Women Love Power Janet Jackson, Respectability Politics & Why Fierce Women Misbehave - spongbob game

Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 3, 2019

Women Love Power Janet Jackson, Respectability Politics & Why Fierce Women Misbehave

  1. Khari Cook: Loving this channel.
  2. Women Love Power: Hijab LOVE lol! You're probably right, but low key , I think kris Jenner runs the whole operation. She made the real come up!!!
  3. Sokekajal: Great video!
  4. icycici: Policing the Pussy is POINTLESS!!! Women are the soil of life, gatekeepers of erotic energy, and pure magic and enchantment in the flesh!!!! Using our seductive prowess reveals the cowardice ensconced within patriarchy!!! Yaaaassss Ayesha!!!! Im so in love with your love for empowering women!!! THANK YOU!!! 🙏 #iSubscribed 😊
  5. Red_ Delphino: ran over here so fast when you said you had your own channel. 😍😍😍😍
  6. Women Love Power: Thandi M thank you thank you thank you!!!!! Xoxo xoxo!
  7. Women Love Power: sweetchari thanks so much for supporting my work here and on The Grapevine!
  8. Cherry: I'm tired of being nice..
  9. Women Love Power: Red Delphino woot woot!
  10. Malkia: 1:47 😂
  11. Women Love Power: Thanks!!!
  12. Caroline Kuschel: Amen.
  13. Introvertsan: That's quite true, the dating books for men are quite different than ones written for women. They are encouraged, inspired and taught to follow their instincts and get what they want women's books are entire endless lists of rules and even blaming yourself for everything in some. It's time to learn to be not nice, it's hard to unlearn though.
  14. guruuvy: 'He's not that ambitious, but he speaks English and he's got two legs!' HAHAHAHAHA
  15. Kimberly D: I needed this. Thanks
  16. Jessica Rose: Who gives a fuck about what other people think?! You have to live life on your own terms (in your own beautiful words Ayesha). The great seductresses just didn't care about what others thought of them. They did their OWN THING. Yes, you have to put yourself first. The best advice I can give about seduction is to be happy and at peace in your life. You want to live in a high vibration. Follow your dreams, learn about the law of attraction (make sure your vibe is high. Meaning, be in a good, stress-free mood), and don't give a rip about what others think of you. Confidence is the sexiest thing a woman can wear! 🌹💖🍷 Love your website and your videos Ayesha! Thank you for all you do.
  17. Women Love Power: Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I'll crank out as often as I can! I really appreciate you encouragement. If there are specific topics you want to see covered on Youtube or on my website, please drop a line. xo
  18. Women Love Power: hilarious!
  19. Dulila: I had to share this video because it speaks so much truth. If a woman says that she wants an attractive, educated man and so on , people will be quick to tell her : " oh you will be single for the rest of your life", but if man says he wants " an intelligent, beautiful woman by his side", very few people will tell him that he will be single forever. The double standard is real.
  20. Love J: Beyonce stepped on whose children 🤣😂 New subscriber & supporter here!
  21. Women Love Power: MiscellaneousAB confirmation from te universe indeed! Live your life!
  22. Irene Adler: Beyoncé stepped on Destinys other children !! 😂😂 Good one Ayesha!! New subbie
  23. sharon williams: You  are awesome!!!! My thinking so aligns with your thinking so much!!!
  24. mbhaalee 123: I wish you posted more frequently ♥️♥️
  25. Chama B.: My thing is even if folks want to call Janet a "baby digger" ...what was she gonna do? Get out here and get knocked up by some regular dude that didn't have as much as her only to have that man fight for custody so he can eat off her? (cough) Halle Berry (cough). Janet couldn't even mess with a sperm donor because trust...somebody would find out that it was their sperm that fertilized a Jackson's egg and then you gotta a dude coming out of nowhere wanting to "get to know the child" when his paper work specified anonymous and no contact. When you got Janet money you can't be out here "baby digging" with just any ole body.
  26. SomethingOhMy: They're scared. Older women are wishing up, the younger women are coming out the gate hard. Women have evolved to counter their own sociopathic tactics and they can't take it.
  27. Women Love Power: runner4peace thanks!
  28. Angel Handley: Love you’re work sis
  29. Women Love Power: Thanks for subscribing! I'm going to get a chart too!
  30. Women Love Power: Linda Lemoni now this is a word!!! The double standard is real and the only way to circumvent is for us to play by our own rules! Your grandma sounds fierce!
  31. Stripping For Jesus Ministries: Love this
  32. Simi Sanni: Women Love Power can you talk about women in university? Tips etc? :)
  33. Caroline Kuschel: Not yet but soon! I'm a student so I'm probably going to have to wait for winter break to start, but I'm learning so much already just watching your eloquent vids. Thanks!
  34. Women Love Power: Thanks so much! This is a great topic for a future video or at least a blog post. I'm adding it to the list!!!
  35. Rhema1500: I love this!! This is so true!!
  36. Appetite 4 Chic: Ma’am I have no doubt that you would have a best selling book. Also you would be exceptional as a public speaker. I love how you drop jewels every time you speak. You’re the embodiment of excellence 😍👏🏾
  37. Emery Bonty: Women Love Power we speak not of morality but gender bias. A bias alien to our culture to begin with.
  38. Emery Bonty: it seems to me that this is the double standard we so eloquently speak about. how you seemingly idolize these people's sociopathic behavior. would you feel the same about men in this position who came up at the expense of people they loved or those who loved them?
  39. Women Love Power: Thank you! I really appreciate your support on the Grapevine. I too believe that Seren is the truth! And in person, she's literally one of the sweetest women I know. I hope you'll find inspiration in the videos I create here! xo
  40. Lasonja Johnson: Thank you for this channel
  41. Women Love Power: Wow, thank you so much for taking the time to comment and share your personal experiences with 'the feminine'. I love the anecdote you shared about your mother! So many of us resist the persuasive aspect of our feminine energy because it's so comprehensively vilified in our patriarchal culture- precisely because men resent the pull of emotion and the lure of the sensual. But sensuality is apart of our creative expression and it's apart of who we are as fully integrated individuals who accept and LOVE every part of ourselves! I am so happy that my work has resonated with you! Are you enrolled in The Five Laws? I'd love to get your thoughts!
  42. Kim Fyffe: You're a uniquely intelligent woman. I realize most of the women of power have Scorpio rising, Scorpio energy within their chart. I've notice Leo sun and rising or fire elements also within a lot of these powerful women astrological charts. Lets not forget packed angular houses. If you're into numerology most of these women have also life path 1, 3,5,7,8,9,11 To sum it up their intuitive independent nature, inspired these powerful women too live fearlessly. Thank you for a informative video.
  43. heartrose4: You share amazing thoughts and insights. I am very excited I have found this shrine of knowledge not so familiar, yet important, to me and I want to thank you for sharing it! <3 ^^
  44. Mx Tooreal: Because men ain't shit. There are more quality women then men. Men be trash frfr
  45. Rachel: "But he speaks English, and has two legs" 😂😂😭😭🙌🏾
  46. Oneisha: I am watching this until it is ingrained in my psyche! Thank you Ayesha for all your wisdom.
  47. Nessa duh: Currently getting my entire life right now. When I found out one of my favourite panelists from the Grapevine had her own youtube channel I subscribed before I even saw what content Ayesha was creating. I am blazing through these videos and going to raid your blog next. I love you ayesha xoxo
  48. D Rose: There is no patriarchy within the black community.
  49. AdrianAquarius: Next time you should take your camera off of auto-focus, but anyways I understand the message, yes women should take risk to get on top. Success is not on a moral compass, so playing by the rules in business, may you no where. My question to is would you raise your son to be a pushover to other women? I find it funny and one-sided that women can break the rules, black girls are raised to be liberal, while black boys are raised to be patriarchal/conservative. We have to play by the rules because no one is going to hire us if we have dreads, wear our pants below our ass or having a ghetto name. Another problem is that black men are always being challenged by black women to step up and lead, we are called bitches by other black women when they lead the community or a relationship.Then when a black man sets the rules now all of a sudden, black women do not want the leadership because they know that black women would have to straighten up. They will think its privilege, but forget that black men had to straighten up as well. The black men are put an awkward situation, when black women succeed (for example the myth that black women are the most educated), some one is posting how dumb black men are just like on the classic Rolanda Show: Where Are All The Good Black Men. The panel were parading their degrees, but could only focus on black men who were high school dropouts and not black men who also have corporate jobs, yet in truth black women are not eyeing them because those guys were made by black media to look like coons, so they gravitated to the street dudes as the true identity of black manhood.
  50. Junebaby G: It Defiantly wasn't for Love. What about Love! I respect the hustle though.
  51. Women Love Power: Sokekajal thank you!!!
  52. Women Love Power: Of course. When I speak about not playing by the rules, I speak about personal power. Power is neutral. I can charm a five year old into eating veggies and drinking milk because it's good for them, or I can charm a person out of their money. Power is neutral. What you do with it makes the difference. I personally believe in karma and ethics, but to each their own.
  53. Women Love Power: Emery Bonty no offense but men come up and get what they want, particularly sexually, at the expense of women who love them ALL the time. Most women have had their heart broken at least once by a woman who misled, strung them along, or discarded them in spite of the woman's affections towards them. Is this every man? No. is it many? Yes. So do i judge women for exercising their agency-- not at all. But that's me.
  54. Thandi M: Smart, eloquent and beautiful. Wish you the very best and guess who subscribed?
  55. kycologist: Nothing like a classy, confident and intelligent black woman! I always enjoy your eloquence on the Grapevine and you are really quite daring! I love it, very inspiring to me as a young woman and new subscriber. Keep up the great work!
  56. Women Love Power: thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!
  57. unitedqueendom Bob: That dancer I didn't notice her boobs were out till you said haha 😁
  58. Indigo Van: I love your videos. How do one break such rules and step into ones feminine power? Can you make something like a guideline or so? You definitely got a new subscriber
  59. Asha Hassell: You are amazing!! There are books written by gl lambert that encourage women to take their power back and to live the life you are talking about. All women should read these book, its written in simple terms but it may be of benefit. Solving Single, Ho tatics and why men dont love women like you Women should be selfish!!!
  60. Hijab LOVE: thats that Kim K power girllllll
  61. miss.p: please make more videos !! i beg you xx
  62. IAin't Nervous: i think its the other way around
  63. Sabrina Sainte: SomethingOhMy That’s fine. We’ll be sociopaths then. Most people should live their lives for themselves anyways. No, you shouldn’t try to hurt people to get what you want — but if you’re living your life authentically for yourself and others happen to get hurt, then oh well. They’ll survive.
  64. Jahdiel Ben Yisrael: Wow, I never thought I'd hear myself say this, but here is a FEMINIST that I actually find myself in agreement with. The way she articulates a WOMANS UNIQUE POWER... I even find myself respecting her argument supporting women looking out for what THEY want from a relationship... unapologetically. I guess it's true what they say, "it's not what you say but HOW you say it." Just when I thought the real women of the past were all but gone. Take notes females, a REAL woman can make a REAL man WANT to bow down, without feeling like his manhood is being challenged... and he'll have a smile on his face while doing it... but you don't hear me though... and based on the comments, I dont REALLY think you hear her.
  65. Women Love Power: Thanks for sharing! And yes, the double standards are so real -- and they prevent us from going out into the world and taking what we want!
  66. Women Love Power: Jessica 111 yassss! 🙌🏽 This comment is the truth!! Ditto on everything! Learning to be you, love you and do you is the single best thing you can do to lift your vibration and start living in purpose!!! Thanks for blessing my page!!!
  67. Maolo Noggi: Amen to this nothing but truth and facts
  68. The Glamour BOX: This is the best video to watch on my way out to work. I’m sitting on the A train watching this and thinking how scandalous I’ve been most of my life... & I picked this way of living again after my divorce and I get so much respect and admiration. Keep giving women these truth and telling us how much power we have. Stay blessed beautiful. You have a new subbie & I’ll be sharing these videos with my friends. ❤️
  69. Women Love Power: Jeff Caldwell true
  70. Shadeenah: lmao @ he has 2 legs and speak english!
  71. unitedqueendom Bob: Badu is defo very seductive I get the impression guy's fell over themselves for her...and probably still do
  72. Angel Leen: Kim K
  73. Yasmine Johnson: Subscribed!!
  74. Kim Fyffe: Janet Jackson,Martha Stewart, Jacqueline Kennedy Scorpio Rising
  75. jes gam: fav video thank u lady!
  76. roshmn: Damn I was losing myself till you reminded me of what my mother fought hard for... empowerment
  77. Women Love Power: Okay, sounds good. I'll work on something and add to queue down the line!
  78. Krys: Aww your nonna sounds like an awesome rebel.
  79. Women Love Power: THANK YOU!!!
  80. Women Love Power: derek rose this video is not dealing with patriarchy and it is not specific to the black community. Women love power is a global brand. I support thousands of women all over the world with inspiring content. I appreciate you taking the time to write but understand that this is not an extension of my commentary on the grapevine. If you have a problem with my commentary please leave your comments on that channel. This channel is for women, all women... and this is not that kind of video.
  81. Kandice Juanelle: Thank You Ayesha
  82. Jeff Caldwell: I don't understand why people focus so much on money in this marriage. She was married twice before this and not once was people talking about money once the marriages was over.
  83. Hunadi Makgatho: This is glorious tea. I've watched this video so many times over the months aND I'm still moved.
  84. Linda Lemoni: my grandmom (grew up in a tiny catholic village in italy) told me, when Josephine Baker was popular, she would one time sneak out of class and go to cinema to watch her dance, priests found out (cause they were there themselves...) and so she got kicked out of school and shamed, and she told me she didn't regret sneaking out, it was the moment she understood, men will put you down for the things they do themselves so she won't listen to them anymore, she was 13 back then. I loved that woman and i miss her every single day. my idol
  85. Introvertsan: Jakiya True
  86. Eva Adesuwa: I just love hearing you speak. So much passion in your voice, with poignant facts for back-up! I saw you on the Grapevinetv and was immediately hooked. Please keep the uploads coming as frequently as possible. These topics are rare to find on here and even harder to find spoken with your delivery. Amazing ❤️
  87. Women Love Power: derek rose I have a website with thousands of subscribers. These videos live on my site. Most of those subscribers are actually not women of color and half not even in America. Furthermore, this channel is for women, though of course I invite men if they are into this sort of thing. If you don't agree ( there are many people on YouTube I don't agree with) I don't understand why you would watch. My perspective isn't harming you. With all due respect, I am not doing anything to you... there are tons of racists and misogynists I could troll but at the end of the day they are irrelevant to me. There are other, more importnat things I could do with my time than attack someone who is making videos.
  88. A DE: This is honestly one of the best dating/love etc video Ive ever seen. You've just gained a subscriber.
  89. gemmisco: Girl, I love you!
  90. Cyndi Sofia: Well-said. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
  91. Linda Lemoni: she definitely was, thank you! So fierce, that she would leave her fiancé when she was pregnant, DURING WWII cause he wouldn't share his food equally, and she said she preferred being hungry in war and an unmarried mother at that time than to be with an egoist. So when I dated in the beginning of my 20ies, and I still didn't really know yet who I was, and kind of allowed some men to misbehave with me, my memory to her would always stop me from continuing that hurtful behavior to myself and stand up for myself instead :) she was the best influence I could have ever had in my life
  92. Dj Jaraya Soul: This was quite interesting to hear, partly because I was raised by a single West Indian Mom who did played by society's rules and was hurt by that. I not here to give an opinion about this Vlog just  wanted to ask If you thought there might be a fine line between needing to be ethically responsible so as to not bring the negative side of Karma to oneself and for the strong women to be able to not live her like dumbing down her power for society's sake?
  93. MS. THOMAS: roshmn I hope you are still doing well
  94. Soybeans: I followed you from the grapevine. You and Seren always speak what I'm thinking. I'm glad you have this channel , thank you for such great content.
  95. Falling In Lucky: Sis you are giving me life!!! 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾👄💃👸🏾💗💗💗
  96. Kim Fyffe: Can I recommend getting your astrological chart. Astrotheme.com Continue giving amazing informative videos. I'm a new subscriber.
  97. Women Love Power: thank you!
  98. D Rose: I watched the video and saw you mention patriarchy around the 6:32 mark. That is what I was referencing in my original comment. You didn't speak about the black community specifically but you are speaking to an audience dominated by black women and the spreading of misinformation re. (black) patriarchy seems to be interpreted in that way. That's all I was saying.
  99. Oneisha: Nice for what? - Aubrey "Drake" Graham lol
  100. Metallic Lav: Asha Hassell yes, I've read him! Love his work. So eye-opening.
  101. MiscellaneousAB: Love this video! Especially the part in the end about the gold star. I've been contemplating the attitude of "getting the gold star from society" behavior for about two days now- just thinking about how toxic it is. Confirmation from the universe that I'm thinking correctly, I guess lol.
  102. Esu: This was a great perspective! Something we need to hear more!
  103. Kimberly D: Same
  104. antonia: WOW this has to be the BEST recommended video I have seen in ages, so empowering! Thankyou :) xxx
  105. KAM COLORADO: Very intelligent.
  106. Simi Sanni: Like how to prosper in general as a young woman in university (social, you could include academic as well)
  107. Malkia: Jessica Roy 😂
  108. Caroline Kuschel: I just discovered you yesterday and have been diving into your video series, and am finding some strange reactions in myself listening to you. I'm feeling weirdly vulnerable, and I have no idea why. Especially when you mentioned Steve Harvey's dating book, I found myself inwardly cringing over the title of "Act like a lady, think like a man." I do not EVER want to think like a man lol. I think that you're just laying out there some very obvious truths that I've pushed down in myself in order to be the "chaste little girl" that my conservative upbringing created in me, and I'm having to challenge my whole history of learned femininity. "Virginal Purity" was something that was praised and encouraged in my community growing up, yet I remember seeing my mom act "scandalous" towards my dad when she wanted to get him to do something (ugh so embarrassing, but educational!), and it always worked. And I mean ALWAYS. Yet I've never used that power in me, I've pushed it down because whenever I showed that natural part of me, it was like I was some sort of slut that needed correction by family/friends/church members/etc. Now I cover up and never wear pretty clothing, never flirt, never date, and I'm getting so tired. Thank goddess I found you! Thank you for this! <3
  109. Mx Tooreal: Men are vile creatures frfr
  110. Mx Tooreal: I'm a Gemini sun and Scorpio moon and Virgo rising
  111. Women Love Power: So, I don't know much about astrology but a bit about numerology and I actually happen to be 11, so that's quite exciting, lol! I'm going to read about the Scorpio energy. Were there any specific women who were Scorpio rising and Leo Sun? Thanks for the tremendous compliment. I love your insight because I do think that women gain a lot when they tap into their intuition and their own independent/ fulfilling nature.
  112. Kimberly D: Josephine baker is a Bisexual queen
  113. Jeremy Malcom: I love your username. Somehow its appropriate for commenting on this video. :)
  114. runner4peace: You're amazing, so elegant and intelligent!
  115. Mahalia M Wright: Ambitious with two legs that’s funny. I’m sharing this with my sister
  116. The Glamour BOX: D Rose patriarchy is alive and well in the black “community.” Lol plz stop.
  117. Plusize Popstar: The game really is rigged, I agree. And your right men never have a rule book on how to treat a lady
  118. D Rose: Ma'am, how did I attack you? I'm not attempting to troll you either. I simply disagree with a comment you made in your video. I don't agree with a lot of the points you made in this video, however, I'm not intolerant to others opinions, even those I disagree with.
  119. Women Love Power: Simi Sanni do you mean tips for women in academia? Studying etc? Can you give me some specifics?
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Janet Jackson, Respectability Politics & Why Fierce Women Misbehave

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