffman Cubing: Hey what do you think about ksi’s track?
  5744. Ilari Bezzubikoff: Pause at 0:34
  5745. OPS: U r gay👌❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  5746. El_ Narco: I can't say I'm first...
  5747. No One: OOF!! 😂😂😂❤️
  5748. JTheLegend: Aren’t you going to diss Ksi again?
  5749. Drxnk: What if they gave you another speeding ticket for rapping too fast..
  5750. Dan Jones: I love your golf
  5751. Jennifer White: I knew it would save someone some tome
  5752. Cockroach: 2
  5753. Vinny Singh: Fire
  5754. zkitten lol: Ksi take the (L)
  5755. Tatiana !!!: :o im early!!
  5756. Kwanda Molefe: loyal fan🤞🏽 commented in the first second🙏🏽 you a real one bro and you blowing up
  5757. Gucci Rowan: Nice vid... BUT WHERE’S THE DISS TRACK
  5758. Shunmuka Valsa: I swear on my life that I will like this comment. Like it (you swore)
  5759. DonovanY: :)
  5760. Xx_RASB_MADDOGxX: First
  5761. Banana gaming: Plz like this comment quadeca and everyone else
  5762. lowrider: No nigga
  5763. EK Maria Gaming: This will be my new life motto as I get my license soon🌝🌝🌝
  5764. nick B: hi Quadeca if u like your fans u will pin this comment
  5765. Henchlol 124: 319th like
  5766. Ethan Beyeler: hey mom
  5767. Theo diakogiannis: Thats some deep shiz
  5768. Bob Bill: Brain: Don't do it! Me: FIRST!
  5769. Shivam Kajaria: bro
  5770. ZIRCOV: No disstrack🤔🤔
  5771. Άγγελος Βουκελατος: Hallo there
  5772. Dynasty Clan: 1st
  5773. Rusty Musty Husky: 92 comments but no comments???
  5774. Salty Snips: You destroyed KSI and im so proud you are sooooo good ok Quadeca
  5775. The goat 25: Your a goat
  5776. OdysseyEboss: Did u mail the L??😋
  5777. firebird gaming: 3
  5778. Grace Oswald: Hi Quadeca!! You are my favorite youtuber and you are the best!!🤩
  5779. Nicole sings: Omg
  5780. Sebastian Ottersen: DAMB
  5781. GAVIN: can i get a like for no reason?
  5782. Mustehsan Fazal: 2nd i guess
  5783. MaxTheShot Official: 1 fist love your video and your music 🎵 are Dope
  5784. [KL] Knight: Notafication Squad
  5785. Toxic Salad: Whos mans is this
  5786. gabe shields: Firstttt dady quaddd you destroyed JJ
  5787. Vinny Singh: Sick
  5788. benjee_ent: Top 5 comment check me out on YouTube I make music on this very page
  5789. Egyptian Leader: Nice video man
  5790. ovrtme: first to beat ksi, next video make it a tutorial
  5791. Fushock: made me orgasm
  5792. Luis Sanchez: g
  5793. That stormzy BOI HD: Here before 1,100 views
  5794. Mr Man Toes: Quadeca drives fast but raps faster! 🔥😂
  5795. Franco Kateridge: For every like, I’ll add a 😭. I’ll check back every hour or two. *EDIT:* Please slow down with the likes imma be here all day, jk. Thanks for the likes tho 👌🏼 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
  5796. Franco Kateridge: @Lucas A. *FOREVER* nah prolly a week or so tho
  5797. Bestar: 293 emojis for anyone wondering
  5798. Lucas A.: How long wil you keep it up tho. Bet you doen in 1 week
  5799. fortnite_bo4_BEAST 1v1: Like thirsty
  5800. Andrew Kanser: J
  5801. Appleseeds: Finally an upload, guess you were in jail for killing KSI Edit:thx for the likes! Most I've ever gotten 198
  5802. TheGodHound: Mustache 69 wooosshhhh
  5804. eJnzki: Mustache 69 /woooosh
  5805. Mustache 69: No. He is alive
  5806. Justinfinity: i thought i got 2nd then i clicked refresh D:
  5807. Aero Plays: First NIce vid
  5808. ArusheelOFFICIAL: Your rappin gave you a speed ticket
  5809. Mayson Jordan: I was first like ❤️
  5810. Matthew Adams: Sup dawg
  5811. Koolz 100: I’ve been waiting for a new dis track and I get this smh 🤦‍♂️ notifications for what
  5812. Its Dsmitty: Notification gang
  5813. Deez Nuts: I wish I could do that lmao
  5814. JR- Reacts: Notification squad anybody?
  5815. Silentry1: Ksi would be to scared.
  5816. GamerPlz75: O no
  5817. washoywa: 2 .... close enuff i take it
  5818. Afro Chicken: I thought you'd get into a speeding ticket cause you rap toooooo fast
  5819. KkoWeSkA KhAzNi: 2 got this fast when I seen it happEN!!
  5820. WhoreSlump: Hi Quedeca
  5821. D G: 2nd
  5822. Aidan Vaughn: NOTIFICATION SQUAD 💙🙏🏼💪🏼
  5823. oxorgy: holy shit i refreshed and there’s already 100 comments in 5 seconds
  5824. Josh Noye: Please diss ksi again, finish him off
  5825. Gamekick: Boi
  5826. Krazi: No views and already a dislike? KSI come collect your fans please
  5828. Jasmin breaking bad stranger things: +MajoricalPines in the description
  5829. Kaliburr: But then he posts who wants to see a reply poll on youtube
  5830. Archie Games: ksis was doodoo
  5831. Steven Ayoub: MajoricalPines read description
  5832. Yxsuf_14: Read description
  5833. Dragonstrike 3579: Shave boy!
  5834. Thomas: 1 To say what i say
  5835. HyperMangi: 1st. *
  5836. TRIFUSE: Aye
  5837. FTN Oreo: This man is on another level
  5838. Bl4zE StrYkEr: KSI can’t do this He’ll be taken behind bars while u spittin barz
  5839. it's rewind time: How many subs did this man get off 1 distrack
  5840. AlonzoElias: 2
  5841. Amaiya Starks: Yoooooo
  5842. Kearen Spady: 2
  5843. EJ Lara: Damn when you spit fire to get out of trouble lol🔥
  5844. Louis and Carter: Yo
  5845. King Savage: First
  5846. Mr Meek: can i get a shout out
  5847. smhLuckyMango: I thought KSI couldn't come back from your diss xd And I was right... Don't even bother to make a new one you already won
  5848. Esther O: NF gang, love that
  5849. Jasperleo: NF is lit
  5850. smhLuckyMango: +-creative- Gamer real music till the day we die 🔥
  5851. -creative- Gamer: Love that profile pic
  5852. Ezo Trills: Read description
  5853. ChronicKrixed: I’m early let me think of a joke. KSI’s diss track on Quedeca. Lmao.
  5854. Spector Mixes: 👌🏻
  5855. SHARKBOY GAMING: Bet quad wont pin this
  5856. lil.nicky: YOOO , HERE FROM CSQUAD'S CHANNEL
  5857. Leutrim Yok: Funny that this Video is 9:11 long
  5858. Sarah S: 🥰
  5859. Abdou Zx: 2
  5860. realestatelatino: Bruh, broccoli and cheese is good as hell, also I’m first also cool vid
  5861. Yaugz: 265
  5862. Banana Squad: You are awesome bro
  5863. James Ruston: Love ur Diss track bro
  5864. RobloxenPlayz: Nice diss you destroyed KSI and also #notificationsquad
  5865. TrolloxGaming: Video is 9:11 long aswell, thats the number to call the cops
  5866. WhateverSarah: Who remembers the time Quad destroyed KSI?
  5867. WaveyTemzz: He did not destroy him
  5868. TheGamingBoy40: A month ago???
  5869. Ertan Nebi: I do haha
  5870. FØX [OFFICAL]: Me
  5871. Bellua: i meann, quad didnt respond to ksi's response so im thinking quad lost
  5872. Mamoon Gaming: When’s the diss track coming out! 🔥 🔥🔥
  5873. Joshua Whyte: Quadeca was first
  5874. Nely Kostopoulou: Jk I don’t do that
  5875. Nely Kostopoulou: Quadeca pin this u won’t
  5876. Karlo Bubanović: Quadeca the GOAT
  5877. Noro: oh wow
  5878. pdx: wheres the ksi diss track
  5879. Bailey French: Please roast ksi
  5880. Kiw i: *here bf 1k 👌*
  5881. Jaiden Smith: Let’s gooo
  5882. Queene K: First like as well (second)
  5883. Brayan Infante: Not first
  5884. Okidragon: a number
  5885. Tobs HowHard: U has a lisp
  5886. CSR Censored: No way
  5887. theonewiththepun 15: Nah, really?
  5888. gamefreak is a scam: lithp
  5889. Vinny Singh: 1
  5890. Daniel seejatan: oooooo so early
  5891. Altentig: Cool now I can get away lol
  5892. XFenderBenderX: Love you quedeca
  5893. Vertex: Fir
  5894. WDTL fimmzy: My dude
  5895. NBG Freak: Yah yeet
  5896. Gd Pegler: Holy crap hah :)
  5897. Rene Miranda: Nice love your vids keep it up
  5898. Fork Eater: Legend lmao
  5899. Chris Nikolopoulos: Like if Quedeca destroyed KSI
  5900. Karma 23: +SBGam3s the defintion of Trash :)
  5901. SBGam3s: Chris Nikolopoulos who is KSI again!?
  5902. Asen- Knight-: 2
  5903. sebastian hernandez: Diss track?
  5904. Hey_ItzLehal -_: I was waiting for an upload.
  5905. Mustafa Awais: Will u drop a diss on jj
  5906. Kawan Wilson: Ayyyyyye
  5907. Adam Seiden: One of the best
  5908. lil Bleach: Are you just gonna ignore the ksi shit
  5909. אורן מטלון: First
  5910. Viktor Andreas Grønn-Jensen: Just give me a like
  5911. brandon Chen: first im an og fan
  5912. Stan Lee: Last time I was this early KSI didn’t have a god-complex
  5913. o DarK: NO ONES FIRST
  5914. SounddCloudd Gangg: not first
  5915. Joaquin De La Flor: Ate
  5916. Nev76 •: Quadeca wont pin this
  5917. LB playzz: 1st
  5918. unspeakable yeet: Rapping to get away from these cops
  5919. Oliver Williams: Make another diss track on KSI...
  5920. ZombiesDPM: He said hes not making one
  5921. dead pool: 🤣
  5922. Mercury Schwartz: 1st
  5923. EdgeBlaze 23: Its ya boi
  5924. Silly Squillace: Please like my comment Quad!
  5925. Channel. Yeah.: Back at it again!
  5926. Kuhboom Koolien: Noti gang
  5927. Mc Whitey: Why you coming fast?
  5928. Guy: Epic
  5929. Adrian Ilagan: who know quad before insecure
  5930. Ibuildalot -_-: Immm slllleeeeppp
  5931. Dot Com: Wish I could do this!
  5932. Šävãgê Trøłłër: I for once legit was early first edit lit rap noice
  5933. K.R.I.T Blazer: Clicked faster than KSI can rap. [Edit] I clicked on it so fast it’s faster than KSI rapping cause he rap slower than double pumping in FORTNITE nowadays.
  5934. PO1SONOUS 1: Same but that took me 20 mins eyyyyyy
  5935. FC KING: How fast? Ksi cant rap at all and if u mean "rap" putting diss god songs with ton of bass so if u meant ksi rap so i think u ment 4 this
  5936. Maximilianmus is king: Not that fast then
  5937. Game Take: Musa lol
  5938. Alex Hogan: Yeah um I’ve decided not to give you this speed ticket anymore.. I’ve just realised that you were actually going really slow. And that the real person I need to give the speed ticket to is the guy with the Quadeca license plate because he did that shit way to fast.
  5939. CJMP •: Penis
  5940. Im Elfyian: Out of one million
  5941. Anthony Whelan: Legend
  5942. TheCakeboi: First 👍👍👍
  5943. Lil Cosmic: First
  5944. Light Infinite: Dog I’m first love the vids💕❤️nonhomo
  5945. SkRw Llama: Finally. Love your vids
  5946. Daemonic: Quadeca could make a song about eating cheese and it'll still sound 🔥
  5947. Maleesha Ediriweera: Love u quadeca ❤️❤️
  5948. Nogs Shadow: Hi
  5949. TNT Gaming: Congrats on 1 mil bro
  5950. xd1 king6: Oof
  5951. Collin Thomas: So fire it burned the ticket
  5952. NFL G.O.A.T: Hi
  5953. The best kid Ever: Hey quad hope u see this
  5954. Laser game Laser game: First first
  5955. Ezedeen Ghabin: Who ever says first your moms a hoe
  5956. hmmm: *so basicly u killed a judge with fire*
  5957. Kevin Aguilar: 5th Comment Lets Go
  5958. Pavly Emad: You dissed KSI I want a another Diss
  5959. BombasticSpace: 1st pin me bitch
  5960. Elytra Plays: 1.1 million subs 18k more for 1.2 million
  5961. Big Chungus: first
  5962. DespacitoMom2: So when’s the next diss track
  5963. Thomas Vandamme: On who, KSI IS FUKIN DEAD BROTHER
  5964. Mike Flow: KSI haters unsubscribing in: ONE WEEK.
  5965. Bison: I didn't subscribe for an endless supply of disstracks His content is way more entertaining
  5966. Yxsuf_14: Read description
  5967. Sk1re: When the time is right. >:)
  5968. Mayers Boyz: First here, love your vids man!!!
  5969. Qaiser Salim: First one
  5970. Ahmed Shatnawi: Ur the best (killed KSI)
  5971. ans lm: im the 1000000th
  5972. Adam De Sousa: We want football videos
  5973. Frisky Edits: when’s your next diss track on icky KSI
  5974. Adam Seiden: Great vid
  5975. DJ Stone Productions: I suma luma duma luma u assuming ima human
  5976. Mohamad Taha: Hi
  5977. Yiodzzz Lambrou: KINGG🔥🔥🔥
  5978. Jack Hobbs: First comment
  5979. Henry Lliguicota: 1st one
  5980. Prcorder: Oh snap
  5981. TheTorturedEyes: Lmaooo
  5982. Crumplypaper533 •: Noice
  5983. Čikka Mango: 1 hahaha
  5984. yoshi destroyer: Oof I'm sick lol
  5985. TST Plays: 2
  5986. jjumpmen: Lol
  5987. Ricky Martinez: Quedeca in the streets
  5988. Joel Arun: Notification squad!!
  5989. Nahir Yildiz: First
  5990. The Wicho: Finally
  5991. Small youtuber: No
  5992. 5th Grade Arts and Letters: Lol
  5993. Harvey Smith: 1st ?
  5994. Max Matheron: Sick vid
  5995. Tobs HowHard: 2
  5996. ObeyRyan: WHO ELSE CLICKED AS FAST?!🔥 I really want to hit 20k before 2019😭, I’ll appreciate any support❤️❤️❤️
  5997. Misimaro Memes: Not happening chief
  5998. Vitiosus Audustum: I subbed but I think it’s difficult for someone at your number of subs to reach 20k in this time gap before 2019, but gl
  5999. Mase Dawg: You were on ibp video
  6000. Gabriel Marcin: ObeyRyan HOW R U ON EVERYYYYY VID I AM ON WTFFFF btw I subed
  6001. TheNewBaller: ObeyRyan SURE
  6002. brandon Chen: fire tho
  6003. JaJumps !: You are now my fav youtuber
  6004. Cockman: Yes
  6005. Ice Destoryer: First love you vids quadeca
  6006. Mobile God: Ice Destoryer your not first
  6007. ExK Kronikz: Nice vid man
  6008. CG Bandz: Early
  6009. Ivan Bazuaye: I love you man ( no homo)
  6010. Alex Uzumaki VEVO: I love your music it’s amazing
  6011. Mrsavage fresh: 1st like
  6012. W Shemick: much love from Wisconsin
  6013. Sander Lindgren: Sick vid
  6014. Jesse Gerth: Police’s only weakness🔥
  6015. Taz TheKid: nice
  6016. Banana Squad: First
  6017. Banana Squad: For some people it looks like im first anf for other people it doesnt
  6018. Banana Squad: I am
  6019. Mobile God: Banana Squad your not first
  6020. BlueMonky1: I was expecting a diss track but I’ll take this too
  6021. Mayson Jordan: I was subbed b4 100k
  6022. iiToxic_: lol
  6023. Nick Gurs: 4th
  6024. Colin Martin: First
  6025. Purpario: 2nd im a true fan you are very talented.
  6026. Two Tone Rebel: Fuck I’m not first
  6027. OPERATION BLACKOUT: 0 likes 0 comments yay I'm first
  6028. The goat N3o: First
  6029. Christopher Hammond: ain’t no way...
  6030. Eddie Haith: *Quad gang*
  6031. WDTL fimmzy: He’s back
  6032. Moussa Guihini: First
  6033. Abu V: Early squad !!!🔴🔴🔴
  6034. WHiPicMidEast _: Fifth
  6035. Matthew day of LIFE: 1st
  6036. Luke Blackmore: 2
  6037. Fawsiya: Ayyy
  6038. pyzeditshi: no views, no likes, but still not first.
  6039. Gabriel B: +pyzeditshi when I clicked on the shit the video had been up for 15 sec tho, but idk
  6040. pyzeditshi: +Gabriel B it's a yt glitch, they can't load that fast as people are clicking lul
  6041. Gabriel B: Wait I got the message ''Ingen avspillinger'' (means no plays), does that mean I'm first or is youtube that glitchy?
  6042. Orkun Ispir: Ver First!! HAHAHAH
  6043. Jean-Ray Jegels: Am first viewer shout out
  6044. Ryan: 0 views 1 dislike
  6045. Ray A: MY BOI
  6046. Echo_Dxxn: Suppp
  6047. Cxrruptixxn: Fire
  6048. Appleseeds: Yuh
  6049. Kritarsh Negi: first
  6050. weirdo head: First,!!!!
  6051. Milky Tuber: Rapping is key nowadays
  6052. Little Boy: No yeet
  6053. Ajumplays: Hello
  6054. Annies Malekan: Quad killed KSI 😂 Like for quad to burry him ☠️🔥
  6055. Sokka The Great: Lol xd like my comment
  6056. Delusify: quadooko
  6057. Queene K: First haha dis is ssoooooo funny
  6058. Adnan Musinovic: Where’s the ksi diss
  6059. meme supreme: wow very cool and epic
  6060. Nace City: Nice
  6061. WdR_B3ast: Love you Quadeca
  6062. LyricalDoc Music: 1st comment
  6063. LyricalDoc Music: Shit not 1st comment my bad
  6064. Oh Yeah yeah: If this works I’ll tell my whole family to sub
  6065. Witherleader: +StarZ weeD you're the one being weird
  6066. StarZ weeD: Just, just stop, okay?
  6067. Witherleader: +StarZ weeD definitely not
  6068. StarZ weeD: +Witherleader Sarcasm??
  6069. StarZ weeD: +Oh Yeah yeah Joke????
  6070. Cap Play’s: Let’s go
  6071. Papa Duck: Notii squad
  6072. Finely James: Yo
  6073. George Smith: Finnaly a fresh vid 👊
  6074. Mekaeel Bassadien: First
  6075. ARIAN X11: Noti gang
  6076. SANTIAGO Tremont: Hey
  6077. JR- Reacts: First
  6078. eXp blaze: Lit
  6079. 2x PowerrOut: 👋❤️
  6080. Richard G: First
  6081. BiLtZ: First
  6082. Michael Wyparło: Hotel, Trivago.
  6083. HyperMangi: Indeed.
  6084. Jamalis Cristiano: First Like plz
  6085. Allengames3456: Hi
  6086. Ray Chris: I’m a rapper
  6087. Chunky Banana Juice: Oi
  6088. Regslin Vlog: Dang bro
  6089. Pascal Kupfer: Nice
  6090. PewDiePieFalconLover 69: Okay Now this is *EPIC*
  6091. Mc Whitey: No one cares.
  6092. Danny Arce: Ayyyy fire vid
  6093. Advay Voleti: liiiit
  6094. this is B3NZ1: First bitch
  6095. Kevin Bermeo: Hi
  6096. That One YouTuber: 1st
  6097. Stevi Kincade: Here so early it still says “No views”
  6098. Akayai: Same
  6099. Rhys: Cool
  6100. Swerve -: First
  6101. leo lempert: Ayyyy
  6102. Felix Dubois: That’s lit
  6103. Ka'eo Kaneko: Hi
  6104. Papa Clutch: Sub to me or u have big gay
  6105. Jennifer Haynes: Ayeee
  6106. Noah Marsh: A 9:12 skit?
  6107. Dean Ayesh: 2
  6108. sebastian hernandez: Firrrrrst
  6109. Naruto Uzumaki: 1
  6110. Big Dog: *XXL 2019*
  6111. Lucas Olivo: I AM AMAZING
  6112. Mercury Schwartz: Littttt
  6113. Sebbivoid: love u quadeca
  6114. joe holland: First comment
  6115. Darwin Nguyen: first
  6116. FrozenPoint: Yoo g
  6117. NTY Elitee: Nice vid
  6118. Adrian Vasquez: 1
  6119. David Gonzales: 1
  6120. ItsBreezy05: 2
  6121. Big Panda437: First
  6122. Allic: Wow
  6123. Jack Dunk: Ay
  6124. BombasticSpace: damn
  6125. NateGreat Plays: Yeahhhhhhh
  6126. Harry Lister-Chiswell: First
  6127. Nino Coppolino: Ok, this is epic.
  6128. MrMidge: Yeet
  6129. PhoenixNinja: damn
  6130. Brad: Yoo 0 views 79 likes YouTube’s high
  6131. Harry Mcboi: Quadeca GOAT
  6132. Botond Erdos: 5th
  6133. Greyson Gome: And watch
  6134. sw- ell: 4th
  6135. Grey _: Lmaoo you crazy fool
  6136. iRifle You: first
  6137. HaniRB: Lol noice
  6138. Haveagranday: 2
  6140. Daviz: 2nd
  6141. FAKE AHMED: First love quadeca
  6142. Axvryisboss: Love ur vids
  6143. Jørjaa Yt: Early
  6144. Thxrsday: Fuck it up bro 🔥
  6145. Benito Moreno: Best youtuber
  6146. Gaming Today: Fifth
  6147. Matt Leiprecht: 2
  6148. Turtel Awesome: Where’s the next diss track
  6149. Akayai: Hes not remaking one
  6150. Yarin Gosine: Yo
  6151. JR- Reacts: Hi
  6152. Viodz: Love ur vids 💕
  6153. Viodz: Sky light IKR
  6154. Sky light: Everyone does
  6155. Talal ELShakankiry: 1st like
  6156. M ZillA: 5th
  6157. Will Gibson: 1st view
  6158. stepz 187: Not first
  6159. FE4R 123: First
  6160. Will: yoo
  6161. 死Shi Monster: First
  6162. joe hernandez: First
  6163. Andres Serrano: Firsttttt
  6164. Andres Serrano: Firstttt
  6165. Justinfinity: 2
  6166. Impetuous Pear60: Oof
  6167. Natasha King: First
  6168. AAA TriipaA: Never clicked on a vid so fast
  6169. AAA TriipaA: +MasonGman ur mom
  6170. MasonGman: Who cares?
  6171. Rogelio Arreola: The goat is alive
  6172. Stealthy !: 5 th
  6173. manbir tung: first like and first comment
  6174. The Asian Beast: Ayyy
  6175. Uscaple Wes: First
  6176. Tetonne Seigneur: 2
  6177. zume 06: 2
  6178. Satiric ooze: You won’t reply
  6179. kris the human: FIRST
  6180. Atri Hegde: First view
  6181. Not Maxmilian mus: First
  6182. Viktoria *: Savage
  6183. MCEtgen 162: 1st
  6184. FCA Fanatics: Noti gang!
  6185. Hoffman Cubing: First
  6186. Omar Abdul: Fire🔥
  6187. Peyton Louis: Oof
  6188. Hyper Boss: Fire🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  6189. Gideon The Gamer: Finally
  6190. BiLtZ: Note gang ur back
  6191. Tom Byron: 2
  6192. Aeroh: Your better than ksi
  6193. Ilari Bezzubikoff: I mean....ok 😂
  6194. Marshal K: Love the hard work
  6195. Random Youtuber #3002: My boy
  6196. やersoれわEYわlade: First
  6197. FireBall5 6: 2
  6198. riamonique1: I love you
  6199. Gokul Krishna: You got a speeding ticket because you rap too fast. 🙄
  6200. xLarryx: Bison yes i can but quadeca can rap faster too lmao
  6201. Stephen Shaw: Sooo bad
  6202. Bison: He doesn't rap THAT fast
  6203. Richigo: +xLarryx can u do better?
  6204. FC KING: U confused with quad
  6205. Kingstroi: 2
  6206. Mas Mili: Hi quadeca
  6207. Robert Shelton: 1
  6208. Legit toxic/alpha: Hi
  6209. Shqiponjat Vlogs TV: Earlyy
  6210. Parker Seibert: Ayyyeee
  6211. CSGO Pro: You roasted ksi
  6212. Wills OP: 1
  6213. DN: cool
  6214. MatroX: xddddddddd
  6215. i ain't never smoke one day in my life: Back at it again
  6216. Mayson Jordan: First suck my dende
  6217. Im Elfyian: First
  6218. Neil Martin: 2nd
  6219. Anselmo Santos: He won’t respond
  6220. ossamaks22: First
  6221. Fallen Ark: Video starts at 0:00
  6222. Stan Lee: Fallen Ark make me make you make me make you
  6223. Fallen Ark: +Stan Lee make me make you make me
  6224. Stan Lee: Fallen Ark make me make you
  6225. Fallen Ark: +Stan Lee make me
  6226. Stan Lee: Fallen Ark fuck off
  6227. Mr Mako: First
  6228. ARIAN X11: First
  6229. Bear Bear Swag: Woah
  6230. Greyson Gome: First like
  6231. 3than: Nice Video keep up the good work!!!
  6232. Victor Cools: 3than love it ,the vid is 30 seconds out and you already say its a good vid
  6233. CSOmaniaPRO: Broooo
  6234. GAMING AURA: First
  6235. OMAR BAEZ: First
  6236. Jared Gonzalez: Pp
  6237. twitch hajisaab06: 2
  6238. Ashton Duck: Yo
  6239. Noah Bossert: 2
  6240. Cashout_1K: 5th
  6241. Jabayah _: Quadeci
  6242. optio12: First
  6243. Yura CS:GO: 1
  6244. William Zayas: Noice
  6245. Andrew Zaremba: Yeat!
  6246. PB: FIRST
  6247. Filip Helset: 2
  6248. Sofus Í Selvindi nattestad: First
  6249. Nely Kostopoulou: First
  6250. Alexander Farkas: Oi
  6251. Christian ?: 2
  6252. Jaylen Berkley: First
  6253. Christian Henry: First
  6254. NuKe: 2
  6255. Eric Gonzalez: First
  6256. Luca Marten: Best rapper in the game
  6257. Bradley Adams: Earlyyyyy
  6258. Tim Ford: 2
  6259. SquirmyWeazel: Helloe
  6260. Mywaffle: <3
  6261. Ari Krane: First
  6262. xdmusy: first
  6263. nichbett908 SCS: First
  6264. XxHaydosxX: Hey
  6265. ConnorB77: Quadeca won't pin this
  6266. ATXpert: +ConnorB77 saw it at the top then left the vid
  6267. ConnorB77: +ATXpert how far did u scroll through comments to be sarcastic mate 😂
  6268. ATXpert: ur right how did u guess that
  6269. person: 1st view
  6270. TheCryingName: AYEEE
  6271. Jojo Ando2299: First
  6272. KNGPrime: Hey dad
  6273. hi hi: LOVE YOU
  6274. TTV Buildz: 1st
  6275. Alex Farida: Noti squad
  6276. Dakota Lane king: First
  6277. Kwanda Molefe: first
  6278. Small youtuber: Yes
  6279. GoldBulletGaming: You beat KSI badly
  6280. David: 2
  6281. J Monst3RYT: First
  6282. Harry Kidd-Stanton: First😎
  6283. I'm in pain.: FIRST
  6284. Gideon The Gamer: Ayeeeeee
  6285. Sebbivoid: first
  6286. Muazz YT: FIRST
  6287. RsKSiR: Lol
  6288. iiLxrd: 1
  6289. CurtCool LoCo: 2
  6290. Derrick Collins: dope
  6291. E Loustau: First
  6292. Oh Yeah yeah: First
  6293. Night sirk: First
  6294. Collin Zhang: Yuhhhhhhhhh
  6295. Gucci 15: First
  6296. WNG Kingclay: GG’s
  6297. Alisha Manocha: FIRST
  6298. Louis Vogel-smith: Yo
  6299. Wavyy: 1st
  6300. Dom Thebomb: Love ur vids
  6301. Armani Diaz: 1
  6302. Zoomy Boi: Hi
  6303. The_Real_Joshhhx X: Speeeeeeeeeeedd
  6304. Mihajlo T.: Fireee
  6305. メりの尺乃ノイの: first
  6306. JustinCahillVEVO: 1
  6307. DESTROYERASIF 58: Hi
  6308. K0_0DS /K3_vn: 1
  6309. Fishboss: Hot
  6310. Brendan Coulson: First
  6311. Lucas Olivo: FIRST
  6312. Lj Riley: First
  6313. Leland Weth: 1 st
  6314. DoctorDoom-_-9: Hi
  6315. Luke Walters: First
  6316. Mason Bowers: 1
  6317. Michael Gaming: 1
  6318. Connor Isashootah: Michael Sweeney ik
  6319. 闇: +Michael Gaming oh forgot to say, no one is ever the first one to comment/watch a vid on a "popular channel" , dumbass kid
  6320. 闇: +Michael Gaming why u replying to me for the second time after half an hour from ur first reply? Ur dumb af, kys
  6321. Beyonce Zaragoza: Michael Sweeney I don’t find it funny either to,but idk why u talking about it to me,Ik the comments and all that🤦🏻‍♀️
  6322. Michael Gaming: +闇 your Not Funny

Rapping to get out of a speeding ticket!

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88,565 Likes88,565 Dislikes
Entertainment Upload TimePublished on 16 Dec 2018
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